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Wait, when did this happen? I’ve been subscribed for years now and all I’ve ever seen on his channel are laptop and phone reviews.


“then what” is also essentially our question. We can hypothesize about AGI taking over and having to deal with these existential questions. We could also theorize that we fend off aging and start living forever. What then? But why go so deep into hypotheticals when this exact scenario is what’s being played off by life itself in this world. Every single organism, Going back all the way when we were all the same thing, we’ve all been just replicating and fighting to stay alive to replicate some more. Plants, fungi, bacteria, even viruses, mammals, reptiles, birds, water bears and hydras, fishes and crustaceans, from intelligent all the way to not even recognized as life by us. All of it is just patterned noise trying to keep staying recognizable through time immemorial. Why? What’s the “what then” for life itself? What’s the endgame? Is there even an endgame, or does it just not matter?

Now life is no miracle, magical thing. It follows rules, the rules of the universe. If it exists, it’s because it’s possible for it to exist due to the very laws of the universe. Hence, it’s all just another complex process, just like every other complex thing that’s happened in this universe. So, why? Why does a universe exist, and why does life exist within it? Is it that the process we call life is just the universe trying to wake up and look in a mirror? Even if we argue that it’s a ridiculous and egotistical take, we are all still matter that understands what it is, we understand we are energy, we are matter, we are atoms, we are processes, we are a dance with death, we are the dancers, the living and the blueprint for more living, the experience of living, and the continuation of this in other copies of us. We’re the cells in our body, and the organelles within those cells. We’re the proteins, the fats, the DNA, we’re each neuron firing based on electrical impulses, we’re the synapses between the neurons, we’re the energy that courses through those synapses, and we’re the pattern that emerges from it. We’re the emergence of it all, and we’re the emergence of our society as well. We’re the person, and we’re the society, and we’re also the entire ecosystem. We’re the planet, as well as the solar system, and the galaxy it’s in, and the galactic neighborhood it belongs to, and the group, supergroup, cluster, and the supercluster. We go all the way down to the smallest things, and yet it wouldn’t be possible without the biggest things. We are built as individuals, and yet we emerge as something bigger than all of us, and something bigger than that, and that, and that too.

We’re made of universe, so we are universe, and when we look into ourselves, the universe does so too. So why? What’s the point? Does God wake up eventually after staring long enough in the mirror, and if so, what does he do about it? Why do we fight tooth and nail to be alive, to stay alive, when we don’t really know what to do next? Will our next versions know what to do? Will God know what to do, once he awakens and the egg breaks? Why is any of this… Even here?

So yeah, edibles are pretty good today.


Because it compliments existential dread quite fittingly. Check out exurb1a if you want more [very poetically narrated] existential dread [with a few bong rips or bottles of alcohol in between]. His last video, published hours before I wrote that, sort of touches on some of the ideas I wrote about (I watched the video afterwards, idk), but a lot more beautifully.


Should’ve given us an entire season for him alone. Fuck D&D.


Crossing the snacks aisle and resisting the temptation to grab shit, like we’re legit ass adults and we ain’t going out to buy a whole ass cake to eat in a single seating. WHY.


Honduran here. Didn’t know this survey happened, would have loved to get my country in there!


It’s worse now, it’s an all out react native app, I believe. On windows, it’s hideous. Simple things such as sending attachments become a multiple-seconds-long waiting game; by the time I’m able to send a screenshot, my phone link has already transfered the clipboard from my pc to my phone, I have unlocked it and opened WhatsApp and sent the attachment through android instead. This has happened to me more times than I care to count.

There’s also this nasty input focus bug, where you sometimes have to tab out of the app entirely and tab back in for it to detect focus on textboxes.

Its like they’re intently taking steps back on WhatsApp as a whole, kind of reminiscent of Skype’s fall from grace.


I’m pretty left leaning, and I agree. It was already burning me the fuck out on reddit, and now the whole “USA politics everywhere” thing is picking up pace here. Even if it’s not us politics, it can get tiresome after a while when politics bleeds through communities, or when us politics/news bleeds through world politics/news communities. We get it, America number 1, now let me look at some beans.


To add something that I haven’t yet seen mentioned (didn’t read the whole thing), porn. It hasn’t taken off like it did on reddit, and I do miss that. I don’t want my feed covered in porn, but I would like to have quality porn properly covered in an adult instance. Pornlemmy and lemmynsfw just doesn’t cut it.

Im on infinity, and I don’t love that there’s little to no support for popup gifs and videos on the feed, I mostly have to go into a post whose title may catch my attention then wait for something to load (or not to load, redgifs has been incredibly hit or miss for me as of late, lots of forbidden requests and failed playbacks due to it). Idk, it’s not the experience or the content that you’d expect on reddit using any reddit 3rd party app.

Other than that particular thing, it’s been getting very us-centric, with political memes or stuff that only us people would care about. I might have to try other instances.

Other than that, I appreciate Lemmy, it made me mostly drop reddit except for Google searches, and I feel comfortable interacting with people here.


My local Pricesmart (Costco equivalent) already has Christmas stuff up for sale as of this week. Global warming is melting her earlier every year.


Sorry, but fuck this idea in its entirety. This would allow for MORE apartment buildings to be built, since that is how capitalism works, which results in more damage to the surrounding wildlife. L

We need more regulations, and we need a more conscious approach to our housing in general. We should be approaching this with symbiosis in mind, cooperating with nature rather than bending it to our will.

Those houses on the left? Yeah, you could cram so many actual gardens that give you actual food and which could bring so much biodiversity, but we sticking to flat, pure grass gardens that do nothing other than be flat and look green. Fuck everything here.


Well yes, it’s definitely great as a temporary means of housing, but realistically we all want some breathing room, some privacy, expandability… This is great for cities and Metropolitan areas, but you’re not gonna get people elsewhere to prefer this over, say, a foresty cottage with full privacy, solar energy generation, your own crops, maybe even a water source that you can clean up to provide for your water needs.

The problem isn’t that kind of house, the problem is the suburban hellscape with perfectly cut lawns that offer little to no biodiversity, little say in house designs, and an infrastructure design that promotes transportation by cars.

If we simply moved away from big cities, worked from home, and aimed for personal regenerative agriculture or at the very least a more simbyotic relationship with our environments, we’d be leagues ahead.


Sure, let’s build what we NEED to build in a conscious way, but have you seen the housing market as of late? China was printing useless buildings everywhere they could just to keep their faux market going, and any place without regulations will try to cram as many people as possible in as little space as possible, forgoing any quality of life or even safety designs in place of profitable designs.

We love to come together in big cities, and even jobs that don’t need to be on-site end up being on-site, thus worsening the problem. There’s a ton of land out there that could be turned into sustainable housing solutions that could benefit both the people and the environment. I’m just saying we should probably consider other alternatives to “suburban hell” and “communist hell”.


This was so confusing at first. “OK a coca cola place shut down, less drinks around, less promotion of unhealthy behavior”… “OK wait, no… A cocaine… Plant? People were getting cocaine all over the place?”… “OK no wait, wtf is a coke plant, this is about fuels, wtf kind of fuel is coke”


I’m calling out your streaming counterpoint: in the beginning, there was Netflix. It had almost everything from almost all studios, didn’t care about password sharing, and was easily very affordable, even more so if you split costs between everyone sharing accounts. The best part? No ads. The content kept getting better, the show formats kept getting more accesible.

It was clearly more convenient for everyone to just have Netflix, even more convenient than piracy, but now? Every studio, every company, they all veered away from Netflix and decided to create their own services. Then the price wars started, then the crackdowns on password sharing, and the ad-supported tiers, and then they started canceling shit, good shit, in order to claim them as losses in their tax declarations. And then we all lost, because now we can’t find most content in a single place, we have to endure ads if we want to save money, and we cannot even use some services while traveling since there are limits to devices linked to the accounts. Oh and that show you liked? David Zaslav wanted a bonus this year, so it got shelved even though it was a huge success. It’s no longer convenient to use streaming services, at least not as convenient as it used to be.

You know what’s convenient now? Piracy, through Plex, Jellyfin, and Emby, all with automations, all easily shareable between friends. That’s what I’m doing now, friends chip in when more storage space is needed, or when some additional service is needed. It’s more work for the more tech-oriented of us, but hell if it isn’t fun to just sail the high seas, giving the finger to these companies, while giving friends a good experience.


Joke’s on them, now it’s easier to get high quality pirated content since it’s all on streaming services. A bunch more pirates compete on encoding quality and the best win, giving you more options, better qualities, and faster releases with high seed counts. As a bonus, most subtitles work for different releases since they’re all from the same source. Between that, storage space costs going all the way down, and all the corporate greed leading to N streaming services with expensive subscription costs, it’s the Plex/Jellyfin golden era. I’m currently serving about 40 friends and family with my Plex/*arr setup, and I’m about to add Tdarr to the mix to move everything over to HEVC and save up some disk space.


We’re all specializing in different things, and sometimes we get stretched thin. It’s understandable that most people have a hard time with more technical aspects of the digital world (and even the simpler aspects of it, due to constant innovations and paradigm shifts), but in this scenario in specific, it can pay off to be the more knowledgeable technical user, since you could set up Plex with *arr services to automate everything, and then just serve Plex on a golden platter to friends and family. It’s what I’m doing, recently set up Overseerr and friends are already using it to request content, and a couple of other friends are helping with moderating request and fixing minor issues on Radarr and Sonarr. I’m even getting donations from them in order to expand storage and improve infrastructure. It’s great, and I strive to ease the subscription cost burden of those around me.


Alternatively, if your bidet has the strength and you’re manly enough not to be confused by getting ass fucked every day, loosen up a bit and let the mighty Poseidon fuck your ass, then push the water [and the extra poop] out once you feel the water mounting up. Repeat a few times, then tighten back up for the wiping shot.

Warning: this can make your anal muscles lazy, and it’s admittedly taboo to get ass fucked by your bidet, but I’ll swear by it until the day someone tells me it causes cancer, and then I’ll keep swearing by it until I get cancer.


As someone who doesn’t get butt fucked by men, I think it WOULD be convenient; it’s a great and quick douching solution. I do think bidet water pressure and even positioning/toilet shape play a big role here, though, so do keep that in mind. I’ve installed a bunch of them in other bathrooms for friends and family and haven’t gotten as ass fucked by those as by the one in my own bathroom.


The horror fades away and the glory of a clean and sophisticated ass overcomes all.

It's not just Adobe. Now Logitech wants me to go to a random website in order to add peripherals to my computer, and I'm met with this when I go to the page they tell me to (

As if it wasn’t bad enough that they want me to use a random internet service to add a keyboard to a usb wifi receiver, they have the balls to put this for Firefox users. I clicked out of pure curiosity, as I’m not even remotely interested in involving a corporate internet service in getting my keyboard connected to my...


How has grapheneOS been for you? Would you main it? I’m on a Note 9 that’s had it’s battery life reduced to pretty much having to charge it constantly or I’m out before the end of the day. Considering Pixels mostly because of Graphene, which Louis Rossman says great things about (except for the ex lead dev). I don’t know if I’d be sacrificing any of the features in a pixel phone, though…


It can also be very hard to stop. I just massively fucked up my sleep schedule in 2 days by playing Smash Bros Ultimate campaign mode. I’m not sure how I’ll do anything tomorrow.


And yet, reddit is still being used with pretty much identical traffic to before all of this (the “exodus” is essentially a rounding error when you compare reddit traffic variation to other platforms’ traffic variation, a statistical variation that can be ignored), moderators are still moderating, and this entire debacle will be almost entirely forgotten in a few months. Except now they don’t have competing phone clients, they can shove their nft crap and ads down redditors’ throats, and the IPO won’t be affected by this at this rate.

I thought it would be different. I thought there was no way the majority of reddit would find it so hard to leave. It’s harder to leave other platforms when they prioritize you connecting with your own peers, but reddit? A news aggregator with comments? People simply didn’t care enough to leave.


It’s not that it’s not intelligent, it’s that predictive language models are obviously just one piece of the puzzle, and we’re going to need all the pieces to get to AGI. It’s looking incredibly doable if we figured out how to make something that’s dumb but sounds smarter than most of us already. We just need to connect it to other models that handle other things better.


I just did a search just like OP said and while it’s true that most results are just outdated scraped content where my posts and comments have been deleted, I did find one just now that doesn’t appear on my account overview, but that I could see, edit, and delete on the reddit thread itself.


Yes, but I definitely found comments that were mine, which didn’t show up in my account but showed up in the threads where they were posted, purely through Google searches just like the one described on this post.


Why would comments not show up on your overview but show up on threads they were posted on? How hard can it be to do a SELECT WHERE on a db? Even if you assume things get cropped for performance, eventually the comments should show up in your account overview. I found one today, which just didn’t show up in my account overview, and I deleted EVERYTHING on my account a month ago.

JGrffn, (edited )

here you go, this is my account overview

And here is a comment which I cannot find on my account overview, posts, or comments, no matter how I sort it all.

Now explain to me the tech illiteracy or the mundane reason this is happening. I deleted EVERYTHING off my account a month ago, and have created a single post since.

I’m leaving it up just so people can see that this is indeed happening. I would instantly delete it otherwise. I found it just like OP found his posts.

Edit: Here’s a Pic of the comment, just in case. Notice the time on my phone, I took this after posting this comment.

Edit 2: I can keep going, just keep asking me for more proof and I’m more than happy to find more shit, from my phone, from my PC, old reddit, new reddit… Go ahead and find my account on reddit and do the searches yourself if you want. First posts are duds, but you’ll find more content of mine if you keep looking through Google.


As I mentioned, I went through the whole process a month ago, when I did see this exact behavior and I understand it perfectly. Right now, though? Why wouldn’t it show up at all? After a month with my account mostly empty, I’d expect to be able to see such comments. Yet, no matter how I sort it all, I don’t see those comments.


Its a commonly floated idea among my circles, and by me personally, that we kinda just want to fuck off and build a comfy commune somewhere not too hot, not too cold, just away from cities, and try to be as self-sufficient as possible. Just a small group of friends and family. It’s kinda what I’m saving up for, if I’m honest, because buying a city house is just… Prohibitively expensive for what it is.


Iean, I’m sure Ted lasso would be a fine tactician in the world of Fire Emblem, so…


He did like 3 of those, one per year, consecutively


That’s when it clicked for me too. Now knowing about the hyperloop existing just to kill a public transport bill, it’s infuriating that I didn’t see it before. He played us good for a looong while.


X2! David Malan is an excellent teacher, OP! I hate academia and prefer learning through YouTube, but CS50 is an EXCELLENT way to get started with learning about computers and programming!

What is your machine naming scheme?

I’ve ended up with a number of machines on my network, and a need to name them all in a somewhat logical way. For several years I had them named after the planets, which worked well until the PCs for myself, my girlfriend, servers and Raspberry Pi’s quickly summed up to more than the eight planets. I’ve broadened it...


Pretty much same as you: If it works for NASA or it’s a heavenly body, it works for me. Main PC is called SATURN V (SATURN for most things). Laptop is called HYPERION. Currently saving up to replace SATURN with ARTEMIS. Might throw in a GAIA NAS/virtualization server at some point, if cash flow allows for it. I’m not as picky about my family’s devices that I’ve set up, though… They’ll keep their randomly generated names, mostly out of laziness.


As someone who lives in a banana republic that now has banana republic stores in its malls, this is a perplexing and sort of insulting end result, and I don’t understand how the name of the store ever took off

What's something you used to do/see/say but don't anymore because you don't feel it's right?

Me personally? I’ve become much less tolerant of sexist humor. Back in the day, cracking a joke at women’s expense was pretty common when I was a teen. As I’ve matured and become aware to the horrific extent of toxicity and bigotry pervading all tiers of our individualistic society, I’ve come to see how exclusionarly and...


Man what the fuck, “rule of thumb” sounded like the most innocuous and random shit, why must you do this to me.


I have only an Instagram account, checked just now with a friend who has instagram, Facebook, and now threads. He cannot find me on threads at all, so either this isn’t done to EVERYONE on Instagram, or these are just baseless rumors being spread around.

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