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@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

If they care, they will migrate. Leave behind all the rest, they’re not worth your time.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

You can appeal this bogus appeal outcome; but prepare to go to battle on Twitter with TeamYoutube and don’t expect to win…unless you can prove your channel was either “more official”, “not claiming to be official”, or "Not Official, not claiming to be, and you started your channel before they started theirs.

Most of the time it’s not worth the effort unless you have overwhelming evidence.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

That’s the fun part…You don’t!~

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I could prompt engineer around this in 10 seconds flat but at least they patched it.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

At least it showed some creativity and effort…if only a little.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

You should be safe if you are the only one with access to that computer.

If you are sharing the computer with another human being; please Unplug your Yubikey and take it with you when you are not using the computer and it is likely that another human being could be using the computer. Just to be safe; Do Not Leave Your Yubikey Plugged In If Another Person Is Using It…unless you’re authorizing them to access something.

Your Yubikey can’t tell who clicked it’s button as it is NOT a Fingerprint Reader.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Just because someone skips a track doesn’t mean that track was wrong for that playlist. It just means the time was wrong for that track. The mood.

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed; but “Shuffle” used to be a good thing! Now; it frequently just isn’t good at it’s job. There’s no control over the “Randomness” of the shuffle anymore, and there’s no way to turn off any “Algorithm” that promises it can pick the next song better than random shuffling can.

Sometimes that experience of a truly random or an algorithmic shuffle is good; and sometimes it delivers bad options, and being able to say “Nah, I’m just not into this track today, NEXT!” is something I regard as a fundamental right, and something that you too, should do. Skips shouldn’t be precious actions. Your mental heath shouldn’t be impacted by an unlucky shuffle, nor should your mood.

Music is a deep, and almost primal form of expression; and it can express many things. Sooo…Being able to skip the emotional equivalent of a 💩 pile of poo 💩 is actually pretty important…even if it doesn’t 🌹 always (metaphorically) smell 🌸 like poo to you all the time.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Nice. Once upon a time Winamp had a functional preferences slider that controlled the “Shuffle Morph Rate” and I can imagine it likely used a similar algorithm to shuffle.

I only wish this existed in more software in general…and that music players would let you select what method the randomization is achieved with.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Personally; I manage my BO. If I can lift my shirt up, pull my head inside the shirt, and smell my own armpit odor, then I’m in need of some DO.

I’ve been using a Dove branded Spray-On (AP/)DO for Women and it’s effective. By combining the acts of applying DO, then, changing clothes; I don’t particularly sweat over much.

I Do Shower on an As-Needed Basis. That’s saying that I do shower, without committing to any specific showering pattern or timing basis. If you try to imply I don’t shower regularly you will look foolish.

If I stink, then it’s either uncommonly hot and humid or I have not yet had the opportunity needed to shower. The hows and whys of this are not important; but generally if I choose not to shower, it’s probably for a good reason.

I do suffer from some allergies and disabilities. I won’t comment on what they are specifically, but they do exist, so I keep my fragrances light and unobtrusive; and I try to shower only when I can manage to handle doing so. I’m not going to uproot or upset my health, focus, peace or routine just to take a shower to please someone arbitrary; but I do allow the people whom I live with and love to remind me gently should I forget about addressing my BO in the chaos of life.

This isn’t saying that I don’t care. It’s saying I’m imperfect, I have a life, and I do get overloaded sometimes.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Obligatory disclaimer here; I strongly recommend you do not do what you are planning to do with only rotating proxies. Tor is much safer and more private about this sort of thing; you will be de-anonymized easily if you do not use Tor.

Now that the obligatory “privacy community” disclaimers are out of the way; I can say that I do understand what you’re trying to do. Frequently many websites ban the ever loving crap out of Tor Exit nodes and simply will refuse you any service if they even sniff a hint of The Onion Router on your packets. This is, unfortunately, an intentional design decision of Tor Project. You see; they understand the massive potential for abuse of Tor.

Unfortunately…this probably leaves you, the reader, in a situation. You end up being required to choose to either trust or do without. In today’s world; that’s just absolutely freaking impractical even in the best of cases.

Unfortunately the same websites who block Tor are also the same kind of websites with the kind of kinks in their panties that also motivate them to block Proxies as well! Seriously; if your packets come in smelling like they came fresh off a SOCKS5 tunnel; the remote website can often tell. Sometimes the website will be nice and wave this on through; but only if you include headers like X-Forwarded-For: in your request…which defeats the entire purpose of the damn proxy; as that header is for putting your original IP address in.

So in the end your traffic will still ‘stink’; either of Onions or of SOCKS. Sure, you could buy a VPN; but now you’re coming from an obvious VPN proxy and websites that already hate Onions or Socks also hate VPNs; because they can’t see who might be abusing their service.

Now you can try all three ideas and see which one the site will accept. Your mileage may vary and some websites indeed will block all three; Cloudflare, which is a CDN that also services many other websites and protects their edges from DDoS attacks is notorious for doing this.

Best of luck. All I can recommend is a paid VPN plan, pay more than $0 and ideally less than you would spend on a week of coffee; and make sure that the provider not only does not log; but make sure that the provider also is verified by third parties who aren’t shady…to actually be a no-log VPN service. This will take lots of research but it’s worth knowing who in the VPN space are shysters and who arent.

No, I won’t recommend a particular service; I’d rather you did your own homework and risk analysis anyways

If a Paid VPN is out of the question; using Tor may be your only option. If you have multiple proxies you’re probably paying for them anyways and could afford a VPN.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Yeah; without more information about your threat landscape, aims and needs; you probably won’t get more specific information.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar


“I’m aware that you’re paying nearly $30 a month for our Ad-Free tier; but this content creator still demands we put Ads on this shit. Here’s an Ad!” Crashes and refuses to begin playback again when your browser that’s configured to block those ads blocks it.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Or the relative of the “Worse” option:

“Oh, you’re paying a little extra to limit advertising interruptions? Oh sorry! That only works on pre-roll and post-roll ads. Enjoy your fucking Mid(t)roll ad that you can’t fucking skip!”

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I mean; we could always take reddit down the same way WallStreetBets took down GME… [/S] [NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE]

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I don’t like the idea of a prompt being subtly manipulated like this to “force” inclusion. Instead the training data should be augmented and the AI re-trained on a more inclusive dataset.

The prompt given by the user shouldn’t be prefixed or suffixed by additional words, sentences or phrases; except to remind the AI what it is not allowed to generate.

Instead of forcing “inclusivity” on the end user in such a manner; we should instead allow the user to pick skin tone preferences in an easy to understand manner, and allow the AI to process that signal as a part of it’s natural prompt.

Obviously; where specific characters are concerned, the default skin tone of the character named in the prompt should be encoded and respected. If multiple versions of that character exist, it should take a user’s skin tone output selection into account and select the closest matching version.

If the prompt is requesting a skin tone alteration of a character; that prompt should obviously be honored as well, and executed with the requested skin tone; and not the skin tone setting selection. As an example I can select “Prefer ligher skin tones” in the UI and still request that the AI should generate me a “darker skinned version” of a typically fairer skinned character.

Instead of focusing on forcing “diversity” into prompts that didn’t ask for it; let’s just make sure that the AI has the full range of human traits available to it to pull from.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

The only advice I can give is to ask yourself regularly if the people you are hanging around “suck”. Pay attention when being around a person drains your social battery more than normal, or when that person can’t seem to find common ground with you.

Surround yourself with people who support you, but don’t let people who get you down remain around you.

You may need to explain that you have some version of neurodiversity to new friends (Please, substitute “some version of neurodiversity” with necessary information about yourself that you feel comfortable in sharing) and that you have a limited social battery. Assure them it’s probably nothing personal; you just need to recharge. Explain that certain things or situations may drain your energy faster; or overwhelm you into having anxieties. Quickly cut out anyone who appears to be taking advantage of that.

Most importantly, be with people who have the same interests as you do. That breaks down more barriers than most things.

StromAmpel: An application using an AZ-Delivery ESP8266MOD 12-F to display the current electricity mix for Germany in a traffic light kind of way (codeberg.org)

Inspired by this Mastodon account, I programmed an ESP8266 microcontroller to act as a traffic light, indicating the current electricity mix. Check it out on Codeberg! It uses an API from the Fraunhofer Institute and the parts cost around 5€. In my shared flat we use it as an indicator on when to run demanding devices, like...

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I get that one may be interested in using electricity when it’s green(er); but I am curious…is there an ongoing reason or incentive to use energy during a “Green” phase as compared to a “Yellow” or “Red” phase that I am missing?

Or is this simply a fun passion project because one wishes to choose to only use green(er) energy than most do?

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

…I don’t trust it; even coming from a Post-Jobs version of Apple.

Apple only ever cares about money. The fact that they make hardware that is beloved by many of the computer illiterate is unimportant…that’s only the way they make money. By exploiting people who don’t want to take the time to properly understand their computer hardware.

The only reason why they care now is that there’s a big enough group of those customers who are technically savvy who are holding their feet to the fire and loudly informing the rest of the masses who are less knowledgeable about this kind of exploitative behavior and reminding everyone that they’re not the only ones losing massive amounts of data and time to spontaneous hardware failures that were made intentionally irreparable by design because it benefits Apple’s profits.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Yep. It’s official. Google is straight out bribing it’s way to dominance just like the Ferengi do.

Am I running the risk of getting my Google account banned for logging into the Aurora Store or a custom rom like GrapheneOS?

I guess there is no need to introduce what a Degoogled phone is (or a custom ROM without google services, like GrapheneOS is) and the Aurora Store is basically said in a crude way the Google Playstore but without the need to log in to your Google account, quite useful in my opinion....

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Realistically I’ve never been banned, rate-limited or affected when using Aurora. I would recommend at least using microG installation as well though. I suspect that phones that look most suspicious would be ones that never formally “logged into” Google Play Services normally as well, so make sure you’ve logged into your chosen Google account once with the phone in it’s stock full OEM Google Play Services configuration.

Critically, Do Not Use the “Built in Anonymous Accounts” In Aurora! That’s just painting a target on your backside and would probably make your device look even more suspicious to whatever AI is swinging the banhammer these days.

Setting up a fresh, new, Google account is critical. Then go about “hardening” the account by setting up TOTP 2FA and disabling all the unwanted tracking options in your Google Account page. You can even generate “app passwords” here that can work for logging into Aurora.

My advice to you is to use this one new Google account across any Google Services you need to log into. Do not just log into microG and Aurora with your new account! Throw it a bone and log into a Youtube page or some other Google Service like GMail every once in a while, even if you do so from the phone’s browser only.

The more suspicious and single purpose the account appears to be; the less it blends in and could potentially be suspended by some wayward AI.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I’m mentioning that it’s a bad idea to Only use that account for Aurora Store and microG services.

You need to log it into a few other apps on the web too. This gives the account more “livelihood”. Of course nothing you use the account for should be anything you care about; you just need to occasionally log into it through a browser and browse YouTube while pretending to be someone entirely different from yourself for a bit and check emails or compose a Google Doc, full of nonsense of course, for it.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

They will blacklist your device.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

how is [email protected] “more legit” than [email protected] ?

I genuinely see no factual or social difference in the domains; tuta.com is a new domain even; and in the world of E-Mail that may even be a problem in rare cases.

Realistically tuta.io is shorter than tuta.com. The .com TLD is not better than any other, and all TLDs; including gTLDs are 100% valid for email addresses. Any Software or Human entity that assumes otherwise is doing things incorrectly; and should be promptly complained about loudly.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

As I outlined in my comment; humans attempting validation of email addresses like this using patterns and words and domains that they know about is doing things incorrectly. Guide them as bluntly or as gently as you feel is necessary and or proper to educate them on what modern email addresses can look like.

You maybe able to inform someone who might be expecting your email address to be at a common domain name that they should not make that assumption and that they should be double checking them regardless of what provider(s) they assume the person they are helping is using anyways.

Someone asking you to repeat your email address again is a GOOD THING! It means they’re paying attention to inputting it into their system(s) correctly; It is mildy annoying when people assume that I use a common provider anyways, as they might inadvertently attempt to incorrectly “upgrade/update” my email address to the domain they use or know.

An example I’ve experienced: I owned an original @googlemail.com GMail account. Until they mothballed the @googlemail.com domain I used it in that format. Inattentive people would attempt to substitute @gmail.com. Another issue would be that My actual Username on said GMail account is a direct mispelling with one letter transposed into an incorrect position. This Misspelling is intentional, and it used to work to my advantage to dodge spambots using dictionaries to guess email IDs. Therefore for a short time people would attempt to “correct” it and I would always prefix my email address explaining they need to input it exactly as I spell it out.

I suppose when dealing with E-Mails it is simply critical to make sure they repeat it back to you before submitting it. This is simply to avoid your E-Mails being mis-delivered anyways; which in some cases can be a Massive Headache when it does happen.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

She should remand the entire Trump legal team to the jail for a day, and require Trump to stay at his home for that day as well.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I’ve got really good scores. I’m grading a bit on a curve due to mitigations/spoofs already in place for both browsers that fool the scripts effectively.

4.45 bits from Firefox. [“System Fonts” is the worst score]

4.47 bits from LibreWolf. [“AudioContext Fingerprint” is the worst score

Some Measurements are Ignored; reasons within.User Agent - Flawed. This contains no personally identifiable information and spoofing this often causes compatibility and functionality issues. It is OK to spoof for -MORE- functionality if needed. WebGL Vendor & Renderer - Spoofed/Blocked Firefox spoofs this via CanvasBlocker and LibreWolf blocks this from being accessed at all. Spoofing allows some websites to feel “satisfied” they have some fingerprint that is otherwise patent nonsense and CanvasBlocker will present the same value to the website/script later if it’s loaded in the same Container/Context. Screen Size and Color Depth - Spoofed/Blocked Both Firefox and LibreWolf will spoof/randomize/standardize these viewport values back to scripts to preserve privacy. For functionality reasons my LibreWolf installation is my minimal plugin environment. This allows me to quickly and temporarily load a website I might NEED to use without compromising on Privacy while not being forced to troubleshoot which plugins might be preventing the site from loading in Firefox. System Fonts - LibreWolf Only Spoofed/Blocked Value is Randomized

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Get professional help please.

If this is something you actively experience, know that it is not normal and it is something you can get medical assistance for.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

{{Citation Needed}}

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Asking this question on a privacy community really doesn’t look good on you.

We shouldn’t have to go to these extremes to protect ourselves… But at the same time if we don’t do this and defend our rights to do so…there will be attempts to legislate against it and make modifying your tech to protect your privacy illegal!

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I genuinely don’t care what the slang is today. It’s their right to use whatever slang works for them.

What I do care about is when my Gen-Z friends/Peers use that slang at or around me. Then; all I ask is that they have the infinite patience needed to put up with me going “WAT?” every once in a while as my slightly slower millennial brain fails to decode that slang fast enough to stop myself from asking “what the hell do they mean exactly?” and enough patience to slow their lingo down and explain what they mean If the message was intended for me.

Melody, (edited )
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

**DAP = Distributed Aggregation Protocol (for privacy preserving measurement)

They’ve already screwed up. This is another way they’re trying to sneak unwanted bullshit into the fabric of the internet.

Next I want you to look closely at this author.

Jana Iyengar VP, Product, Infrastructure Services

Uhuh. First problem is he’s a VP. This man’s job demands that what he sells makes MONEY first.

Next let’s have a look at the mini bio. (Emphasis added)

Jana Iyengar is VP of Product for Infrastructure Services at Fastly, where he is responsible for the core hardware, software, and networking systems that constitute Fastly’s platform. Prior to this, he was a Distinguished Engineer at Fastly, where he worked on transport and networking performance, building and deploying QUIC and HTTP/3, and serving as editor of the IETF’s QUIC specifications. He chairs the IRTF’s Internet Congestion Control Research Group (ICCRG). Prior to Fastly, he worked on QUIC and other networking projects at Google, before which he was an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Franklin & Marshall College.”

It’s easy to miss because they LITERALLY gloss right over it. This dude is an ex-Googler.

Hell. To. The. No. No. No. No. No!

This is Telemetry, analytic and tracking crap BUILT RIGHT IN AT THE FUCKING PROTOCOL LEVEL


Today’s unreadable hashes are tomorrow’s GUUIDs with Quantum Computing right around the fucking corner.

What is confirmed as cryptographically sound for now, may not be for even the remainder of the decade.

Melody, (edited )
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Or the opposite:

<span style="color:#323232;">mysterytool -h
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">     -h unrecognized option, --help for help

Both need to burn.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar


You should NOT trust Brave to not play fast and loose with your privacy. They already operate an advertising network (it operates on those stupid little BAT tokens) and they DO inject ads and affiliate links.

I strongly recommend Firefox^1^ or Librewolf.

^1^ - You must install plugins and apply user.js fixes yourself to properly harden Firefox completely against tracking; but this is doable.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

This. They detail perfectly how you can properly harden Firefox with whichever settings you think fit your privacy needs best and even discuss the tradeoffs for each setting.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

If you’re with T-Mobile; another major pain in the ass is known as AppSelector. Check in Settings > Apps for this pest and Disable it!!~

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

It shouldn’t be to my knowledge. What model is your device?

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Pixels do not have these problems; as they’re 100% pure, unmitigated GOOGLE Android.

You won’t have this problem with Pixels; Google explicitly forbids it.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Yes. Both countries have highly invasive laws and will demand access to many things.

DO Bring a completely clean and clear Burner Phone. Do not log into anything on it, do not download any apps, or sideload necessary apps when you can, do not do anything besides basic activation.

DO invest in personal private cloud storage but make sure it’s hosted somewhere SAFE and that you won’t have issues getting through the Great Firewall (China) to it. Make sure you paid up to host it for the duration of your stay BEFORE you leave your home country.

You are not freaking out! It’s perfectly fine to protect your privacy and it is NOT illegal. You cannot predict when or if you will have a run-in with local authorities in some countries. It’s best if those authorities have nothing to hold you on.

Having a clean, secure, and private device which does not leak any unnecessary information about you when seized is ideal.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I would say that second restriction is actually not necessary if the phone is factory reset when you arrive back home.

Although I do understand the strategy behind it; and it does provide an air-gap so that in the case the device is deeply compromised that it cannot compromise other things.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Personally I agree with the OP; and I refuse to use Brave. This isn’t based in dislike of cryptocurrency in general; but I DESPISE both ADVERTISING AND SHITCOINS (Basically any token or sub-token of a main standalone blockchain that has no real, significant, usable real world value).

Therefore Brave DOES NOT reflect my values. I don’t care if advertising networks make any money, I actively hate them enough I want to deprive them due to their behaviors anyway for being so violently anti-user.

I don’t use Chrome or Brave because they DO NOT reflect my beliefs regarding web standards either, and I refuse to allow Google and the Chromium and Chrome project to dictate standards either. Particularly of note is their utter failure with both FLOC and WEB-INTEGRITY; both of which are stupidly retarded anti-user and anti-privacy features which are horrible.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Memes are required to be funny!

…Just not to everybody.

I would argue that Amogus is funny… if you’re a member of Gen Z.

Therefore this meme is funny…to some people.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I think someone needs to get this group of wing nuts taken down.

Anytime a group like this on social media pops up; people should immediately start reporting them for “Encouraging or Inciting Violence” immediately after anyone starts hearing about such a group being the cause of Doxxing, Swatting or Bomb Threats in general.

If you’re a libertarian yourself you should shun extremist behavior. Violence does not help your cause.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Minaj fans are also mostly children and teenagers. They have no sense of proportional response when upset by something.

It is still however wrong when fans of something swat people, and yes; Nicki Minaj should be held accountable if it happens more than once.

Swatting someone is wrong in general, I don’t care how evil or wrong you think a person online is. This also goes for doxxing as well as threats or other forms of harassment.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

It’s sad that a teacher could possibly have no private life. It’s even more questionable how the account was “found”. I see no one is mentioned as having found it and reported it.

I think it was foolish of the district to fire her; if no student knew about it. The article also neglects to mention parental outrage; so it would seem that not even a parent discovered this either.

If all of this was done explicitly outside of the school, off grounds, and not mentioned ever; it makes no sense other than a few adults finding it awkward.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Exactly. That firing does the harm they were trying to prevent.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Yeah it’s most likely she didn’t know they would fire her if they found out she was also an adult entertainer.

Even if it’s buried in her contract; it isn’t something that’s typically discussed; and I doubt that they even so much as warned her once they found out. Literally she has the grounds for a lawsuit, but probably could care less as she makes better bank on OF anyways.

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