@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar


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@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

My first thought was:

“he’s quoting Hitler almost daily now, this isn’t setting off any red flags?”

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Great looking setup!

I love drip coffee and then was a French press guy for years but now I’m a decaff pour over type with the ceramic top. I wish there were drip machines without plastic.

WashedOver, (edited )
@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Well more money for those extra large tires and truck lifts parts…

WashedOver, (edited )
@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s embarrassing when I see this US nationalism infect so many walks of Canadian life. We were supposed to be better and to hold ourselves to a higher educated standard.

In the end it’s disheartening how easily our indenity is impacted but *by our southern cousins when the uneducated in Canada are protesting and spouting off about their US rights like they are the same as ours.

There were many reasons why our forefathers resisted US expansion into Canada and why we took another path from joining them as a country. Those reasons are convoluted and many but they made us unique and Canadian.

I fear that we will continue to be lost as we are further pulled into the misinformation sphere which has been so effective against many.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I believe within the GOP these types were once labeled as traitors and were blacklisted. That’s when things were great no?

Polish Hackers Repaired Trains the Manufacturer Artificially Bricked. Now The Train Company Is Threatening Them (www.404media.co)

In one of the coolest and more outrageous repair stories in quite some time, three white-hat hackers helped a regional rail company in southwest Poland unbrick a train that had been artificially rendered inoperable by the train’s manufacturer after an independent maintenance company worked on it. The train’s manufacturer is...

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I wonder if they were taking notes from John Deere and the automotive industry or will it be the reverse here soon?

Just imagine all these vehicles that could be bricked for not going back to the stealerships for outrageous prices on parts and incompetent service.

Also the vehicles that could be disabled for not paying for device protection plan that allows your vehicle to operate safely. It would be a shame if your vehicle stopped working on your way to work or the hospital.

I suspect Tesla, BMW, and John Deere are the closest to this reality.

I sure hope the government doesn’t help with another great cash for clunkers national program to get rid of more cars too old for these measures. Sure is a great way to drive new car sales though…

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I recall someone I knew that worked higher up in the US government scoffed at the idea of many of the “Government” conspiracies as not plausible due to the sheer incompetence of most government.

Getting them to tie their shoes in unison was difficult enough versus keeping some big secret from the public over the generations.

With the amount of stupid people in the general public as it is I just view it as incompetence as at fault most of the time versus big cover ups.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

And could you imagine the horror of no biscuits?

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Well the older family members this Xmas season will need to make do with butter cookies. Not sure they will get use to so few ingredients in them though as they are imported from Denmark.



@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Oh the disappointment in my youth when my all these and chocolate tins were full of my grandmother’s crafts.

This would make for one hell of a sewing tin!

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Being straight the largest one was the absolute tree on my grandfather. It was near the end of his life in the hospital as I helped him navigate to a portable commode from the hospital bed.

I was shocked by the 3rd leg that fell out during the move but it also explained why his much younger 2nd wife was complaining in the end even in his 90s he was still so damn frisky.

He was also a hit with most of the ladies through his life. I suspect he really knew how to use the equipment he was blessed with.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

The top row was a little harder for me as I saw soldier, rubber something, and paint brush. The bottom I saw all seals.

The top is Navy Seal, rubber something seal, and sealing wood with a paint brush.

Your Smart TV Knows What You’re Watching (themarkup.org)

These TVs can capture and identify 7,200 images per hour, or approximately two every second. The data is then used for content recommendations and ad targeting, which is a huge business; advertisers spent an estimated $18.6 billion on smart TV ads in 2022, according to market research firm eMarketer.

Disinformation is the 'threat of a generation,' but Canada is struggling to deal with it: National security adviser (theprovince.com)

AI-powered misinformation and disinformation campaigns are a “threat of a generation” but the government’s ability to do anything about it is “quite limited,” says the prime minister’s national security adviser. Article content...

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I fear no matter the spin to any side, those that don’t like what they hear will just yell “fake news” and go with their own story and find many that will confirm their viewpoint online.

This is just the simple concepts beyond the over communicated world we all live in and can’t digest across the board. There’s too much to be taken in.

This is why 4th grade language and Memes can be so effective with communicating a idea to the masses and is often accepted at face value.

It is easier today than ever to re-enforce lies as the truth for various reasons. In Mark Twain’s time he said: “a lie will fly around the whole world while the truth is getting its boots” while today just repeating the lie as often as possible with the mega phones of social media means the lie becomes a part of the discussion lie or not. A lie now has as much artificial weight as truth or facts in any discussion. Countering a lie with facts re-enforces these lies for their believers. It’s not going to be a fun time ahead.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I had been a servant leader for a number of years in a big corporation in a remote location where I could break away from their older 50’s style management structure. I had a great crew that was able to do wonderful things. The company took notice and wanted me to move to other locations. I wasn’t interested in moving so far away. I would be sent to train and show other locations how we streamlined so well. We eventually closed down our location as the largest customer *we served closed after 90 years.

I was going to walk away from it all then one of my old customers wanted me to come and help them grow, move, and re-invent themselves. I was able to bring in some of the old crew and it was a lot of heavy lifting. Having the ownership in the location didn’t make it easy as they were into the old 50s style mentality so it was a constant fight to implement all the great things they loved about my old location that served them. I was pretty burnt out by the end with being left to navigate Rona on my own with the crews when ownership went and hid in their homes. They didn’t take it seriously at first and then when they flipped it was left in my hands to deal with while they freaked out about the end of the world.

Eventually they sold to a larger company and I was excited for this change. Turns out the new company spouted everything that sounded good but they were so disfunctional and full of themselves it was tough. I was glad to go when they folded our location into another existing one.

I miss working with the people daily and helping them grow and remove those road blocks but I was tired out by the latest ownership disfunction especially when they drank their own Kool aid so much they couldn’t see how badly they were making it for the staff.

The only saving grace for this last ownership group was the previous ownership was so terrible, the new owners seemed like a good upgrade. They were in some ways. It wasn’t for those of us that had worked for structured and properly run companies. It’s been rough on the staff that remain and the steps backwards they had to endure in the process. The new owners are fairly certain they are doing great things. I wish them all luck and I’m glad to be out.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Yes this exactly. If you need to do this you have hired the wrong people and/or the mission is not clear.

I decided I wasn’t going to be a prison warden early on in my career after trying to be one for the company.

We got so much further as a team when I use to make sure they had their birthday cakes and whatever other supplies or tools and got the hell out of their way.

Not a lot of people can trust others this much. It also takes initiative to weed out those that are not going to fit into the team quickly. 1 bad Apple can make the bunch go bad quickly.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m glad to see this. I was mostly a lurker at the old place for over 10 years.

Creating posts and commenting at times was difficult and often they were deleted due to some rule or issue. The worst was when users would message to let me know the post had been deleted and they knew due to some other form of the site they were using.

In all my years of managing Forums before this period it wasn’t that hard to create new topics and participate so I gave up.

I started lurking here at Lemmy then starting seeing this theme about user engagement going down and not enough content. When I would end up back at the old place after a Google search on something I could see the volume number differences between lemmy and there so I decided to try posting again.

So far it’s been a lot easier especially in sh1tposting. I did run into a couple of hiccups but overall it’s been a lot easier.

I’ll enjoy it while it lasts as over time with more users things will change, at least for now the posts are not drowning in comments by the thousands yet. I can keep up with that. It kind of reminds me of my old forum days in the early 2000s.

how similar are other North American countries to USA??

I mean the other 2 countries, Canada and Mexico, how similar are both of them to United States?? Both countries have a similar economy and democracy etc, and I think those two countries share things like supermarkets, stores, etc. I suppose the cultural differences are not a lot, that is very nice.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve been fortunate to spend some time traveling down the west coast and into the south west then to the east of the US. I’ve also been lucky enough to travel through the west to the east in both Canada and the US too. Outside of New York I’ve not really made it to the east coast though.

Big differences are in some areas like city versus rural but as others have stated the borders don’t mean as much of a difference like opposite coasts within a country does. Geography certainly does seem to be more important.

Provincial /State boundaries can be a difference in some cases but more for the big cities versus the rural areas that share the borders.

Like the US in Canada the divide is often rural versus city, then primary industries beyond the French vs the English.

One big difference I did pick up in my US business trips is for large factories or businesses to be located in small town USA when in Canada the city centers would be the normal place for those types of industry. The rural Canadian areas are much more reliant on resource harvesting and tourism. They often hold their nose about tourism in some cases as a necessary evil. They really don’t want hordes coming to ruin it all.

I will say the absolute vastness of the US southwest made me realize there’s a lot of territory to try to unit and it’s a bigger job in the US with the sheer numbers and then the differences being boiled down to 2 major groups politically that have a real say.

In Canada we have 5 main political parties and then on the provincal level they can be pretty different from each other. Eventually we will end up with just 2 parties with enough elections but that will not be in my lifetime thankfully.

I think the biggest things for me are the terror of the US gun violence that just seems to be waiting around every corner depending on who you talk to or the need to gather arms to take on the government is a daily need. I’ve seen just a few packing weapons and I’m not sure I trust their ability to be a good guy if the need was to arise.

Unfortunately the mass shootings daily in the US are the few times a week reality and are pretty great for gun sales I suspect. Then followed by being bankrupted by US health insurance costs or a lack of it and being ill in the US system. The cost of drugs seems pretty insane too.

I’ll take the feelings of mostly being safe in Canada but others would disagree with this much like many would say the same thing about violence in Mexico. Canadian Healthcare is slow but you won’t be financially ruined by it yet.

Media is pretty different depending on your leanings. We can be pretty overpowered by the US media machine. Canadians can often know more general info than Americans about their own country and history at times. Canadians struggle to know more about Canadian history than US history.

The rage filled entertainment news of the US is not as common here but we get so much of a diet of US media our folks at times will parrot the same US talking points without realizing it doesn’t apply to many Canadian situations. When the vaccine objectors started protesting, they were fighting for US constitutional rights within Canada. They didn’t understand the right for Manitoba to join Canada wasn’t the same right as the US’s declarations.

Unfortunately these idiots have taken on flying Canadian flags all the time like our US cousins, becoming a hijack of our reserved flag waving as their identity. It’s ruined the previous typical flag waving we would do for Canada day and sporting events. We are not at nationalist as our southern neighbours. The rest of us look at these idiots with disdain and do not want to be associated with them. It’s almost at the same level as those that fly rebel flags in the US.

I’ve been fortunate to meet some wonderful people in Canada, Mexico, and the US. The geography of these countries can be quite stunning in areas without a doubt.

There are many differences but there are great similarites on a individual level. To paraphrase what George Carlin said, people individually can be fantastic but it’s a problem when they start to group up and when it’s 2 3 7 10 14 then you can start to get real problems.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

At first glance it reminds me of a 1990s video game where they don’t have the polygons and the graphic card horse power to display what a Pontiac Aztek would look like.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Hopefully they are able to utilize the more modern designs. For the most part the general public’s frame of reference is Chernobyl or 3 mile island and those are fairly old designs from the 50s/60s.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I drove through Alberta down into Waterton National Park and was pleasantly surprised by the wind turbines on the way in the south. I wasn’t surprised to hear the new government has “paused” these projects to turn the focus back into oil.

With 1000s of abandoned oil rigs and tailing ponds in AB when will we stop allowing profits to be Private and losses and cleanup to be publicly funded?

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I moved away after growing up there. What happened to the pool that was inside the rink building?

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

For me it’s a big F you to HP and it has been that way for a many years now. I loved their HP 4250 series laser printers for work. Those things were work horses, almost every part could be replaced, and the toner was cheap for what it put out. I had various HP multifunctions after and they were just garbage. Updates breaking them and disabling them. Not being able to function without all ink and the ink being very expensive.

Canon and Epson came in second for me on the F you list. I had some great Canon multifunctions but Canon would just abandon them on the support side. If a windows update came along you would lose the ability to use the printer.

Epson was a true pain in the ass as the driver would constantly break and need to be reinstalled or it would reinstall itself each update and switch back to the default settings. When dealing with many of them in a office environment it was a hell.

The one special gem that deserves it’s own place in hell is the Xerox 7855. That was one of the worst POS they ever made. It was a contract service unit. It was always breaking down, there was never a tech available to fix it, and when they did fix it, it was not long before it broke again. We paid a lot up front for the thing.

We had a office party where we rolled it off the shipping deck in the warehouse into the parking lot below. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place. Tears of joy. We never used Xerox again after that.

The multiple home office brother printers we bought just seemed to work. Next time I need to outfit a factory it will be Brother. I currently have a small brother “inkvestment” multifunctions that works great at home due the little printing I need. Comes with a ton of ink and it was cheaper than replacing the ink in my last printer.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Not sure lately is the right term here.

Continually might be better: …wikipedia.org/…/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit…

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Then I think of the parents that throw their shoe/flip flop at a misbehaving kid. I don’t think first name reference would be used there either.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Great suggestion.

On a side note look into eating left over rice.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I watched a video the other day discussing the sensors in some Microwaves for popping popcorn. Most lower end units don’t have these sensors but the ones that do, can actually make pretty good popcorn.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Thanks, I couldn’t recall the name of the channel. He does some great content. I never cared about microwaves because I don’t use them, but I found myself watching a couple of long videos he did on them none the less.

WashedOver, (edited )
@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve noticed they have added this trick to my FireCube. When it’s first powered on it looks for the remote and often doesn’t find it. Then as you press a button on it, it clicks the first show or movie being advertised.

I didn’t pay top dollar for a cube to deal with this crap.

I’m finding I’m using my laptop more than my cube these days. I’m also cancelling services as I go. Arrrhh time to go!

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

My favorite are dog owners that do pick up after their dogs but then fling the bag into the trees or bushes along the trail.

Yes that dog doo is not preserved for future generations. Thanks.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Then there’s those that view both groups as the same

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I wonder if it comes in wintergreen flavour?

This may seem kind of stupid but I am kind of stupid, is there a list somewhere of phrases that are stupid or insensitive racially or gender biased?

I just got up from conversation with a couple of older black men, that I said “well I got to go back to work and start cracking the whip.” And it occurred to me then that it was probably a really insensitive stupid thing to say....

WashedOver, (edited )
@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

In school there was a group of mostly white friends that had a Asian kid in their friends group. His nickname was Nip. I honestly didn’t know his real name as another was never used. It was a few years before I realized the connotation that was there once I started studying history. Not sure if it was a parent or where it came from but most of us at the time had no idea how bad it was. It was just his name and he used it too.

Then I think of my church going father. One of the kindest men I knew. Never had a bad thing to say about anyone unless it was personal thing based on a issue first hand.

Race wasn’t on his mind at all. Being from the westcoast in a remote wilderness area most of the demographic was white and native with very few in those days what were called east Indians and Asians mixed in. More the exception if at all.

He worked for a logging outfit and towards the end of his career he was a logging road grader operator. I recall going down a road that he maintained in a Jeep with him. As I was navigating this rough road the logging trucks pounded constantly he told me to watch out for this large rock that was below the surface. Just the head of the rock was sticking up. He called them " the N word- heads" I was shocked. I knew he wasn’t racist and was friends with the only black church member in town but the word just came out of this mouth as easily as any other word.

I asked him why he called it that, he said that’s just what they were called. He didn’t continue after that day with me as I don’t think he thought about it until our conversation.

In some ways I did equate this to the numerous white kids I knew singing the NWA lyrics in school despite not even seeing a black kid before but this was in the 90s. I can still hear those lyrics as I type this.

Now this isn’t to say kids were not nasty, as they were. There were several unkind things used when talking about the native kids that made up to half the school population and more of that where my family lived.

Back to my grandfather’s time bonds were formed with the local native bands and friends were made but I’m sure the languaged used at times like “Indian giver” wasn’t connected to the real reality.

I do fear as I get older I’m falling into one of these traps with gender and identity words. I think as we get older and comfortable with our understanding of the world we have figured out, some aren’t really willing to figure out more.

Despite interacting and having friends from the older local gay community I’ve not been exposed to anyone that introduces themselves with their name and then their pronouns.

I’m not sure if we can just call everyone “them” or “they” without offending people? Feels like a good starting place but I’ve not learned yet it this is as bad as the N-word?

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Great tips. I’ve for years referred to most people at work as hey guys (males and female) and then ladies when it was a older group of them in a department. Orientation was never really apart of the discussion for any of us. If taking about people at home it was my husband, wife, gf, bf, partner. Didn’t really get much deeper than that.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I thought Tim Horton line ups were bad. Holy heck how do they even account for this at the city planning level?

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I don’t have any kids so my use of ICE vehicles is guilt free? 🤔

WashedOver, (edited )
@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

But I’m fine and so are my other rural friends. It’s fake and vaxes are not needed. Not that they work. Fck them seniors. They are just old anyways.


@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m left to wonder if it’s a business that leaves it in in the background or a part of a daily playlist? 300 times seems like a bit much…

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

Listening to some of these nutters they have been convinced their children are going to be forced to have sex change operations but their teachers and they won’t be allowed to stop it or even be informed if these procedures.

It seems the Anti-Vac Convoy crowd has just moved onto the next hot button subject to stay in the social media circus of importance.

Why is everything in consumer / American life so fucking shitty now - and companies literally just say 'oh bc profit margins' and we're now expected to swallow that and sympathize?

like I went to taco bell and they didn’t even have napkins out. they had the other stuff just no napkins, I assume because some fucking ghoul noticed people liked taking them for their cars so now we just don’t get napkins! so they can save $100 per quarter rather than provide the barest minimum quality of life features.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s a shame so much time has passed for the public to even recall how much Teddy fought for the average Joe blow public with his first deal. He fought the corporate overloads and they couldn’t believe he couldn’t be bribed like those before him and since.

The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life. -Theodore Roosevelt

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I have to think miniature guns for toddlers would open up whole new segments for gun manufacturers

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I assume this was the same for the Harlequin Romance Novels too? I knew a few women over the years that had a bunch of these books. They seemed to digest them like monthly magazines.

In some ways it’s sort of a business dream to be able to keep repacking the same nuts and bolts to make something slightly different for consumers who will keep paying. It’s pretty efficient.

Still I’ve not read a Harlequin Romance nor have I seen a Hallmark movie. This doesn’t mean I’ve not seen all of the Star Wars movies or a good majority of the Marvel ones.

@WashedOver@lemmy.ca avatar

I quite enjoyed the movie too and there was a nostalgia on my part about those days and the beginning of the mainstream internet just before then too. I was also a big fan of Halt and Catch Fire that captured the times just before and into this period Good memories for those that enjoyed figuring things out back then.

From the BB movie I was curious about the extension of the mobile industry today beyond those early days of full capacity networks selling minutes to the move to iPhone selling a bunch more data than BBs used, to the present where the Canadian telecoms are finally giving away buckets of data like our US counter parts have for decades now.

What is the profit centers when minutes, long distance,data, and roaming is all included now? Is it just handset sales now?

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