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Melody, (edited )
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

If you care about privacy; you tell your employer clearly that you do not tolerate “Boss-ware” or other spyware on your personal devices.

If they give a shit; they will then be forced to issue one that the company owns and manages. If they don’t give a shit; you walk away. Lots of companies will hire you without that crap. Don’t believe people who gaslight you by saying “But every company uses it!” or anything sounding remotely like it.

On a company-issued machine; you tell your employer clearly that you do not tolerate “Boss-ware” that will be used to track or manage your time. Walk away; if they refuse to keep your machine clean of it or attempt to raise any concern that you’re not at your PC every damned moment of your core hours. You have a right to live your life. As long as your immediate bosses and supervisors are happy with the quality and quantity of the work you submit, you’ve done your job. If they are unhappy with the quality or quantity of your work then, they can respectfully schedule a meeting with you to discuss it. The way an actual adult should be treated, and, would be treated in an actual office that observes all standard rules of professionalism. With respect.

TL;DR: Do not accept the implementation of Boss-ware as if the decision was made with any professionalism or respect for you. If they implement it; you leave as fast as possible. Take any friends that you can with you too, if you can.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

As an aside; there are USB devices which can act like keyboards and mice; some of which are very clever and intricate. You can use them to your advantage while using work-issued equipment; but keep in mind you’ll need to program it on your personal PC.

You can definitely get creative with some of them and have them simulate the typing and clicking of a lot of different things at random intervals.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I don’t think he gets that Trump will NEVER be elected again. It’s possible for Trump to even wind up in a state or federal penitentiary; assuming that his defense fails to convince a judge.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

It’s good to see that old corrupt “good old boy” network collapse inward on itself when you remove someone who was abusing their power to defend them and the rest of the “good old boys”

PS: Do not reply.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

While I understand the science behind the release of the wastewater; I also really do understand why people are so willing to ban this.

It doesn’t matter if it is safe to eat or not. People have a right to not partake in fish from the Fukushima area. Nobody should have the right to conceal origin information about food items in general, particularly not when food may contain things that are potentially impactful to a person’s health.

40 μSv might be a “Safe” exposure over time; but that doesn’t mean it’s completely without health impacts. People are within their rights to avoid that extra dose if they feel the risk is unnecessary; no matter how small that risk may be.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Not going to lie; Google is largely not as bad. I don’t see Google being as intrusive as they are just simply BIG. This does have some concerns to be worried about; and it can be seriously bad for your privacy. I don’t notice any significant privacy issues; particularly since the worst of Google’s offenses can be either blocked or mitigated somehow. They rely on your inaction, and most of the time do not try to override your actions to preserve privacy. Yes there are some exceptions; like with Youtube attempting to force users to watch ads; but these are few and far between when you look into all of Google services in general.

Most of the time if you’re using a paid “Workspace” account; there’s even a complete lack of ads…as all your usage is paid for anyways.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

The “Gender Critical” crowd has long been a large crowd of trolls who just love sealioning their way into communities and gaslighting people into doubting themselves.

I speak from experience; I’m a former moderator of /r/Genderqueer.

Best thing to do is to ignore their questions and deplatform them. They’re no better than your average transphobe who hides their phobia behind “just asking questions” and “peaceful debate”

Melody, (edited )
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Here’s a rule for uBlock Origin.

Credit: lemmy.one/comment/597479 && original link: lemmy.nz/comment/446556

! Anti-Youtube Anti-Adblocker https://lemmy.one/comment/597479

youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false)

youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0)

youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, [])

youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I don’t use Brave, won’t use Brave, and have my reasons for it.

  • Brave is Chromium based; a project which is slave to the whim of Google.
  • Brave integrates an unnecessary cryptocurrency.

I hate shitcoinsI don’t trust small crypto projects, and I doubly do not want this to be integrated into my browser. It’s a good way to lose your stable crypto-holdings if you have them. (I don’t; but I’ve seen lots of anecdotes about catching malware that subsequently stole their crypto wallets, including any BAT tokens they owned)

  • Brave does not block ads! It does not ‘enhance’ your privacy. It just absorbs some ads, replaces some, and blatantly lets first-party advertisements through the filter. That’s not ad-blocking
  • Brave does not protect your privacy. As per my previous point; it does not block ads, it injects it’s own right into browser chrome! That’s worse than plain Chrome! Your privacy is automatically violated when you watch/view even a single ad.
  • Brave does not have many benefits above “Ungoogled Chromium” or other competing projects. It just doesn’t. Unless you like marketing fluff.
  • Brave is NOT BETTER THAN Firefox. It’s worse; because it’s Chromium; which is enslaved to Google whims. Don’t believe me? Try to contribute something to Chromium that goes contrary to Google’s stated goals and watch how fast you get shot down.

But sometimes...Yes, Sometimes a programmer does succeed. But only sometimes; and this is usually because they have the clout, coding skills, chops and public reach to embarrass the fuck out of the Google PMs. This will never be you, unless you put an extraordinary amount of effort into becoming a very well known and respected contributor in the OSS space. If you already are a respected contributor in the OSS space, Congrats! You’re still likely to be forced to fight a long and protracted battle against the Google nerds to get “Google-Hostile” code changes approved.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

My guess is that someone noticed that Lemmy doesn’t yet have as robust moderation tools as Mastodon and decided they’d federate “NoNoNo”^1^ images all over the place just to be a troll

1::: spoiler CSAM ::: spoiler CP Very illegal and naughty images of kids

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Assuming you’re right and you have this level of compromise; assume that all of your current computing devices are compromised. This means your computer, smartphone, smartwatch, other Smart IoT devices all need to be shut down and shoved into a bin or drawer.

Your best solution is to scrap all your current computers and start from scratch…build your own PC and install your favorite flavor of Linux on it. Kill your postpaid wireless service; and buy prepaid service line(s) instead; after buying a new unlocked phone that you have flashed something like LineageOS on to.

Furthermore you need to completely kill your internet identity and come back on with an entirely new identity online. New username, new interests, new emails, new everything. Ideally you’d set everything up using Tor…and pay for everything you’d need; such as a VPN; with bitcoin or cash. Never pay with a card; as that can be traced.

In the meantime; While you are scrapping your current tech for more secure and privacy respecting tech and slowly cycling your identity online out for a new one…Please seek a counselor or therapist. I’m not going to say that you are mentally unwell; but I think you need to seek some guidance on your state of mind to ensure you’re not going to end up jumping at your own shadows. Anxiety can be a bitch; especially social anxieties. Work with your medical care providers to rule out any instability you could be facing.

Once you’ve replaced all your tech with tech that respects your privacy; I would hope that would remove a load off of your mind and give you less reason to be afraid or paranoid when online…which will help you to seek more healthy communities which can also help you aim to improve your life in general, share your struggles safely with, and aren’t filled with dangerous individuals who get you placed under unwanted scrutiny.

Really all you need to do is quit visiting the communities that are filled with the extremist rhetoric. I get that you may not be an extremist yourself; and that you may be trying to subconsciously escape a very toxic community and get out from under unwanted legal scrutiny so you can start fresh.

As long as you can avoid becoming a regular of these problematic communities; you can typically avoid being in the crosshairs of overzealous Law Enforcement Agencies.

If you are not OP read before replying...Don’t reply. I only want to hear from the OP as a reply.

To the OP: Before you replyIf you disagree about your mental state; don’t reply. Downvote and move on. I only seek to provide advice and be empathetic to both you; and the ones who are concerned for your well being, but are communicating it poorly.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

This is, unfortunately very likely. Worse is that this won’t do anything to stop kids from doing what they do. It will just lead to more situations where a kid is probably going to be very harshly punished when no harm was actually done, no drugs were consumed, and no weapons were used.

But now; with this randomized dog screening; there are going to be more incidents than there would normally be. Kids will bring illicit materials, objects and substances to school for many reasons that don’t involve using them. Some of the time they just want to look or seem cool, edgy or rebellious and they don’t actually realize the gravity of what they’re doing.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

A lot of this is why I have the policy I do with regards to just blocking debate-heads. If someone replies with something lacking civility, consideration of nuance, or is just plain simple old POV pushing; I’m just going to shut them down and block their nonsense. They can go rant at the wall for all I care.

As for LLMs...LLMs are not alive, not sentient and they’re definitely going to have an impact on society that is not strictly a net positive.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

It seems like every time Mozilla Firefox changes it’s logo my life hits a snag. >_>

Is it wrong to pirate movies I've purchased digitally and load onto my Plex server?

Just would like to have a discussion on the topic. I’ve purchased around 20ish movies/shows on Vudu, and my wife has grown to be unhappy with Vudu’s UI and especially how the watch progress works. I am curious what some others thoughts on this are. My initial thoughts are I recognize I’ve purchased a license to watch the...

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

When you purchase a physical copy of a movie in general; you obtain and retain the right to “copy your copy” and “use it strictly for personal use” ad infinitum.

So yes, it’s completely 💯% ethical piracy to pirate titles you already paid for but found the format to be lacking. You don’t owe filmmakers a second purchase for a new or better format. Don’t bother getting into the weeds over per-screen or per-head copies either; you don’t owe them that either. Just don’t screen a film for more than 3-5 people outside of your immediate household family who are not related to you by blood or name and you’ll probably never run into Copyright Lawsuits… because it’ll never be worth their time to bother.

Pirate away happily matey. Don’t let people fool you into thinking you are more or less ethical in your piracy than what you yourself believes is ethical or unethical. You decide how you will and want to pirate because a pirate is free.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Lending the “copy of Your Copy” is arguably not always personal use. The law explicitly only authorizes copies of your copy if those copies are “at rest” for “archival” purposes. I only ignore the distinction that this rule is only for computer software because I view digital video/audio data files as computer software itself. It’s just a standardized format that tells an application what to draw and present on the screen and/or what sounds to make.

If you’re not going to abuse the mechanic and only lend out fewer copies of your copies than you can count on one hand…then sure, knock yourself out. I don’t think the law is ever going to be robustly enforced enough to seek you out specifically for doing this. Personally though; I don’t think doing this passes muster under the expected fair and personal use unless you’re loaning said copy to someone you live with.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Please, stop spreading this misinformation and conspiracy theory garbage.

As someone who has lived though the events of 9/11; I can assure you that they reported that Osama Bin Laden and his followers did in fact flee to Iraq.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Reason to never own a god damned stupid Tesla.

Cars are required to have manual releases by law; it’s just shitty how Tesla appears to be skirting those rules by hiding these manual releases behind inconvenient placements and locations…which is going to get people killed someday when one of these damn things catch fire.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Kick votes alone should never lead to bans or suspensions. Instead; this is when we should switch to server-sided analytics of gameplay and lean heavily on human moderator input to determine if a player might be cheating.

Anti-Cheat should be on server side anyways; not the client side.

I can’t wait for the rise of motherboards with hyper-customized TPMs that can fake legitimate ones and totally gaslight the OS and any anti-cheat running that everything is alright. /s

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

in ten years we will ask each other: “Verily, I did not poop for three days; what food did I eat?” and the answer will always be “Beans!”

Much as we asked on reddit “When does the narwhal bacon” and the call back reply was “at midnight!”

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

No, we can not “not”

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar
  • It is not unsafe.
  • It is not 100% private. Admins can read your messages if they choose to investigate your messages.
  • It will not get blasted out to the whole fediverse; just to the recipient you indicated. (Unless an admin from the previous point reads your message and publishes it publicly on the fediverse)
  • You do not get to do anything naughty with it; expect to be caught if you break the rules.
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

No; they don’t. You just wanted to be a reply guy.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I applaud Georgia for actually passing a law that makes sense.

There’s no reason why anyone who isn’t a parent of a current student should have any right to Object to books in a school’s library.

They’re already shitting up the public libraries with their senseless challenges.

Herd Mentality in this Community

Hi. I recently had some issues with my lemmy client which made me accidentally post the exact same thing here twice. The posts were about privacy on my school issued computer. I could have made it more clear, but I wanted privacy from the companies that make their spyware not from the school that owns the computer. Anyway, as of...

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Remember that many of the people here are ex-redditors and their first instinct is to be a shitty reply guy instead of Assuming Good Faith.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

people start ranting about how you don’t have an expectation of privacy at school or work.

That my dear, is patent bullshit. Anyone who does this is absolutely 100% WRONG and you should not be shy about it. Tell them to stfu and block them if needed.

You always have a basic expectation and right of privacy. What actually changes, is “what invasions of that privacy is common and accepted as necessary”. 95% of the time you do have every right to be aggrieved, pissed, upset, and perfectly right to have a discussion about those rights being invaded.

Do not suffer fools who would shout you down to shut your objections down.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

When will we begin to criminalize the far-right GOP members who incite violence and do naught but spew threats of violence and legal repercussions with no teeth?

How you answer is the difference between being fascist and not. (Hint: it’s definitely OK to lock up those who actively do something lawbreaking, but not if someone kept the peace and obeyed the law and kept their rhetoric peaceful enough that no one is threatened)

The paradox of tolerance required that Trump and his guilty cohorts be tried for Jan. 6th. The GA case is an extension of those charges investigating that. How this case goes will probably set a nationwide precedent to whether or not additional GOP oversteps could be tried as criminal on any level.

With luck law will land on the right side; and remind everyone that peaceful discourse is much preferable to aggressive actions.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

They can’t detect if you boot into Linux; but they can detect the presence of external storage devices and scan their contents. It is best if you do not plug in your LiveUSBs or disks while the system is [ONLINE] (Meaning while the device is booted into any default operating system)

Chances are if your hardware has not changed; the capabilities have also not changed. I do however have a few tips for you:

  • DO NOT MODIFY THE DEFAULT OS OR SPYWARE! It sounds like they are now monitoring the files for the software and will now notice if you have disabled it; as your machine will probably be sending heartbeats to a centralized server. You must accept this spyware when operating the machine as intended to interface with your school environment; but you can limit yourself to submitting schoolwork only on it
  • Boot into a Live(CD/USB/Media) environment of Linux with Persistence. Google it. They can’t detect this without BIOS tampering.
  • Do Not plug your Live Media into the system when booted into it’s default mode. Your drives are probably being scanned.
  • Keep a separate media storage device for storing your documents and such.
  • You can boot into your Linux key to work on school things and browse the web privately. Remember though that you are [OFFLINE] and may be unable to access the school network and will be required to save your work on a different piece of media, shut back down and boot into the default OS again to submit your work.
  • You may be unable to complete assignments in Linux [OFFLINE] that require you to respond to questions interactively [ONLINE] or otherwise require that you be interactively [ONLINE].
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I’m assuming that unless told otherwise; they have no such capability in the BIOS. It IS probably a public school and IT department that isn’t that clever/resourced.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I’m at least somewhat proud that Skidrow managed at least a halfway decent snapback at Empress.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Not an unfair opinion to have; but at least they tried. Sadly the “Scene” is this fucked up. They don’t adhere to the same standards of behavior that we do on the clear web…mostly because they interact on IRC or other private chatrooms and kick out anyone they don’t like, or disagree with.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

A spokesperson for the supermarket said they were disappointed to see “a small minority have tried to use the tool inappropriately and not for its intended purpose”. In a statement, they said that the supermarket would “keep fine tuning our controls” of the bot to ensure it was safe and useful, and noted that the bot has terms and conditions stating that users should be over 18.

In a warning notice appended to the meal-planner, it warns that the recipes “are not reviewed by a human being” and that the company does not guarantee “that any recipe will be a complete or balanced meal, or suitable for consumption”.

“You must use your own judgement before relying on or making any recipe produced by Savey Meal-bot,” it said.

Just another bit of proof that humans are not ready for AI. This AI needs to be deleted. This is not simply operator error; this is an administrative error, and an error of good common sense on the part of many many people involved with creating this tool.

You cannot always trust that an end user will not be silly, malicious, or otherwise plainly predictable in how they use software.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

This feels like an obvious bullshit cop-out reason to defederate against a specific community that they don’t like for whatever silly reason they can’t reveal to the public.

Never have I seen an actual link to content survive very long on lemmy.ml or dbzer0.com. Just like the good old /r/Piracy we discuss piracy, but we do not directly facilitate it.

Someone please slap the back of their heads repeatedly and aggressively with these facts. This excuse is disingenuous as hell.

If you are a user of lemmy.world; RUN. NOW! Find a new instance. Switch away from them before they reach terminal enshitification velocity.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

No. It is enshitification. Do not @ me.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

You are 120% wrong and it IS enshitification.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I was talking to my insurance company the other day and they warned me that if I make any changes to my policy they’ll drastically jack up my rate because of the changes in the economy.

This is when you sternly warn the agent/sales rep that this behavior will result in you seeking a new insurance company AND agent for all of your needs

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Yeah they’re probably banking on people not leaving. Depending on if that agent is good to you and if he/she is local; you should consider just asking them to help you shop around because you need “Change XYZ in your ABC policy” and you need a provider who isn’t going to shaft you for making that change.

If they are not a local agent with access to multiple insurance providers…I guess find one locally.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Privacy Does Not Equal Anonymity.

Yes; having anonymity does confer some level of privacy, but it is not the only means of having privacy.

Now let’s peek at the advantages:

  • You own the domain.
  • You can host your own mail exchange (MX), configure it the way you want and host it anywhere that will permit you to send and receive emails. Point the DNS record(s) at whatever MX server(s), that allow it, that you want. Personally I use Tutanota for my inbox and SimpleLogin for my junk aliases…
  • You have control over where your mail gets routed. By DNS records; you can do a lot of things and point your emails in directions that avoid restrictive networks or unwanted relays as well as securing that route too; ensuring that no one can quietly redirect your mail elsewhere. I use Njalla for my domain.
  • You have control over who hosts your inbox. This allows you to swiftly change mailbox or hosting providers without losing your long used email addresses.
  • You aren’t sharing a domain with many users; which usually means fewer issues with email deliverability due to spam and abuse. Once your domain gains a positive reputation as a small-time email provider; most email services Will accept sent emails even if junk filters do not. Your recipients have an easy way to whitelist your entire domain.
  • Your email will receive less spam overall.

Some disadvantages may include:

  • Your domain will be aggressively filtered as junk by most Aggressively Configured Junk Filters.
  • Your emails may be occasionally rejected by certain email providers with aggressive anti-junk configurations and applications deciding who they will receive from at the MX level.
  • Your emails may be easy to snoop on at the network level; as they will have an identifiable domain on the envelope and will be primarily routed to a specific host. This is problematic if you or your mailbox provider don’t force remote mail servers to use TLS encryption.
  • Your domain may be abused or spoofed for spam if you do not configure your DNS and MX settings correctly. (Use DKIM so remote servers can tell if another server is spoofing your domain)
  • You will be 100% responsible for all mail that is sent; or appears to be sent by your domain name. This includes all spam that spoofs your domain name; therefore you must USE DKIM to mitigate it.
  • You must properly configure everything. If you misconfigure it; the remote servers will notice that and REJECT all of your emails that are sent out.
  • You may need to maintain your own MX (mail server) and host that if you choose to do so. This comes with additional performance and administration burdens. Double them if you allow anyone else to use your domain as an email address; because you are now responsible for their conduct as well.
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

These are intended to be pros and cons.

The wording is intentional; and the processes can in fact be hard if you are not well studied in doing these things.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

No; it is clear that you are in fact wrong.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

While I’m usually all for that sort of consequence to happen to someone who is legitimately being gross or creepy; I don’t think they should’ve actually fired her. Legitimately it should’ve been a stern warning and a request to apologize for the statement at worst.

Do I think it was a good idea to tweet it? Of course not. Was it unprofessional? Probably. I guess it depends on if the tweet or statement was made IRL or on Twitter via an alternate account.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Who needs an NFC chip when you can just place a nail shaped NFC sticker on them and gel paint over them? We don’t need implantables; those could get copied anyways and cause the need for unnecessary surgeries to replace them as well.

Buy the tags; apply them to your nails and paint them any color you want; pair them to your phone and use appropriate username + password + 2FA + Fingerprint combos to authenticate to your financial institution.

Lost a nail? No big deal. The tags don’t carry financial data; they just provide a URI to the merchant; which can ping your phone/smartwatch and ensure that you are:

  • Present at the location.
  • Not too far away from pay terminal.
  • Have not signaled to your devices you are under duress. (Spoken keyword and/or excessively stressed biosigns)
  • Have not blocked spending by tap.
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

With that kind of money Shenk is...410 - GONEIt is impossible for this dude to lack the means to hide anywhere that wouldn’t extradite him after stealing 40 million dollars. While it’s sad that he managed to steal and scam people out of so much money; ***it literally was given to him!***It should go without saying that one should never simply give to just any charity without at least verifying that the charity actually is doing something related to their stated mission. It should also ping on the radar of people that China is not open to the free exchange of ideas, and that sending people with crates of Chinese Bibles to China might actually be dangerous and stupid They haven’t been open-minded since the CCP took over in Beijing.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Please keep the bots to a minimum.

Approved bots that the admins manually review the use cases for is absolutely fine.

I just don’t want things to revert back to reddit days where I’m constantly BLOCKING new novelty bots that are absolutely freaking useless and add nothing to a conversation.

Also; PLEASE; implement the following ideas into a(n) agreement/covenant for bot operators; I quote this directly from the Tao of IRC:

The master Nap then said: “Any automata should not speak unless spoken to. Any automata shall only whisper when spoken to.”

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

God yes this is so freaking annoying.

As much as I adore FOSS and hold it near to my heart; Most FOSS software just doesn’t have a lot of polish. That isn’t a fault; but some of the zealots take it that way; and that last 5% of polish is sometimes required, and is absolutely critical to some users’ workflows.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

There’s no denying that WEI is evil. It may in fact be the feature that kills the Chrome Browser and gets Google fined into poverty.

But from a user standpoint; I get it. It Just Works. That polish built into Chrome that allows users to sync their browsing sessions across machines? It’s absolutely critical and required.

The FOSS community has this weird habit of requiring it’s users to make sacrifices to meet it’s values. Where that doesn’t harm the user, their workflows or their convenience in general; users are typically more than happy to do so.

However; A lot of FOSS and FLOSS projects tend to take ridiculous stances against certain kinds of polish features and will REFUSE to implement them no matter how many people ask. In my opinion; if you want a software project to succeed and overtake massive competition; that’s just stupid. Especially when it’s as easy as forking a repository and baking the “Controversial feature” into the user-friendly fork version.

If you want to provide a core piece of software and all; sure! Please do that! But a lot of projects don’t, and won’t spend any time on user experience at all; and any kind of work on the UX arises because something is inconvenient for the devs.

Worse is that oftentimes; the polish features that are being blanket denied and intentionally omitted from the software are in fact not that complicated to implement in a manner that runs consistent with the values of the FLOSS community. Sure; that means that perhaps you do have to host a lot of things yourself to make sure that you truly retain control over your data; but that’s actually pretty easy to learn how to do.

I do understand the limitations of the average FLOSS project. Unfortunately; a lot of FLOSS and FOSS devs are very quick to decide that they know the best, and will frequently and often refuse to listen to the user. That’s not better. It’s worse. At least when a user is a customer, they have some degree of influence and can exert some small force on development priorities. In the FLOSS community; you can donate every cent you have to a project and it does not necessarily guarantee that you will get a say, or even one request, fulfilled. For some users; that is not better, it is worse.

We still have a long way to go before we reach a society with the maximum amount of balance between beneficial qualities, and none of the negative qualities, of socialism and capitalism.

My experience as a casual user of Linux for 20 years, and my take on why it is never its year

Let me start saying my first approach with Linux was around 2000, the first distro I installed successfully was Debian, then moved to more user-friendly distros (at the time) like Knoppix and Fedora, and ultimately to Ubuntu. In the 2000’s I used Linux mostly for fun, do homework, and browsing. I used Knoppy for like a year...

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

While this is good advice that is sound…You shouldn’t have to do this! It should just work! This is the primary reason that users reject Linux.

Most users do not have the time and patience necessary to troubleshoot the issue. Too often, with many distros, many things are “Unsupported” because someone stopped maintaining something.

Many users will not enjoy Linux when all distros available have something they are unreasonably required to sacrifice or do without due to lack of support or code necessary.

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