
This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

You appear to have a solid idea as well as some potential proof of concept code which does not appear to have been uploaded to GitHub yet but you don’t appear to have posted anything usable yet for the end user.

Are you seeking developers to get passionate about this or are you just trying to draw in future user eyeballs?

Honestly; it isn’t clear, and there are already mature technologies that exist that is similar to what you seem to be proposing (see i2p, tor, freenet) which are only suffering from a lack of adoption due to their development being backend first and not being able to focus a lot on usability or glitzy UI.

You look like you could have some good skills with graphical things; have you considered contributing your skills to an existing project?

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

This Is Blatant Misinformation; which appears to intend to spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.

Please stop swallowing every stupid conspiracy theory that seems plausible to you. Just because it appears plausible is no reason to believe in it

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

This looks like a promising application; and as long as the business models stay sustainable and the company remains ethical; it should be a good place.

I’ll bite and queue up.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

This really isn’t that big of a deal anyways. Just deploy an ATM inside the shop as a courtesy. Bonus points if it’s a nice machine that can give customers amounts in increments as little as $5.

Since your business has cash as it’s main method of payment; it should be fairly simple to keep said ATM stocked up.

This at least would be the cheeky way to get around restrictions.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Buy/build your shop like one of those “Check Cashing” places with the impossibly thick glass windows. Keep the cash behind said window.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I highly doubt any sensible dispensary delivers their product! For obvious legal reasons, no, you have to go to their physical location and buy their product physically in-store so that they can make sure you’re:

  • Not two kids in a trench coat.
  • Not otherwise forbidden from buying cannabis by state law.
  • Not all cracked out.
  • Not buying in bulk amounts so that you can give/sell that good shit out to all your friends
  • Not a Federal Bikini Inspector or a Constantly Interjecting Asshole working with the Dipshits Eating Assoles who’s sole mission is to ruin everything for everyone
  • Obeying the laws of the state while buying the goods
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Oh, a vampire; so no devils weed for you unless you ride out after sunset. :p

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

No. on both counts.

I actively dislike the trend of returning back to “Dumbphones” because it doesn’t actually actively address the issues around Smartphones in general and causes people to be lazy and less aware in general about technology. It is not ideal to be lazy and unaware about technology in this day of age.

These devices may make perfect sense for the aging population who only makes phone calls and sends occasional texts; or for the vulnerable teenager population who absolutely cannot be trusted to self-regulate themselves because that ability is not yet fully developed when using a standard Smartphone; but they do not make sense for your average everyday Adult.

If you have troubles with notifications; I beg and implore you; Learn about how to train your device! Learn which applications are sending notifications, how to block apps that send unimportant notifications, and most importantly how to manually silence your device when you are not in a time or place you are willing to receive notifications and how to un-silence your device so you receive important ones as well!

Modern Smartphones do in fact offer many controls and widgets. Learn how to use them and to customize your phone to offer up only the information you need at a glance; and how to hide information that you don’t need.

If this is still a challenge; a modern smartwatch paired with your phone helps a lot to minimize unnecessary information flow while still allowing you to customize and receive critical notification and bits of information.

Google employee responds to all the negative feedback WEI, (google drm the web) (github.com)

Hey everyone, thank you for your patience, and thank you to everyone who engaged constructively. It is clear based on the feedback we’ve received that a bigger discussion needs to take place, and I’m not sure my personal repository is the best place to do that - we are looking for a better forum and will update when we have...

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

WEI’s goal is to make the web more private and safe

Bull. Fucking. Shit. You do not get to pick and choose who you treat differently based on software level indications. You absolutely cannot justify this technology with fraud-prevention; as your fraud prevention should be baked in elsewhere in your logic chain and service delivery anyways. Developers do not need yet another magic number. Your typical fraudster is going to be an Authenticated Human anyways; and will easily bypass this attestation if this is actually implemented as intended. Because of that fact; this will drive desperate developers to implement this in consumer-hostile and privacy-hostile manners. You cannot simply say “That’s not how it’s intended to be used” and expect those devs to play along with it!

TL;DR: We must not give developers tools that can be abused in ways that run counter to the open internet

WEI is not designed to single out browsers or extensions


You absolutely ARE singling out browsers; particularly ones that may be older or “Un-attestable” for other arbitrary reasons. This will impact a large number of people in the disabled community who may use specific, webpage modifying extensions in order to make the web more usable for themselves.

WEI prevents ecosystem lock-in through hold-backs

This won’t work; your devs will just write other server backend code that is forked off of yours that won’t “hold back”. This is a ridiculously tiny band-aid for a gaping wound that needs stitches;

WEI does not disadvantage browsers that spoof their identity

Wrong again! You cannot trust developers and companies with financial motivations and interests to not mark spoofed browsers as fraudulent; nor can you obligate them to treat them exactly the same as a properly attested browser agent.

Let’s work together on finding the right path

This proposal is not working together! This is a blatant attempt by Google and Alphabet to further bully it’s dominance over standards for the financial gain of itself and it’s partners. Please don’t pretend otherwise.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

There does exist Anti-SLAPP laws in some states.

I highly recommend all people be aware of this; and to encourage their own state legislatures to strengthen these laws or enact them if they don’t already exist in their state

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Reddit fucked around and it found out.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

This time they’ve learned that sacrificing a CEO on the Altar of Public Opinion is too costly; so this time they are just doing it to a pathetic Junior Executive who they probably only gave a slight pay bump and hired from a pool of internal candidates that were leaving the company anyways…

README.TXTPlease Note, the above statement is satire only; but it wouldn’t surprise me if it were true.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

12 years here.

It was evident that Reddit was not going to play nice the moment Mr. Huffman opened his big trap on network television. Fuck /u/spez, and Fuck Reddit

Lemmy is so much better and it reminds me of what was long lost back in the earliest days of reddit. It’s so much nicer here on Lemmy in general.

Initially; I intended to stay in line with the protest and only close for the 2 days initially proposed.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar


Since when did it become a crime to simultaneously:

  • Worship controversial religions
  • Board a plane
  • Go to another country

oh…wait. The PATRIOT ACT. 🤦

This violates the kid’s rights; but at the same time probably saved his life. I doubt he’d live long in Iraq.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

The document noted that Meyer had previously undergone mental health treatment and has been diagnosed with […] mental health conditions. […]

Oh; so he was not only disabled but…

Soon after he turned 18 in November, Meyer began communicating online with someone he thought was an Islamic State facilitator but was actually a paid FBI informant, the document said. The following month, that person introduced Meyer to another informant who claimed to be an Islamic State travel facilitator, who met with Meyer three times to talk about his plan to pay and prepare for traveling to join the Islamic State.

They entrapped him.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Telegram is legitimately bad, it’s only saving grace being that it is STILL BETTER THAN DISCORD! It’s main “Sin” is rolling it’s own Encryption Algorithm; which has been proven to be less than 100% airtight and secure.

Sadly your average user does not care about privacy above all else. They only care about privacy in as much as it can factually and emotionally affect their daily lives. TL;DR: You have to incentivize them to care, and they will often refuse to move, or outright dislike a platform, if a specific feature they love or depend on doesn’t exist, even when it is 100% not critical to the application’s function.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

TL;DR: It suggests several methods and makes a few mistakes which he had to point out to which it suggests even more absurd solutions to.

The AI recommends doing things in long and hard ways and does not conceive of new or novel technologies; it just mashes together existing ones despite their implementation being difficult or impossible by simply waving away these issues by saying things like “Much research and development would be needed but…”

AI model output quality decreases when trained with AI models (futurism.com)

“Our primary conclusion across all scenarios is that without enough fresh real data in each generation of an autophagous loop, future generative models are doomed to have their quality (precision) or diversity (recall) progressively decrease,” they added. “We term this condition Model Autophagy Disorder (MAD).”...

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar


Looks like we found a relatively easy way to “poison” an AI dataset silently. Just feed it AI output.

I could see this mechanic being exploited by websites to provide a bottomless amount of junk text that only a bot doing content scraping would see.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I choose 4 and 7.

  • 1: This is genuinely a blurse; you really don’t want to understand everything everyone ever says.
  • 2: This is genuinely a curse; You will remember every little thing that happens to you and it will haunt you forevermore.
  • 3: This is mostly useless and will lead to you being exploited.
  • 4: This is very good.
  • 5: This is worthless; unless this acts like an infinite money glitch.
  • 6: This is highly dangerous. You’d better not fall into a coma; nobody would be able to help you.
  • 7: This is good; and it would be mostly useful; even if you were required to keep it a secret from everyone.
  • 8: This is absolutely the most useless one yet. Eh, at least it’s probably harmless.
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I’m assuming that #5 is limited by the space in your pockets/purse and would only trigger if and only if you owe a debt on something to someone within your visual range. Additionally they would need to speak to you verbally what exact amount you need to trigger the pocket filling.

Thus; you could not likely pull out amounts even exceeding a few hundred thousand without some really clever planning.

I’m also assuming you will never simply pull a check out of your pocket, this superpower is CASH ONLY, which burdens you with the advantages and disadvantages of cash.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

No; not infinite.

Limitless yes, but it is limited by the fact that it only fills your pocket when you’re expected to pay for something. Therefore you’d be inconvenienced by anything that does not expect you to pay up front cash for a thing, and you’d need someone to tell you the exact amount you need to pay them to cause the pocket to generate the cash as well as the amount would be limited by the size of your pocket(s) and/or purse(s) for containing money.

Despite that you could definitely live “comfortably”.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

You can’t always control memory recall; even in perfect health.

Similarly you can’t always control events around you, nor can you control things that you may do and later come to regret. All of these small things will add up cumulatively over time. Perfect recall is a shortcut to mental health problems.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

only trigger if and only if you owe a debt on something to someone within your visual range.

It would seem you didn’t understand my message.

No; you could not exploit it in this way. If you do not intend to pay a person then you do not need the money and have no debt you are seeking to pay. The generated cash would simply vanish from your pocket.

That cash is leaving your pocket one way or another; either by willing to pay somebody and actually doing it or it vanishing.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

That’s actually pretty cool science there!

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

You do not want to know about E through P.

Noob Question: If you aren't willing to deal with custom OSes like Linux (for computers) and Android Custom Roms (for phones), do you just not have any privacy at all?

I mean, exactly how invasive are default operating systems? (Like Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, Android, iOS) Do they log your keystrokes, log passwords, capture screen, upload your photos, videos, or audio? (Assuming you aren’t a target of government) Is it even possible for the average person who doesn’t feel comfortable...

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

This is a highly loaded question.

You are making a number of very poor assumptions based on a number of ridiculous misconceptions.

The average, everyday, human adult is fully capable of understanding their own personal “threat landscape”. How they deal with that will vary.

For most; if not all, average consumers; their concerns are still very limited. They’re not so much concerned with the provenance, the history, of companies…they just want to duck for the oncoming threats in their landscape. These metaphorical tree branches are what they’re ducking under. They have no logical need to fear the entire tree.

Personally, I choose not to live like Stallman, nor do I have fears of big state repercussions like Snowden does. Neither does your average consumer. Functionality is the top priority. Functionality on-par with the CSSC (Closed-Source Software, Corporate) competitor is critical. If the FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) version can do exactly what people typically want and expect it to do AND cost less monetarily AND can impact their privacy way less than using the CSSC competitor would, then it will be adopted by many and loved by all who use it.

This isn’t to say that privacy does not matter.

It simply means that privacy is a spectrum; and everyone has varying privacy wants and needs. For some reason, a large potion of the “tech-savvy” people in the FLOSS community feel the need to measure their superiority in “How private their systems are.” The average user does not give a damn about that dick measuring contest; and really would rather not be bothered. They just want the amount of privacy that is right for them, and their specific situation.

It is best to put your ego aside when discussing privacy, or helping someone else to discover and improve their own privacy.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

As a former tech associate at Staples; I can easily attest to how annoyed my bosses were that I always pushed people to buy laser printers.

Their reasoning was simple; the bosses hated the volume at which we sold toner; and literally nothing else…once I had paired all of their problem customers with drama-free laser printers that would stay in operation for at least 5 years.

Nobody who bothered to ask my professional opinion on printers and actually took it seriously bought anything but a Laser Printer. Many of the shitty DRM riddled Inkjets actually collected dust on those shelves unless they were sold by someone more clueless than I.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

It would be helpful if we knew what VPN provider you are using.

Please note: if your VPN provider costs you nothing; you are the product and you are absolutely using the wrong VPN! It is expected that you use a reputable, No Logs, Torrent-Friendly Paid VPN for best “torrenting-compatible” privacy results. These can run anywhere from $5 to $75 USD depending on what payment term and plan you run.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

ProtonVPN explicitly denies Torrenting in their ToS when you are a FREE user. You must purchase their service before torrenting.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

ProtonVPN is fine if you purchase a Plus plan or better

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Empress is a neurotic narcissist who needs to be NUKED at every release and HARD MUTED, IGNORED, AND DEPLATFORMED by every sociopathic rant she makes.

We should not be giving her attention by talking about her; she needs to be SHUNNED into OBSCURITY. Let her fucking philosophize in her own damn isolation. Her behavior is unacceptable by most social standards and her contributions to society are not so significant we can’t do without them.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Nobody should be afraid of her insane ranting; she’s pathetic and could use some competition to refocus her ego.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

No. You are incorrect.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

No, you are incorrect.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

This gives me an idea;

Don’t store incoming data from remote instances into the “Main DB” immediately. Store them into SUBORDINATE DATABASES!

The logic of how you arrange these subordinate databases should be simple; depending on which instance you’re communicating with you could select a subordinate database like so;

  • First; we need to have a “Main Delay” database. This database is used by all the instances we Both Federate With, and Mark as one we Trust! and we merge all records here into the main database on a specified timeframe to give ourselves a little time to roll back the clock if something betrays that trusted status.
  • Secondly we need to have unique little databases for each little instance that we Federate with, but do not yet mark with trust! These little DBs are merged into “Main Delay”, then Main on a different time-delay schedule. This gives us even more time to roll back large-scale attacks, spam or flooding via ActivityPub as well as time to just smack the “Defederate” button as soon as they start to misbehave and, optionally, jettison the garbage data that caused the need for Defederation as well.
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

That is some EXTREME planking.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Given the recent events as well as the general surge of new users joining Beehaw and the wider lemmyverse in general…I don’t blame you.

Take as much time as you need to take care of yourself and recharge yourself. Self-care is important.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Serious “Closer to Home” vibes.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

I suspect that maybe you were exposed to a certain post over on lemmy.ml @ local link: lemmy.one/post/657560

I’d invite you to read through my comment deconstructing the silliness of that entire post…the accusations and links are highly flimsy and poorly support the assertions being made. lemmy.one/comment/708741

I won’t deny that it’s likely that DDG isn’t as privacy focused today as it may have been when it was initially founded; but I haven’t seen anything on the fediverse compile enough reasons today that would support the panic I’m seeing over it if you just look into what few sources are quoted and being used and assess critically what might be going on.

That being said…

I do recommend SearXNG. Highly.

The metasearch engine that SearXNG offers usually works well and allows you to pick, choose, and sift through the various search engines and even define and create new ones you can use for yourself so that you can easily search whatever you need.

Searx instances in general are kinda like email providers too; just find a good one for yourself and start using it; no real account is required…just find one that works for you and set up your preferences and all.

I do not recommend Kagi! Kagi is a paid search engine. In general I do not consider their paid service to be better than Searx and would not recommend using them. Usage of a paid service requires creating an account…and we all know where that garden path lies.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

The best way to respond is vocally; in your best classic skeletor voice “NYEHEHEHEHEHE! JOKES ON YOU! I’M INTO THAT STUFF!”

Of course be aware of your own safety before making this joke but…it’s always PRICELESS to see their reactions.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Scraping is a public service at this point with companies going bonkers and trying to monetize too aggressively because they over-borrowed and now can’t even hope to pay back their massive investor backlog because they didn’t attempt to monetize soon enough.

Bankruptcy is coming for these companies Soon^TM^

We the user, the consumer will severely punish you stupid silicon valley companies for suddenly demanding payment for an API or service that was always historically free before. ESPECIALLY WHEN THAT MOVE DAMAGES EXISTING COMMUNITIES!

If you are a C-Level executive in a tech company pay heed; Users WILL PUNISH behavior that they consider to be destructive to their communities. No. Your company will not survive it. Your company will be bled to death by a thousand cuts.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

This does not surprise me in the slightest.

I already isolated the fuck out of Reddit and the links I clicked there with Temporary Containers. But it doesn’t surprise me that they’re now trying to reach around the well known fingerprinting mitigations.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

The fact they’re even considering adopting such invasive scripts is the perfect sign that Reddit is dead.

I just hope the plebs don’t stay asleep for too long…though they’re being so egregiously pushy right now, that it’s only a matter of time before even the common user gets pissed off thoroughly.

@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

There are So many issues/inconsistencies with this laundry list of “Problems”.

Nefarious History of DDG founder & CEO:

  • Every link under this header is effectively broken except the wikipedia link.
  • Yes; onion links count as broken my friend. You need to link the clearweb version too for our clearweb using readers. Furthermore it is more difficult for the casual reader to verify that the server they arrive on when they use an onion link is actually the source it claims to be coming from. (Because TOR onions do anonymize locations)

Direct Privacy Abuse:

  • Link is broken; onions don’t resolve on clearweb
  • Reaction link is broken (timeout)
  • this is a good testable procedure to show your concerns
  • four year old source that seems to heavily imply that this is just normal use of the Canvas API for layout purposes. source questionable; as it is not a typical tech news focused reporting outlet.
  • The FAQ states why certain engines are not included with the browser but I see no hard refusal language. They do call it out that the relevant providers went silent when asked how things work and offer this as the reason why they have not yet chosen to include them. It’s entirely possible that if the companies explained their ad-tech to Epic team’s satisfaction they might consider the partnership. We know they probably won’t explain that tech; but the possibility exists based on this document alone.
  • This is probably a reasonable source; and if this isn’t ever printed in English or made available in English ever; I can understand. However the lack of an English language version of this source could be frustrating. I did run it through translate and verify the claim though it’s just one line in a newsletter.


  • This entire header is irrelevant. DuckDuckGo isn’t specifically censoring the content. However; downstream search engines such as Google and Yahoo definitely ARE and DDG is returning what they do.
  • No, they are not complicit in censorship by doing this; they are just as affected by it as you and I are and are working with the data they can obtain.
  • Censorship requires specific action to suppress information and it is not evident that DDG is doing so in the example provided in the source links.


  • The reasons under this header are also irrelevant. These are nasty things that Cloudflare is doing. Go yell at Cloudflare.
  • I’d suspect that DDG didn’t do their homework on Cloudflare; but the alternatives to Cloudflare are simply not large at all; and may have been more costly.
  • Not defending their choice to go with Cloudflare but; Cloudflare does have a rather absurd near-monopoly on the kinds of services they can provide.
  • Show me a viable alternative to Cloudflare that meets your privacy model. I’d love to learn about one.

Harmful Partnerships with Adversaries of Privacy Seekers:

  • Once again you’re listing things that other companies have explicitly done. Everything under this header is largely irrelevant
  • Amazon & AWS: a large number of FLOSS projects use it or provide binaries and containers you can run (for/on) it.
  • Microsoft: like it or not they have to work with, around, near them; they provide Bing.
  • Yahoo/Oath: Same as Microsoft they provide a search engine.
  • DDG is one part “Metasearch Engine” and one part “Search Engine” in that they do also crawl the web to augment their results.

Advertising Abuses & Corruption:

  • All of this lacks any usable sources or proof.
  • Your one link is an onion; which is not a usable source link.
  • The IRC logs provided appear to be missing a truckload of context and IRC logs never really do provide solid prove as they can be edited/cherrypicked to show/support your argument.
  • The provided logs do only show ChanServ making a ban.
  • IRC channels such as this one are notorious for being highly focused on their specific topic as they state in their rules.
  • Your apparent ban in that channel Does not mean they are censoring you; but it does mean you barged into their IRC channel, probably without reading their rules carefully, and got banned for breaking those rules.
  • As someone who has sit in channels like that on OFTC and even Freenode before the splits happened for 20ish years; I can assert that your communication style was not civil to the standards of that channel. Joining an IRC channel to yell at project maintainers is never going to earn you anything more than a ban if their channel is actually monitored or moderated.
  • I may not have been there myself; but I know that is how things are typically done on IRC in general.
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