One of them Carpenter nerd types.

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Coskii, avatar

He was interviewed/was the topic of a Darknet Dairies Podcast. It’s his side of the story as well as some of the facts around the case. Don’t know how accurate it is, but it is interesting all the same.

Episode 136

Coskii, avatar

The method to it’s madness is fairly underhanded to adults, much more so for its’ intended audience.

I wish I could find the video that did a basic deep dive on all (negative) aspects of the roblox community, from the robux, to the game makers potential for being exploited, and the oddly nft/stock market of cosmetics which are a massive fomo money sink. It wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t aimed at children, but because it is, that only makes the handful of bad/fringe cases even more unsettling.

It’s no big secret that kids are dumb enough to try and get robux for free from almost any link saying they can online. But the incentive is there for them to try.

Removing roblox from a kids library is a good thing for peace of mind. Plus there are plenty of other games out there to play with friends and depending on how they spent their time on roblox, it likely wouldn’t be terribly hard to match to another game within whatever genre they were playing.

Coskii, (edited ) avatar

It would be helpful to understand what types of games the kid was playing in the first place to suggest alternatives. I ripped this answer from quora on how to see which games within roblox your child was playing

  • Game History: Roblox used to have a “Game History” feature that allowed users to view a list of recently played games. This feature showed the last few games you played, but it was limited in terms of historical data. It’s worth checking if this feature is still available in your account settings.
  • Roblox Account Activity: You can check your Roblox account’s activity feed, which may show some information about recent game interactions and achievements. However, this feed typically doesn’t display a comprehensive game history.
  • Roblox API: Some third-party websites and tools may offer services that attempt to retrieve and display more extensive game history data by accessing Roblox’s API. Be cautious when using third-party services and make sure they are reputable and secure.

I went looking for any kind of account tracker and to no one’s surprise they are mostly about account value from items, not so much about worlds/experiences they have been on.

Most of the responses I’ve seen on here are just suggesting games which may or may not be to your kids looking purely based on those games being generally accepted as good.

Coskii, avatar

Awhile back, I decided that I needed to compartmentalize my areas of concerns into two overarching categories, things I can affect, and things I cannot. The latter category is not to be worried about, planned on, or otherwise take away from the things I am able to work on.

But theory is always fun, so I enjoy the concept of being a cosmic accident after many billions of other cosmic accidents that came before me. I am no more or less important than any other collection of atoms and will continue to exist in this configuration with minor changes until such time that I don’t. There doesn’t need to be a grand plan, or a special meaning behind any of this, but I can see the allure of believing that those accidents which led to us being something more.

Coskii, avatar

Commanders quarters. Started as an interesting budget build magic the gathering commander deck channel and in less than a year went from that to click bait, 7 videos a day between 10-15 minutes about spoiled cards from whatever the new set coming out is. It absolutely flooded my feed and was completely worthless.

There was also some drama about the lead guys opinions about other IPs getting cards (the walking dead being the first) and how it was the end times for that particular flavor of inked up cardboard.

Coskii, avatar

What’s the deal with the fiddle?

Coskii, avatar

By most accounts the devil is a lot of talk and very little (physical) action. If anything he fiddled someone else to diddle a little kiddle.

I grew up partially in the south, and the devil tales from there told a story of people constantly getting over on him in the forms of bets and contests, the devil doing a monkeys paw type wish/curse, and it being turned around by the receiver of the curse/wish to ultimately being a good thing. Like a very awkward super hero whose power is to grant wishes, but has to lose to that person in some way first.

Coskii, avatar

Well yeah… It’s a good league and the path of exile 2 news has gotten plenty of people interested.

Coskii, avatar

Yeah they do. It’s not like you have any cutscenes or excessive dialogs to sit through. It’s just going from place to place, gaining items and leveling, very much like the game after the acts.

Clearing the campaign is basically getting to level 65, and having the general shape of your build running.

This league is extra nice thanks to a free movement speed buff from one of the league tree passives.

Coskii, avatar

Every single time I see something like this I wonder why people bother putting useless labels on themselves.

Makes me think “I’m more of an ‘oh’ sayer than an ‘um’ sayer. Can I say ‘um’ sometimes without getting the ‘um’ people upset?” as a similar argument.

Conservative means many different things to many different people, and the definition found from Oxford Languages has this to say, “(in a political context) favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas.”

Socially Traditional ideas and non-binary are currently at odds.

So if you want to clear anything about this up, you should probably go ahead and define which aspects of conservatism you agree with, and which ones you’re not ok with, and make up your mind from there.

Coskii, avatar

I’m glad they are appreciating the western and pc market. I remember playing the Japanese psp games before their western releases.

Coskii, avatar

There are two sides to american eating habits… the ones who think the Wendy’s Ghost Pepper fries were too spicy, and the ones who are actively out there inventing a whole new level of spice to torture their taste buds with.

Sadly, the first side is WAAAAAYYYY larger than the second and any level of spice stronger than black pepper will instantaneously send them both to the bathroom and the emergency room for even daring to try something with some flavor on it. And it doesn’t help that as far as most people (around here anyways) consider indian food chicken tika marsala and samosas… and that’s the entirety of the menu.

The only other thing I can think of that might cause it is the intention for each bite of bland food (like rice) to have a surplus of flavorings on it, which works for most non spiced foods but may wreak some havoc on people who don’t balance out their spice intake with the rest of the meal. There’s probably something to be said for overall quality causing some problems as well.

I can’t be sure, but from the people I’ve interacted with, these are reasons I can think of which may explain how things got to where they are.

Coskii, avatar

I’ve never had full control, but there have been many times I’ve realized I’m dreaming, nudged the dream in a preferred direction and then swiftly let my consciousness over the dream fade so it could continue without interruption.

The more control I exert on my dreams, the more likely I am to consciously blink and actually blink myself awake. Gentle nudges in the direction I want to dream is the only path for me.

Coskii, avatar

Looks like the roll is done at long rest, so it would be a relatively static number.

For a real short example, you roll a 10 after math, so you just put a little 10+ac misses automatically note somewhere handy until you sleep and roll again.

It’s a fun little ring, and could be a really hype moment if/when it hits

Coskii, avatar

At least there are plans moving forward and practical tests being done.

To put it in a way I liked from someone else awhile ago, it’s like having the plans for a combustion engine, but not having the details on how large any of the various parts should be.

From the various articles I’ve seen, the research is definitely moving to a net positive energy direction, but there’s still plenty of research to do.

Coskii, avatar


Good god that’s something. The other translator

Coskii, avatar

Everyday I get to look at new AI stuff and say “neat”.

Coskii, avatar

If AI looks at me everyday and says neat, that’d be interesting.

Why do people hate on mobile games, call them "not real games" and mock them, when some mobile-exclusive games are the best games I've played?

The Infinity Blade or Minigore series, for example, or anything made by Illusion Labs. These games are genius and most consoles don’t even have a touch screen or utilise it well like some smartphone games do....

Coskii, avatar

For a long while mobile games were either beyond simple (like snake on the old indesctructible Nokia) or we’re pay to win money extractor gachas. It’s relatively new territory for games on phones to be anything other than those. There have almost always been exceptions of course, but finding them has not been simple. This is the first I’m hearing of the two you mentioned.

Coskii, avatar

Ah, that must’ve been in my ‘accidentally Amish’ phase of adulthood where I was too broke to afford anything other than food, shelter, and clothes.

Coskii, avatar

Antiperspirant simply doesn’t work with my job. In the summer months, I generally sweat from every pore for 8 hours and then I get to go home. It would be like trying to dam a river with a stone.

Deodorant on the other hand I keep on me, as it has a tendency to wash off before the day is done.

Say what you want about your preferred method of avoiding body odor, but this one works for me. And as for those who are saying something about ‘natural sweat before trying to cover it with anything’, that was definitely not the case for me. I still remember getting pulled aside sometime towards the end of third grade and being told I had to do something about my body odor.

Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?

2020 was… truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision...

Coskii, avatar

I just need to go viral on some platform as ‘the people’s choice’ president who will put most major national decisions that aren’t classified up to polls on said social media platform. It’s the perfect solution to rake in those who don’t want to vote for 80 something geriatrics. I have about a year to implant myself into the world of politics.

I also considered legally changing my name to ‘No Vote’ for a bit.

Coskii, avatar

Aliens VS predators 2 (the 1998 one) was oppressive for the human side of the campaign. I am not sure I ever got all the way through it. Enemies were everywhere, the beginning moments were very tense and honestly I don’t remember ever feeling like I ever had enough ammunition. Playing as aliens and predators were amazing and fun experiences, but that human campaign left me in the dumps every time.

Coskii, avatar

I remember a video many years ago about the first brick laying bot. It was rough and no where near as finely tuned as a Mason who has been doing it for a few years… But it works. The absolute short sighted nature of many construction companies much like in the past will be their downfall.

Coskii, (edited ) avatar

Every child born has a flat increase of 0.0005% higher IQ, and is also 0.0003% more altruistic.

I really should have done the math ahead of time. That’d mean an increase of like 70k IQ per year.

Coskii, avatar

I’m in a weird gaming rut at the moment, I just bought into the radius, but I don’t want to play it until I get a better headset. I worried that the screen door effect of my first Gen vive will ruin the experience.

As such I’ve fallen back to the rogue lite twin stick goodness of nova drift.

Coskii, avatar

Which is a shame. I prefer alternate rules which change the plus cards rules to allow plays such as more +2’s added on top, color appropriate skips and reverses, wild cards and +4’s.

Wild cards simply pass the draw to the next player. Basically every face card can be used to counter draw cards, though usually by adding more danger. It just adds a level of skill and planning over a game where getting randomed by a +2 or +4 is just a loss.

Coskii, avatar

I will buy a game when:

The gameplay is up my alley, or the experience is worth the time invested into it.


The final cost of the game after dlc is equal to or less than 1/10th the cost of my PC. Usually aim for 1/20th if I’m iffy about the gameplay.

Coskii, avatar

Audio is still somewhat of a culprit at times, depends on the game and the amount of exposition. Videos are rarely the main share of the game filesize anymore and usually it is mainly textures and likely bloat from really crap usage/optimization of those textures.

Coskii, avatar

There are currently three types of isekai:

  1. Writing crutch to explain why the MC is special.
  2. Tangential isekai. These are the time skip, reincarnated, or other ‘from this world but not’ types
  3. Writing crutch to explain a world with ‘game-like’ qualities.

Nearly all Isekai currently out do not need to be isekai, it’s just being overused to quickly explain why/how the world and MC are so different from baseline reality. Usually the real point is to connect the character to a more understandable and relatable base.

I’ve been reading way too many light novels lately, and many of them are labeled isekai, but it’s completely inconsequential outside of a very minor plot point.

Coskii, avatar

I was fine with the series until the reason for being better was less psuedo science and more ‘racing aura that causes teleportation’.

And now that MF Ghost is a direct time skipped extension to the original anime, it’ll be interesting to see how they go (but more importantly the new jams).

Had my first driving lesson today

I live in Australia but normally get around with a folding bike that I can take on busses and trains easily, however I have decided it’s time to learn to drive, not due to any love of cars but rather just so I can do it if needed. Also I technically own half a car so it would be good if I can use it if I am ever moving or...

Coskii, avatar

Or a shard/pouch of porcelain. Light as can be and beyond effective.

Coskii, avatar

There are two main reasons you wouldn’t return carts to a cart return location:

  1. Fuck them people
  2. My time is worth more than this

At the very least the person is inconsiderate, and worst a complete psychopath. Both are not great signs, and all the ones between are also not positive aspects.

You’d think something that small wouldn’t be much of an indication on a person’s overall nature, but it’s nearly always the little things that add up to the whole thing.

Coskii, avatar

Most if not all big box stores have cart corrals out in their parking lots where you are meant to return the carts so that they can be collected more efficiently without having some employee run all over collecting carts. Andtheres the matter of run away carts especially if it’s a windy day. Those carts can really get moving and cause some damage to cars parked out in the lot. No one is saying to take them back to the entrance of the store, simply to put them in the collection point so they don’t wander.

Coskii, avatar

Yeah, I can see it being an issue when there’s a massive parking lot and no return locations. I’m sure some stores did the studies on how much time and workforce it saved to put those corrals out in the lot as most people are inclined to do a bit to help out others.

How do you deal with being broke?

I’m in my 30s so I should be used to this by now, but this shit is getting so stressful guys. I have no savings, my checking account is drained every month with rent, and if there’s ever a serious emergency I have no safety net, I’m legitimately fucked. I’m one unplanned expense away from absolute ruin. Those in the same...

Coskii, (edited ) avatar

This is going to be from my very American perspective on being broke. Your circumstances may be significantly different.

I used to be in your boat. I started working in the trades and being an apprentice at the same time. It wasn’t amazing pay to start, but it was enough and significantly better than the minimum wage I’d been earning before.

The way I managed for years on minimum wage was the following:

  1. Live with others. Spread the bills around, have some good times, and save money.
  2. Food prep and creation. Spend a bit of money to save some time and effort. I own a rice cooker and a breadmaker. The rice cooker is a bit extra, but the breadmaker is wonderful. Just load in the ingredients, set it and let it go. You can go to work or whatever and come home to an awesome loaf of bread. Another lovely one is a slow cooker. I spent 2 hours and 12 lbs of chicken with other ingredients and made 7 meals for 2 prepped and in gallon bags that can just be dumped into the cooler and turned on.
  3. Side work or donations. If you don’t have family to rely on, another solid source of income is helping the elderly. 70+ year Olds often need help with daily tasks, from yard work to light bulb replacement. It may be a bit awkward to put yourself out there like that, but if you can put forward a decent enough impression at first, and you’re honestly there to help, they will pay you a bit and be very thankful. As for how to find the elderly, either wander around or take on a political canvassing job. The listings for political flyers on where to go usually have an age listed with an address. You could also donate blood or plasma. It’s very simple to do and (at least in my area) a quick way to get up to $100 per visit, which they allow up to 8 a month. Only annoying part of that is the diet restrictions. Hell, even a cooler with some Ice and bottles of water on the side of a road On a hot day can yield some mild results.
  4. Couponing/second hand shopping/flea markets. Self explanatory. You can save quite a bit on food and some other stuff if you are willing to sacrifice your precious time to travel and hunt for deals.
  5. {Risky} credit card. If you use it responsibly, there is free money to be had by spending money you were already planning to spend anyways. Getting a card with cash back, even with awful interest rates (mine is sitting around a lovely 26%) can be fundamental in earning you a bit over time. The way to do this is very simple. Pay for required items with the credit card, pay off the card at the weeks end. It doesn’t do much for your credit score, but earning card points on money you already have to spend is the goal. The thing you want to avoid is having a remaining balance on that account near a pay period. If that even starts to get away from you, it won’t be saving anything and actually costing you.

And finally 6. Government assistance. If you simply cannot make ends meet, applying for food stamps and/or medical insurance is something you should do. People generally don’t want to think they need it or just don’t know how to sign up for it. Having a bit of savings on food and at least some medical safety/help for any prescriptions is always useful.

The thing you will definitely run into as you more than likely know is a complete lack of free time.

Coskii, avatar

It’s listed as risky for a reason. The thing the credit card companies want is for you to overspend, or buy something beyond your means that will take you awhile to pay back so they can make interest money. The way in which people can benefit from is purely by making it a stepping stone payment system. Never spend money you don’t have and just keep it purely for earning points.

Coskii, avatar

I can vouch for DJ Max Respect. It’s their first PC release with a load of original songs, plenty of DLC collabs, and an absolute massive dlc backlog from the past decade of portable versions.

The game is korean made, and the music fits many genres overall, but I have yet to truly dislike anything on the playlist for the sounds… It has cosmetic season passes, which who cares, competitive multiplayer, and even a chill mode in which you can’t fail as it randomly just plays through songs.

Coskii, avatar

I’ve had Zeromancer’s “doctor online” stuck in my head for around 24 hours. Listening to the classics really puts a lens on how the world has changed in about 20 years.

Coskii, (edited ) avatar

It makes sense, but it’s also annoying. Now instead of which planet is closest, the question should be which planets in our solar system have the closest orbital radius to ours? And then it can still be mars and venus. Thankfully in school the question was based from the sun outward. In which case the order isn’t fussed with.

This article reads like a smarmy kid who just wants to say the clichéd “acktually” with it’s technical truth.

It’s like asking “how much of the earth is water” vs “how much of the earth’s surface is covered by water”. Those are two very different answers, but if you ask people the first with no context they will answer with the answer for the second most of the time because it’s the thing we’ve heard so much from schooling days.

Coskii, avatar

As someone who has dappled in beat saber, I’d love to be wearing some very light and tight fitting clothing. The sweat is real from them arm swings. Skirt with a floor fan is ideal.

Coskii, avatar

You don’t want to play in a sandbox with threeish worlds of actual content and another 900+ of randomly generated garbage missions/barren worlds/mass effect 1 terrain ‘exploration’?

Coskii, avatar

A half used carpenters pencil is what mine finds itself being used for most often. New ones stab my side and if they’re too short they just get lost in there.

Coskii, avatar

Despite the memes, Firefox was the one which decided it wanted to deep throat 30gb of my ram by default for no discernable reason so I stopped using it. Only extentions I had installed were ad block and the reddit enchantment suite. Since then I’ve been really enjoying the video pop out of opera.

Coskii, avatar

I think it needs to cook awhile longer.

Coskii, (edited ) avatar

With a good mattress, it’s fine. Issue is has and will likely always be it’s not long enough for a fully extended me. Currently sleeping on a sectional couch and plan to change to a futon when I get the chance.

Reading more about why you’re asking, the experiences are likely due to leaving it in couch mode and nestling down into the middle groove. That added side support is very comfy.

Coskii, avatar

I’ve spent plenty of time in there, but most of it I wouldn’t consider playing a game. It was mostly spent hanging out, watching random movies, and checking out the various DJs. There’s always a party going on.

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