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Rhaedas, avatar

Reminds me of an animation style I saw in some of the 70's Sesame Street shorts.

Rhaedas, avatar

Strive to be the Moriarty you might be.

Rhaedas, avatar

Way too many good movies to have a single best, but that one is one of my favorites certainly. If I recommend it to someone I avoid any spoiling of the twist because it was so great when it happened. It might be obvious before that point for some, it came from left field for me.

And while I heard the sequel wasn't all that great, I felt that even if a sequel could be good it was totally unneeded. It'd be like trying to make a second Highlander movie, if one could even imagine that.

Rhaedas, avatar

Later Geordi shows him that authority when ejecting the warp core before Will gives the actual order to set off the Riker Maneuver.

Rhaedas, avatar

Some music doesn't have to be deep to be good. I never got the impression people in the pit at a AC/DC concert were analyzing the lyrics.

Rhaedas, avatar

The Time Traveler's Wife is an interesting twist on things, including free will. I haven't seen the series version.

Rhaedas, avatar

Meh, embrace the stereotype. I love being a Trekkie stickler. I'm also now annoyed that I realize there's a difference. :/

Rhaedas, avatar

At least Reg was using the characters to deal with his anxiety in reality. Geordi should have known better though and at least had a bit of security on that holodeck program. Even if Leah had been into him right away, seeing that playback would still be awkward.

Rhaedas, avatar

The Binar long con prank. They must still be laughing.

Rhaedas, avatar

It's as much Star Trek as the unofficial Trek movie Galaxy Quest. Doesn't matter if the characters and universe are different, it's got the same vibe to fit in.

Rhaedas, avatar

I can understand why. The motivations and message are a bit deeper than WoK. But UC wouldn't have happened (in the same way) without WoK first, since I don't think Kirk had the same hatred towards Klingons before. Distrust sure, but not revenge level hate.

UC also has that connection with one of the best TNG episodes, Yesterday's Enterprise.

Rhaedas, avatar

I will agree that those two movies have the absolute best soundtracks of all the movies.

Rhaedas, avatar

Lol, yeah, totally right. I guess I strung those two together being they are part of an undeclared trilogy.

Rhaedas, avatar

Correct. Stephanie is the one everyone always refers to for that look she gives Riker in that scene. RIP.

And for what it's worth, although the inference seems to always be sexual, I don't think it needs to be. It can be just as much admiration and "holy shit, captain". Which is totally justified.

I also like the look Riker gives when Geordi tells him he already ejected the core before being ordered.

Rhaedas, avatar

That was a background character, not the one you're thinking about (see other reply). There's a bunch of side characters in that and other movies that don't get credited. One well known one is Tom Morello of RATM.

Rhaedas, avatar

I do prefer the beard, but later Riker without a beard works well. I think it's because the character and actor have grown into the part at that point and don't present themselves the same as the early season Riker. I was going to call him "gangly" but I don't think that's right, but first season Riker was less sure of things.

Let's not forget the other badass old Riker with the peppered gray beard who said "I'll get the Klingon's attention".

Rhaedas, avatar

People who tear out of their parking space within a few seconds of getting in, wtf?

Rhaedas, avatar

Maybe it's not replicated meat, but instead they keep a selection of turkeys and other live animals in transporter stasis until needed.

Rhaedas, avatar

A safe bet that if it's outside the U.S., it's Celsius. I don't think anyone would be alarmed about 60F even on the heat bulb chart.

Rhaedas, avatar

Anyone who has worked on the underside of a recently run car knows how hot the exhaust system gets. Second degree burn levels. I had heard decades before as a new driver not to ever park in places with high grass for this reason, and a dry leaf pile would be far more combustible.

Rhaedas, avatar

Reminded me for some reason of the description of what "catastrophic damage" is in the board game Starfleet Battles. Not necessarily the level of the nacelles falling off the ship, but a bit more than the captain's chess board slipping off the table.

Rhaedas, avatar

Only if it's a federally approved REAL ID license.

augieray, to random avatar

Morning starts with a virtual meeting.

Peer 1: "I haven't been able to shake this cold. I had to cancel a trip last week because it's lingering."

Peer 2: "I've had the same cold three times in five weeks. I just can't shake it."

I've learned not to mention the C word. No one's testing. No one wants to hear about . I just wish them a rapid return to health.

If you're smarter then they are, then realize there is more COVID transmission today than in 53% of the pandemic. Be safe.

Rhaedas, avatar

@augieray There's also other things floating around making people sick. Oddly enough the same precautions for Covid can work for them...if a person actually does it. I'm not seeing very much prevention anymore, and yet people act like it's surprising they're sick with whatever they're sick with. I also have a pet theory with no evidence that most people now get sick easier thanks to Covid's influences on our bodies.

Rhaedas, avatar

You go through if you can't stop safely. If you have a second to debate on whether to go through or not, you probably could have stopped.

Rhaedas, avatar

I've run into webp saving game screenshots for backgrounds in the past and figured that trick out.

fraying, to random avatar

Know your Christian Nationalist dog whistles: the “appeal to heaven” flag is the new confederate flag. It was flown by insurrectionists on January 6. And now it hangs outside of House Speaker Mike Johnson’s office.

Rhaedas, avatar

@fraying Am I reading the text of Locke's where "appeal to heaven" is taken from right? As a critique of divinely appointed rulers (aka kings and religious leaders) to use God as a tool for their power tripping, and not properly elected individuals who are accountable to the public for their actions? If so, it's yet another "Born in the USA" or RATM flub where everyone using it is clueless on the meaning. It's generic enough that one could assume it's a general religious thing, but to see the source and then how it's used totally opposite the point. It's essentially (again if I read it right) a specific version of an appeal to authority.

Rhaedas, avatar

Except the joke is that the kit came only with four nails instead of five as listed, so they had to improvise.

brianklaas, to random avatar

What are the best TV theme songs of all time? Not the best shows — but the opening songs that immediately get you pumped when you hear the first few notes?

My top 5 (not in order)

Game of Thrones
The Office (US)
Law & Order

What did I miss?

Rhaedas, avatar

@brianklaas Another Airwolf mention, but have to include Knight Rider with the same vibe. And original Battlestar Galactica.

Rhaedas, avatar

It's not about tasting good, it's about sending a message. - Joker

Rhaedas, avatar

Gillian really did come out of the whole thing with a win.

RickiTarr, to random avatar

Okay, what movie/TV show/ book has the best take on time travel and why?

Rhaedas, avatar

@veirling I think you meant "All Good Things..."

Star Trek has used time travel a lot, sometimes good and something not so much. I do think "First Contact" was one of the more successful ones, perhaps because it was a movie and able to expand out things better than a TV episode. "Time's Arrow" (the two-parter with Mark Twain) was pretty good as well.


Rhaedas, avatar

@MichaelPorter I've only seen the TV series, but I enjoyed it. Loved how temporal inertia gets in the way of changing things.

@RickiTarr @sezduck

Rhaedas, avatar

Cheddar. If the cheese shop isn't out of it.

Rhaedas, avatar

If you really want to get the full idea of what Kirk as a captain is like, dive into the old paperback novels. He has a presence of command that many good writers have expanded on, and there's a reason he's a legend among the many Starfleet commanders. Although I have a head canon that anyone getting to the point of captaining a starship has similar awesomeness in their character that can face just about anything head on. A 23rd/24th century version of the steely-eyed missile man.

Which puts a new light on the various captains in all the series that "failed" in some way. Decker and the rest. They were Kirk level, and what they went through still broke them.

SwiftOnSecurity, to random avatar

I feel like we truly need to have a serious discussion about Taylor Swift coming in to sub out Joe Biden.
The constitutional age requirement will be met by inauguration. There is literally no legal block to this plan. It will work. And finally put a Millennial in control.

Taylor Swift is a transcendent global figure of statistically unequalled power. Remember there were only like 5 million people on Earth when Beatlemania hit. They had no other options. Taylor Swift is a lighthouse in the storm of time.

The people will follow. They will Stan.

It is a job that will destroy her. So did Jesus’.

Rhaedas, avatar

@Voline As long as the tradition of electing the elderly holds, we still have a good 30 years to get a foot in the door. But I'm okay with younger people stepping in who have a different viewpoint than Boomers/X-Gens who tend to be stuck in the past with lots of baggage. Some of that is experience and useful, but much isn't. As the quote goes, repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results is insanity.


nazgul, to random avatar

Today I discovered that on my Subaru the driving lights and the high beam lights are the same lights, just at different voltages.

Which explains why someone flashed their highbeams at me in the daytime after I replaced them with LEDs.

Also, all those knock-off Amazon headlight vendors who say, “Compatible with 2015 Subaru Forester” can go jump in a lake. I did, once I figured this out, go back and find one vendor who said that theirs would only have the brightness of the driving light. The comments were, of course, complaining it was too dim.

Fortunately I kept the originals.

P.S. If you think that replacing your old car bulbs with LEDs will save you power, I have bad news. I mean, I love the fact that my brake and turning signals are extremely visible in daylight, fog, snow, and rain. And my low beams are awesomely better. But it turns out cars now detect burnt-out bulbs, and they do this by monitoring the resistance, and LED bulbs have so little that your car thinks the bulbs are burnt-out. So when you buy replacement LED bulbs, they come with a separate box that has a resistor on it so they still use the expected power.

Rhaedas, avatar

@nazgul I had the same thought when I had a tail light go out, so I ordered some LED versions to swap out with all four, thinking it would be both brighter lights and maybe last much longer than incandescent. Maybe it was just the brand I got, but I was really disappointed in the results. I ended up finding an old bulb for the burned out one and sticking with OEM. As for lifetime, perhaps that's a pointless thing with non-headlights, as I've only had to replace the original bulbs in a side light and this brake light for a car that's approaching 17 years.


gratefuldread, to random avatar
Rhaedas, avatar

@gratefuldread I didn't see mention in the article about the issue of ocean layers that restricts natural mixing. This is a big reason why even having a kelp farm above a deep trench to allow dead material to drop down wouldn't work by itself. Extra energy would be required to force it down somehow, negating some of the effort of carbon capture. Then there's the importing of resources to keep such farms growing, as well as the dead zones a large effort can create. The idea seems great until all the other factors are included.

Rhaedas, avatar

I can't believe anyone outside of economists listen to Mann anymore. Hansen's work has always been "outside of the mainstream" and closer to reality. Mainstream means trying to avoid rocking the boat...the boat is sinking, at some point rocking it won't matter.

Rhaedas, avatar

Given that was the very first filmed episode (as a second pilot) it can be forgiven (The Man Trap was the first aired). I can't find a reason for picking "T" later on in the series, but it sounds better than "R" when announcing his full name to an alien ship. "Tiberius" didn't even come along until a later animated episode, and still wasn't canon except to fans until it was used in The Undiscovered Country.

jerry, to random avatar

Sometimes I hate looking at the news

Rhaedas, avatar

@wanderspieler Even the worst Muppet could cross that kind of bar. Elmo would be at the top of the list.


Rhaedas, avatar

Flying with a payload requires a lot more lift which goes down as temps go up, plus it could be just the heating of the motors under load that have a certain limit before they tend to fail.

jeffowski, to random avatar
Rhaedas, avatar

@freemo $10m and up is a huge range though. Wonder how distributed a further breakdown would show that single average number to be. That seems to be the IRS's cutoff of income bracketing as well, so probably no way to expand it more.

The question is why there is a gap and then apparent climb in percentage, and I imagine it's a combination of cost of living needs vs. donating as well the definite advantage of giving away a maximum tax deductible amount when one has it to give to reduce tax burden overall.

@jeffowski @Gbudd

Rhaedas, avatar

The only issue with this adaptation of a great comic is that it infers the Confederacy was a well built structure that depended on that one small thing. The Confederacy didn't exist that long, it even didn't have a single flag version for longer than a year or so. Change it to the southern states' economy and it makes more sense.

Rhaedas, avatar

It's certainly a chaotic mess, but perhaps knowing the original subject of the comic tarnishes my take on it being used for other things in the same way. Analogies are often tricky.

If LED bulbs are supposed to last for 10 years, why do I still need to replace them every 9 months? (

I’m in a nasty frame of mind right now, and this is what my 'tism brain decided to laser focus on for several hours. I’m mad that my light bulbs cost 10x more than they used to, and don’t last any longer, and my power bill is higher than ever....

Rhaedas, avatar

I have heard that over the years, I think that may have been hit or miss (as with anything in production). Once I had something to fight the power swings I never had an issue with my power supply again. Perhaps the last one I got was from a "better" run.

Rhaedas, avatar

I know changing anything is an uphill battle, but why not change a half hour once to average out things and be done?

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