How does everyone feel about iPhones?


Bet you didn’t see this one coming.

This week’s post has been pretty late. I’m a bit troubled by yesterday’s thread on Apple. So, a foreword: It’s OK to prefer something over another, it’s not OK to say people who like different phones than you are somehow more childish or less intelligent than you. Again, we are going for casual, yet intensely helpful here, so please don’t call people names over petty reasons, we have rules here.

Previously on Lemmy:

Past Discussions:

In this post, it’s not about saying how bad iPhones are, but I’d just like to hear the perspective on iPhones from Android users. I, for one, had an old iPhone 4 for a long time (call it nostalgia, or laziness, or just being cheap), and it was my general frustration with the device that ultimately led to my preference for Androids, (It was quite a while back though).

  • It was absolutely painful to transfer files from the phone to my computer (Ugh, iTunes).
  • I got it pre-jailbroken and didn’t realize you can’t just update the system casually, so it was really fun trying to find ways to downgrade the system until I realized that I can’t and have to pray for the next jailbreak to get half my things working again.
  • The 40-pin cable wears out so fast, and always in the same spot on the strain relief. I swear I’ve gone through 3 of these cables in one year just from normal use.
  • All the browsers are somehow flavors of Safari. To do anything, I will have the choice of ad-filled websites, or ad-filled apps.

It always just seemed like I’m fighting against the system. Never did I have that “it just works” moment, until I’ve got my first Android, and realize I have the freedom to do whatever I want with it, and I can install what I want, and if there’s a problem, I can look things up and fix it myself.

(Having a back button is also a game changer.)

Of course, there is a lot that Android manufacturers can learn from Apple as well, one of the most obvious one is the time for software support: I think my old iPhone has gone through like 3 version updates over the years, whereas currently I’m lucky to get 2 out of any Android manufacturer.

But it seems that Android manufacturers are more content on copying things that works for iOS, but doesn’t work for Android, like removing the headphone jack. Or big notches. (It makes no sense to do that because of Android’s notification system uses the full length of the bar.) It’s gotten to the point that I don’t think people who makes Android phones actually uses Android but are content to copy superficial features from Apple without understanding why Apple do them.

Like a bunch of lemmings. (Heh)

Again, these are my personal preferences, I have nothing against people who prefers iPhones, nor do I think they are lesser for it, but it’s just not for me.

I’d use a one as a work phone/for iMessages though.


iOS is too restrictive for me. Not being able to access the file system, no sideloading, no background apps, limited app access to the hardware, etc. Apple has the best mobile SoCs, but then you can’t even run an app like Syncthing to keep some folders in sync (it can’t even access those folders) or use some app to re-encode a video in the background.

I like the UI consistency between apps and OS (Android is a bit more “messy”) but overall it’s a bit like ChromeOS. Good for basic stuff and sometimes the best for specific tasks, but try to do anything more advanced and you’ll quickly find a wall.

On my phone I have apps like Syncthing running in the background. Sometimes I run an app that gives me detailed info about battery usage, track/map the signal of mobile networks, contribute to Mozilla Location Service, can see to which bands my phone is connected to (and if rooted, even control which are used). If an app needs to use bluetooth to send a file or NFC, it can. On the other hand, Android still struggles to do fast file transfer well (at least it never works as well as Airdrop for me)… there are trade-offs.

Again, it’s a bit like ChromeOS/Chromebook vs Linux/Windows/macOS. Perfect for my parents, but not enough for me.

The hardware is fine. Things like the display (Samsung), modem (Qualcomm), cameras (Sony) can be found on Android devices (or at least similar hardware). Their SoC is the best there is, but then is restricted by software… a bit like buying a Ferrari to drive it in a city. Imagine a “gaming phone” with the latest A16?

Regarding software updates, Google and Samsung (at least on the more expensive devices) now have 5 years of software updates. Not as good, but not a problem for those buying a new phone today. Some brands are still bad though.


I like them, but I like Android more, I was an iPhone user since the 4 model up to 6s, my girlfriend still is, she currently has an iPhone 13 and I am amazed of how well iOS feels and behaves, we also share an iPad it’s so good to use and with Apple you get a shit ton of versions support as well.

The iOS apps also have its charm, I think many of them are better crafted on iOS than Android…

I like Android for everything that has been discussed here already, but who knows if I go back someday to iOS, still need to improve, for now I think it is that good that jailbreak does not feels like a necessity like back in the days…

jacktherippah, (edited )

Excellent hardware, mediocre software, too expensive. To elaborate on the software, long software update is good. And the iPhone is certainly smooth. However it requires too many workarounds for/straight up can’t do what I would consider basic features on Android. And it certainly isn’t bug free. For the average user though, I don’t think they care about any of that, they only care about the brand, which is why the iPhone still sells so well.


Excellent hardware

More like excellent industrial design, good chip design and good software support*. The hardware itself is nothing special; having a badly engineered aspect has been the "standard feature" for many Apple devices (butterfly keyboard, soldered SSD-s, phone chassis prone to bending are some examples that come to mind).

For comparison, I had a Huawei P7 phone (back when Huawei was still in good graces everywhere) that was thinner, and had better screen than the contemporary iPhone while also having a strong, beautifully machined aluminium chassis. It proved a very durable and dependable tool, and cost ⅓ of the price of an iPhone. The weak point was update support—it was shipped with Android 4.4.2, updated to 4.4.4, and that was that. Android 5 was supposedly released, but never arrived via OTA and when I updated manually after spending some time searching for the new firmware, it proved to be buggy and half-baked.

*Caveat: when I tried to download KDE Connect for an older iPhone, I couldn't because the OS is no longer supported and Apple store doesn't offer older versions of the apps. On Android I can still dig up an old version from Github or some other source and install what I need—I was still able to install Kodi on my old 4.4.4 phone to use as a DLNA music streamer. On an old Apple device, you're shit outta luck.


Android is great for customization, price and choice. Android sucks because some vendors stop os updates only after a couple of years. Granted you can manually install a costum rom from a stranger.

Apple good hardware, should performance. Regular updates. Boring?

Ha ha 🤣 I don’t know. You mostly get what you pay for.


I made a post about this on c/technology a while back about my iPhone to Android journey and it had pretty good engagement. It might provide you guys more insight.

MargotRobbie, avatar

We on LW is defederated from Beehaw, so I guess many of us here have not seen it…


Im using a motorola that’s ~3 years old and not top of the line. It has a headphone jack, and a stylus.

My opinion on the iPhone is that it is the industry leading phone. But it’s taking the industry in directions I just have no interest in.

I used to love the Iphone back when app devs followed strict design standards. And offered a good product for a few bucks up-front. So now I use launchers with icon-replacements, and I try to pay for FOSS apps that I use.

So nowadays, I’m looking forward to more counter-culture designs. I’m definitely looking for a phone with a physicaly keyboard or a way to attach a small bluetooth keyboard physically to the phone. But I digress.


It’s only “industry leading” in the US. Everywhere else it gets trampled on. It’s a status symbol and nothing more.


A bit pedantic, but it is also industry leading in revenue/profit. Even in Europe and parts of Asia. A first glance it is a pretty “duh” statement. But companies, like Samsung, see Apple’s price action and then move in unison toward it. Sure, you can get plenty of phones for relatively cheap these days. Often times with huge drawbacks or a lot of additional spying built in (or “features” like advertisements in notifications). Or you pay for it in other ways, such as not receiving more than a year’s worth of updates.

Melco, (edited )


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  • applejacks, avatar

    The Iphones is a toy for content consumption.

    That isn’t completely fair.

    Ask any artist/videographer what OS they are using.


    Majority carry either pixels or Sony phone :/

    applejacks, avatar

    that is not true at all lmao


    As a developer, the experience is so much better on Android for me. And I oppose the walled garden on a ideological level.

    But I have to admit some of the features are compelling. Some of them aren’t even really Apple’s doing, such as Genshin Impact supporting wireless controllers on IOS14+, but not Android at all. Others are built in, such as the lidar scanning.

    They haven’t yet tempted me over, though, because phones are incredibly expensive and even if I weren’t opposed to the walled garden, I’m pretty invested in the Android ecosystem now.

    At some point I plan to borrow someone’s iPhone and try Genshin on it, and if that works well… Well, I might just switch anyhow. Or maybe I get sick of that game before that. ;)


    I think that iPhones are unacceptably locked down. But I also think that stock Android is unacceptably privacy-invasive (as in, illegally so, here in the EU).

    So, I actually recommend iPhones to non-techies, while running an Android Custom ROM myself. Not particularly happy with that solution either, though. Might see, if I can help push along the Linux phone ecosystem…

    TheBenCommandments, avatar

    I agree and wish we had more options aside from basically just Google or Apple.


    What’s your current phone and which custom rom are you using? I’m in the market for a new phone but I’m not sure which will have good custom rom support.


    I’m using this thing with GApps-less LineageOS:

    (GApps = Google Apps)

    It is expensive. But if I remember correctly, they’re the only manufacturer I could find, who actually officially advertised basic Custom ROM compatibility.

    So, they obviously can’t promise compatibility with all Custom ROMs and forever, but unlocking the bootloader is literally just a toggle in the Developer Settings and your warranty doesn’t expire, if you do dabble with Custom ROMs.
    (They do also actually help out the Custom ROM community, and therefore the community does support that phone quite well.)

    As for LineageOS, I’ve never looked around terribly much for other Custom ROMs. I find stock ROMs too limited in features and I especially appreciate being able to wipe all that pre-installed crap by just installing a fresh OS. LineageOS is perfectly alright for that and it’s widely supported.

    Alternative phones that I’d also expect to work fine:

    • FairPhone 4. My mum still uses my old FairPhone 3 with LineageOS. Unlocking the bootloader was also just one ADB command, if I remember correctly.
    • Google Pixel phones. I wouldn’t buy one myself, because they make me feel icky, but from what I’ve heard, they generally work well with Custom ROMs. In particular, they have a special encryption chip, so for example GrapheneOS only really works on them.
    • Most flagship phones of non-stupid manufacturers. If it’s a popular phone from a manufacturer, who doesn’t lock down the bootloader to ridiculous levels, then there’s usually folks who’ve made Custom ROMs available for those phones and written guides for installation.

    But yeah, this list is basically sorted from easy to not-so-easy, as the concrete steps can vary wildly.
    I should also add that “easy” is on your second rodeo. The first rodeo is always a bit tricky, even for techies.


    I actually use an iPhone as my main phone. I prefer it over android for normal daily tasks 9/10 times. It’s those 1/10 things/abnormal tasks that makes me also carry a secondary android phone. But that’s more just me being weird.

    After shitting on apple for years I was eventually “forced” to use an iPhone for a short period of time and never looked back.

    MargotRobbie, avatar

    Anything particular you like about the iPhone over the Android?


    UI/UX mostly. Especially in gesture land I much prefer how iOS handles it over androids gestures. Guaranteed updates for a long time are also nice, only really Google offers that.

    The biggest thing though is iOS’ lack of customizability. I eventually just realized I don’t give a shit and I want my phone to work instead of fiddling with ROMs/root all the damn time.

    kadu, avatar

    If iPhones had USB-C and allowed sideloading without a billion limitations, I’d probably be using one right now.

    vervein, avatar

    Next phone could be an iphone then


    I see iPhones as remarkable feats of technology shrouded by greedy business practices and a cultish fan base that alienates everyone that doesn’t conform to the Apple way. If Apple had an execute shakeup and started becoming pro-consumer instead of pro-shareholder then the Apple ecosystem could be an amazing tool that everyone can use, not just iPhone fanatics. I’d love to bring a Macbook around with me because of the portability and reliability, but the cost and lack of support for anything non-apple makes me consider other options, like Framework, Samsung or Lenovo, which I’m fine with. They all build fantastic machines, but they’re limited by the instability of the operating systems I can choose from.


    I admit I didn’t read many replies due to time. But to add to them, the more I deal with my mother who is becoming more technologically challenged in her years, I constantly get to hear about how confusing her Android is sometimes, I sort of wish she’d switch to Apple for it’s simplicity! I used to have an iMac and was gladly part of the eco-system for a while and enjoyed how intuitive it was. With that said, when the time came for me to join the Smartphone world in '10 or so - I went Android and haven’t looked back.

    We’ve looked at them in the past and while they make solid quality phones and easy to use phones, from what I understand, the battery life is somewhat to be desired? (as of a few years ago). The formula they use to make everything stay within their Eco-system seems to be working for them. After all, if you have an iPhone, then it seamlessly works with your Mac, or other Apple Devices. There’s more control over it.

    For the best flexibility with our family, we use Android and will for the time being. Not to say though that the newer Linux based phones (PinePhone,Librephone etc) aren’t catching my attention because they are and I’m a die hard Linux user! :)


    My work phone is an iPhone. It’s fine. 🤷🏼‍♀️ The camera is great, even compared to my pixel. The thing that drives me nutty is all of the ads. I love having ReVanced and xManager on my personal phone.


    I prefer Android, but use iPhone 12 Mini instead. The thing is, more than two years ago I was looking for a new phone to replace my aging Oneplus 6, I wanted something more compact. One that really caught my attention was Pixel 4A (Zenfone 8 wasn’t released yet, neither was Pixel 5A and I wasn’t really looking for Galaxy A or S series full of bloat either).

    Out of nowhere a friend of mine offered me barely used iPhone 12 Mini for 400€ so I got that one instead and it serves me well. I still don’t like the iOS (apart from the fact that it just works), but other than that the phone itself is still very relevant, camera is good enough, it’s got plenty of power for what I need from it, only the battery will need to be replaced in a couple of months. I don’t really plan on getting something else yet, this pocket rocket ticks most of the boxes for me, even tough I can’t really tinker with OS itself and I’m fairly limited in regard to what apps do I get to use.

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