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War bei mir heute morgen tatsächlich so. Irgendwann wollte Feddit nicht mehr laden und ich dachte mir, das wird wahrscheinlich ein DDoS sein oder so.

Dann einige Minuten später wieder reingeschaut und plötzlich war die 0.19.0 ausgerollt.


Ehrlich gesagt, keine Ahnung. Kam schon auch in der Vergangenheit für mich vor, dass Feddit nicht mehr laden wollte, und zu der unchristlichen Uhrzeit dachte ich mir, kann es eigentlich nicht sein, dass normaler Traffic genügend Last dafür verursacht.

Soll aber vorkommen, dass ich öfter zu unchristlichen Zeiten auf Feddit bin und dann vielleicht auch schon öfter den Update-Moment mitgenommen habe, ohne bisher den Zusammenhang festzustellen…


Musste mich überall neu einloggen, aber sieht jetzt gut aus. 🎉


Wurde anscheinend von Lateinisch “cicer” entlehnt…


Ist mir persönlich schon auch als exorbitant dröge hängen geblieben, wenn man das alleine macht. Wenn man zu zweit ist, dauert es direkt nur noch halb so lang und man kann währenddessen quatschen + Quatsch machen.

Und es ist eben auch gerne mal so, dass wenn man das alleine macht, dass es eigentlich auch andere Leute gäbe, die ohne Probleme helfen könnten, aber sich stattdessen in der Küche versammelt haben und lieber da quatschen.

Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" (

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...


In principle, I agree, but I feel like part of that is just AAA vs. indie.

AAA games need to provide lots of lukewarm content, because many more casual players will buy them and expect much bang for their buck + haven’t seen this lukewarm content a million times already.

On the other hand, indies will basically only be bought by people more enthusiastic about the hobby. As such, they have to pick out one or two aspects and excel at them, so that it’s something new for that crowd.

Hello Games was indie and unknown at the time, so likely only attracted that gaming enthusiast crowd, which would have been more easily bored by the extremely lukewarm content in Starfield.


I also just feel like I’m not writing words for the fun of it. They’re chosen to convey information in a very intentional way to a given target group. Like, just now in that previous sentence, I changed “in a certain way” to “in a very intentional way”, because that’s more precisely what I wanted to say. I try to convey lots of nuances in relatively few words.

That’s my #1 criticism of LLMs, that they just blather on and on. And ultimately, precise nuance requires understanding the topic, the context and the target group, which, if you’d describe it to an LLM, would take longer than to write the actual text itself.


Nah, FOSS stands for “free and open-source software”. There was a time before paid software was a thing, so the “free” there stands for freedom.

In a lot of ways, it means the same as open-source (access to source code and allowed to modify+redistribute it), but it’s more idealistic and political, looking to prevent software from restricting what users can do.


No problem. :)


This is a bit of me-thing, but yeah, I’m annoyed that YouTube is the way it is. It’s non-trivial to embed videos from there without violating the GDPR, so embedded videos are basically not a thing these days on general-purpose social media.

And personally, I also want to avoid the tracking from clicking through to a YouTube video and Google encourages long-ass videos, so I always hesitate before clicking through. Also, people without ad blockers go through a completely different circle of hell before a video starts.

Basically, I miss the days when memes could just be short videos. Where everyone could see on the embed that, oh, it’s a 30 second video, I can watch that. And then they’d just click play, without leaving the page.

I do understand that likely no one would care to provide the bandwidth for dumb meme videos on PeerTube either. But yeah, I just dream of that being a thing.


It’s a thing here in Europe. I’m guessing, because our walls are generally concrete, we usually either throw on decorative plaster or a wallpaper, to make it feel a bit warmer and have a uniform surface which accepts paint more readily.

It’s even quite common that if you rent an appartment, that the walls have wallpaper on them, which is painted with a fresh coat of white paint every time someone moves out and the next folks move in.
And then some people, after they move in, will just paint (some of) the walls in a different color, if they feel like not living in pure white…


I mean, so far, all of them require tons of humanly produced data.

Discriminative AI (deep learning et al) requires humans to label data for hours on end, per use-case.
And generative AI (LLMs et al) require just insane amounts of human works to copy from, albeit not necessarily limited to individual use-cases.

I guess, what I’m saying is that the ratio of how much labor humans (involuntarily) invested into AIs, compared to the labor these AIs actually perform, is likely a lot higher than 70%.


Das ist nicht so doof wie du vermutlich denkst, also dass die Leute von den Schweizer Alpen träumen würden.

Der Wortstamm ist hier “Alb”, ein geisterhaftes Wesen aus dem Germanischen Volksglauben, und das wurde im Mittelhochdeutschen “Alp” geschrieben. Daher kommt auch “Elb” und (als Reimport vom Englischen) “Elf”.

Also wenn du statt bergigen Landschaften eher Flüße oder Zahlen gruselig findest, dann könntest auch einen Elbtraum oder Elftraum haben.



Das schon, aber die richtig arschigen Unternehmen entlassen dich dann eben aus dubiosen Gründen, wenn du zu unangenehm bist.

Bei größeren Unternehmen hingegen, ist ein Betriebsrat (≠ Gewerkschaft) sogar gesetzlich vorgeschrieben.


British people also have mashed peas as their guacamole-but-not.


I don’t think, there’s currently any plans to introduce a non-JS API for accessing the DOM. It would just take an insane amount of implementation work + documentation.

But frameworks can generate access code for you, so you don’t actually need to write any JS yourself. Rust is quite far ahead in this regard, thanks to the wasm-bindgen library.


I’m not exactly fond of the space either, but man, the T is noisy. They could’ve gone with an underscore or something, so it actually looks like two different sections.


Hmm, wundert mich, dass nichts zur Datenauswertung gesagt wurde. Habe mich nie mit den Apps beschäftigt, aber wäre davon ausgegangen, dass man das Kaufverhalten der Kunden damit auch erfasst + analysiert.


Hmm, könnte daran liegen, dass der Großteil der Gespräche mit Nutzern genau diese Sätze beinhaltet…


If we’re talking passwords, that’s a no. If we’re talking enough personal data that you could use it for spear phishing, identity theft or targetted malvertising, that’s a no.

Honestly, no matter how innocous the information you want is, I would be extremely suspicious why you’d want it. And I’m certainly not turning off my ad blocker either.


I enjoy how it sounds like the guy didn’t even start out by playing the game, but rather started modding right away. I do get that. The coding itself is fun.

But yeah, the guy could also be making an own game, if it was just about the coding. At some point, you do want your mod to be part of a game worth playing.


Sure, but some game engines out there do give you quite a bit to work with, too.

And well, I was talking specifically about the guy enjoying the coding without necessarily caring about the end result (like he’d do, if he patched up Starfield without enjoying the game).
If that were the case, even designing the physics can be a fun riddle.


Tatsächlich auch bawü.social.


Ich glaube, die offiziell gezangendeutschte Fassung wäre fö …


I was only vaguely aware of the algorithm on Spotify and that not being allowed to skip very often is a thing there, and man, this comment read like a completely deranged monologue from some sort of alternative, dystopian reality.


Not sure, what kind of notification sounds you have that you’d need to skip to the end of them. A foghorn?

Knusper, (edited )

I think, it’s only in the free version of Spotify. So, if you’re paying for Spotify Premium, you wouldn’t have that problem.

But I mean, I’m obviously completely out of the Spotify loop, so definitely take that one with a grain of salt…


I enjoy this:

<span style="color:#323232;">return a.or(b);

But yeah, that requires an Option type rather than null pointers…


Ah, true. Thanks.

Theoretically, it was supposed to be pseudo-code, secretly inspired by Rust, but I did get that one mixed up.

And I am actually even a fan of the word unwrap there, because it follows a schema and you can have your IDE auto-complete all the things you can do with an Option.
In many of these other languages, you just get weird collections of symbols which you basically have to memorize and which only cover rather specific uses.


Finde sowas immer total bekloppt.

Wahrscheinlich macht die Bahn AG mit der Strecke selbst keinen Gewinn. Aber dass das trotzdem eine sinnvolle Bahnstrecke ist, denke ich, würden die meisten so sehen. Hier will man als Steuerzahler*in investieren, weil am Ende viele steuernzahlende Tourismus-Betriebe dadurch erst so wirklich funktionieren.

Also eigentlich kann die Privatisierung hier gar nicht den eigentlichen Gewinn korrekt abbilden und es muss am Ende doch wieder irgendwie per staatlicher Anweisung eingetütet werden, dass die Strecke trotz vermeintlicher Verluste weiterbetrieben werden soll.


Normally, I would reply to the guy, because, you know, he’s a human being, but there’s so many replies, I doubt, he can actually read all of them and potentially someone else has already made that point.

Anyways, I feel like something he kind of misses here is that many of us do it from a heartfelt place. Like, we’re all techies. We’ve all used commercial software to a point where we’ve grown so frustrated with it that we decided it is a waste of time.

So, it’s not us saying “Why don’t you go and just have more time/money?”.
Rather, it’s us saying “This thing is wasting your time? Here is a solution that I felt wasted less time in the long run.”.

Yes, sometimes that does miss the mark, because not every complaint is looking for a solution. Or because we may be frustrated with restrictions of commercial software, which are not a problem for less techy people. Or even because we’re embedded in this tech world and are hoping to make it a better place, which someone just quickly visiting may not care about.

But other times, I do just happen to know a lot about technology and a non-techy genuinely did not know about the solution I suggested and is actually really appreciative of me bringing it up. It does happen. And it’s not easy to discern who would appreciate a suggestion and who won’t.


Yeah, maybe it could look like that, but obviously they haven’t actually implemented everything to make it look like that, so it’s still completely up in the air, whether it actually will look like that.


Yeah, I have watched videos of the guy before and would be down for 4 hours of it, but not if it’s about how FluffyMcWuffington stole the pixels from sbubby82…


I don’t even understand which part of the tree experience these tanks are supposed to replace. Are they really just there to pick up CO2? Because you can also plant a forest outside the city for that.

You’ll miss out on all the other tree benefits, but so you also will with these glass tanks.


I watched it on my phone in 1080p60 and the scale didn’t bother me. It’s not like I have to read a lot of text and the precise position of the player character is mostly irrelevant, too. Like, if you get hit by a train or something, the screen will flash red and you’ll react to it, too, so I’ll know what’s going on.

Well, and I don’t look at the screen at all times anyways. 🙃

Would like to see more of this journey…


The modding community won’t be terribly motivated to build on top of their base game either, if the base game doesn’t feel worth playing for long…


If you type “about:profiles” into the URL-bar and create a fresh profile there, does it also happen in that?

(It will practically be like a factory-reset Firefox, except you can go back to your current data/profile.)


Und ein Ausrufezeichen! Kunde!


Joa, gut, so würde es deiner Ex wahrscheinlich auch gehen. Den Pulli in so einem Altkleider-Container spenden, damit er weg ist?


Yeah, I imagine, it’s reversed for many women. That they get compliments about their looks a lot, but would feel much more strongly about a once-in-5-years compliment on their work…


I don’t think, the human brain is special either, but we are still two big steps ahead IMHO:

  • We can perceive what we’ve generated, to judge whether it’s good or bad.
  • We perceive many, many inputs throughout our lives. Not just text, visuals, audio, but also taste, smell, touch and more. To be simultaneously creative and relatable to humans, AIs would need to be equipped with these concepts and would need to be given ‘memories’, which are fleshed out with all these kinds of input.

I generally only use non-commercial apps, so never really had any problem…


Du machst Scherze, aber ich finde nicht, dass das so weit weg von der Realität ist.

Lange Zeit war das rechtsfreier Raum und ist es teilweise immer noch. Die USA waren dann zuerst da, mit ihren unregulierten Monopolen, die jetzt die Einheimischen Anwender ausnutzen und sich mittlerweile auch regelmäßig mit ganzen Nationen anlegen.

Die Nationen haben durch die Monopole keine Chance selbst in den Markt einzusteigen und auch keine Handhabe, um die Monopole zu regulieren, weil die größtenteils im rechtsfreien Raum unterwegs sind, mit Rückendeckung durch die USA.

Die einzigen Nationen, die wirklich gegenhalten können, sind China und Russland mit ihren Staatsmonopolen, und die EU, weil genug reiche Anwender von dort kommen. Die anderen Nationen müssen sich im Grunde entscheiden, ob sie sich von den Monopolen knechten lassen wollen oder keinen Zugriff auf das Wissen der Menschheit brauchen.


Hab im Elternhaus immer fast einen Rappel bekommen, weil es dort nur kühlschrankgekühlte Butter gab. Sowohl warten, als auch auf-dem-Brot-verrupfen, waren überhaupt nicht meins.

Jetzt besitze ich Margarine, aber so wirklich habe ich mich damit noch immer nicht angefreundet…


Bruder, schlaf! Los!


I quite like the star-button on Mastodon for this. Just pings the comment author that you appreciated their comment. So, it’s not an indication to some algorithm that this comment is incredibly relevant for everyone, because well, some comments just aren’t.


See “What are my options if I want to install unsigned extensions in Firefox?” in the FAQ here:

If you’re on Linux, you may have that about:config flag even in your distro-provided Firefox Stable build…

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