@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar


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@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve been looking for a terminal with better bookmark support; I use mRemoteNG on windows for my RDP/SSH work, and I haven’t been happy with any alternative on Linux that handles session bookmarks like that. I’m curious to try this.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

I manage a lot of systems, so just click to open a ssh session in a new tab. I usually have shell aliases, but a bookmark that could set the title of the tab to the hostname and account for easier nav would be my goal. Being able to dynamically open tab groups too would be good, like if I have a dev/prod/SQL server for an app I could 1-click to open a group of 3 tabs

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Mob armor is a huge plus…I’m in, especially if we can trim it

(Question) Anyone here with an Adder WS from System76?

I am rocking an Xiaomi Gaming Laptop (i7 9th, GeForce 2060, 32Gb Ram) with PopOS installed since day one. It is working fine (a bit annoyed because there is no way of finding a new battery for replacement), but I was thinking of switching to something more open source and with Linux officially supported....

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

I have had an s76 wild dog which was amazing for an 11 year run, and I just replaced that with a meerkat. I also have a thelio which has been flawless. System76’s desktops are amazing.

In 2013 I bought a darter and it’s the worst laptop I’ve ever owned. I went through 4 keyboards and still it doesn’t work, also the wifi radio is under the keyboard and you get a 50% signal reduction when typing. It had one of those trapdoor Ethernet ports which broke, so I basically became a dead device. That is an old metric, but it scared me off from buying laptops from them until they get their own hardware pipeline for them.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

They used to be but I’m not sure now; I think when they release the full self-manufactured ones I will want one.

surfrock66, (edited )
@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t have the exactly solution for you, but I went through this a while ago and came up with using openLDAP for this. It’s not tidy at all, but it was a tremendous learning experience, and I documented it in 2 blog posts which may be interesting to you; I doubt you’ll want to do what I did, but it was informative and has worked flawlessly since. I documented some of the flaws I found in options I considered at the time:



New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease (scitechdaily.com)

Researchers from Pritzker Molecular Engineering, under the guidance of Prof. Jeffrey Hubbell, demonstrated that their compound can eliminate the autoimmune response linked to multiple sclerosis. Researchers at the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) have developed

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

My son (who is 9) was diagnosed with celiac when he didn’t grow from age 2-3 (gluten -> guts make enzyme to digest it -> immune system sees enzyme making cells as invaders -> immune system attacks cells -> intestines swell -> nutrition stops being absorbed). He was effectively starving despite eating. He’s on track now as we have a strict gluten free household, and the fad people have created a market demand which makes companies want to make products that give him options…but a treatment like this would be life changing.

Have watched TOS - Enterprise. Will watching Discovery-SNW increase my enjoyment of Lower Decks?

My partner and I have just binged TOS-Enterprise last year and we are starting Discovery today. I was just wondering if we can also start LD or will there still be jokes from Discovery (and the later shows) that we might miss out on? I have really bad FOMO anxiety and am worried there will be references in LD that we will miss...

surfrock66, (edited )
@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

I think discovery seasons 1 and 2 were fine and help as a precursor to snw which is great, but for sure skip discovery seasons 3 and 4

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

You know what’s weird? I get severe sinus headaches and regular pseudoenepherine sudafed doesn’t help at all, but these phelylephrine ones do. I’ll even tell my wife “the little reds, not the whites”. Weird.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Interesting, I’ll take a look

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Weird, here in my area of California the OTC ones are the reds, you have to go to the pharmacist for the white ones.


@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Weird, there are what I get in northern California


@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

I love the Filoni force lore, and if Ahsoka’s time on mortis PLUS her previous yank into WBW means she warps there any time she almost dies…that’s gonna be fascinating. There’s so much going on with her and the WBW and I’m here for it.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Extreme fan lorecasting engaged…Anakin, Ahsoka, and Maul are destined to replace the ones of Mortis to keep balance in the force.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Is ninjatown obscure enough?

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Fossil Hybrid HR, love it. E-ink screen means 10 days of battery, and soverign data with custom faces through gadgetbridge…it’s a watch first, and a health tracker and notification point second.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

My wife is an ER doctor in California, and with the advent of legality, they started seeing this more and more. It’s not a huge percent of consumers, it’s not an epidemic, it’s not something that means all people should stop consuming…but it’s super important to spread awareness. I feel like for years, the medical conversation meant people painted weed as this magic harmless cure-all, and that’s just not the case, and as use has gone up for a lot of adults, we’re seeing the edge cases. Since so many people use weed to treat nausea/appetite, this is particularly rife for denial, which just prolongs the suffering.

Maybe it’s just correlation and it’s something with specific strains, cannibinoids, ingestion methods, or farming procedures. The point is, it’s a real thing and now that we’re seeing a bigger sample size (especially a bigger sample size of people willing to admit usage to their doctors now that it’s legal) it’s certainly a thing. Now that there are less restrictions on research because of legality, I have a feeling root cause will be uncovered. I think in like 2017 I posted to /r/trees about it because my wife was seeing it, and I got down-vote nuked to oblivion because people were sure weed couldn’t cause this cyclic vomiting. It’s important to talk about this and understand that for some people, weed as consumed just isn’t an option…and that’s ok.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

I would think this would be a huge boon for reverse engineers to potentially come up with a self hosted cast compatible interface. Much more opportunity for looking under the hood in this configuration.

The BBC on Mastodon: experimenting with distributed and decentralised social media (www.bbc.co.uk)

“As the social media landscape ebbs and flows, the team at BBC Research & Development are researching social technologies and exploring possibilities for the BBC. One part of our work is to establish a BBC presence in the distributed collection of social networks known as the Fediverse, a collection of social media...

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

I think this is exactly what I want to see, news orgs (not just “mainstream” news, but let’s say, professional orgs in an industry) hosting their own instances with closed signups for accounts with JUST relevant topics. I tried to find some journalists on journa.host to fill in tech and local news, and while I found the people, it was way too much personal/personality content and not as much news.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Lemmy.world is having some issues, but at the same time, Jeroba has felt like a fine early app to a platform going through extremely rapid growing pains. I think friendly feedback is helpful as the platform itself grows and the apps react to platform changes. If I’m correct, Jeroba is dev’d by the same people as Lemmy itself, so it makes sense that it’s not got full focus right now, but in a lot of ways is the primary “blessed” client to test new lemmy features with.

Getting started questions (especially TrueNas SCALE + storage)

I’m looking to re-purpose an old desktop into a multi-purpose home server. I’m looking for some advise on how to set things up in a way that won’t bite me in the ass later. I’m a confident Linux user, but have limited docker experience. I’m looking at using TrueNAS scale for: straight cloud storage, syncthings, home...

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not an expert, but I’ve been using TrueNas Scale since I cut over from TrueNAS core, and before that Freenas, since about 2010. I have a bunch of lessons and assumptions, but someone can correct me if these are misguided, they’re my tl;dr of knowledge.

  1. Your data drives should be in sets of 3 for a raidz1, or 5+ (I use 6) for a raidz2. While technically the minimum is 2 or 4 respectively, best performance and protection comes in sets of 3. This is a good synopses: superuser.com/a/1058545 In that case he points out that a 3-way mirror also works but then you lose a lot of the data integrity checking that comes with ZFS. I keep an offline spare; in your situation putting 3 drives in with a RAIDZ1 and keeping one in the drawer would give you ~8TB of capacity protected against bit flipping and drive failure. This is a better description of the raid levels: calomel.org/zfs_raid_speed_capacity.html
  2. In terms of just storage, that system will be fine, though ideally you get ECC RAM; that’s often a bigger swap, so if you can’t change that, so be it. It does matter in terms of integrity checking. The more containers you run, the tougher it gets to spec out. I have a separate proxmox hypervisor and routinely have 4+ jellyfin streams going at a time, so it wouldn’t be enough in my case, but you’ll have to experiment and scale. I will say, even though a separate proxmox box comes with a lot of headaches, it was more important than any schooling I ever did in terms of my IT career. Networking, monitoring, access control, suddenly I have a solution to every IT problem I encounter and I have experience with it.
  3. Personally, I do a 2-disk mirror for the OS, and then multiple 3 or 6 disk vdevs for data. If you lose the OS drive and it’s just 1, that’s fine if you have backups to just restore, but I find swapping in a cheap ssd is better. I use cheap-as-dirt 64G SSD’s as the boot drives, and if one dies, you can swap it and replace it in the UI, no problem. You can technically use 2 mis-matched sized disks, but it’ll fuss at you.
  4. Start with TrueNAS Scale as just a storage device; ideally that needs to be close to the hardware and not virtualized. In the beginning, especially since you’re likely dealing with 1 pool, just make 1 vdev for everything. You can make folders in there, or datasets, and play with partitioning data, sharing data to other computers, etc. I use NFS sharing AND iscsi luns to my proxmox, and ultimately I’m in 1 big dataset with multiple vdevs in it. Add your things like homeassistant one at a time; going through it will show you how you sort storage, how you provision it, etc. Over time, things grow; this will not be your final configuration, most people expand over time. You may decide “I want bulk storage in one vdev, I want containers and vm’s in another.” When you expand, that’s when you split things off and make more nuanced decisions. That will come from better assessing your needs.

You mention Jellyfin…my struggles with that were never storage. My struggles there were networking; it was a big part of why I decided to upgrade my server networking to 10G, which supported running Jellyfin on another hypervisor and having all that go over the network.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

This legendary excerpt from his Wikipedia:

Mitnick served five years in prison—four-and-a-half years’ pre-trial and eight months in solitary confinement—because, according to Mitnick, law enforcement officials convinced a judge that he had the ability to “start a nuclear war by whistling into a pay phone”, implying that law enforcement told the judge that he could somehow dial into the NORAD modem via a payphone from prison and communicate with the modem by whistling to launch nuclear missiles.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

For a long time my setup was mate with Compton and awesome but I had to switch to just mate as my family and kids started using the computer more. Mate’s gtk suite is lightweight and complements awesome well as it gets out of the way, and caja/pluma/etc worked well with very few rough edges.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

My cocker who passed away last year (at 15, lived a great life) was named Rygel! Dominar naturally!

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/f1a8e556-c275-4ea1-a052-2b75ebbac066.jpeg Phenomenal troublemaker dog name. This was our boy in his final week…deaf as a post, thought he was being totally silent while noisily stealing chips.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

I agree, I had a darter that was garbage…but both my wild dog and thelio have been spectacular, and I trust their hardware and PCB dev absed on success in the thelio custom PCBs and launch keyboard. I think judging them by their clevo rebrand isn’t as valid as judging them by the launch and the thelio. If I needed a laptop, I’d strongly consider this

Sacramento Sheriff is sharing license plate reader data with anti-abortion states, records show (www.sacbee.com)

In 2015, Democratic Elk Grove Assemblyman Jim Cooper voted for Senate Bill 34, which restricted law enforcement from sharing automated license plate reader (ALPR) data with out-of-state authorities. In 2023, now-Sacramento County Sheriff Cooper appears to be doing just that....

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Sacramento resident here. Jim Cooper has been a disappointment through and through. I was an advocate for Tracie Stafford when he was running for assembly and it was a losing campaign as he was the incumbent, but during that time it was such a softball. It was in the middle of BLM, and he was of the position of less police accountability as an African American man. Astonishing position, and when he went on to unseat Scott Jones as sheriff (who was a Trump fanboy) Cooper took credit for being slightly to the left of the existing far far right incumbent. It’s a sad state of affairs.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Tt-rss though the developer can be a bit abrasive if you go asking for help. Been using it since the icanhaz days.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

I disagree with this. A more nuanced take is that you should consider any beehaw communities read only unless refederation happens. The defederation was not out of ill will, it was about self preservation in a growing ecosystem and the reasons were clearly communicated and a path to refederation was left open. Read only posts are still valuable, and even though there is a more complex mechanism at play than true "read only" understanding that you can view is better than just blocking them in reverse. We are all friends here, and I think in the long run refederation will happen as this platform matures.

What is the most affordable way to get into 10G networking?

I think I’m ready to elevate from bonded 1G networking to 10GB. I tend to have used/old netgear equipment at home, purchased on the cheap. I think I’m finally seeing enough latency when trying to run OS’s on my proxmox server with storage on my TrueNAS that I want to move to 10G networking....

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Crashplan can’t tell the difference between local folders and NFS mounts, and they have an unlimited size backup plan per device for like $10/month. I have 1 device with NFS mounts from many desktops and my Nas. About 9TB.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Subdomain; overall cheaper after a certain point to get a wildcard cert, and if you split your services up without a reverse proxy it’s easier to direct names to different servers.

@surfrock66@lemmy.world avatar

Lots. I have 2 proxmox hypervisors and 3 Raspberry Pi’s; my OS of choice for servers is Ubuntu Server or Raspbian.

  • ISC-DHCP-Server (DHCP)
  • Bind9 (DNS)
  • Pihole (pihole upstreams to bind9) (More DNS with ad and content blocking)
  • OpenLDAP (Directory)
  • Jellyfin (Media)
  • Nextcloud (General google drive replacement)
  • Vaultwarden (password Vault)
  • Asterisk (Phone)
  • EasyRSA Certificate Authority (Certificates)
  • Minecraft (Gaming!)
  • HomeAssistant (Home Automation)
  • Octoprint (3D Printing)
  • Shinobi (Security Cameras)
  • Multiple Apache Websites (Web)
  • Exim4 mail relay (Mail)


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  • tt-rss (RSS Reader)-
  • All
  • Subscribed
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  • Favorites
  • random
  • uselessserver093
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  • aaaaaaacccccccce
  • test
  • CafeMeta
  • testmag
  • MUD
  • RhythmGameZone
  • RSS
  • dabs
  • KamenRider
  • TheResearchGuardian
  • KbinCafe
  • Socialism
  • oklahoma
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  • feritale
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