
@[email protected]

Admin of my instance seems to have gone inactive, looking to migrate to a small instance with an active admin

I’d like to help out with decentralization, with users not all gathering in one place, so I don’t want to go to kbin.social or fedia.io. I did look at fedidb.org and the list of instances there, but it doesn’t tell me if the admin is active. I could just visit every instance listed there and check the admin’s profile for...

@debounced@kbin.run avatar

you can give kbin.run a try if you'd like. i've been actively keeping it up-to-date with the latest commits to the kbin develop branch, even had my own admin feature pull request accepted (yay!).

kbin.social's federation was disabled early on and a lot of users ended up sticking with the mothership, but kbin.run has been online since "the exodus" 3 months ago. honestly it's been more for me to use as a gateway to the threadiverse/fediverse, but i've kept registrations open while actively purging the occasional spam accounts that make their way through. i sysadmin as a hobby (i like giving myself extra work) and i will scale up the instance if it becomes necessary, but the current bare metal virtualization environment has no problem keeping up with the way it is. i also try to be as transparent as possible with the faq/privacy policy/terms of service pages and posts in the local meta and announcement magazines, but realize it's a US based instance so the laws of the land apply in full force, of course.

@melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

You can't assign admins on abandoned instances. You can only assign admins or moderators on abandoned magazines...

If you don't wish to use kbin.social try my instance: https://kbin.melroy.org. Disclaimer: I'm part of the kbin core development team.

@radix@lemm.ee avatar

They’re clickable, but they open up in a browser. To stay within your instance, you (a hypothetical Lemmy user) need an instance-agnostic link formatted like !community[instance].

Specifically it’s the difference between everyone going to kbin.social/m/musicals vs people of all different instances being directed to https://[their.instance]/c/[email protected].

@radix@lemm.ee avatar

Clickable instance-agnostic link:


(Human pretending to be a bot. Hi!)

@artair@pawb.social avatar

I don’t think people appreicate the old axiom “when you look into the abyss, it also looks into you” in this case. For a long time, corporate social media algorithms drove what content you saw. This tended to be “outrage” content, because as others have mentioned, it gets clicks. But marinate in that long enough and YOU become the source of the outrage clickbait. The algorithm starts people down that path until their mentality becomes self-reinforcing. They post what they’re used to posting – angry stuff. And they seek out more even without behind-the-scenes manipulation of their feed. Now imagine all those Twitter refugees landing in the Fediverse with that kind of outlook. It’s not surprising that outrage and bile are trending.

The way to break this cycle is… just ignore it. I have an extensive list of keyword filters on Mastodon. It screens out 99% of the political content. I just don’t want to see it. I’m here to engage with people who share the same passions and hobbies as myself. THAT’S what makes my Fediverse social media experience better. It’s not a magical function of crossing the corporate/open-source boundary. I have to be responsible for curating my feed according to what I want to seek.

The same goes for Lemmy. I’m using Leomard as my client on macOS, and it allows me to block out any Lemmy instances I don’t want to see. And I set my default view to “subscribed,” not “local” or “all.” That prevents me from getting psychologically drenched with whatever angry or trollish content might be lurking in those feeds when I open the client. I also sort by “new” rather than “hot,” “most comments,” etc. It’s great that people have opnions about things, but I find relying on up/downvotes to be a poor way of discovering the content I want.

Long story short (too late): your social media experience in the Fediverse is yours to shape. If you rely on the defaults and flow with the tide, you’ll likely end up somewhere you don’t want to be. If you trim your sails and take the wheel, there are all sorts of wonderful destinations out here.

Don’t use other people’s anger and unhappiness as your compass.


Some very good answers in this post: I’m aware of kbin, mastodon, and lemmy. Are there any other federated applications out there? : nostupidquestions, some random copy&paste:

Here’s a list of 130: the-federation.info/

this diagram

From https://fedi.tips/what-other-kinds-of-servers-are-on-the-fediverse/:

As well as Mastodon, there are lots of other server types on the Fediverse, for example:

  • BookWyrm – A social reading platform, an alternative to Amazon’s GoodReads
  • Friendica – A general social network with no character limits, sort of like Facebook used to be on its older interface
  • Funkwhale – Music and podcast storage and sharing
  • Kbin – Link aggregation and discussion, sort of like Reddit
  • Mobilizon – Event organisation, the Fedi’s alternative to Facebook Events
  • OwnCast – Video livestreaming with a chat window at the side, very much in the style of Twitch
  • PeerTube – YouTube-style video sharing site which uses P2P technology to allow even small servers to have videos go viral, as the more people view a video the more bandwidth it gets
  • PixelFed – Photo sharing site, similar in style to Instagram and Tumblr
  • WordPress – Independently hosted WordPress blogs can be turned into Fediverse servers using a special plugin
  • WriteFreely – Minimalist blog where focus is on the text, like a calmer version of Medium

…and that’s just some of them! If you’re a techy person, you can see more comprehensive lists of server types at FediDB and delightful fediverse apps.

@PassingDuchy@lemmy.world avatar

Hello! Please include a link to the original post by u/SammiBanani024 on the reddit sub in your post. If you are the original author you can message me with your authorial account on reddit at u/PassingDuchy to clear up ownership.

Thank you!

The BBC on Mastodon: experimenting with distributed and decentralised social media (www.bbc.co.uk)

“As the social media landscape ebbs and flows, the team at BBC Research & Development are researching social technologies and exploring possibilities for the BBC. One part of our work is to establish a BBC presence in the distributed collection of social networks known as the Fediverse, a collection of social media...

@dumples@kbin.social avatar

For those on a Kbin instance you can follow the whole instance to see everything they post:


If this is a success many more should follow

BBC Launches A Mastodon Instance (social.bbc)

Hi! 👋 Here's our #introduction. We're BBC Research & Development; we explore and test new technology to discover how the BBC can best make use of it in the future. For 100 years our engineers have been at the forefront of developments in broadcasting. We're now researching how everyone could get TV & radio via the internet...

@somas@kbin.social avatar


FYI to anyone who doesn’t realize, you can follow each of those @names individually or just use the url https://kbin.social/d/social.bbc to subscribe to all social.bbc posts in kbin


the fashion has nothing to do with that awful pedophilic book

I’m aware you’re not the original author, but I can’t really let someone bashing Nabokov stand unchallenged, so I’ve reproduced one of the top comments from the original post:

I appreciate the post, but need to defend Nabokov — Lolita is not a pedophilic book — it’s an ANTI-pedophilic book.

Nabokov is trying to show how deluded and unreliable the narrator Humbert Humbert is, even as he uses beautiful language to describe his monstrous crimes of murder, kidnapping and rape.

Humbert is trying to lure the reader into sympathizing with him. Nabokov won’t let him.


The username is a joke because I really wanted an account here in the Fediverse that referenced my hobbies. I was active in knitting and crochet subs in reddit but I had such a random username. Also, if you ever take a peek at my torso garments, I always post how many hours it took me and they're all over 100 hours, so I just think people must assume my hands hurt lol

I have knit and crocheted so intensely or for prolonged periods that I've had wrist and hand strain, but it isn't a chronic pain issue for me. I just needed a break or to be cognizant of my tension in my project. Too high tension = pain for me after awhile. Relevant when I'm doing cabled projects in particular.

Here is an infographic I have mentally referenced many times in the past 3 years to remember how to stretch my forearms and hands.

It's hard for me to envision what you've described, but if you ever have a situation in which you're unable to release your fingers from a curled position, that is called Trigger Finger, and you should consider capping how many hours a day you knit, taking frequent breaks during your knitting sessions, and incorporate stretches on a regular basis.

Improving Fediverse Discovery & Onboarding

This post is a sort of partial dump of my efforts towards an idea/proposal for improving discoverability and onboarding for the Fediverse while avoiding new users just being dumped on a centralised instance. I’ve seen people suggest that one of our secondary defenses from megacorp social media (like Meta) is improving our UI,...

Question: Why are some instances defederating instances which don't sign the fedipact? (kbin.social)

Something I don't understand currently about the whole Meta/Threads debacle is why I'm seeing talk about instances which choose to federate with Threads themselves being defederated. I have an account on mastodon.social, one of the instances which has not signed the fedipact, and I've had people from other instances warn me that...

0xtero, (edited )
@0xtero@kbin.social avatar

Some of it comes from privacy/foss fundamentalism that is very prevalent in fediverse (the entire fedi is basically just a huge nerd circle). People don't really think about more than "Meta bad. Defed". It's a bit of a kneejerk reaction...and it's quite normal around here.

perhaps the goal is simply to split the fediverse into essentially two sides, the Threads side and the non-Threads side

Yes exactly.

I'm unsure how boosts work in this scenario, perhaps those instances are concerned that they'll see Threads content when mastodon.social or other Threads-federated instances users boost it, or that their content will be boosted to Threads users?

Again, spot on.

Consider this:
pure.social blocks evil.meta, but doesn’t block mastodon.social.

A user on pure.social posts something publicly, and since they have a follower on mastodon.social, the pure.social server sends the post to mastodon.social, but doesn’t send it to evil.meta because they're defederated on pure.social.

A user on mastodon.social sees the post and boosts it, and since that user has a follower on evil,meta, the mastodon.social server sends the boost to evil.meta (because evil.meta is not defederated on mastodon.social), and tells the server about the original post from pure.social.

evil.meta receives the boost, and downloads the content of the post from pure.social. pure.social allows evil.meta to download the post because it doesn’t know who is asking.

Beyond the fact that evil.meta was able to see posts from pure.social even though they are defederated, there's also a problem where people on evil.meta start replying to the post - and while the OP on pure.social does not see what they're saying, they might see "half" of the discussion from the replies the user on mastodon.social posts.

This is of course a bit of a moot point, because the OP on pure.social posted it as "public" - and public things on the Internet... well..

I personally think Meta should be banned and regulators should tear the whole company apart. So I'm not too sad about people blocking them. I do think it's a bit premature at this point though. We haven't seen their ActivityPub implementation yet as it didn't roll out with the release version. So I am in the "defederate the shit out of them, but wait and see first"-boat.

Unlike previous attempts at trying reddit alternatives (like Voat), kbin and much of the lemmyverse doesn’t seem to be plagued with extreme far right buffoonery. (kbin.social)

It’s one thing to have differing views, but I’ve seen enough attempted reddit migrations to be relieved that the popular communities in the fediverse so far haven’t been about crazy racist stuff or other extreme right bullshit....

@Spiracle@kbin.social avatar

I remember concrete dog whistle accusation generally falling into two categories:

  1. Checking their comment history revealed either actual Nazi apologia or a general destructive behaviour if you looked deep enough.
  2. Checking their comment history revealed that the accuser was a pro-censorship and didn’t like dissenting opinions.

My conclusion: dog whistles are a reason to look deeper. Keep an eye on those people. However, don’t just condemn them.

The very point of dog whistles is to appear innocuous and even invisible to "normal people". False positives are inevitable, and after seeing a dozen actual dog whistles, pareidolia will make you see their shapes everywhere.


They already said quite clearly that they're transphobic. The "I don't think children should undergo gender or sex transition" is almost verbatim an anti-trans talking point.

Here's some actual research on the subject of trans people, including trans youth, and suicide risk. With citations;

Bauer, et al., 2015: Transition vastly reduces risks of suicide attempts, and the farther along in transition someone is the lower that risk gets.

de Vries, et al, 2014: A clinical protocol of a multidisciplinary team with mental health professionals, physicians, and surgeons, including puberty suppression, followed by cross-sex hormones and gender reassignment surgery, provides trans youth the opportunity to develop into well-functioning young adults. All showed significant improvement in their psychological health, and they had notably lower rates of internalizing psychopathology than previously reported among trans children living as their natal sex. Well-being was similar to or better than same-age young adults from the general population.

Gorton, 2011 (Prepared for the San Francisco Department of Public Health): “In a cross-sectional study of 141 transgender patients, Kuiper and Cohen-Kittenis found that after medical intervention and treatments, suicide fell from 19 percent to zero percent in transgender men and from 24 percent to 6 percent in transgender women.)”

Murad, et al., 2010: "Significant decrease in suicidality post-treatment. The average reduction was from 30% pretreatment to 8% post treatment."

De Cuypere, et al., 2006: Rate of suicide attempts dropped dramatically from 29.3% to 5.1% after receiving medical and surgical treatment among Dutch patients treated from 1986-2001.

UK study: "Suicidal ideation and actual attempts reduced after transition, with 63% thinking about or attempting suicide more before they transitioned and only 3% thinking about or attempting suicide more post-transition.

Heylens, 2014: Found that the psychological state of transgender people "resembled those of a general population after hormone therapy was initiated."

Perez-Brumer, 2017: "These findings suggest that interventions that address depression and school-based victimization could decrease gender identity-based disparities in suicidal ideation."

Here's a study showing that children know what gender they prefer and don't change their minds on it.


Here's another meta study on trans youth who received gender-affirming care, and who saw a decrease in suicide risk.


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