@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar


@[email protected]

I’m just here for the funzies lul :D

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@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Yeah, I thought I was a narcissist for doing that :')

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Lol then I’d be a narcissist with no self esteem

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

I prefer not to say (⁠◍⁠•-•⁠◍⁠)

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Dude is a hentai main character

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Let’s face it. Dude is just finding excuses left right and center. One time they said it was because “easy kernel modification could lead to cheating” this time it’s because of “staff shortage” and next time it’s because the planets aren’t aligned.

When they announced EAC to be compatible with Linux they literally said " … developers can activate anti-cheat support for Linux via Wine or Proton with just a few clicks in the Epic Online Services Developer Portal." (Source) and they know that the Linux community would likely tinker their way to get it working if they were to allow Wine/Proton on EAC…

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

“I got this feeling on a summer day in Dubai’s slum…”

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Finds auch ziemlich kurios wies im “Unsre Heimat” Pionier Lied darum geht, den Staat und die Umwelt zu schützen - und dann leitet man ungefiltert Industrieabwasser in die Flüsse und vernichtet die Wälder.


@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Is doch super praktisch fürs gemeinsame Grillen am Nachmittag oder den gemütlichen Abend am warmen Kamin!

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

guter Einwand, bin beim Gedanken daran ins Heute abgeschweift ^^

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Matrix allows bridging chats so you can set up a bot in your / your friends server(s) and it’ll forward their messages to Matrix and yours back to Discord. As for DMs you need to set up channels for that afaik (Future me: It seems that some bots support it). The big drawback is that you need to disable Matrix’ E2E-Encryption in the rooms you want to bridge your chats to.

Here’s a link to the Discord bridge if you are interested. It’s not that hard to set up imo.

As for voice chat, you can use Jitsi (works like zoom but without the need of an account) as long as your friends aren’t too lazy to open a link in their browser to chat with you.

As for Matrix clients there’s Element, FluffyChat, Cinny & others. Element & Cinny are closer to Discord’s UI whilst FluffyChat feels more like WhatsApp Web or Telegram Web. Element has cool features like web widgets you can pin to rooms whilst Cinny & FluffyChat are simple (and have MUCH better custom emoji / sticker management)

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

I know what you mean. When Discord was new (2015/2016) I wanted my friends to switch over from Skype (yep, we skipped the Team Speak phase because I was the only one who downloaded it). And I really hated Skype for multiple reasons. So ironically I was begging them to join Discord, highlighting what it does better but it took me until 2019 to get them all on board and by that point, Discord was huge already so they didn’t join because of me but because “everyone’s already there”. And I am aware that Discord does a lot of marketing and that a lot of Streamers & YouTubers are using it (which I regard as passive advertising). But in the first years, due to me hyping it up and prioritizing chatting there (with people who were eager to join me) over time I managed to win more and more of them over.

I was similarly hyping up Signal when WhatsApp became unbearable for me. And again, some people were switching over because I made arguments for the switch that ultimately made them rethink. And after about 1/2 had switched almost all of the others followed too because the “nobody’s there” argument didn’t work anymore and fomo started kicking in. Now, I was reluctant and some people went back after they distanced themselves from the friend group but others stayed.

(I admit that I was probably very lucky in that case).

And now with Matrix, I’ve become more careful. I do not dislike Signal and I don’t want them to think I’d leave Signal for Matrix making them move back to WhatsApp or something. And I got the fear that I may have already used the “follow me because I want you too” Joker and that they might think of me as egocentric for doing the same thing over and over again. So I just mentioned that I’ll be switching, my reasons for it and that if they want to come along I’d be happy but that it is also OK if they stayed. And unsurprisingly almost noone joined me - yet. But I’m fine with that. I set up a bridge to Discord and I could do the same for WhatsApp and Signal but since you need to disable encryption I haven’t yet done it (hoping that maybe one day, bots & bridges will be working for encrypted channels - if that is technically possible)…

Well in the end, if you want them to switch, you need to be persistent without being annoying and probably you need friends who are at least a little bit open to new platforms. It starts to get better once a few people join you but it’s hard to get there.

Regarding the Discord part. Of course it is more convenient to stick to Discord for voice chats - I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. What I tried was to be the first one to be online and inviting the other members in the channel to my Jitsi room. (Jitsi rooms launched over Element usually stay open indefinitely, so the invite link never alters). The most annoying thing is that you can’t peek at who is and how many users are sitting in the meeting but the rest is pretty cool, especially that features aren’t locked behind a massive paywall. Element has got a nice web widget for Jitsi rooms so Element users don’t need to open a browser. But in case my friends are already in Discord I naturally join their call.

But to me, moments like Discord’s servers going down are valuable opportunities to establish acceptance at least.

Anyways, getting people to switch a platform is usually an enduring process (which we Fediverse users are at least somewhat used to) but I am willing to make the first steps to break the “nobody’s on there” excuse for Newton’s law of inertia.

zyratoxx, (edited )
@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

I mean, dude was talking about their friends so idk if their friends are super wary of them or something but at least mine would allow me to add the bot

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Oh thanks, I searched if someone had already asked this but I forgot about newpipe & freetube and only searched for piped.

Anyways, thank you so much for your answer and the detailed research you did! ^^

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Nuking a reactor lab just because it got hacked seems like the most American thing to do…

Is what I wanted to comment until I found out they didn’t mean the action of nuking something but nuke as an abbreviation of nuclear… That wording boi :')

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Regarding the 2nd point I just cannot see it.

Whilst I do admit that the US loves their devious little diplomatic plays I doubt Ukraine would have joined NATO. Take Sweden as an example to showcase how hard it actually is for a country to join the alliance if one country doesn’t play the game. And pre-war Ukraine would likely have faced backlash by more than just one country.

Even during the war when public support in the west for Ukraine was at it’s peak, when asked about if he could concretize what safety guarantees the G7 countries could give to a post-war Ukraine, German chancellor Olaf Scholz just replied: “Yes, I could…” and refused to elaborate further.

And French president Macron once considered NATO as a whole to be “brain dead” and wanted to shift it’s focus away from it. (A view I shared back then)

And now, a few years later NATO is - even by a lot of people who once opposed it - regarded as a safety guarantee with Finland and Sweden joining. So if the plan was to prevent an aggressive NATO expansion towards Russia’s borders that plan failed miserably and at the cost of thousands of civilians and soldiers, the world economics and the environment.

Only the arms industry profits now.

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

What exactly is the problem with 14. this is how it should be. After all, borders shouldn’t be recognised for nothing you know.

  1. does indeed highlight the goal of Ukraine becoming an eventual member but it doesn’t state when. They’d certainly need to clarify Crimea first so that Ukraine doesn’t join and trigger Article 5 on Crimea. And as I said, looking at Sweden I’d not be so sure about the if either.

And even if Ukraine became a member state it wouldn’t be that easy to just attack Russia and expect NATO to help. They’re not allowed to trigger Article 5 if they are the aggressor and triggering Article 4 would likely not succeed as the risks of (nuclear) backlash are too high. I am aware that I am making assumptions here, and that this part might vary depending on the picture you have of NATO and their member states but I am certain, that they would not be so stupid to trigger a war that would likely be very unpopular within the populations of the various member states. But that point is overall highly debatable.

Regarding the point about Nato expansion: yes, the fact that it has expanded regardless of that oral treaty is a pity. But on the other hand, why would you so desperately hold on to something that apparently wasn’t even worth making a REAL treaty for. A signed one on paper. You cannot tell me anybody would be naive enough to take something that was orally agreed on without a signed treaty on paper for granted when the last decades have made it clear that sometimes even signed treaties aren’t worth their paper. Of course it’s a move of betrayal for Russia but as I mentioned, the US is good at provoking and oral assurances aren’t exactly something I would trust.

And on the other Hand, Russia hasn’t been that innocent either with a habit of solving disagreements with especially Georgia & Ukraine by using deterrence and the sledgehammer. And fair enough, that Ukraine hasn’t been innocent either. That’s for example why I was pretty neutral / hostile towards both sides before the war began. I especially dislike(d) how badly Ukraine tried and still tries to erase it’s Soviet history.

But (at least for me) that still does not justify the means.

Regarding your last claim: do you have any evidence to back that up? I heard numerous claims that both Russia & Nato got invasion plans for plenty of countries. I read articles (or in that case just their headlines because I thought of them to be absurd) that Russia had concrete plans for attacking Japan and Kazakhstan and what not, and likewise I read these kinda claims from the other side.

But as far as I am concerned these sorts of articles only exist to lure you towards a side and or make quick cash by spreading havoc and hate.

In any case I might call it a day. I need to get some stuff done. Was a nice debate tho. Might reply tomorrow if there’s anything else. Stay safe & healthy my lemmygrader comrades haha.

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Thanks for your detailed reply and sorry for my belated one.

I definitely do back almost all of the points you made. As I said the USA loves to play devious little diplomatic plays but on the other hand, the way I see it is NATO offering those countries help to stop Russia from using military force to force through their will in what are still independent countries. I certainly do not like how Ukraine is developing in the sense of Nationalism. But the way I see it every aggressive Russian action has further catalyzed it. From Crimea to Donbass up until the SMO and the various crimes against humanity that were committed.

And furthermore I see NATO’s guarantee to the sovereignty of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia as a way to prevent Russia from executing further military operations in the future.

So for me the blame lies on both sides. With the only reason for not supporting Russia being, that Russia started the war and that Russia’s president can de facto rule for as long as he pleases as long as he gets voted for in a country where the media is heavily cracked upon and where the opposition has the sudden urge to “commit suicide”. And I fear that Russia taking the land they currently hold control of would spark enormous hatred towards Russia just like the partition of Germany, Austria & the Ottoman Empire did after WW1. Actually increasing the tensions further until the conflict reignites.

But I do want to say, that the way you see it is a way it can be seen. I want to thank you for all the effort you put into this instead of just denouncing me. You had some very good points that were likely more convincing than mine, idk I don’t really keep track of that.

I’m not good at this and I don’t really love it that much either which has got nothing to do with you but with me just being the one giving in as soon as someone makes a point that I do not feel the need to counteract.

Discussions with people like you, even if we may not have the same opinion, are the reason I am glad my instance is still federated with you guys because if I didn’t have you, I’d feel trapped in the echo chamber.

Thank you!

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

I can totally see your point there. I wished for Nato to be gone and even tho my view has slightly shifted, I definitely see the criticism. As for political reforms, I mainly back them because they suit my views, but of course that doesn’t necessarily mean they are objectively good. It’s a hard one. I mean, of course: if it was that easy, we probably wouldn’t have heated discussions about it.

And in conflict, truth is what dies first, so my main hope for the future is that the past becomes clearer.

Idk if you will find it ironic, but what I hate most about the war besides people dying is, that I cannot even wear my grandpa’s NVA uniform at Halloween without getting those weird (is he really backing THOSE GUYS) looks. This pigeonhole black-and-white-thinking makes me sick because it splits instead of unifying us in a time where the Far-Right is on the rise.

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Feel free to skip if you’ve already seen it on the .ml instance… I wasn’t sure how much the two memes communities overlap due to .ml’s memes community being pretty politicized

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Based on some posts I found were controversial to say the least it does seem like they do love to showcase a certain side’s thoughts, diplomatically said.

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Yes, I occasionally crosspost to Reddit (which is as far as my usage goes) and I’m using these watermarks as a subtle way of “showing flag”.

My thinking being, that if I’m posting to Reddit as well why not show them that we are still here because back when r/place happened, I tried to win some Redditors over to feature their Lemmy sibling communities and a lot of replies I got were, that we wouldn’t hold and eventually return back and some thought we’d already returned.

And since the Lemmy devs / server owners don’t actively advertise I think it’s on us to do so if we want to get some (hopefully sympathetic) users to give this a chance.

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

But who stole the land first?

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Oh well then, praise the (land-) lord!

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Damit hätte man rech(n)en sollen

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Tbf, I have like 7 accounts and I’m currently only using 2 or 3 since Lemmy servers are much more stable than they used to be

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Which leads to reposting, karma whoring, karma requirements and “ThAnK yOu FoR aLl ThE uPvOtEs” comments.

Personally I think the aim should be to have fun (inclusive) or enhance your or someone else’s knowledge and not to brag about how much internet points you have :')

On the other hand, I sometimes like to get lost in account statistics so I’m also not completely against them as long as one sees them as values only and not as some sort of (dick) comparison.

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

A.k.a. Kbin’s karma system when rexit/fleddit happened

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

I’d never get four, I’d never want four.

I’d be just happy to have one instead of none but that dream kinda died long ago :'3

zyratoxx, (edited )
@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

*at Ferrari: “OK, we are checking!

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Keine Front, aber mich wundert eher, dass die Webseite https anbietet. Die sieht aus wie aus den 2000ern lol

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

They signed a 10-year-contract with the intention of extending it should it turn out to be a long term success.

It’s kind of an interesting situation since F1 purchased & built the pits & paddock area for 240m USD. So F1 doesn’t really make a contract with a racetrack owner, but with the City of Las Vegas to “borrow” those public roads.

Sauce: planetf1.com/…/las-vegas-strip-2032-f1-agreement

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar



which means pineapple 🍍 in most languages

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Back when the SMO started I saw the HOI players on my Discord discussing how it would evolve and it turned out to be pretty much spot on

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

a.k.a the biggest clown show since whatever the fuck George W. Bush tried

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Then they tried a classic spearhead blitzkrieg out of frustration but ran out of supplies & found themselves encircled

Classic hoi L … Time to restart from a previous savepoi… Oh wait…

Younger users of Lemmy: Did you ever love a game that you just really sucked at?

So I was watching a few youtubes and remembered how the vast majority (of like the ten) nes games me and my sister had were hard as all hell. I loved to play Little Nemo and Street Fighter 2010 but I am pretty sure I never made it past the third level of either. Let alone infamously hard games like The Lion King....

@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar
@zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar

Ah, I went to play Pokémon Unite instead (even tho Nintendo and their Switch & Mobile only approach)… Bluestacks is an option but not a particularly good one…

And then there’s Tencent - but you encounter Tencent kinda everywhere right now so ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

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