@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar


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@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

More on topic: I highly recommend Jared Bauer and Wisecrack if you like philoaophy, politics, and how it relates to media.

Less historical, more comedic: After Hours, Cracked (thier older stuff), and Dr. Jordan Breeding are comedic analysis of various media.

In depth analysis/socio-political insights/research: Jessie Gender for various insights into media (including animated shows like Lower Decks and Invincible).

Animation, I like Johnny 2 Cellos and Offbeat Kiki. Johnny in particular posts more often and has in depth takes, but Kiki, when she does post gives more nuanced takes imho.

Actual amazing animated projects you can watch on Youtube include Lackadaisy, Helluva Boss, and Hazbin Hotel.


@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I worked as a Night Auditor for 3 years where I taught myself web development and landed my first tech job at a startup. Luckily the meetings were late afternoon which is a little after I wake up.

I’d take care of ghe code during the night/morning, review it before the meeting, meet, rinse and repeat.

Fortunately/unfortunately depending on how you look at it, the startup got to MVP, but also ran out of money. Now I’ll be looking for work again, but my sleep schedule is still vampire time.

I’m considering looking for remote work on the other side of the pond. I’m in the US. Other than that I guess I have to go through the extremely painful process of changing my sleep habits.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah. I’ve heard as much. Looks like I’m gonna have to change my sleep schedule sooner than later, and hate my life.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

That would imply that first world nations empower them, not engage in societal subterfuge via overt and covert subjugation tactics.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

To be fair, it would have been more of a W if Kissinger had died a long time ago. This is more like a really late consolation prize.

Though the same could be said of Trump, he has a lot more potential years (possibly even decades) of havoc to wreak. I guess, like our constant companion, Death, I’ll have to take what I can get.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Aggressive drivers are always in a rush to commit vehicular homicide. They just gotta run somebody over with their car right the fuck now.

U.S. Pledge To Triple Global Nuclear Energy By 2050 (www.huffpost.com)

When I first read the titile, I thought that the US is going to have to build A LOT to triple global production. Then it occured to me that the author means the US is pledging to make deals and agreements which enable other countries to build their own. Sometimes I think the US thinks too much of itself and that’s also very...

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Actual genuine question here. Has any US administration made a decades long plan like this, announced it to the public, and then a future administration saw said plan through to fruition?

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

That qualifies.Thanks you!

Understanding init freedom?

I’m planning to move over to Guix over NixOS, as soon as my current situation improves and possibly import a new libre respecting laptop (Star Labs is thankfully available in India). I do have a very old laptop with a Celeron processor and 4GB of RAM with Guix installed already, and what has come to my attention is that it...

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I use Artix Linux with runit and am happy. Artix offers multiple init systems other than systemd. If you’re familiar with using Arch Linux, basically Artix is the same without systemd.

You can install the various ISOs and see the differences for yourself, but the complaints launched against systemd that have any validity are either technical and/or philosophical in nature.

In a lot of ways, systemd has become like the JavaScript of init systems in that it handles a lot more than what it originally was needed for (init starts other processes after boot, JavaScript adds small amounts of interactivity to web pages).

As opposed to what each became (systemd now handles DNS, cron, bootloader, and is a suite of tools tightly coupled with the init system) (JavaScript has now become a scripting language with access to the C level exec library to the point where an OS can and has been written in it).

In the early days of systemd adoption, there was much controversy over its seemingly sudden mass adoption. SysV init needed a modern replacement, and indeed, alternatives like Upstart, openrc, and others were in production to eventually replace it. Lennart Poettering and Kay Sievers over at Red Hat created and heavily promoted systemd.

Lennart was already somewhat beloved/hated in the community as he had developed PulseAudio, which was a boon over the previous Alsa implementation, but was considered bloated and unnecessary by the less audio oriented Linux users of the time. He was inspired to create systemd after researching Apple’s new init implementation, launchd.

Controversy spread as Lennart would dismiss adoption of systemd into the BSD family of UNIX like OSes. He also dismissed competitors like Upstart, as their implementation of certain modern features like CGroups was not as developed as systemd at the time. Additionally, Linux users at the time were heavily concerned that Red Hat was trying to take over the entirety of the Linux space, enforcing a more corporate and commercial influence on what had previously been a community more in line with the aims of the FSF.

Much of this culminated in a months long email exchange on the Debian email list, where many of these grievances, pros and cons of systemd adoption, and overall discourse around this topic took place in 2013-2014. Eventually the result was that Debian adopted systemd as the default init system, which along with Fedora, Arch, and other distros, sealed the fate of other alternative init systems as being fringe, out of date, and irrelevant.

More and more system admins would learn the ins and outs of systemd as it would become required for their jobs, and the criticism of systemd became more and more quiet as it just became part of the every day Linux experience.

Truth be told, the birth of systemd really heralded in the death of the UNIX philosophy as an old way of thinking about software development and program scope. Doing one thing only, and doing it well, while looking good on paper, and oftentimes is a good general rule of thumb, doesn’t apply to modern application development, for better and worse.

I personally like runit not for its speed, but for its simplicity. I can peruse the C code in an afternoon and appreciate it for what it is, an init system. I can’t say the same when I look at systemd’s code.

But most could care less. As long as it works. And all the power to them…

It does surprise me somewhat, however, that Linux users will condemn bloated browsers, electron apps, and text editors, but will give a pass to systemd, which holds so much more importance over whether pid 1 even launches and starts user space.

Let the downvoting commence.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Linux Cast is…okay. The long form conversation format episodes are usually better than when its just Matt.

Brodie should definitely be at the top of this list. He works in tech, devotes himself emphatically to the subject of Linux, has some really amazing guests on his Tech Over Tea Podcast, and is imho THE Linux YouTuber atm.

Chris Titus Tech is more an honorable mention, as his channel focuses equally on Windows and Linux, but he has some amazing scripts for iptables configurations, and optimizing gaming on Linux, amongst other related topics.

The Linux Experiment is great for quick recap of Linux News. Learn Linux TV is great for Linux sysadmin tips.

I don’t care for Distrotube, I won’t go into details except to say I don’t support Trump. Similar sentiments go for the Bible thumper, Luke Smith, whom doesn’t really post much Linux content any more afaik. I will admit they did post useful bash scripts from time to time though.

Trafotin and Bugswriter are interesting channels in the Linux Youtube space that I think are worth checking out.

Overall though, if you’re looking for quality Linux content on Youtube that keeps you informed and up to date. You can’t go wrong with Brodie Robertson, The Linux Experiment, and Learn Linux TV. That’s all you really need imho.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

The Boars have always been a menace! Although I support Ukraine, I will never support The Boars!

Codie has been warning us all about the coming Boarpocalypse for years!!

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Agreed. Although The Fediverse also can’t easily be searched via your standard search engines, so finding that public information is harder than on other social media apps (for now…).

This isn’t to say there isn’t a privacy concern using any Fediverse Social media platform. It’s just that there are some inherent design implementations that make it hard for the average person to invade the privacy of a user of the platform.

This is, of course, afaik. Please let me know if I’m mistaken.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Yep. I’ve tried other clients, but somehow this one just stuck for me. Simple interface, works well.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

The Egyptians were right. Cats are divine.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Lol. I mean maybe not if you planted and protected a fuck ton of trees in the rainforest, or cleaned out a shit load of plastic from the ocean, but yeah…

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Not compelling to me. Gonna stick with runit and/or s6 on my Artix Linux systems at home. But you do you Lennart.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Gotta be more angry and more determined and more intelligent than the warmongers…seriously good fucking luck.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

The Last Of Us apocalypse, here we come.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Well he’s got the politician frump face down.

“Welp, I tried to accomplish something, but I blame my colleagues across the aisle. I’m a good politician, now pay me your tax money while I listen to my actual lobbyist constituents.”

Nightshade - A new data poisoning tool lets artists fight back against generative AI (lemmy.world)

The tool, called Nightshade, messes up training data in ways that could cause serious damage to image-generating AI models. Is intended as a way to fight back against AI companies that use artists’ work to train their models without the creator’s permission....

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

The Luddites weren’t inherently anti technology. They specifically did not break technologies that were not being used by elite capitalists to exploit them and diminish the value of their labor.

You obviously haven’t taken the time to study the history of the Luddites and therefore fail to see why backlashes against exploitative uses of technologies are needed.

I have made art in oil, gouache watercolor, charcoal, and other physical mediums, as well as Photoshop, Illustrator, and 4 color screen prints. I’ve made classical, roccoco, formalist, and abstract art as well as even anime.

Ive coded in JavaScript, Python, Bash and C and continue to use plenty of tech and learn more about it every fucking day. And yeah, I’ve used AI to help make shitty images and occassionally code simple scripts.

I’ll not go into the whole moral problems of OpenAI exploiting Kenyan workers by trauamatizing them with horrific content to train their LLM.

Honestly, the piece of shit NFT apes were a better example of art than what AI is currently making, and the hype around AI right now is so similar it makes me laugh.

The worst artists and also coders I’ve met claim there’s no new ideas in either domain, just different mediums/languages to express them in. The problem with AI generated code and art is that it is GUARANTEED to not make anything new.

There’s a supreme cynicism in the way elite techno evangelist corporate assholes have basically taken all the data of the past 30+ years web scraped from all over the public internet and said that’s enough to mimic the skills , talents, and knowledge of all of humanity. Oh, and apparently it’s better than human works because we can just pay the human once, pay no royalties, scan their art, their faces, their texts, their voices, and just say fuck em cuz why the fuck would we care about continuing to support the amount of work that went into developing those talents when I can just reap the end results?

AI can’t exist in a vacuum, it needs more data to stay relevant, and if enough people starve it, corporations will have no choice but to meet the workers on their terms or simply close up shop, take their millions, and hope people don’t stumble on their version of Galt’s Gulch, cuz if they do, it’ll be mighty fine eating for the poor.

But hey yeah, let’s just blindly follow the Elon Musks, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerbergs, Tim Cooks, and Sundar Pichais of the world and not ever question their business practices or regulate their monopolies or speculate on whether AI or VR or AR or whatever reality they want to insist is an “inevitable” future so much so that it is the lie that becomes truth solely because they had the power, influence, and money to make it so.

Personally I’d rather see the majority of people weigh in on what THEY want tech to do for them, and not have tech evangelists and corporate bootlicker lackeys insist on some ambiguous inevitable tech dystopia being unavoidable. Fuck that.

Cuz if there’s one thing that all these pieces of shit at the top of their tech empires have made abundantly clear to the public. It’s that Tech Won’t Save Us.

Fighting pedophilia at the expense of our privacy: The EU rule that could break the internet (english.elpais.com)

Hundreds of academics and engineers and non-profit organizations such as Reporters Without Borders, as well as the Council of Europe, believe that the Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (CSAR) would mean sacrificing confidentiality on the internet, and that this price is unaffordable for democracies....

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m in America and I honestly thought we’d see this kind of FUD here first.

Make no mistake about it though, the governments of the world want to make encryption and other privacy tools solely their domain.

They’ve already done so extensively in China.

Prepare yourselves, for Big Brother is at our doorsteps.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

On Android, you can add Ublock to the Firefox mobile browser (use the Mull fork and you even have about:config). This plus NoScript gives a seamless experience between my phone and my Linux desktop. Almost never hear or see ads thanks to this and LibreTube/Sponsorblock.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I don’t know as I don’t use Firefox’s sync feature, but I don’t believe so. I customize everything via config and txt files from my git repos.

If anyone else knows though, please chime in.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Very cool. You might want to crosspost this to c/bash on lemmy.ml

[Question] Which shell prompt do you use and why?

Hi. I’ve been using powerlevel10k for a long time, but a few days ago, I decided I wanted to customize it a bit. I opened the .p10k.zsh file, and I was shocked. It’s really massive, with TONS of options. I’ve been digging through for a few hours already, and it’s absolutely amazing how much you can customize it without...

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Custom PROMPT variable in my .zshrc. Similar format in .bashrc, but uses PS1 instead.

Prompt shows git branch, italics and custom colors/characters. Shows a hanging arrow on a newline (i know, wasted newlines are blasphemy to some, but I like it).

Renders nicely in my custom compiled suckless terminal using monospace font.

<span style="color:#323232;">PROMPT='%B%F{blue}[  %B%F{white}$(tput sitm)'%1~'$(tput sgr0)$(tput bold)%B%F{blue}]$(tput sitm)$ %B%F{white}$(tput setaf 5)${vcs_info_msg_0_}%B%F$(tput sgr0)$(tput setaf 4)$(tput bold)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">└─>%B%F{white} '
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I bought a bag of these when I was 14 years old. I knew what they were. I ate them one at a time and got high off the endorphins. I still like spicy food, but habaneros are sadly my limit.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

The thing is that there is different ways the capsaicin affects the olfactory senses. I’ve had hot that straight burns. I’ve had hot that takes it’s sweet time to ramp up to inferno, and then there’s what you’re talking about.

While I’ve never had the carolina reaper pepper, I’ve had almonds lightly seasoned with them and that was intriguing. Subtle at first, but the heat builds and before you know it you’ve had too much…my guts complain shortly afterwards. Habaneros burn hot, but fade fast. The reaper appears to build slowly, but then lasts…but i can’t speak to that until I try the actual pepper…which I am on the fence about. Probably won’t, but am tempted solely for the bragging rights, lol.

Love the endorphins, but my intestines complain. And yes, sometimes you can’t taste anything anymore cuz of the heat. It’s a balancing act unless you’re competitive/insane.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Searching for the cheapest gas station. Too much time and gas.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Ah good. Sorry. I’m traumatized by parents driving obsessively around for hours looking for best prices on things…obviously there are better ways now.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

My only advice to the rich executive fat cats is to just give the actors what they want.

If you think you can replace them with AI, you can’t.

If you think you’re paying them enough, you’re not.

If you think you’re safe in your hidden bunkers, know that you’re neither hidden nor safe. The poors are already inside and right behind you…and they’re fucking starving…

Save yourselves now and just give the actors what they fucking want, assholes.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Cosmic radiation could always wreak havock by simply switching a 0 to a 1. It appears The Universe is Hostile to Computers.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

With spirit guides like that, who needs demons?

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

You can request a csv file of your subscriptioms from Google which you can import into Libretube and then cut ties with Youtube entirely, at least on mobile. There are other methods on desktop.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I can respect that. I’ll admit my finding new creators has slowed considerably since I stopped using Youtube directly. Now I just use word of mouth from podcasts and YT creators I already follow. For me, as of right now, that’s fine.

But if I had just joined the platform, I’ll admit there’s just no way I’d discover as much, and would probably just use the platform directly.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I basically don’t use TV. I have a simple, old wide screen 16:9 monitor that was gifted to me. Good enough.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Ah yes. Global Objects, AKA the thinnest of condoms, lol.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

i wasn’t aware. Could you link the specific post? It’s not up on the feed from that community in jerboa…

EDIT: Found it. okay, yes, FUTO does have some telemetry issues. Glad I posted this as it needs this kind of scrutiny thank you!

On the flip side, I now have another Lemmy community I joined and the Exodus App that catches these sorts of trackers is pretty cool. I already had revoked FUTO’s network permissions on GrapheneOS, so hopefully that mitigates the telemetry problem.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Agreed and done.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes. Agreed and Edited.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Interesting. I was under the impression that Google’s SST required Network access.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

The settings do have a slower option that according to Rossman is more accurate. I have not played with it cuz I personally have no issues with the accuracy at the default speed.

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I love Openboard as it has the closest layouts to Gboards (looks almost exactly the same imo). But I’ll admit that it’s prediction, while usually fine, can be very janky when trying to just edit a block of text. It will often delete the last space, undo the recent character edit, or jump to a different part of the text block when typing out the new edit.

All that said, the GrapheneOS default keyboard is just too basic imho, and while FlorisBoard is nice, it had worse prediction from what I observed.

The best is Gboards, and as another poster pointed out, you can just turn off Network access foe it to prevent telemetry. I just would prefer to use a competitor.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Futo supports the following languages:

English, Chinese, German, Spanish, Russian, French, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Catalan, Finnish, and Indonesian.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

True, but that’s yet another step every time I want to read an article. Personally i just use ublock origin and add this custom filter list.

And yeah, you can also turn off JS to accomplish a lot while browsing the internet.

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I strangely feel very conflicted over Google. I have a Pixel phone which supports the security hardened GrapheneOS.

Were it not for Google allowing their phones to be so easily rooted, I’d probably be with Apple, who have their own egregious privacy invading practices.

Google also left rss feeds available on Youtube, which essentially allowed me to easily move my subscriptions to my rss feeder instead of outright subscribing. Then, thanks to Invidious, I just use an extension to reroute any time I visit that channel/video.

Grant you, Google could easily remove these features that strangely enough allow for easy migration away from their platform, and I can definitely see a future where they do just that.

It just is such a strange thing for a company to have these built in aspects to their products that literally allow you to migrate away from their platform.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that this gives Google some sort of pass to do as they please. I haven’t used Google search regularly in a very long time. I still use their email and calendar solely because my current job team uses it as one of their main scheduling tools, but would prefer if we used something like a NextCloud instance.

In short, I have done some things to get away from Google’s suite of software and will continue to do so, but these strange loopholes, especially the interesting relationship Pixel/GrapheneOS has, make me wonder about how Google could still make certain products and remain a smaller, much more regulated, part of the Internet as a whole…

z3rOR0ne, (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

DDG HTML is quite similar to Lite, IIRC Lite does have some JS involved as opposed to HTML version, but I could be wrong.

DDG is Microsoft Bing under the hood, so yeah, not ideal. DDG also made some controversial changes when the Russia/Ukraine war started, but at least for me, I just didn’t see any lesser evils in the room that could still get me the results I needed.

I’ve tried Brave Search and it’s impressive what they’ve done, but their monetization model via Crypto is unlikely to pan out and I don’t see them lasting long unless they can find a way to monetize without crypto and ad revenue.

As far as searx is concerned, it just pulls in a bunch of other search engine results and I’m not sure if it just ends up supporting those engines at the end of the day. If anyone else knows more about whether these search platforms are still able to monetize off of searx results, please chime in.

I haven’t heard of librex, but will take a look. Thanks for the lead!

voxel, (edited ) to privacyguides
@voxel@infosec.exchange avatar

Warning to all Brave Browser Users

Blocking variations.brave.com which is used for A/B testing could potentially break Brave's functionalities. For me did Brave's "forgetful browsing" feature broke which seems to be disabled by default if you block this domain.

#brave #bravebrowser #privacy @privacy @privacyguides

@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

The Chameleon extension could solve some of the fingerprinting issues as it can randomize the browser and OS info that is sent.

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