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yarn, avatar

I spent 95% of my time shitposting on one forum in the early 2000’s. It was a similar experience to spending 95% of my time on reddit or one of the other major social media sites, except that crazy new ideas for social media didn’t really exist back then. They were all traditional forums where everything is posted in chronological order. I remember occasionally sumbling across a threaded forum back then, where you could reply directly to a comment and start a new thread chain like lemmy and reddit can. That was about it as far as innovation went, or at least from what I remember.

The other 5% where I was browsing those old web 1.0 sites with basic html and flash and all that stuff, I don’t miss that stuff too much. It would be nice to browse through an archive of stuff like that once or twice for nostalgia’s sake, but the modern internet is good too. I have no qualms with the modern internet.

yarn, (edited ) avatar

The suggestions in their direction for future improvement section should be implemented sooner rather than later. There’s no point in growing this platform if it’s going to be left wide open for abuse like it is.

I also think, in lieu of lemmy devs making any improvements, another good solution would be for a third party to prop something up that scrapes every lemmy post and runs it through an automated service for detecting known CSAM. The third party service would be forcing at least one of those future improvements on lemmy, as it exists today. Any known CSAM that’s found would be automatically reported, and if the instance owners can’t deal with it, then they would rightfully have to deal with the consequences of their inactions.

Edit: I’m beginning to think reddit was maybe not so bad. Getting mad about more robust tools for moderating CSAM is just sad.

yarn, avatar

You guys… the lemmynsfw community had the term “child-like” in its sidebar. Why is everybody conveniently forgetting that? Don’t even try saying that’s not a disgusting request to have in a sidebar too.

yarn, avatar

There’s them discussing removing the term in a mod post in that community. It was added after the latest way back machine archive.

yarn, avatar

The community sidebar used the term “child-like.” That’s pretty disgusting and really disingenuous of the lemmynsfw admins to quietly change that and then pretend like nothing happened. Plus, redditors have already gone through all this with r/jailbait, so it’s not really silly to anybody who remembers that debacle.

yarn, (edited ) avatar

They changed it after Ada complained about the community

Edit: Proof:

yarn, (edited ) avatar

Until whenever it was when Ada complained

Edit: Proof:

yarn, avatar

The growing mold scares away customers from the strip mall at h1. All the stores close and a Dollar General moves in.

Is eating a lot of canned food bad?

I recently gave up eating takeout every night, but I’m too lazy to cook, which led to me replacing it with basically nothing but canned food. Like I’ll mix a can of beans and a can of mixed vegetables together, put half in a bowl and put the other half in a container for tomorrow, put salad dressing on it, and then that’s...

yarn, avatar

I forgot to mention that I also eat a sandwich or something with the canned food meal. Like peanut butter and jelly or something. And about the salt content, I rinse both the beans and vegetables off before I mix them. I’m pretty sure there’s little to no salt left at that point, because I don’t taste any.

yarn, avatar

Yeah, that’s the type of thing I was wondering about. Some weird chemical type thing or something that does damage over time. I haven’t been worrying about it too much, but figured I should probably at least check before I knock too many canned meals back.

And yeah, this is metal cans I’m talking about.

For the microplastics, I guess I’m not too concerned with this if I can’t avoid them anyway.

yarn, avatar

Thanks for the alternatives ideas. I should try to mix up my “cooking” game a little, just to get a little more variety in my diet.

yarn, avatar

Thanks, I’ll try getting the low salt versions of things I can, and trying alternatives too, like frozen versions. I thought about dried beans before too, so maybe I’ll give those an honest go now. I was thinking they’d probably be just as easy as what I’m currently doing if you cook those in batch, and they’d probably taste better too.

yarn, avatar

Cool, thanks for the recipe!

yarn, avatar

Thanks cool, that’s good to know that I’m ok with the cans. I just have to start buying the low/no salt versions from now on, it sounds like. I’ll probably try to start mixing it up with the other lazy healthy options too, though. If only for a little more variety.

yarn, avatar

Thanks! Yeah, I’ll start trying to introduce frozen veggies into my routine. Never considered the pickled section of the grocery store, but I’ll take a look there too.

yarn, avatar

Haha yeah, the canned fruit is loaded with sugar from that extra syrup they add. I’ve been rationalizing it as at least I’m not drinking soda anymore, but I need to fix that too.

This is great info, though. Dried fruit is a good idea about ditching that sugary syrup. Plus, it’s easier than canned fruit anyway. I have been avoiding the premixed canned stuff and I do eat a lot of nuts and seeds, but I don’t do any dried vegetables. I’ll start looking into trying those. They do sound like they’d be a good way to get more variety.

yarn, avatar

There was a time when I tried getting into cooking (mostly variations of rice and beans) and I ended up leaning pretty heavily on canned chopped/diced tomatoes too. I liked the different flavors you could buy, in terms of the seasoning that’s put in the can, and you’re right, you could put anything in it and it would taste good.

yarn, avatar

Thanks, this thread has been highly informative for me. I now know there’s a little bit of vitamin loss from the canning process, so I should look into that.

yarn, avatar

I haven’t been really keeping up with this RHEL drama, so I’m probably going to regret making this comment. But about this bug merge request in particular, you have to remember that RHEL’s main target audience is paying enterprise customers. It’s the “E” right there in RHEL. So stability is a high priority for their developers, since if they accidentally introduce a bug to their code, then they’ll have a lot of unhappy paying customers.

The next comment that was cropped out of that screenshot basically explains exactly that. While the Red Hat developers probably appreciate the bug fix, the reality is that the bug was listed as non-critical, and the Red Hat teams didn’t have the capacity to adequately regression test and QA the merge request. But the patch was successfully merged into Fedora, so it will eventually end up in RHEL through that path, which is exactly what the Fedora path is for.

The blowup about this particulat bug doesn’t seem justified to me. Red Hat obviously can’t fix and regression test every single bug that’s listed in their bug tracker. So why arbitrarily focus on this one medium priority bug? if it were listed as a critical bug, then yes, the blowup would be justified.

yarn, avatar

I’m making no comment on CentOS being absorbed and repurposed by Red Hat. I’m just saying it makes sense why Red Hat would rather have this fix in Fedora than CentOS Stream.

yarn, avatar

CentOS Stream is the staging ground for RHEL. It isn’t a bleeding edge distro that can accept any merge request willy-nilly. For the reason why, reread my original comment about the nature of enterprise support.

Fedora is the distro that is more bleeding edge in the RHEL realm. This merge request was more suited for Fedora, and the fix was successfully applied to Fedora. So, I fail to see any irrational actions from Red Hat here.

yarn, avatar

I’m getting downvoted on my comment about not making a comment on CentOS, so now I feel obligated to reply to this.

I don’t know, dude. I don’t really care about the miscommunication. I was just focusing solely on the merits of the merge request’s code changes.

For the miscommunication, it seems like a two way street to me. That was GitLab, so the Red Hat dev was probably operating under the assumption that people there already understood everything about their testing process. But obviously that’s not the case, so Red Hat should create better boilerplate responses for these scenarios. But on the other side of the coin, whoever took this screenshot and posted it to reddit or wherever did so prematurely, imo. They should’ve asked around a bit to make sure it was a legitimate thing to blow up about before they sent a lynch mob to the merge request.

yarn, avatar

I’m still getting downvoted, so I’m just going to put this here and be done with this:

RTFM about DevOps

yarn, (edited ) avatar

I’m getting downvoted because I’m not conceding that the miscommunication was a legitimate excuse for that blowup. And I’m going to continue to not concede that. I found this whole situation to be embarrassing, and I think instead of getting mad at the miscommunication, you should all be getting mad at the moron who took that screenshot and whipped up the mob frenzy to swarm that merge request, because ultimately Red Hat was 100% justified in not accepting that merge request, and it made you all look like morons.

It’s fine to get mad on social media, but if you’re contributing to GitLab or someplace else, then you need to slow your roll. There’s always a process involved when contributing to a project, and you have to learn that process in order to contribute effectively. You can’t blow up and whip up a social media frenzy at the slightest inconvenience.

Edit: Sorry, @angrymouse. I should also add that I’m not mad at you personally or anything, or calling you a moron. I’m more talking about the collective response to this situation. And I’m pretty bad at words, so I feel like I accidentally made it too angry.

yarn, avatar

They do have a robust testing process, but their main focus at the CentOS Stream stage is more about preparing for the stable RHEL build than it is about adding a ton of new features and bug fixes. Testing takes time so it would be physically impossible for them to test everything if they didn’t have a limit on the type of contributions they accept. For bug fixes, their limit is that the bug has to be critical. For bugs lesser than that, the correct place to contribute those fixes is in Fedora.

That has been adequately explained in the merge request at this point, if you click in that link at the top of this thread amd read through it to get the latest info. The Red Hat devs have also made no indication that they’re not welcome to contributors. Anyone who’s saying that is blowing this merge request issue out of proportion.

yarn, avatar

I don’t know what to tell you. This change was more appropriate for Fedora and developers are bad at PR is basically the simplest way to put it.

What career paths are available out in rural areas for someone looking for a career change?

I’m a depressed web developer who’s hypothetically thinking about a possible career change. The issue is I live in a rural area. I’m wondering what kind of new career paths would be available to me out in the country? Two I can possibly think of would be a welder and construction, but I have no idea beyond that. Plus...

yarn, avatar

Yes, I’ve accepted the fact that whatever options there are will most likely be a downgrade in pay. Wildlife ranger work does sound nice, though. If it’s one of those ranger jobs where you have to go live out in the woods for an extended period of time, then that might be rough. But patrolling the wilderness sounds like a nice change of pace from IT work.

yarn, avatar

There was a bug with the hot sort a couple weeks ago, so that kind of poisoned the well a little bit. I’m never sure if the poor sorting is due to another bug or if it’s just the nature of how hot and active sort works. Assuming the sorts are working as intended, I’m beginning to believe that lemmy is just too small for hot and active to work well. Maybe they’ll be more applicable if lemmy grows to the size of reddit.

But anyway, I’ve just been sticking to the “top” sorts, for now. Those work well.

yarn, avatar

For the irritation issue, you can buy third party stems that are designed to cool the vape smoke down. Here are a few examples for the Rogue:

There are probably more options if you google around. I only looked at that Sneaky Pete store.

yarn, avatar

The gray market by me is a native american reservation, so I’m lucky I don’t have to worry about this. It will still be nice whenever an actual state sponsored dispensary finally opens up around me, though. It’s been two years since recreational weed was legalized in NY and still nothing.

yarn, avatar

I don’t like this NPC thing

yarn, avatar

I 100% believe that Zuck is going to stab lemmy in the back if/when it starts taking away too much profit from Meta. But I stopped caring so much because I’ve also realized that a lot of people here are too stubborn and have to learn the hard way.

yarn, avatar

I bought the roller blade wheels and can confirm they were very rolly. I couldn’t stay in a comfortable position. Maybe there’s a pad you could buy to reduce the rolliness.

I ended up going with these. It sucks not being able to roll, but at least I can keep my chair in a comfortable spot, and I’m not scratching the floor up.

yarn, avatar

I don’t get my news from any social media platform, including lemmy, no offense to lemmy. I used to do that with reddit, but it’s just too unhinged getting your news that way.

I stick with Associated Press, Reuters, and The New York Times, in that order. I also use Google News specifically for local news, but I don’t even peek at the main world news feed there.

More generally speaking, I stick to the old school human editorial board for my news. News that’s presented to me on AP, for example, has already been filtered by a board of humans who are smarter than me and whose opinions I trust on the state of the world. Opening up your selection of news to an easily gameable social media algorithm is just more trouble than it’s worth, in my opinion.

yarn, avatar

Sorry, I have to admit that I’m not the best at keeping up with LGBTQ+ news, so I wasn’t aware of that controversy. I’ll keep an eye on that and see how it shakes out. If NYT continues to stir controversy, then I can switch. I’m not particularly attached to them. Washington Post would be a good replacement, and I saw that GLAAD article mention that WP’s LGBTQ+ coverage is better.

yarn, avatar

Liftoff is what I’ve settled on, so far. I’ve found it to have the best performance of all the Android options.

yarn, avatar

Thunder was pretty snappy. I didn’t know about that one, so I tried it just now. I’m afraid to say I think I like Liftoff better still, because Thunder uses swipe gestures for a few things and is missing a few “top” sorts, but it seemed like it has potential.

yarn, avatar

Cool, sounds like it’s coming along well. I’ll give it another shot next update or so :)

yarn, avatar

Cool, thanks for the update! Coincidentally, Liftoff put gestures with no option to turn them off in their latest release, so I’ve been a little unsatisfied about that. I’ll try Thunder again.

The play store release is a huge deal too. Ngl that I probably wouldn’t have used Thunder if I had to manually update it from github for each new release.

yarn, avatar


yarn, avatar

Bach’s Chaconne from his violin partita in D minor.

It’s a song that was written around the time when Bach’s wife died, and if you listen hard enough, you can almost hear that it’s about her. It sounds like there are two voices, a low voice and high voice, who meet and fall in love with each other, and experience all the highs and lows of life and then are torn away from each other by death in the end. And it’s all done with just notes on a violin. And what’s more, it was written 300 years ago! It trips me out thinking about how somebody can write something so epic for a single instrument so long ago.

Jacsha Heifetz’s version of it is my favorite. Some people don’t like how fast he plays it, but he does the ending the best, in my opinion. You can hear the pain and denial and chaos of the two voices trying to enjoy their last moments together and leave nothing unsaid between each other most clearly the way Heifetz plays it.

Itzhak Perlman’s version is very good too. He plays at a slower pace than Heifetz, and has a more epic sounding tone. The highs and lows are generally more epic sounding the Heifetz, but I don’t quite understand how Perlman plays the ending. I have no doubt that he’s trying to tell the same story as Heifetz, but there isn’t any of that pain and chaos like Heifetz has. I’ve seen interviews with Perlman, and he seems like a very happy and well adjusted guy, so maybe that explains why his ending is so different. Maybe that’s just how the ending is for happy people like that, and I can’t comprehend it.

There are other good renditions to check out too, but Heifetz and Perlman are my favorites. Hillary Hahn and Nathan Milstein are other popular ones. Plus a bunch of others. That’s another cool thing about Chaconne. Everybody has their own rendition.

yarn, avatar

Glad you liked it! Yeah, I love Perlman’s rendtion, but Heifetz’s just takes the cake for me. The ending is too real.

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