
@[email protected]

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he's a pimp and wants other men to be pimps too.


You've seen their torture videos? Since when are Russians gentlemen? They want to take a dump, they can go take a dump in Russia.


How to make people hate libraries, so the electorate will remain ignorant.


somewhere someone is trying to mail @.com


Won't matter much in a democracy, but in a dictatorship or atcracy it means life & death.

In India, people have been imprisoned for posts & tweets for calling out Hindu supremacist Modi govt's anti-democratic policies & communal acts, Some of them have been violently assaulted in their homes by Hindu supremacist thugs for their posts and tweets because the dictatorial govt has stooges in both Meta & Twitter who access the ip address which is tracked down by the state.


Story of the punk bar bartender and nazis

based on @iamragesparkle;s tweets

I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, “no. get out.”

And the dude next to me says, “hey i’m not doing anything, i’m a paying customer.” and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, “out. now.” and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed

Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, “you didn’t see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them.”

And i was like, ohok and he continues.

"you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it’s always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don’t want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too.

And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it’s too late because they’re entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down.

And i was like, ‘oh damn.’ and he said “yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people.”

And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven’t forgotten that at all.


Apparently ,the other defensive lines are weaker than the Surovikin line. Just want Ukrainians to be safe and for Russian invaders to not be.


or pretending to sleepo n the job so they can catch miscreants in the act?


That's not a bug, it's a feature.


will you make a post on your blog complaining that no one on lemmy want your poop, and then post it on reddit?

Caste matters : Dalit student attacked by caste Hindu students for laughing inside bus in Tamil Nadu, India (www.thenewsminute.com)

In another case of caste-based violence among school students in Tamil Nadu, more than 20 caste Hindu students belonging to the Urali Gounder community attacked a Dalit student and his grandmother in Karur district on Saturday, August 26, for laughing inside a bus....


In India, Dalits have been attacked and killed by the oppressor uppercastes for sporting a moustache, wearing sunglasses, riding a bike, etc.

A week back in Tamil Nadu, India, a Dalit student was attacked by his fellow students for studying well - https://www.newsclick.in/tn-dalit-student-attacked-studying-well-anti-caste-groups-ring-alarm. A group of high school students broke into his home and hacked him with a sickle.

Caste based crimes abound in India and caste-based discrimination is rife even among Indians outside India. A couple of months back in another state Madhya Pradesh, an Adivasi man was urinated on by a Brahmin member of the ruling political party, the BJP.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvXxKI-e-40 (link to kbin post : https://kbin.social/m/worldnews/t/138318/Caste-Matters-a-Brahmin-member-from-the-ruling-party-BJP)

India has a law to fight casteist oppression and violence against Dalits & Adivasis called the Prevention of Atrocities against SC/ST Act. But those in charge of implementing this law are themsselves from the oppressor upper castes. So the law is rarely applied even though caste atrocities abound.

Laws preventing caste discrimnation, like this one and the one passed in Seattle, are essential to ensuing basic human dignity to all, Pro-Hindu groups oppose anti-discrimination efforts.




Please support laws preventing caste discrimination!


True. I'll reword that statement.

Thanks for calling it out.

Caste matters : California Assembly passes anti-caste Bill, soon to make it official state law (www.thenewsminute.com)

In another significant moment for the movement against caste discrimination in the United States, a Bill to make caste discrimination illegal was passed by the California State Assembly on Monday, August 28, with 50 votes in its favour and only three against it. It was earlier passed by the state's Senate in May this year. With...


They want to keep harrassing, humilitating, and persecuting people because the alternative is to accept that all humans are indeed equal which means their claim to superiority and pure-veg purity is & has been just b.s . It also means they and their casteist friends and their casteist families and their casteist ancestors are sadistic bastards without a shred of humanity.

The Nazis implemented their Ubermensch-untermensch discrimination for only 12 years, India's oppresor uppercastes perfected it thousands of years back. Christianity & Islam fucked up their systemised sadistic game by introducing the idea of equality, educating the oppressed, and offering them a way out of the oppressive Hindu caste system.


Anyone who is under the impression that Indian-Americans are progressive & hate discrimination needs to know that Indian-Americans carry within them the oppressive caste system that they've been trained into by their families & communities since birth.

Even those born outside India are trained into & practice caste oppression. Since developed countries look down on discrimination, so caste atrocities are carried out behind closed doors and in devious ways. Indian newcomers to college/ work place are asked their full name, because the last name/ surname is a caste marker. They're invited to a pool party to check whether they wear the Brahmin caste thread, or a friendly hand is placed on their left shoulder to check whether they're wearing the Brahmin caste thread under their clothes. Once info on their caste is gathered, they'll either be welcomed as one of 'ours' or severely discriminated against by the oppressor upper castes a discreetly as possible.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, a victim of caste oppression, India's first Law Minister, and the architect of India's Constitution had said this "If Hindus migrate to other regions on earth, Indian caste would become a world problem"


You'll be suprised, Many are good at wearing a progressive mask in public and behaving otherwise in private.


Hinduism doesn't say Hindus are all equal. Christianity and Islam do. There are no castes in Christianity or Islam, and that is the reason many from the oppressed castes renounced Hinduism and accepted those religions. It's also one of the many reasons why Hindu supremacists hate those religions.


DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offendor) or projection?


Caste oppression is not confined to 'a state in a country'. Every pusbback against casteism a win for humanity everywhere,, hence this news is in worldnews.


The real caste in the USA is the poverty line and exploitation inherent to capitalism

that's a class issue .

This is one way places like India, where caste is a prominent social component, have something of an advantage.

India's oppressed castes will disagree. Oppressor uppercastes not only have no problems inflicting barbaric violence on the oppressed castes , they also face minimal to no negative consequences for their crimes.

Here's a recent days old example where a 20-year old Dalit youth and the three young children with him were beaten up, urinated on, and hung upside down. The perps, all oppressor upper caste men, recorded the atrocities they were commiting and circulated its video which should tell you how sure the oppressor castes are of their crimes being taken lightly. The police only filed a report against them after the video they made went viral. They make and circulate such videos as caste pride and to humiliate and terrorie the oppresed castes even more.

Oppressor castes too have their sociapolitical spheres who act vocally &sometimes silently to ensure caste oppession foes unpunished. Oppressor castes are wealthier, have greater political representation, and almost all in positions of power are fromthe oppressor upper castes. which is why even after 77 years of Independence, caste atrocities are rampant in India.


This may seem odd to someone accustomed to a caste dominated system, but here in the USA, this will likely only really apply to a situation where the plaintiff and defendant are both from a culture where caste is an established legal issue.

Caste discrimination is a problem in every place where oppressor upper castes come across those who they think should be oppressed, both inside India and outside. It is a global problem, but not discussed much because most of the diaspora Indians who are vocal and visible are also mostly from the oppressor upper castes.



Oppressor uppercaste Indians want democratic values, secularism, and affirmative action in countries where they are a minority so that they can benefit from those policies. Where they'hold the reigns of power, they want casteism, religious extremism, and patriarchy.



Unless of course, you're lgbtq, or a woman, or an atheist, or a member of another religion, or anyone they don't like really.

so does Hinduism. We're discussing caste here though, which does not exist in Christianity and Islam.


Did you forget Modi publicly supporting Trump's 2020 presidential bid with "Abki baar Trump sarkar!" and a beaming Trump by his side and a stadium full of cheering Indian-Americans?

@givesomefucks : This was in September 2019 when Indian Americans hosted a 'Howdy Modi' event .


I appreciate you putting it all here. and yes, we're all fighting similar problems.

India's oppressed castes have borne the brunt of caste oppression in silence for thousands of years (I'm not even exaggerating), because Indian civilization denied them a voice and normalised caste oppression. Caste has now become an obvious opponent, because oppressed castes speak about the caste atrocities and humiliations they suffer, risking violence if they need to. And because Dr. Babaaheb Ambedkar took steps to shine light on its barbarity.

The good people at Castewatch UK have explained it better than me when they say :

While ‘race’ is a way of classifying people into groups based on physical traits, ‘caste’ is a system of social stratification, where groups are assigned a way of life defined primarily by occupation. Caste has no distinguishable physical feature and members of the same ‘race’ group may be of several different caste groups. In Britain for example, Dalits have progressed economically and do not follow their traditional occupations of cleaning toilets and skinning dead animals, but they encounter caste-based discrimination in social interactions. Unlike race discrimination, caste discrimination is intra-racial and is practised among those of the same nationality, ethnic origin and/or cultural background.

xuxebiko, (edited )

Caste is associated primarily with cultures of the Indian sub-continent. According to those who practise and promote it, Caste is determined by birth and cannot be changed. Each Caste continues in a state of social paralysis, antagonistic and hostile towards the others’ interests, with inter-marriage discouraged if not prohibited. Whereas, in a class-based system there is the possibility of vertical mobility, this is denied in a Caste-based system.

There are four caste categories, each ranked differently in terms of social honour. Brahmin men are on the very top of the caste pyramid as they authored religious texts on caste and put themselves on top, and their only claim to superiority and excuse for the many cruelties they've created & imposed on everyone else is based on the caste system that they created. Dalits & Adivasis are at the very bottom, and are at the receiving end of every violence and indignity that the oppressor castes come up with.

Yet caste discrimination is not limited to South Asian countries. As Indians have migrated outside India to study, work, and stay, they've carried the ideology and practice of the caste system with them.

The notion that the Dalit community is by nature ‘impure’ and therefore inherently bound to servitude continues to create social divisions across South Asia. Although Dalits are the most severely affected group, caste-based discrimination ouside India is pervasive, affecting all communities among the South Asian diaspora because of the entrenchment of caste as a social paradigm.

Discrimination based on one’s caste holds similarities to discrimination based on one’s ethnic background or race; members of one group hold prejudice and exercise discrimination towards the group that they deem to be inferior. However, it is important to note that while the discrimination experienced can be similar to racism, caste is different from race.

While ‘race’ is a way of classifying people into groups based on physical traits, ‘caste’ is a system of social stratification, where groups are assigned a way of life defined primarily by occupation. Caste is not just a division of labour, it is the division of labourers.

Caste has no distinguishable physical feature and members of the same ‘race’ group may be of several different caste groups. In Britain for example, Dalits have progressed economically and do not follow their traditional occupations of cleaning toilets and skinning dead animals, but they encounter caste-based discrimination in social interactions. Unlike race discrimination, caste discrimination is intra-racial and is practised among those of the same nationality, ethnic origin and/or cultural background.


Every layer of equality mattered and matters to those who face that inequality elsewhere.


In India, the benefits of higher prices is rarely passed to the farmers. middlemen/ brokers hoard prodcuts and make hay.

Rice is one of the few crops where the govt sets a Minimum Selling Price (MSP) and farmer prefer it knowing their crop will atleast get them some returns. for most of the agri products, there is no MSP, and farmers have no way of knowing whether the crop they've borrowed money to plant and have slaved to grow & reap will fetch them any money. When even returns are not assured, profits are a distant dream. The financial situation of farmers caused by inconsistent returns is so terrible that almost all farmers are deep in debt and since
the 1970s an estimated 30 Indian farmers have been killing themselves everyday due to debt.

The situation is so dire that as of 2018, the Indian government has not published data on farmer suicides since 2015.




China has released a map declaring Aksai Chin and the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh as part of its territory. Modi will respond to this 'de-escalation' by either keeping mum on it or declaring the map is not wrong.


UK: Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 28 August 2023 (lemmy.ca)

Russia has highly likely cancelled Exercise ZAPAD (‘West’) 23, its planned ‘joint strategic exercise’ (JSE) and major annual event intended to be the culmination of the military’s training year. The exercise should have taken place in September 2023....


They're worried Ukraine will drone bomb the hell out of their JSE.


I read the back cover and open the book on a random page and start reading. If that page doesn't make me want to read more, then its not for me.

xuxebiko, (edited )

Politicians should be fitted with electronic tags.


Now his acts will be even more stupid and attention-seeking.

Women working in Antarctica say they were left to fend for themselves against sexual harassers (apnews.com)

The National Science Foundation, the federal agency that oversees the U.S. Antarctic Program, published a report in 2022 in which 59% of women said they’d experienced harassment or assault while on the ice, and 72% of women said such behavior was a problem in Antarctica....

xuxebiko, (edited )

men will apparently just be men.

this thinking removes the sexual harasser's & rapist's responsibility for their crimes and moves it to their gender/DNA.

When criminal conduct is enabled, crime will escalate.


Buckingham was hired by PAE. Amentum didn’t respond to questions from the AP. Leidos Senior Vice President Melissa Lee Dueñas said it conducts background checks on all its employees.

“Our stance on sexual harassment or assault couldn’t be more clear: we have zero tolerance for such behavior,” Dueñas said in an email. “Each case is thoroughly investigated.”

Translates to 1) We thoroughly investigate and hire sexual predators and 2) We say this b.s. to protect our jobs, actually we have zero tolerance for those who complain about sexual harassment.

The report made it clear that those in charge enable sexual predators.


Yes! It absolves men of their responsibility to make their society/community safe and it ensures that if they become a problem then other men will not stop them.


Too bad his "vision of inclusiveness" isn't seen inside India. In India, his vision is setting Hindu supremacist thugs to engineer communal & ethnic violence across India, ending press freedom, setting Enforcement Directorate+Central Bureau of Investigation + Income Tax after elected non-BJP governments to scare them into collapsing so Adani can profit, setting his troll army after the Chief Justice of India when he fails to kowtow.

Children reaching UK in small boats sent to jail for adult sex offenders (www.theguardian.com)

A growing number of cases have been identified where unaccompanied children, many of whom appear to be trafficked, have been sent to HMP Elmley, Kent, and placed among foreign adult prisoners. According to the most recent inspection of Elmley, the block where foreign nationals are held also houses sex offenders.


A number of Home Office decisions that meant children were sent to an adult prison have already been overturned after detailed assessments by independent or local authority specialists.

New data obtained by the Observer confirms that hundreds of asylum-seeker children are being wrongly treated as adults by the Home Office. According to data from dozens of councils, more than half of the unaccompanied asylum-seeking children who undergo Home Office age assessments on arriving into the UK are later confirmed to be children.

The cruelty is the point. Tories truly are monstrous.

xuxebiko, (edited )

tl;dr : Those who are in positions of power are from the oppressor uppercastes and don't want the oppressed lower castes to be equal to them.

Long answer:

India's Constitution is firm about equality for all castes, religions, and genders. But that chafes those in the oppessor castes and patriarchy who derive their identity from it. The architect of India's Constitution is Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar who is hated by Brahminism and the patriarchy because 1) he is from the oppressed lower castes 2) he dared to educate himself and architected the Constitution that forces them to be equal to all others 3) he passed the Hindu Code bill that gave equal rights to Hindu women.

Caste allows a person to wield power over others without earning it, just by being born into a oppressor caste family.

Hinduism is a collection of castes. It's communities are based on caste and it's foundation is the caste system. Caste is hierarchial and almost always there's someone lower on the hierarchy who can be oppressed. The sadism of this makes the person forget that almost always there's someone higher on the hierarchy who can oppress, humiliate, and persecute him. This hierarchial system of oppression is so pervasive that thee are sub-castes within a caste which makes every caste itself hierarchial and makes it difficult for people of a caste to unite. In every caste & every subcaste, women are the bottom. This ensures patriarchy is maintained by all castes & subcastes, and gives every frustrated man someone he can punch down to take his anger & frustrations out on. How can any such man who practices hierachial oppression within the confines of his own home take a stand against the hierarchial oppression he suffers from other men out of his home?

Brahmin men are on the very top of the caste pyramid as they authored religious texts on caste and put themselves on top, and their only claim to superiority and an excuse for the many cruelties they've created & imposed on everyone else is based on the caste system. Dalits & Adivasis are at the very bottom, and are at the receiving end of every violence and indignity that the oppressor castes come up with.

We have a law to fight casteist oppression and violence against Dalits & Adivasis called the Prevention of Atrocities against SC/ST Act. But those in charge of implementing this law are from the oppressor upper castes. So the law is rarely applied even though caste atrocities abound.

Caste is a barbaric custom and as Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar has rightly said, caste must be annihilated.


They practice it because those in power in those communities

  1. benefit from it and
  2. are descendants of oppressor upper castes who converted to Islam or Christianity . They changed their religion, but refuse to be civilised even though both Islam & Christianity are religions of equality.

Sikhism was created to rebel against Hindu casteism, yet nowadays we can see caste is prominent in Sikhs as well and for the same 2 reasons.


Yes! That was the word I was looking for!

Thank you.

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