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Liar. His net worth is less than 30 million as of last year, and he owns nothing in Florida. It’s all made up. This is the dumbest shit.


This joke always bugs me because it’s a spoken conversation in the context of the joke. He would say “what’s an Ery?”


Yeah, there’s no way she would fumble her career that easily, even if she wanted to.


Cool. After 300+ hours in this game I’ve really been looking forward to something new to mix it up.

Side note: They REALLY need to get someone else on English translations. Like the text in game, this trailer is kinda… ALMOST right but definitely not right, grammatically speaking.

xantoxis, (edited )

That we have the technology to make a paper towel dispenser that works well, and that we don’t do that very much because it’s cheaper to make one that works poorly, are not incompatible.

When we get mass market flying cars, we’ll get incredibly shitty flying cars that crash all the time, about a week later.


ok but that picture is clearly one 18" pizza vs two 18" pizzas that have been hit by a shrink ray, meaning the two on the right have twice as much nutrition as the one on the left.


Yeah. The problem here is he’s talking to those people–which is valid–while pretending he’s never heard of the real issue: No matter the reason, the game is not good. Y’all already put it on sale because it’s not good.

  • You have the opportunity right now to tell us why, if you want, but you didn’t do that.
  • Ultimately it doesn’t matter the reason why.

You don’t get to pout and say “you don’t know how hard this is” when you’re selling your game for money. You’re not giving it away. You’re not doing charity work here. Make a better game or stop talking. Nobody out there paid $70 because they wanted your opinion about it. They paid $70 because they wanted a good game. They didn’t get it.

And yeah, it is hard. Even with all that money and all those developers, it’s hard. But nobody wants to be scolded because they experienced a bad game. That’s not your customer’s fault.


If you watched John Wick and came away with the impression that JW cares about individual guns, I don’t even know what movie you were watching. Dude ditches guns faster than an empty water bottle.


It’s basically always this. Your phone in the same room with someone else’s phone. This is stronger around christmas when people are looking for gift ideas, so they push this mind control shit on you even harder.

It’s not actually listening to you–that’s been debunked multiple ways–but what it’s doing instead is arguably worse.


I kind of hate when a meme is built from something I already know about because it’s impossible to appreciate a mid-tier gag like this when I know the point of the original sketch.

John Cleese, here overlaid with Elon Musk’s head, is the protagonist in this sketch. He’s the one who’s actually being honest about what’s going on. Michael Palin, the vendor on the left, is lying about whether or not the bird he sold is dead. That’s the joke. That’s the point of the sketch. The humor isn’t that John Cleese killed the bird, it’s that Michael Palin sold him a dead bird.

This meme would make sense if Musk bought an already dead platform, but that’s not what happened. Twitter was at its peak when he took the helm. He’s actually the one that killed it.

This misses the whole point of the bit.


lol they did, that’s what webapps RUN ON. TBH I don’t get the original complaint. Lots of people have bad webapps; back when native apps were the norm, lots of people had bad native apps. It’s not really a problem with the runtime framework.


From their perspective, were they mistakes? They got our money


Are you saying that people with DS shouldn’t be alive, or that they should be executed instead of jailed when they are guilty of a crime? Both are incredibly sketchy opinions but one of them is WAY more… what’s the word… Third Reich?


I’ll stand there and face the crowd with you. I loved Force Awakens and TLJ. Then when I heard what RoS was like, I didn’t even go see it. I still haven’t.


I almost never buy games at full price, but that doesn’t mean they’re pricing them incorrectly, from the viewpoint of the company that made the game. It’s a deliberate marketing strategy that works. It’s sometimes called the “skimming” strategy of pricing. (It has nothing to do with embezzlement.) It just means charging the highest price the market will bear at a certain time and ratcheting it down, and at each notch, finding a new market.

If 20% of your market will buy the game at $50, and 80% will buy the game a $25, you probably still want to charge 50 first and then bring it down to 25 gradually, as this will maximize your revenue.

I’m no capitalist, but maximizing a value function is just math.


Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to like it, or pretend to like it, or justify why you don’t like it, or even tell people that you don’t like it.

Totes fine to just dislike it and move on. For me I not only love LD but it actually brought me into trek fandom through the backdoor, and I’m currently watching TNG all the way through.

But I’m not diminished in any way by you not liking it.

Now as for your coworker, I recommend hitting him with a brick being direct and saying “I don’t like it, but you’re free to give me other recommendations you think I’ll enjoy.”


One thing I’ve always wondered, and this is hardly the most unbelievable aspect of the science fiction elements of this show but it’s one of the most pervasive and constant; why don’t we ever hear the native languages of the aliens underneath the sounds of the universal translators? Most, although not all, of them speak by vibrating the air, so where are those sounds disappearing to?


I like this theory, it feels like one of the authentic ways that slurs in earth languages actually get invented.


C uddles,
O ffers of affection,
I ntimacy,
T rust,
U nflinching respect,
S uckin and fuckin til the sun comes up


Lol at this meme being at the absolute bottom of the page above a “next” button. They stuck

Why are we so concerned with oxygen production yet we never hear about nitrogen production, though we actually need 78% nitrogen vs 21% oxygen to survive?

Excess oxygen is actually harmful to humans, but all the climate warnings are about losing oxygen, not nitrogen edit: but when we look for habitable planets, our focus is ‘oxygen rich atmosphere’, not ‘nitrogen rich’, and in medical settings, we’re always concerned about low oxygen, not nitrogen....


As someone else pointed out, nitrogen is non-reactive. Almost any gas would work, as long as it was plentiful enough to maintain the necessary air pressure, and non-reactive. You don’t need nitrogen to live; you just need oxygen. Just, not so much that you get acute oxygen toxicity, which mainly happens with pure oxygen at regular atmospheric pressure for extended periods of time. There are even applications where pure oxygen is administered to people, usually at lower than atmospheric pressure.

Nitrogen is a filler gas. It’s there to take up space and keep the air molecules bouncing around at the appropriate pressure. (Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say our lungs require a certain pressure because this is where we evolved; that pressure happens to be maintained mostly by nitrogen.)

We aren’t exploring other planets in person yet, but if we were, we’d need to filter out all the bad shit in the air, keep the oxygen, and maintain the normal pressure. If we were lucky enough to encounter an atmosphere with oxygen, a non-reactive filler gas, and no toxins, we might be able to just breathe it; or to breathe it after compressing it to the appropriate pressure. Nitrogen wouldn’t need to be there at all.

The confusing thing about the scuba application is that nitrogen isn’t in the mix because you need the nitrogen. It’s there because it reduces the pressure of toxic gases to a threshhold you can survive.


We’re pretty hyper-specialized to use it, but there are organisms on earth that don’t need it and in fact find oxygen deadly; they are called anaerobic. They still need chemical energy, it’s just not provided by oxygen. (As I was looking this up I discovered there’s even a creature in the animal kingdom that doesn’t breathe oxygen.) Some gases, like carbon monoxide, will actually participate in gas exchange in your lungs and react with your body chemistry, but in a way that rapidly breaks down cell functioning.

So, yes, there are definitely other forms of biochemistry that can process non-oxygenated environments and extract energy from them, just not us, not by a long shot.


My problem with it is it’s a waste of a ring slot. The odds of this helping you at all are miniscule. Fighting enemies that attack within a range of <=22? This ring doesn’t help you at all.


Yeah, one way to do this is to start transmitting what sounds like one half of a phone conversation.

“Hi, how have you been?”

“Ugh that’s the worst. You coming by soon?”

“Nice I’ll get the barbecue ready.”

“A functioning FTL drive you say?”


You don’t need the Pythagorean theorem to know that the answer to this one is no. The range is 30 feet. They are more than 30 feet. The answer is no.

xantoxis, (edited )

Ope. Hang on.

Normally this is obviously correct, but in this case, we have to consider how tall the characters are. As a DM, I would rule that if any part of the character (their actual person, not including, say, the reach of the sword they’re holding) is within the 30’ circle, or could be if they actively collaborated with the cleric using free actions, then the bless would affect them.

There’s also a few definitions we need to talk about:

  • if the cleric (we’ll call them Carl) is 30’ in the air, that is understood to mean that if the spell holding them up there fails, they will fall 30’. By the same token, a character 0’ feet in the air can only fall 0’. We can infer that Carl’s feet (or the bottom part of the PC, at any rate) are 30 feet in air.
  • we consider Carl to be in the center of the 5x5 grid square in the plane A formed 30’ above the flat terrain.
  • the “allies are 20ft away” part is a bit too fuzzy for this to work (how many allies? which ones? they can’t all occupy the same grid square unless they’re tiny), so we’ll have to make some calls here. Let’s just consider one ally, Alice, who is 20’ away.
  • We consider Alice to be in the center of her grid square, in the plane T formed by the flat terrain.
  • When we say Alice is “20ft away” from Carl, we mean that a perpendicular line drawn through the cleric intersects with T at the center of a grid square in A–we’ll call this square C(T) and Carl’s square at current altitude C(A), and the center of C(T) is 20’ from the center of Alice’s square A(T). Visualized as a battle grid you would have C ◻◻◻ A in plane T, with 3 empty squares separating them. On a physical table, Carl would also probably be standing on a little platform or a d6 to indicate altitude.
  • “Range: 30ft” 30 feet from what? Definitely not Carl’s god, they’re probably not even in the room. Maybe we mean 30ft from Carl’s 3rd chakra, or maybe it’s just 30ft from any part of Carl’s person. That seems easier, let’s go with that one.

Based on some anthropometric data I found very quickly, the average human woman has a vertical reach of about 77 inches or 6’ 5". That’s naked, and she’s probably wearing boots, let’s add another inch for the soles so 6’ 6".

We can give her a little bit more of an advantage as well; the shortest path between Alice and Carl is a straight line following the radius of the sphere, so she could “lean in” a bit with her arm to get closer. She can’t go a full 45 degrees without falling prone though, so this only adds a little. Without a posable figure and a 3d model of the space in front of me I couldn’t tell you how much she could reasonably add by pointing her body and hand at an angle, so let’s just call it 2 more inches and keep measuring vertically.

We’ll call the apex of her fingertips at 80 inches above T a new plane F, and A(F) is the point where she touches that plane with her fingers.

Now we get to actually apply the Pythagorean theorem. It’s a triangle formed by the points (C(A) -> A(A) = 240") as leg 1 and (A(A) -> A(F) = 280") as leg 2. The hypotenuse, then, is 368 inches.

30ft is 360 inches. Is 80 inches of Alice enough to put a fingertip through any part of a 30ft sphere around Carl’s feet?

No it isn’t. So no +d4 for you Alice, piss off.


Best reason to close the lid: The things you do in the toilet smell. Lid keeps the smells from spreading.


Yeah, I’m aware that toilet lids are not an airtight system, I’ve seen them. It still does slow down airflow enough for most of the poop to settle instead of spreading to your whole house.


USPS is by far the most reliable and competent delivery service. It’s even more reliable than the trucks Amazon runs. Maybe your area is different, but the amount of late and lost packages I have from the others … sigh.


Is it better if you snort it?


“Oh god I’m in so much pain, what are all these fucking extra teeth”


And if your git repo is self-hosted on-prem, you’d better be helping pack it and carry it out.


I downvote because “content” is a bullshit word made up by C-suite jackasses to describe a budget line item. I upvote for art I appreciate, questions that are good questions asked in good faith, news and information that are informative. “Content” is only a thing if your job is “gather eyeballs for ad revenue”, a phenomenon which can’t even exist on Lemmy.


Even if there weren’t competition (and there definitely is, spend some time in the New feed if you want to see some really bad posts that don’t make it there); I’d still want the best ones on top.


This is just apologia for Starbucks’ core capitalist nature.

At some point your supply chain transparency breaks down, how ever many steps of outsourcing deep that might be.

No? If you restricted your purchasing to people growing coffee in specific areas with a high degree of oversight and frequent audits, this wouldn’t happen. The coffee would cost (them) a lot more, of course, but it’s certainly possible to do this.

The point is an oligarchy could incentivize high worker wages and ethical business practices through lots of mechanisms, the primary one being “pay more money for your supplies.” They don’t. We should be burying all these companies in the grave.


There’s a surprising number of situations where an airhorn is justifiable


You might not understand channels people mention in day to day talk from youtube or references.

Hahaha jesus nah, the only time I ever hear people mention streamers or youtubers is to go “Who the hell is THAT? they did WHAT to their underage fans?” And then I immediately stop caring about them.


I’ve been using fastmail for a few months now. Besides being a really top-notch replacement for gmail and even adding a few features, it also onboards you by giving you a couple quick fields to fill out and then immediately imports everything you had in gmail. And then it keeps importing it, continuously, as long as you want.

It’s not like i’m paying for gmail, so I’ll keep the account alive as long as I need while I switch all the same accounts and records that you are (validly) mentioning as a barrier. I could actually do most of it in one sweep, if I just searched for my old email address in 1password, but it’s not really that time-sensitive to switch, and in the meantime I get to use fastmail.


Fuck’s sake dude aren’t there enough places to put porn on this service


Their problem is they already made a perfect game. Now they have to do it again. Doing something perfectly once can be chance, doing it twice is massively more difficult.


OK check out the aliens in Manhunt (S2E19) and then tell me he’s wrong


Oh my god, yes, bring on the Heavy Metal memes


bites lower lip and fffffff’s


Post a picture with a bite mark, coward


I would absolutely sub to a community of stories like this.


They will if they ask for truth


I think the thread here is that maybe they care about abortion, or maybe they don’t, but they very much care about winning power through elections.

And they know they’ve been on the loser side of the abortion issue. They’re ready to drop it and move on.


at some point you will need to choose one over the other.

Maybe, maybe not. I’ve heard of people doing this stuff for a LONG time.

But it doesn’t matter, does it? If you are forced to choose one over the other, you’ve still made a lot of extra money on all the double-dipped hours you’ve accrued up to that point.

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