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How to solve this boot error message? (

I’m on debian 11, this error doesn’t show up every time, but once it appear I need more that one reboot and it will fix automatically without doing nothing, don’t know the reason why (just read that can be kernel dependent). What I want to avoid is that maybe it’s just a warning of somethink that will cause a pc break in...


I second the advice to switch to a different/previous/known good kernel. That has been the cause a most boot problems for me. I just had it happen on a VM a couple of weeks ago, so I switched to the old kernel, then removed the new kernel. I’ll wait for another kernel before upgrading.

It’s probably worth scanning your disk just in case as well.


I learned the hard way about the beauty of backups and the 3, 2, 1 rule. And snapshots are the GOAT.

Even large and (supposedly) sophisticated teams can make this mistake, so dont feel bad. It’s all part of learning and growth. You have learned the lesson in a very real and visceral way - it will stick with you forever.

Example - a very large customer running our product across multiple servers, talking back to a large central (and shared) DB server. DB server shat itself. They called us up to see if we had any logs that could be used to reconstruct our part of their database server, because it turned out they had no backups. Had to say no.

People who have been through tough timew, how did you keep moving?

I’m a week late on rent due, I only paid half, I had to call all my credit card companies and utilities to tell them what’s going on. And now my check engine light turned on because the bastard is misfiring. My wife lost her dad which fucked us both up due to missing a ton of work, and I don’t know what to do. I’m tired...


Damn… I feel for you. It sounds like you are in a tough spot. There’s lots of good advice on this page, and the one thing I will add is to protect and keep working on your relationship. Money is the core component of many (or was it most?) relationship problems.

You can get through it, but (IMHO) you need your wife right there with you (or at least, I did). We were doing ok until I tried to start a business and dropped my 9-5 job. Revenue was slim, and then at one point I earned nothing for 6 months. We were on the bones of our arse - living off a meagre kindergarten teacher’s wage paying rent and food. Without my wife, we would have drowned. She did amazing things in budgeting down to the last penny, no luxuries, riding everywhere, spending time together. It was hard and there was no end in sight for a long time. We were very lucky and things turned around. But I would have not managed it without her (and her incredible budgets).

It sound like you have been deep in it for longer than we were, and I wish you all the best in working your way out.

About electric vehicle. If you add the maintenance cost for battery, how does it fair compare to gasoline vehicle? On cost we have to pay.

I heard someone said that, at the end EV will cost you almost the same as gasoline vehicle, if you have to change the expensive battery every so often. Can someone please give me more info on this? Thank you so much.


My smaller battery MX Tesla, after 7 years, has gone from 330km to 308km. The degradation is a lot slower than you indicate.


He’s talking about the USA, so the guard could shoot your neighbour and be suspended with pay. If he wants to be extra cautious, he could yell stop resisting after shooting him.


Keep in mind that this is for « typical IEEE members », which I am pretty sure is not a great representative sample of programmers in general.

How many of you programmers out there are IEEE members?


The lists are quite similar with a slight reordering in the top 7 or 8. I guess both lists are a representative sample of developers… But there is one interesting difference:

IEEE: Python, Java, C++, C, JS, SQL, Go TIOBE: Python, C, C++, Java, C#, JS, VB (!), SQL

In IEEE, VB is way way down the list. Do IEEE members use VB less?

I’m always amazed that C still scores so high, but I’ve been told there is a lot of embedded work still going on.


I am one… but I’m the only one I know at my company and socially.


While there is a slow, but steady, stream of interesting topics, the number of responses is typically in the 10s (at most) rather than hundreds or thousands. Often its just 0. And the quality of the responses is still lacking mostly, although some of the tech channels I follow usually have one or two people with good knowledge.

Plus… waaaay too many old memes. (Yeah… I know I can block them, but I do like living dangerously and browsing all sometimes to look for interesting channels)


I’m usually a little suspicious of a new fancy language - because the language is only a part of the equation. Does it have good tooling and does it have awesome libraries?

I had a preconception that Rust is strong as a language (formally well structured, low shoot-yourself-in-the-foot potential, consistent, predictable) and that the tooling seemed strong (debuggers, editors, code completion, help, test frameworks), but I’ve always thought that it would lag with libraries. I mean compared to something like Python (« Batteries included ») or java, surely it is not yet compatible, right?.

So I chose a few of the less main-stream libraries that I use regularly… and Lo and behold! They exist for Rust, including Couchbase, SQLite, ECDH, DiffMatch. I can’t vouch for the completeness of those libs, but the fact that everything I looked for existed… that’s impressive.


To have library portability is a very cool feature. I hadn’t released that this was possible.


I’m guessing you are not programming on a Mac then :-).


And heavy. The Max’s are quite a bit heavier than competitors.


I know it was a sorta joke… but I had to find out if it was true.

This link:…/139369provides an awesome breakdown on the contents and lots of X-rays.

It turns out the answer is no, although both batteries are in the right ear cup, and ifixit never do figure if there is a counterweight in the other ear. There’s just a gap.

And yeah… adding that weight was a crappy move and very un-apple IMHO. Their products should stand on their own and not require gimmicks like that. Having said that, this is Beats. Analysis showed that their products cost as little as $18 to make (including parts and assembly) - talk about cheap overpriced crap. The other few hundred dollars per set is marketing, distribution and profit. Shows what celebrity endorsements can get you.


You probably did the right thing for headphones.

I’ve been looking for real data on the effectiveness of Sony’s MX5 vs Max vs others - specifically I want to see how well they do passive and ANC across the frequencies we are exposed to. And Verge have come through with this video:…/we-took-six-pairs-of-headphones-an…

Its a good video, but its also got real data from some experts. If you are TLDW - then skip to the end for a table from the experts.

The Sony MX5 are head and shoulders above the rest (with the max second in most categories).

Forsyth County schools cancel talks after author says the word 'gay' to elementary school students (

School officials in Metro Atlanta’s Forsyth County canceled two talks by a children’s book author last week after he used the word “gay” in a presentation to elementary school students about the history of the superhero character Batman....


Is this the cancel culture that we keep hearing is coming for the MAGA crowd??


Well… this is pretty crappy.

I built a Xamarin app (mac/iOS) because I wanted portability to windows. Then I was forced to upgrade to .net 6/7 because of a library I needed, and that meant upgrading to .Net for Mac/.Net for iOS (which is part of MAUI, but not using MAUI UI controls). MAUI is definitely undercooked at the moment.

What an awful and painful process, but I’m finally there… and they drop the main IDE for development. Damn.

VSCode doesn’t have a visual UI designer (well… neither does VSMac, but it does prepare a copy of your project and opens XCode for editing the storyboard/images, and copies changes back). So does this mean they will add that to VSCode? Or will we all have to switch to raw edits of XML to create UIs like you have to do with MAUI? Ick.

Developing GUIs for windows using MS tools is a lesson in frustration, especially when you want to have cross platform capabilities… WPF -> WinForms -> Xamarin -> Xamarin.Forms -> MAUI/.Net for {Mac,iOS}… Not to mention UWP… Each transition is a rewrite. Damn.



True on desktop OSs. I did quite a bit of commercial dev on GTK many years ago, but I always found the look and feel on Mac (esp) and windows quite klunky. I hear that quite a bit of work has been done on native theming, so perhaps my impressions are out of date. Having said that - GTK wasn’t bad to work with. I also did a project in WxWidgets, but again desktop only. It was not too bad for simple apps.

For the current app - first release target was iOS, then Mac, Android, Windows then Linux. So GTK was out since its not mobile friendly (I have heard you can do something on Android, but iOS is out).


Its hard to make a commercial decision for something that’s coming someday. But I hope it does arrive - I like Swift as a language (OMG - it was such a pleasure after the ugliness that is Objective C).


I really like the idea of having a web UI for its portability and richness (esp thanks to CSS being so close to consistent across all platforms). But I have a metric tonne of business logic and ZKE code in C#/.Net running on Mac/iOS. From your prompt, I did just find Electron.Net, so perhaps there is hope.

And, AFAICT, electron can’t be used for iOS apps on the App Store (am I still wrong about that??)

Plus (personal bent) I did a ton of JavaScript years ago when truthiness and indeterminate behaviour was rampant back in ES5 days. I’m a purist and found it a little ugly, but incredibly fast. Then I found dart which compiled to JS, and I decided that JS made a better assembly language than a usable language. Sadly dart has remained a minor player. JS has moved on and I see lots of the old ugliness (like iterating through properties, exceptions and a sync) has gone away. ES13 looks pretty good, although I haven’t played with it yet.

wth, (edited )

Rider doesn’t support MAUI. Nor does it support .net for iOS and .net for Mac which are part of MAUI and the natural upgrade from Xamarin. I downloaded Rider a few months ago and enjoyed being able to switch between VSMac and Rider, and especially enjoyed using CoPilot in Rider.

However Rider has a couple of nasty bugs that have been there for years - one of which was to ignore breakpoints. That came and went on me for a while.


I take back this comment partially. As 2023.1 (which I have), rider failed to support MAUI. As at 2023.2, they say they have preview support available. I’ve downloaded, and am giving it a try.


Thanks. I’m very out of date with it.


After I saw your note, I had a quick catchup on that project.

It looks awesome, with the promise of mobile and desktop, and the ability to make apps that can be uploaded to the AppStore. Plus its Dart which is a pretty well structured language. Its ticking a lot of boxes…

Then I ran « wc -l » on my support libraries (i.e. not UI code) - 64k LoC that would need to be rewritten in dart. But then I noticed Flutnet. its probably an abomination linking the two… but it could be promising.

Thanks for the pointer.


No. I’m on a Mac, and VS is Mac/Windows only. (Well… windows only from next year).


Cache clearing has been mentioned as a way to fix issues, but it didn’t work for me. I agree with your comment about the value in having a second IDE though.


MAUI’s pretty undercooked at the moment. Editing UIs in raw XML, incomplete control set, bugs.

One day could be useful, and there are some 3rd parties providing controls… but of course this is microsoft so they will work on it for 2-3 years, and then write something new, throwing MAUI into the dustbin.

Better to use 2 drives for RAID, or for Volume backup?

I have a DS220+ with 2 identical drives, configured as RAID, so just one volume. Everything was working great, but to access the new object-recognition in photos, I added RAM, which caused some corruption and now the volume is read-only and won’t repair itself (even after removing the RAM). So now I’m preparing to do an...


Be wary of RAID 5 or 6.

They both have a « write hole » problem (or though much less so in RAID 6). Any power failure which causes an incomplete write can cause a complete RAID corruption - meaning all data is lost. Hardware RAID controllers usually have an onboard backup battery so they can store some information to complete operations should there be a sudden power failure. Software RAID does not have this, and you need to provide a UPS with automatic clean shutdown as the battery runs low using nut or some equivalent.

Some people go as far as to say that RAID 5 should never be used.

You also have very long recovery times when you replace a failed drive (days). Any other failure during this time means total data loss (of course RAID 6 gives you a second redundancy). Weekly Resyncs are very slow too (hours to days), and (unless you constrain your max throughput) will bring your system to its knees.

zfs does not suffer from these problems, BTW.

I run software RAID 5 via mdadm and have a UPS. I’ve replaced drives twice with no issues other than a slightly nervous long wait during recovery. I’m too cheap to buy the extra HDD for RAID 6, and may end up regretting it one day.


My $0.02c worth - I have run all sorts of servers at home over the years, and one of the main challenges around the hardware is managing heat.

I’ve used mini-ITX mobos and tiny cases for builds. They look gorgeous, but at some point, when you stick enough drives in there (assuming you can) or make the CPU/GPU busy, you are going to have a heat problem, or a noise problem, or both.

On my mythtv build I used M-itx and a gorgeous Lian Li small case. It was a beautiful add to my home theatre stack, but in the end I drilled a ton of small holes in the top and added a slow 140mm fan to control the heat without noise.

The same goes for my file server - it was a slightly larger case with no GPU, but once I added my 6th HDD and had a ton of services running, heat became an issue and I was having to add extra fans, which could only be 80mm so they ran fast and noisy.

My new build I’m going to go all the way with a Phanteks Enthoo Full Tower and a few 120mm fans. I’ve decided that looks don’t matter

The other problem for me with these tiny builds is cable management. I’m complete shit at it, and small builds requires some skills. A big case gives you space to spread those cables out.

Lastly, you can get ATX or EATX mobos with 6, 8 or more SATA connectors - room for growth! And there are very low power options available.

I’ll soon have the appleTV + TV upstairs, laptop in the office, and the monster server downstairs with cat-6 + Gb fibre throughout.


I’ve had a few years experience in both C++ and C#. The learning curve is a lot steeper for C++ with many more opportunities to shoot yourself in the foot or create horrible hidden memory leaks. It sounds like the person making the recommendation is talking out of their arse.

If you have any experience in Java or any OO language, then the transition to C# is not so large. The language itself is not difficult - it will probably a couple of weeks to be comfortable. Its the frameworks and libraries that takes time, and there are a lot.

Here’s my view… it takes 10 or more years (IMHO) for a sharp person to become a senior developer. It takes a few weeks to learn a language. If I have to choose for a big project, I prefer to focus on choosing the right person, rather than just focusing on the language, because a good senior will just learn whatever they need at the start. They will also bring their years of experience in good design, methodologies, communication, mentoring, testing etc to the party.


And the puck mouse.


I have a lot of apple kit - I appreciate their over-engineered approach to a lot of hardware, and I like their approach to privacy.

But they do make mistakes in design - the puck, the aerials, butterfly keyboards, unrepairability of design…

And one thing I really hate is their response to those errors. Its almost always to blame the user. I just wish they would be honest.


I think their engineering is pretty good, personally. I travelled a lot with a laptop from 2000 to about 2020, and my windows laptops would always die after 2 years - hinges, cracks in the body, screen cracks and so on. Moving to apple’s laptops in about 2011 meant I got 5 years out of each (air then a pro). I’m now on a second pro, but the old pro is still trucking along.

I’m not going to defend all their decisions, there’s a lot of questionable stuff in there (keyboards, sticking to lightening, mice…). But their hardware, both laptop, mini and pro) has been solid.

You are right about repairability. I think that has never been a key feature for them hence the glue, security screws and other crap. Fortunately there are governments around the world that are pushing for repairability, consistency with usb-c, replaceable batteries and more. So I think all manufacturers will be upping their game now, which is awesome.

All manufacturers reduce cost - supply chain management and manufacturability are the processes to drive that. Apple are really good at the supply chain side, that was Tim Cook’s focus as COO. What I don’t like is that they are able to keep their incredibly high margins (far higher than any other manufacturer) thanks to their software, interoperability and walled garden.


I’m an old Linux-head (actually started out developing tools for 10’s of variants of unix - compilation flags providing custom versions). I would love to have my mac mini running linux though, that would be awesome. I don’t think you can yet.


Repairability has just never been a high priority for them (which is bad). But it is becoming so, thanks to various governments forcing the issue.


Sad, but true. If a CEO is not maximising profit, then the shareholders can sue, and the board (who represent the shareholders) can replace the CEO.

I wish this structure had a longer term view so that a CEO can also do what’s right - such as make decisions that might lose money now, but have a greater long term value (where value is not only defined by share price, but also things like goodwill, reputation etc).


That was an awesome laptop with upgradable components. Nice!

IIRC weren’t some of the peripheral drivers a bit dodgy.


They sure do, and its a complete bastard. Soldered ram and disk.

My latest laptop has 96GB RAM (I run a lot of VMs) and 4TB SSD. I think I should get the full 5 years out of it.


It could well be survivorship bias, but I did represent the examples as personal. Having said that - I did a quick google for « laptops with longest lifespan » and most of the reviews had apple at #1 or 2.

In common with you, most of my previous laptops (5 or 6) were thinkpads like yours, usually the tablet style for OneNote (which is awesome BTW). They never survived the rigours of the road. Perhaps that’s why I had a different result to yours - I used to travel 3-6 months a year.


That caps lock light is so cool, but I guess it makes sense since keyboard drivers need to change it.

A great form factor with a superior OS (IMHO).

wth, (edited )

I’ve been running my own mail server for about 15 years now… Let me offer some insights.

  • Its used by me and the family, so I do have other users who expect things to work.
  • I used commodity hardware, with a Linux host (and guest).
  • the mail server runs in a VM, so it is trivial to: stop, copying the VM to USB, restart.
  • Maintaining uptime isn’t too bad, but when the mail server goes down, you need to get onto it quickly. I’ve had power supplies fail, HDD’s fail, memory fail.
  • If you should happen to be out of town when a failure occurs (I’ve had this twice), then the server stays dead until you are back. That does not make your users happy. If its more than 4 days, then the SMTP standard says email is lost.
  • There have also been a few software issues with Zimbra (my current tool) - the stats daemon filled the disk, the upgrader broke permissions all over the place multiple times. Each of these requires time to investigate, research online etc. Snapshotting is awesome! Right now I have a problem where the VM disk file is growing, but the space used inside the VM is not. I have zero’d out free space and compacted the VM but don’t know why it is happening yet. More research needed.
  • You will learn to hate blocklists. There are many, and there are meta blocklists. You have to watch them because at any time, you will be added and your email will silently get dropped. Sometimes the blocklist trashes whole subnets because of a single actor, sometimes even more, and so you will get included due to other bad actors. Getting off a blocklist is hard… you send emails, you fill in web forms, you look for a contact details, you wait… Then some number of days/weeks later, you are off again.
  • You have to learn DKIM, SPF, DMARK, managing DNS etc.
  • I used to use self-signed certs and live with the warnings. Now I used Lets Encrypt, which is awesome!.
  • You can try to get reverse DNS working, but that’s up to your ISP (who usually don’t care, so good luck). No rDNS can be viewed as bad by email recipients so your spam score starts at >0.
  • If you run it at home, you will be part of a block of IPs that are known to be home users, so your spam score starts at >0.
  • I’m lucky in that I run it on a spare public IP address on my server housed at work. But that will need to change soon.

I started using native Linux mailboxes, later added roundcube (web UI), investigated Mailinabox, but now use zimbra. That gives me calendar/contact sharing, email/calendar/contacts to iOS devices (which is the main way my family get email), and lots more. Moving data from one to the other took a couple of days of effort. (Yeah… I know its supposed to be trivial, but its not when you include tool research, testing, execution one at a time etc).

Bottom line - you will learn lots, you will lose many weekends and sometimes a weekday here or there as you try to handle emergencies, it will never be set-and-forget.

My original rational was learning, privacy and my own domain and nicer looking email addresses than [email protected]. I’m looking for an online alternative as its time to lighten the load, but I have a lot of services that we use in Zimbra.

Good luck with it!


I forgot to mention - spam isn’t too bad with a well trained SpamAssassin.

Plus you will need to learn your virtualisation tool really well because of all the networking routes required and operating it on the command line. VBoxManage is your friend, but its just not friendly.

From a security perspective - I did everything in Linux, and only opened the required ports (plus ssh, which I moved to a random high port number). I have auto-update on for security patches, but NOT for regular patches (because Zimbra tends break things, so you need to snapshot first).


While technically that is true, if you have any other users they will be annoyed. And anyone running iOS will almost immediately get regular popups about the mail server being down (because iOS checks for new mail frequently - and yes I know this can be adjusted) and so they will be telling you straight away.

Also - I’m not convinced that all email servers obey the SMTP standard.


My 5 year old brother color laser is awesome. Cheap to run and toner doesn’t dry out, and it doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night and clean (i.e. use up) the ink.

However having seem comments like this, I think I will hold off on any firmware updates.


The thing to remember with these examples is that those companies would have royally fucked up their purchases. Big companies always impose a culture and a mindset.

AT&T would definately have crushed the internet with a monopoly - we would have had to use AT&T approved internet devices, and they would have brought long distance type charges to it. Oh so your email is going overseas? That’s an extra 10c.

Same with Google and Netflix. They were all able to continue with the founders vision and create something special.


Its getting there, and there is some entertaining content on here (comments and posts). But I think we are still missing the super high end responses. No matter what the topic, one or two people would jump on and have deep specialised knowledge of the field - be it naming an insect from a blurry image or commenting on a geopolitical situation. I still see lots of posts that generate nothing more than “huh” or “wow” type comments.

When that starts appearing more broadly, I think the quality here is going to take another leap.


Closed. Otherwise dog sneaks in, climbs up on the bed and falls asleep. The he slowly but surely takes over the whole bed.


Being enraged is also being engaged (see Fox News).

So this was a great tactic because all the people that could have left reddit are still there yelling into the void.

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