@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


@[email protected]

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@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Short explanation of part of my issue with it:

There’s a big, important difference between watching violence in video games/movies and watching a cartel execution or someone being run over on LiveLeak.

There’s also a significant difference between “a bit of nudity”, even contextually appropriate full frontal, and eroticism.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

While I personally haven’t downvoted it, I did have a nice eye roll at it.

Nothing stated is false, but there’s a massive gulf between contempt and euthanization. Both are wrong, but one involves stuff like murder and forced sterilization. The other may involve terrible treatment if the bigot is given the opportunity. Scale/magnitude is important.

As a personal thing, whenever people start tossing around nazi and fascism I find it a bit harder to take their statements seriously. The terms are becoming significantly less impactful through modern overuse. Nazis and fascists absolutely still exist, but it feels as though the terms are becoming shorthand catch-all labels for general reprehensible behavior/beliefs for people too lazy to explain further or to use more specific terminology. Not saying that’s ocurring here, but in general.

Like are we talking about people who believe that all the world’s issues are caused by meddling and scheming of the genetically inferior and rule of the world is the birthright of some genetically pure ubermenschs, or is it somebody unable to handle a blind character in a TTRPG? Someone going to a protest to shoot people, or some couch potato who has stewed too long with right wing media? All are bad, but it’s a matter of scale which is significant.

Much like how issues of unconcious biases or microaggressions should probably be solved with attempts at education rather than shouting someone down like they’re calling for eugenics. There has to be a better solution than just dismissing large swaths of people for the wrong beliefs, or in a lot of online discourse, calling for physical violence against them.

That’s not happening here, but I’ve seen so much of it that it shades how I interact with online discourse.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

On the other hand, since Lemmy is made up of a much smaller userbase, I’ve had a lot of success with just blocking users. When it’s one user with 100 comments, it’s a lot easier to solve the issue with the tools available to you as a user than on Reddit where you’re more likely to have 100 different people making 1-3 comments each spouting blind rhetoric/useless exaggeration/unfunny meme responses. It’s not big enough for people to bother too much with alt accounts or brigading yet either.

I do my best to stay away from posts with topics likely to attract that sort of crowd too.

In general while it’s not as good as I hoped for, I find Lemmy/fediverse a hell of a lot better than what I left. People are going to be assholes wherever they think they can get away with it, and the best response is to starve them of attention.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

tell them why you blocked them.

Meh. Life’s too short. Probably better to just block and move on.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

How are we supposed to deal with null values though? It’s an important concept that we can’t eliminate without losing information and context about our data.

0 and “” (empty string/char) are very often not equivalent to null in my use cases and mean different things than it when I encounter them.

You could use special arbitrary values to indicate invalid data, but at that point you’re just doing null with extra steps right?

I’m really lost as to how the concept isn’t neccessary.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Sounds like they learned programming from heavily object oriented languages.

As far as ternary operators go, I personally find them less readable than the longer if else format, but with any reasonably modern IDE or git setup that should be just a simple pass of an auto-formatting tool to convert them to the project/team standard. No need for any team friction. That should be automatically handled before it goes to review.

I’m not in a position with a PR process or anything like that (I’m a glorified scripter in over his head where we need a dev team for internal tools) but I struggle with over reliance on functions as well.

To keep from going overboard I always try to evaluate how often the block of code will see re-use (want to eliminate copy/paste and the footgun of forgetting to update a copy somewhere), how useful it would be to maintainers to have that section abstracted away into a black box (so you only have to worry about the part of the code that’s not working instead of the whole damn thing when something breaks), and how likely that block of code may need to be completely replaced later (if it’s separated out into a function, it’s a discrete chunk where we only have to maintain the same input and output formatting and ideally the rest of the program just werks).

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

No need for what ifs. Stardew Valley has a very popular and well done mod called Diverse Stardew Valley. Changes nearly all (or all maybe, I’m not sure) the population to minorities or otherwise generally marginalized types.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

And they would have only been more contreversial back when Mother 3 was originally made

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, to fediverse
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I've noticed that a lot of people on the aren't particularly welcoming to those who don't initially get it or have trouble with it. You'd think that if multiple people say they have trouble picking an instance, it might be a genuine barrier to entry that we need to consider when introducing them to the fediverse. But no, instead of suggesting an instance to get rid of that barrier everyone gives unhelpful advice like "just pick one" or "it's not that hard." We'd have a much easier time getting people on the fediverse if there weren't so many people with this attitude of "the fediverse is simple, and the people who don't get it are lazy and should try harder."

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The issue is that there isn’t really anything more to choosing an instance than just picking one though, and we don’t want to funnel every new user to a single instance lest this end up becoming just reddit with extra steps. Or the reccomended instance gets flooded with more traffic than it can handle.

At most, a new user may want to look at what instances have defederated from the one they want to sign up on, but that’s a concept that isn’t going to make sense to someone who is already having trouble understanding “sign up somewhere, interact with everywhere” setup.

Numerous guides to all of this have been created. Rather than tilting at windmills (you will never stop people from being rude online, best to just accept it) your effort would be better spent being the friendly guiding hand. That’s far more effective than trying to call out people who probably don’t care whether we’re attracting more users or not.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I thought trans people were trying to distance themselves from the label of autogynephelia.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’d reccomend trying it out on gamepass, or via piracy, before buying. It’s not a bad game by any means, and as you said it does a lot of things, but most of the things feel half baked.

The ship combat in particular takes influence from E:D, but is nowhere near as good.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Sweetie pumpkin, do you want to join the Columbia Record Club?

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It is more stable than their other releases, but that’s a very low bar.

I’d never call it stable without that very important context.

Plus, it doesn’t pass that bar by more than a few inches.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The designers chose this setting and lore, and could have chosen otherwise for the sake of game experience.

Additionally, there’s no reason for the fast travel to have to be distinct, separate from gameplay, as loading screens.

Elite Dangerous keeps you in your cockpit, replaces the outside view with an animation while it loads the system you’re jumping to. When landing on a planet, there are various “entering the atmosphere” effects on suitable planets to mask swapping from space to the landable planet.

For ED, in-system FTL is time consuming and you can shave off around 25% of the travel time by doing it manually (risking overshooting and having to loop back around), or you can have the ship’s computer do it. ED is multiplayer and you can be yanked from this “supercruise” by players and NPC pirates, so it works mechanically to make the player waste time with it. In Starfield they could show you the ETA and give you the option to skip it or to wander around your ship during it while the ship does its thing.

If you’re in a menu on your ship when FTL would end with autopilot, stop the clock before leaving FTL, pop up a message in the corner saying the ship is ready to drop from FTL, and let the player exit it manually from the cockpit so you can’t get ambushed while you’re on the other side of your ship.

No changes to setting or lore needed, except that there’s a basic autopilot now.

As far as programming that goes, the engine already uses loading during gameplay when you’re on the overworld, and they have done that since Oblivion. Overworld is set up in chunks, they keep a certain number in each direction around you loaded, and load/unload while you move around.

I won’t say it would be easy to expand that background loading functionality, but I will say that they’ve had many many years to attempt it.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I have a hard time believing you’re not being willfully obtuse here. Does it really need to be spelled out to you that STD already has a meaning? Sexually Transmitted Disease.

No one acronyms Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to STDS9, Star Trek: The Next Generation to STTNG, Star Wars: The Force Awakens to SWTFA, Star Wars: A New Hope to SWANH, or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 to CODMW2. You drop the prefix: DS9, TNG, TFA, ANH, MW2.

Alternatively, no one shortens the above to STD, STN, SWA, SWH, CDM.

In verbal conversation, calling it Disco saves you a syllable compared to STD. In text, DSC is the same amount of characters.

There’s no point trying to defend your choice here. You call it STD because you don’t like it and calling it STD made you chuckle. I get it, it made me chuckle the first time. I really don’t care whether you like it or what you choose to call it. I watched most of season 1 and it just didn’t click for me.

I just can’t imagine being the kind of person that would try to say they don’t understand why calling it STD could be taken badly. Wow. Reminds me of school days, the kids with the sheer audacity to tell the teacher they didn’t bring a cellphone into a test while their pants are blasting out a compressed to hell 30 second loop of a top 10 song as a ringtone.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

A lot of code editors support that without the weird “healing” features they laid out here.

VSCode has pretty decent semantic based formatting options.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Could be used in combination with other metrics to identify a specific user’s movements through a site over time, if the other metrics aren’t unique enough.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That’s because it has to use some sort of impercise method to identify speech vs everything else, since speech is mixed in with the rest of the audio.

If speech had a dedicated channel it wouldn’t be mixed in with everything else and you wouldn’t need to use any tricks to adjust it independently.

EDIT: need more coffee, I misread the comment talking about a software solution as suggesting just putting speech in a dedicated channel. Whoops. This comment is useless.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Most digital signals carry extra data for error correction even if there is issues with the electrical signal due to distance and EM interference.

Cable issues like what you’re talking about should only be happening on cables carrying analog signal, and that should be solvable with basic, dirt cheap shielding in the cable itself.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Here’s the fun thing: you don’t have to be distracted!

Most TVs now allow you to adjust the subs however you want them to look, so they can be as huge and intrusive or tiny and ignorable as you want.

Even with default settings, I find that I visually tune them out pretty damn quick, but then I have them there for when I miss something due to poor audio balance.

You do you though.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The official modding tools for Starfield don’t release until 2024. Of course modding is an afterthought.

Bethesda was very up front about the creation kit not releasing with the game itself. It’s dumb as hell, but in no way should this be a surprise to anyone in the Starfield modding community.

Revisit this once the creation kit releases and the situation still sucks. At least then this’ll be a little more sensible to complain about.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

They were up front about the CK not releasing until 2024. What else is there to say?

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

For a little more context the in game log has entries for items, enemies, and stages. They feature a mix of writing styles like sales brochures, letters arranging the sale of the illicit item, scientific research notes from the lab that developed the item, letters from people sending the item as a gift to someone, personal journal entries of events related to/peoples’ experiences with the things, and occasionally (in universe) translated text from other beings. Non-human things. Nearly all the game universe’s lore comes from the log entries.

The description matches formatting of some of the more strange log entries from in-game. I’m hopeful that parts will be “translated” as more time goes on.

wizardbeard, (edited )
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I was concerned when the IP was sold to Gearbox, but if this is how they handle announcing a new DLC I’m not as concerned anymore.

Shame that this will upend the small modding community, but holy shit this is exactly how you nail the game’s style. The modding community will catch up.

Each of those screenshots feature what looks like a constellation in the sky of Petrichor that wasn’t there before. We’ve wrapped up the tale of the two brothers, but we’ve barely touched the surface of the void despite the DLC themed about it. I wonder what the hell this DLC will be themed around.

They also just released a patch today. The announcement is just a ton of the meteor emoji.

Can’t confirm if the constellation is in game with this patch yet. Also of note, the glyphs on the DLC page don’t match any symbols seen in universe so far.

The announcement will likely be this Wednesday during Gearbox’s “Festival of Gup” thing they’re doing on their Twitch to celebrate the RoR community.

This Wednesday is also the release of the Risk of Rain 1 Remake, so maybe a secret for longer.

The transmission ID on DLC steampage is an alphabet cypher that translates to “A signal from deep within”

And others are saying the constellations or sparkly things are in game as of the patch today.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

GDPR requires companies to offer a “only neccessary cookies” option that is easily accessible. Anytime you find a site that works as you’ve described you can and should report them.

Also, there are plenty of options for blocking those popups and/or auto selecting only neccessary.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Or maybe it’s people that think this sort of rhetoric is tasteless when talking about an event where a kid died.

Yes, the man should never have had access to a firearm. But a child died for having the misfortune to be born to this sack of shit. That’s the takeaway here. Not some opportunity to try and stick it to the strawmen in your head.

These sort of “hot takes” are nothing more then mental masturbation, looking for validation from people who already share your own beliefs.

Seriously take a step back and think about the fact that you just built up some fucking narrative to place yourself as the hero against a horde of people lesser than yourself. That’s your response to this news.

You sure showed all the pro gun jackasses! They definitely are bothered by your post and absolutely seething! Whatever makes you feel like you’ve done the superior thing and that you think the right things to think.

Your views aren’t wrong, you’re just being a tool.

A child is dead, and you’re more invested in finding a way to feel superior to others than anything else. Fuck everything about that.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That doesn’t address the issue of storage and compute power for streaming to the absurd amount of users.

There’s been attempts before and it all comes down to file transfer time and storage (because at the time the servers weren’t transcoding for streaming the file. Secondary issue of buy in, like what we see with niche communities staying on reddit instead of moving to the fediverse.

There already exist a number of projects out there like peertube. Take a look at how even the most popular instances are doing. It’s not well.

The closest thing was around a decade ago, the popcorntime or popcornflix or whatever it was called app/program that was just a nice front end for torrenting videos and watching them before they finished downloading. Each individual user was responsible for their own storage, network connection speed, and compute power to render the video for themselves. Each end user was also contributing back through helping others to download the file via standard torrenting p2p stuff.

So now you need a front end to host the magnet links to the files, and a robust set of seed servers so no video is ever truly lost. That still doesn’t cover a significant portion of youtube’s functionality like reccomendations, comments, allowing creators to edit/adjust videos after the fact.

Unlike reddit, youtube is technologically complicated and impressive. Hell, read up on some of the stuff Netflix has had to do to achieve reasonable streaming quality and speed on an insanely smaller curated library.

A decentralized federated solution is possible, but there’s a shit ton more that would have to go into this than just appealing to the concept.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Or we could just… host our own wikis. There’s plenty of open source software for them. It’s not hard. Not everything needs to be federated.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Can confirm, I have a Jabra Evolve 65 with AMC built in, controlled by physical button. Only app I’ve used for it is on PC to update the headset and (optional, headset also works as pure bluetooth) dongle firmwares.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Bleachbit is the open-source community maintained successor

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Not if it’s policed as harshly as I hear that it is on Mastodon.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Personally, my problem with sex in shows and movies is that it’s blatantly not titillating. Hollywood sex scenes are just awfully done/acted/shot.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The issue is that Youtube isn’t profitable. There isn’t really a business model besides milking as much cash out as you can and subsidizing the rest with money from the parts of Google that actually make money.

Doesn’t make this bullshit okay, but this is something regularly overlooked when people start talking about competitors or alternatives.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

some content from some providers

I think that’s the understatement of the century. Regardless of your opinions on the value of the content, the overwhelming majority of streaming video content online is only available on youtube.

Your overall idea isn’t wrong, but don’t downplay the stranglehold youtube has on content as just missing out on some content.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Seriously? Fuck. I was just about to set up something along those lines on my home network, but my biggest concern is that it has to be nigh invisible to the technically challenged.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The argument usually is that the authors, compilers, and translators were guided by the hand of God. Not specifically that Jesus was sitting down with an inkwell.

Closest thing is written accounts by the men who traveled with him about Jesus’s actions and statements.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

To be fair, in your other comment you stated that you got in on Web Development before the first dot com bubble burst. With the years listed you could also have easily made bank with Y2K consultancy work around that time as well, as many in the tech sphere in that time did.

Defeatism and people who give up before they’ve started is bullshit, but you should also take some time to reflect on the factors external to your own efforts that had considerable impact on your own success.

The first step is trying, but at least half of the impact of anyone’s effort is dependent on situations outside of their own control. The key is to not stop trying, and to do all you can to pivot into situations beneficial to you and away from those that aren’t. Much easier said than done.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The issue is that adverts built into the OS, and into browsers shipped with it, are regarded incredibly poorly. Regardless of the ease of bypassing them and how little impact they have, they simply should not be there in the first place.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Not an easy question. Chromuim by default has pre-made blobs of code from Google that cannot be opened/inspected. We don’t know if Microsoft has replaced or excised those blobs from Edge.

Ungoogled Chromium is a community project that replaces those blobs with code we can see amd audit, but again we don’t know if Microsoft builds off Ungoogled Chromium or just Chromium, because Edge itself is not open source.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

And now that Microsoft has been driven back on that front, Google has started to use Chrome in the same way.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s worth noting that this is mainly an issue on the cheapest Windows licenses. On Pro editions and Enterprise editions you can prevent the hijacking via Group Policy, which is not available to Home licenses.

Please note that I’m not saying I’m okay with this. I’m just trying to explain why there’s a bunch of people out there who don’t have to deal with that mess (like myself).

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’ve not used the in browser splitscreen, but can’t you just use the window snapping feature built into the Windows OS itself for that?

Winkey+any arrow key Minimize, Maximize, snap to left or right half of screen.

wizardbeard, (edited )
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Legitimately curious, what makes this hate media fascist?

EDIT: From your other comments it appears that this is fascist because being against LGBT rights is a common aspect of the modern neofascist movement.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Tolerating fascism is the same thing as propagating it.

This is literally and factually false.

As bad as propagating it? Go for it. But you should be aware that making statements like you did makes it really easy for people to dismiss you offhand.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

He could buy a specific mastodon instance, or a specific lemmy instance if the person running the instance decided to sell their instance. It wouldn’t effect any other instance directly.

By buying the mastodon org he might be able to influence development of the mastodon software, but the software is open source and someone would just make a musk-free fork and thungs would keep moving.

Also, an overly simplistic summary of the fediverse is that instead of one reddit run by the reddit corp, anyone can run their own reddit (lemmy) instance. Each instance can talk to each other instance and access data from each other instance. So instances that talk to each other effectively function like one big combined instance.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I thought both of those projects were explicitly not using files and models from the original games, but were instead recreating the content.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If you like it, check out the Warioland series, particularly Warioland 4. Pizza Tower is very much a love letter to that series, with tons of added movement tech geared towards speedrunner type shenanigans.

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