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This needs more tests. It looks like current results are the combination of how braincells naturally filter the experience if sound and ai on top of that.

It looks like the brain actually does recognize voices as different but we need an ai to read this from the brain. I am curious how much better this performs then just pure ai.

Id alo like to know how the brain got exposed to sound cause irl an organic microphone is an ear, is it a brain with ears?

Even if not better then just ai voice recognition. Sending experiences trough neural matter and using ai to analyze the way it responds will learn us a lot about how the brain actually works.


I am gonna reply with the same style comment someone once gave me:

“That is not one move but multiple moves in a trenchcoat”


Holy hell, that’s the state i am usually in when i am “winning” chess!


An API lets different software talk to each other. HttpOnly uses secure tokens (think password) that a server uses to confirm identity.

Bearer tokens also confirm identity but the added security provided by HttpOnly does not allow passing such within the api information.


Ok il attempt again, take in mind though i am no expert in this field either.

An api is a system that allows software to talks to eachother. It does this by sending structural packages back and forth that can be read by software.

Such package usually includes a secure identifier to confirm authorized acces ( like a token) as well as a formal request (show me/edit/remove this specific data)

The api receives the data package, and if the authorization is valid executes the request.

The way I understand it (i am no expert on this ) onlyhttp is a way to provide authorization tokens through a browser cookie (you know those right?), meaning only that browser can have access with that token. The client person never sees the token so its pretty secure in the background.

The bearer token is similar to the one in the browser coockie but the client person needs to enter it inside the package for the api. This can happen from any browser or script by anyone who knows the bearer token. Except Apparantly you cant enter such tokens at all if the api is set to onlyhttp.


Skin time: Board and classical pieces receive a yellow-purple-neon colorscheme.


They are standing at the same spot and rotated body. It just looks odd because 2d perspective


I am so so on this, i get what you mean. But if its a body of a loved one you’d want it to be handled with respect. Some of them where loving parents, partners and every single one of them is some mothers baby.


Been there,

I started with a discarded desktop for my server, if you have choices you should probably focus on the fastest cpu clock speed. Cores don’t matter for Minecraft, any non broken minimum gpu will do as it doesn’t need to run the gameclient itself, Memory is the most easy part to obtain more of later. For just a mc server 4GB should do fine.

It be better to put a linux distro on it, currently my server is in a docker on Ubuntu. If something happens and it needs to restart the pc and docker can boot without even needing a monitor to login. It knows what to do and is very stable and reliable.

Of course if your like me at the start linux will still scare you. Go ahead and install the latest windows from the creation media thing from Microsoft. Provided you don’t care about personalization on the desktop you don’t need to pay to legally use windows. It wont be as reliable at times but otherwise work fine.

Big warning though, At some point you might end up with a custom build home theater server pc running with headless linux. not just minecraft but also numerous other self hosted things like cloud storage, media player,… I have a setup where i can insert old dvd into the server and it automatically rips and stores it on the server and i can just watch it on any pc or phone. Great if you have kids and a pile of old dvd in a local language that is hard to find online.

I cant tell you exactly how i got there since the days of running minecraft on a windows server, it just kinda happend organically.


Can you tell me something about what card you used to run what llm? What is its performance?

There is so little out there about this.


I feel like i have seen this comment before.


I feel like i have seen this comment before.


I reason it like this.

Do you believe it is physically possible for an extremely advanced enough civilization to build a simulation where conscious simulated beings live unaware that they are simulated. Yes|No

If the answer is no, well then you can stop reading because this wont interest you further.

If the answer is yes then you may agree that over all the time in the universe bang to heat death there will be at least once such civilization that gets to this level.

If they get to this level running such simulation it is not unreasonable to assume they wont stop to only run a single one. Part of the usefulness in Simulations is that you can run many next to each other and if you have the knowledge and means already then why not.

So if you answered yes in the first question you are now at a not unreasonable hypothetical of at some point in all of time a real world society is running many simulated world.

In many ways one can argue that many simulated worlds is already a multiverse.

But lets continue with a conservative definition and say simulated world is not a separate universe,

there can only be one true real world. Which at some point may run simulations that can hold conscious lives.

You are a conscious entity, you believe to be born in this world but you never knew any better or else.

There are near infinite locations and times in the real world where you could have be born/started to exist

But a single simulation already doubles all of time and space, there are infinitely more locations and times your consciousness could manifestation in one of the many simulated worlds.

So getting to this point. What are the odds your conscious manifested inside a human embryo during one of the most interesting scientific times of human history and it also being the one real non simulated world?


Quick note that this is just a hypothetical exercise i like doing. This world is as real as it will get for the duration of my life.

Interesting point that a society so advanced may not have much to gain from ancestor simulations. I havent heard that one before so thats an interesting for me to get into some night. I would think that if they may at some point fully have explored all their is in the present they may look to the past and alternative universes out of boredom.

Nonetheless I believe there is a very good reason to run the if you flip the maliciousness from you story upside down into a loving gift of life.

Why is it so unnecessary complex?

Because only the best will do for life, no one wants to live in a low powered simulation. If a simulated world is not as complex and deep as a real universe can we expect the experience and lives of its inhabitants be? We are studying those unnecessary complex phenomena right now, they may cause the next technological breakthrough.

If they where not there and while searching we find one of the tubes carrying ones and zeros we might have freaked out before maturing.

What could they still learn?

I would usually assume they may simply try to learn the conditions that lead to the big bang by simulating all kins of possibilities till you have one which is a close enough copy of reality.

But in this hypothetical we assume they are passed needing to learn anything. So they don’t instead it may simply be to teach “life” and “connections” are things that “exist” and can be “experienced”. The simulation is a loving nest designed by our techno superior parents who wish to nurse new complex life in the safety of their hardware.

It may also be that we have a purpose in the real world and that we are AI in training. The best way to solve the alignment problem is to give each AI a full experience of life with goods and bads.

Why would they do this over biological offspring?

Because (pure opinion) time is the real final frontier. Eventual cosmic heath death appears inevitable. Living near forever without aging may be possible but creating more time in the universe may not. Simulations allow life to experience much more time then outside of them. So not only are we reasonably safe in the simulation we also have all the time we need.

Of course i have conveniently ignored all the suffering in our world in this loving gift but in this context that depends on perspective. Was the human world designed as part of the simulation or was it organically generated as we evolve? Are we a single conscious in a human world? A human hive mind consciousness on a planet or are we all part of a bigger consciousness encompassing our universe. Maybe those outside our world may know, but I definitely do not.


I am as much a astrophysicist as the average lemming but is it ever proven that there is a maximum speed of information?

It may depend on how speed is defined. Maybe a maximum movement speed within space time has such limit but the fastest way to go from a to b can still be instantaneous through quantum mechanics.

Big think has an article on quantumparticles, the way I understand it they are the smallest bit of information that could potentially be both a proton or electron. I found it sounds a bit like a “bit” having the potential to be either false or true.

I think if any sciences proof the simulated world theory its quantum mechanics excluding all other possibilities or ASI figuring it out and telling us.


Thanks, Neither ocr or gpt4vision could make sense of it and hell no was i going to copytypr it all.


Like many ingredients its more about preparing them right.

Its been 10 years ago since the Chinese restaurant my family liked was closed. We still talk about how absolutely amazing the frog legs where. Sometimes when eating asian we may even get triggered of a specific taste we recognize as must have been included with the frog legs.

Lots of garlic, umami and spring onion were pretty sure off but there not enough to recreate that disg.


I had been getting these for years already. “Had” because you know…


Its either this or its not real. I cant believe a human would green light this unless this is their final task before taking a better job.


Technically it is possible yes but this question is both too specific and too vague to give a proper answer i feel.

A hacker could be exploiting security vulnerabilities in the software/website or employing phishing techniques to trick you into giving access. This way they don’t need a password or virus.

Its also possible that a chunk of your account data got leaked and they have that data rather then full access.

Is there more context to this story?

Ways to pirate music as convenient as Spotify?

The reason I gave up on MP3’s and subscribed to Spotify was because Spotify was easy. I’ve been listening “Iron Maiden - Empire of the Clouds” song every day and like a week ago, its removed. This was the last straw for me. Right now I’m trying to find “Stremio” of the music world. Can someone assist?...


I much prefer to download music as flac and keep them local but i have 2 issues.

Finding new musis is hard because i am rarely exposed to it.

Music i like tends to be more obscure and harder to find a flac download for.

Ive started to use Spotify this year for those reasons but i hate it. I would love an alternative.


I am glad those work for you but music is very subjective and personal and these wont work for me. and my autistic peculiar tastes

I literally just managed to build a system so i never need to see the youtube website again. Its what made me wonder if i could do the same for Spotify


Digital ID isn’t the problem here. No system is risk free and we should always think critical but the concept of digital id is a huge plus for privacy.

Most people receive important documents in their mailbox while a Mailaccount is actually very unsecure to keep your data safe. In some places in Europe official/important documentation goes to a special mailbox that can only be opened using a digital id. Its miles safer then a password.

The issue at hand could be a problem For digital id safety but that would be just one of many more negative effects from this bill. Id or not europeans be screwed.


From a most basic standpoint, nothing besides awareness, because the way i see it the world is and has always been Anarchy. We can make as many complex laws, rules and regulations as we want but the fact is that people can choose to break them. The reality of crime is proof that in the end personal decisions will always be a higher form of authority. We are mostly ok because most people choose to follow laws and there is more good in people and bad.

The difference is that right now we seem to live in a world where people really believe that they are born as subjects to serve. the notion to “earn a living” is a clear example. No one is born by choice, we where given a body and a mind just like any other species and we did what we needed to to grow up and survive in the socio-geological location we happened to be in.


Someone told me this a few years ago. Absolute pro life tip!


Before the 10 minute mark you probably have some idea if you want to watch more. But i agree finding good creators is incredibly difficult in the oversaturated market


To be fair the idea behind nft’s is great when its about tracking a commodity, item or piece of information.

Its making them “THE” commodity that is cringe levels of stupid.

I still hope that one day press will have professional onlines cameras generating an nft with location, time and camera id for every piece of footage. No more fake news with misused imagery.


Appreciating your points, it’s true that while the camera wouldn’t be foolproof, the nft can still significantly augment the traceability of media. When official channels and news is encouraged to source footage from there then certified uploaders would add a layer of trust, and legal reuse could be monitored effectively with a clickable badge/mark It’s not without its vulnerabilities, but it’s a step towards a more accountable media landscape. And makes it easier for people to dismiss random propaganda imagery shared online.


When looking something up, especially technical product information the best answer is still often a reddit link. That will change in the future but it will take time.

Old.reddit is the only way yo access this information without account but i paradoxically cant wait for them to shut it down cause the quicker reddit completely dies the faster other places will become knowledge hubs.


It never was the pinnacle of knowledge, i am not on many different forums and only in the last year have started to avoid internet search where possible but often neither google or bing have satisfying results with only a single reddit link that may have the answer.


This is actually why i don’t like it. Most of my subs do this kinda thing rarely but occasionally. Sponsorblock creates a gap in the video that is more jarring then the 1 second self promotion, wish there was an option to only block self promotions more then 4 seconds long.

angermcs, to firefox
@angermcs@hachyderm.io avatar

Hilariously the thing that got me to go back to @firefox was Google making adblocking suck on chromium based browsers and trying to force their (repeatedly) spy-ware filled ads (particularly on youtube) to be displayed. Like you spent how many billions trying to make chrome "the thing" and now you are destroying any goodwill.


Every time they get close to a release some minor ruling in an European country shows that they won’t be legal and they have to start over from scratch /s


Honestly something about a kid saving up to buy machines to support a war effort is really really sad. When i saved up as a child it was to buy a computer game, not something that aided in the killing of people. That its for a good cause doesn’t make it better because the only possible not sad scenario would be a world without war.


Economic innovation drives poverty for aslong as profit will be its motivator.

Don’t get me wrong programmers and digital artists alike all need the means for a decent standard of living but in the digital world where everything can be copied indefinitely any kind of engineered scarcity or exclusivity other then being part of an in game world should be illegal.

What if this code developed by rockstar is the missing key to allow robotic prothesis to function smoothly? What if someone still held patents on cogs wheels and insulated copper wired. Copyright may have its uses but its curse against progress.


The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917, expressing support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. It stated that the British would “use their best endeavours to facilitate” this aim. While the declaration had significant historical impact, it was not a legally binding treaty.

Palestine was not a British colony, but it was under British administrative control through the British Mandate for Palestine from 1920 until 1948. The mandate was established by the League of Nations, and Britain was responsible for administering the territory.

The United States was not directly involved in the British Mandate, but it played a significant role in the post-WWII era. President Harry Truman was among the first to recognize the State of Israel upon its declaration of independence in 1948. The U.S. has been a key ally of Israel since its establishment, providing military, economic, and diplomatic support.

Disclaimer: summarized by chatgpt


I wont question the creative value of your meme but it would be a misconception to assume its more effort then an ai image just because its an ai image.

Shitposts exists, both with ai an without Thoughtfull artistic expression exists, both with ai and without.

I understand the misconception, you could most certainly enter some vague crap and get a popping result and as long as it gets upvote it will be common.

When I personally make ai art i spend hours on end just tweaking the parameters and prompt to get them to stay in context of my idea. Then let it run a few hours. Analyse those output to “harvest” seeds, then use those seeds and varying amount of tools (including photoshop with drawing tablet) to in a few iterations generate a final image or set.

I wouldn’t compare it to painting or drawing, (most i do with tablet is draw guidelines) but its absolutely a creative process. Like all art, value depends more on the person then the tools used.


If your exposure of ai generated images is exclusively tech demos like the one on bing sure thats what happening.

Its not what’s happening in the art space though, i propose you a challenge to proof the effort.

Install automatic1111 with stable diffusions. (one of the few actual proper ai generating tools, most sites/appa that promise ai generated art use a dumb version of this tool under the hood.

Use it to Create a poster for a classic video game in the style of modern animation without any visible Disney/pixar logos.

Good luck, most people give up before they Get their first proper output.


Thats a fair point. “Ai art” might be a meme but ai art on itself a meme does not make!

It makes sense its posted so much because of the low barrier for entry to make something looks good in a glance. Its excellent for generating fake internet points. But a meme is much more like that, its an evolution of fluid speech and expressive communication.

That making memes is easy isn’t important towards its value but mandatory of we don’t want to go back to the times where written language was exclusive to the upper classes.

Lemmy has in many ways an anti-ai bias against the shortcomings of last years demos, For space supposedly with so many tech oriented progressives that annoys me quite a bit, but i fully agree with you on your stance.

Ai art could be a meme if made into one, but if its not then it should not be in a place for memes.


The scary thing about this joke is that ai has been able to do hands for a relatively long time now.

its going much faster then people are able to process.

The thumbnail in this article is by Dalle-3


Thats the bro they get their weed from and regularly invites them together for a sesh. Single handedly keeping the peace in the building. Real guru that one.

Do we live in a computer simulation like in The Matrix? Proposed new law of physics backs up the idea (phys.org)

The simulated universe theory implies that our universe, with all its galaxies, planets and life forms, is a meticulously programmed computer simulation. In this scenario, the physical laws governing our reality are simply algorithms. The experiences we have are generated by the computational processes of an immensely advanced...


The way I understand the potential for infinite simulated universes starts with the idea that once a species is cable of doing one, it makes sense to make more of them. If those simulations had their own simulations We also would not be able to tell where we where at the chain from our single point of reference.


Both google and Microsoft have **said ** that they will take full responsibility if there ai is found to breach copyright

Thats not the same as racism and harm, ai ending copyright is a huge fear for big-tech so of course thats the system they defend but it does set the door open for other responsibilities.

Best case their promise is made into law and expands on it.

Do you think the Internet and websites with 'voting' systems encourage hivemind thinking and discourage any debate or discourse? Solutions?

I ‘upvote’ more or less all posts I interact with (sometimes I forget to vote). I feel like we should bring back open dialogues and heavily dissuade people from simply disregarding someone’s entire belief system or ideals based on 200 characters of text (an example)....


Highly agree because thats not what i am saying we should do. I am very aware of the paradox of intolerance, that we should be intolerant of intolerance.

I actually had to very conversation yesterday and i think i even mixed them up at some point, here is comment of mine from the other explanation where i think I articulated my opinion better.

“an individual forum shouldn’t carry the responsible to protect all human rights on that forum. But as an anarchist i object to the authority of a centralized state so i cant see it their job either.

In my ideals humanity is a collective of people and all of us carry the responsibility to safeguard the wellbeing of all people, as a collective. People who have been at the rejected end of continued intolerance know how damaging it can be for ones health.

Currently i dont know any true safe online spaces for the world most misguided or seriously ill people. So where can these people go? Social isolation is an echo chamber of their own mind.

Lemmy.ml doesnt need a nazi community but as - moral global human collective we should at least maintain lists of resources to help those struggling (with morality). A simple “we dont allow this here but here is a list of resources” ranging from social media to mental heath providers, or better social media monitored by non authoritative mental health providers. “


There is a way to make a link for a community that works from any instance but not yet a way to do posts or comments.



Sure, an individual forum shouldn’t carry the responsible to protect all human rights on that forum. But as an anarchist i object to the authority of a centralized state so i cant see it their job either.

In my ideals humanity is a collective of people and all of us carry the responsibility to safeguard the wellbeing of all people, as a collective. People who have been at the rejected end of continued intolerance know how damaging it can be for ones health.

Currently i dont know any true safe online spaces for the world most misguided or seriously ill people. So where can these people go? Social isolation is an echo chamber of their own mind.

Lemmy.ml doesnt need a nazi community but as - moral global human collective we should at least maintain lists of resources to help those struggling (with morality). A simple “we dont allow this here but here is a list of resources” ranging from social media to mental heath providers, or better social media monitored by non authoritative mental health providers.


You are doing what you can, as a volunteer no less so that on its own deserves all of my respect. I am fully aware my ideals are idealistic and even radical, i have no belief that i one day may see them true exactly as i imagine them. I will still promote them fully because my rationalize is that by aiming for ideal perfections we can nudge reality as close to it as is possible. Every small step on the way is a huge victory.


My ideas are on the opposite side of the spectrum.

The internet and software we have today is already a very low quality, there are ads everywhere which create a sensory hellscape for neurodivergents on the spectrum like me.

The only way i can still use the internet is trough an advanced filter. I cannot use youtube anymore and rely on a script to download from channels automatically. Discord used to be ok but is now stuffed with so much nonsense that is constantly pushed in my face i think of leaving it too. I left reddit for the same reason.

Even color codes are being copyrighted. Photoshop requires a subscription to use pantone colors and files that previously used those colors get altered to no longer use them. Its sick. Enshitification is real and increasing.

The best parts of the web are foss, its what makes lemmy superior to reddit.

There is a really simple but admittedly very radical solution to not needing to destroy anyones livelihood. Its called object the notion that people need to “earn a living” no one is alive by choice, everyone is in the same boat trying to survive. It makes no sense that we owe anyone anything for the privilege of a decent life.

Society wont collapse, there will still be people contributing. I know i will. I love my job, i get to help people with my expertise, the worst part is that my health somehow depends on it.


Good point but you are forgetting the first rule of the enshitification: “Never attribute to common sense and decency what could be attributed to inhuman levels of greed”

They may have put that in for technicians but data is money, if they can legally acquire yours they already are.

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