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Did you take into account that the crust takes away area from the “filling”? Because me and my husband also once did the math (not sure if we were frugal, bored or broke) and it all came down on whether you eat/enjoy the crust or not


Where I live there is nothing like dipping sauces for pizza and thankfully so


Honestly my first thought was a big fat crust being dipped in ranch and somehow this felt disgusting (but to each their own).


Yes, it is


Do you think a horse would be able to make horse sounds if it had a human neck? That’s the real question here


But that was 75% human 25% horse, no?


Yeah I also noticed that person/account and it is insanely annoying. Don’t know what to do about it apart from reporting it


But for real now, is desinfecting your home with bleach that often really healthy (or good for the environment)?

I mean, you should probably not raw dog thaw that meat like a psychopath and obviously cleaning the kitchen, bathroom etc is important, but come on.

They mention the toothbrush holder - this thing is gross, ok? I mean it is disgusting and I also try to wash and keep it as dry and clean as I can. But it’s not because of germs, since I put the butt of my toothbrush there, not its freaking head that goes in my mouth, and I don’t start my day by licking the bottom of that glass either.

It’s just funny to me to read this article when everyone around is saying how important germs are for our health and allergy protection and how we are supposed to let kids eat dirt basically but then they tell us to bleach the crap out of the sink drain because germs. Then you go read about the hygiene hypothesis in the author’s next article.

Also come on, who has time to take off the stove knobs every week and clean them thoroughly? Does the first bullet point suggest I replace a rag with a rag? Or did I misunderstand something?


I’m not from the US and to be honest, it still sounds like something “normal”. That’s not a rumor. That’s just something that happened. A rumor is more like “I heard our ethics teacher has a wooden foot and that is because she got stuck in a bear trap when scaring off a weasel while comforting our biology teacher who found a corpse while scuba diving in the town’s lake.”


Wtf was their problem to begin with?? What was their business plan? Sell an item and keep it?


I know that it is inconvenient and also I don’t know why they had to detain him, but testing a driver for alcohol should never be something bad or maddening. If he is so tired that he can cause an accident and drives as if he were drunk, he should not be driving. And the police have every right to test him.

(But that doesn’t mean they need to be assholes about it and detain him or any similar crap.)


Or it is more complex than that. She was born blue, this led to her mother being overbearingly careful with her and her dad just assumed she must be damaged - just one possible thing that comes to mind. The quality is bad and I cannot read more than the titles but what I mean is that titling a slide is probably not the whole story to it. God knows what she has to tell.


You mean the twin thing? Same logic tho. Perhaps her parents always put her twin sister first and she was the golden child. Sibling dynamics can be sickenly complicated and, yes, traumatizing. She is not talking about her zodiac sign as far as I can tell. And I mean yes it is probably a joke, but at the same time it might be very pragmatic if you are in therapy anyway. Instead if telling something over and over just tell about the progress you made with a previous professional in a presentation (so that also you don’t forget something important)


I guess this is not the point of the comic but would this “thinking and deducting math” be a solution to not go insane from brain atrophy during solitary confinement?

Honest question: what was Hamas' long-game with respect to kidnapping Israelis? Did they think Israel would just negotiate rather than retaliate?

It just seems crazy to me given the power imbalance. A cynical part of me suspects that things are playing out exactly as some evil strategists hoped they would, which, given all the children dying, is super-depressing....


All this is simply the nature of the fog of war, that the true strategies/goals won’t be known for a while, if ever.

This is what we’ve all been thinking about Russia/Putin’s government too. With tons of friends and family in Russia and Ukraine we are still at a loss what exactly the idea/projected outcome/strategy/expectation was to start that war. I hear a lot of armchair experts and amateur war psychologists trying to explain it away like it is obvious but it just isn’t. It feels like there are a bunch of clues and pieces of a puzzle mixed in with random puzzle pieces that don’t belong to what you are trying to assemble, and it is unclear whether we will ever truly understand it sometime in the future.


I’m sure there are already answers to this question l, but wouldn’t a basic universal income lead to some inflation/price rises?

I live in the most expensive city in my country and rent is insane. It’s not about finding a cheaper apartment or a smaller one because there are none or you won’t get them. They are not taking in a family of three into less than a three room apartment and sometimes even three room apartments are considered too small for a family with one little kid. And to be clear, if you are long term unemployed, the government pays for your housing. Theoretically. You still have to find a suitable apartment and there.are.none.

I would much rather have someone provide me guaranteed housing for free than to fear that my basic universal income will at some point not even be enough to cover my rent, even if it is just “basic”. But to me, “basic” in this sense would equal survival. It would mean housing, food, healthcare. I much rather take these things directly than make use of a small amount of money that will always be too little and end up having to choose between the cheapest cereal or the cheapest bread because I cannot afford both this month. Money and freedom to spend it as you wish is great, but I just cannot imagine how this would work. Apartments won’t magically keep their prices or appear out of thin air.

I’m sorry if this comment is too focused on housing, it is just the most anxiety evoking example I have. (And also we are moving in two weeks so maybe I am a bit preoccupied.)


My two year old’s best friend is a three year old… Jfc it’s like watching innocence and insanity play together. I love her friend but damn she’s brutal. While my girl is still a bit too small to be hurt or angry about mistreatment and lets so much slide. And in a year my forgiving two year old will be this intimidating mess.


True. Apart from mediocre memes and the same news over and over there is not much to do here if you aren’t into tech. It might actually be good if you spend too much time on reddit, but then again there’s also a sense of community and, let’s be honest, mindless relaxation in communities like makeup addiction, new parents, AITA or moldly interesting. They are all missing here. I had just discovered a bra that fits before the reddit shutdown. Now I will never find a bra that fits I guess.

I just hope to wait and see more ordinary people come along.


But why??


Instant coffee is actually freeze dried and yes should dissolve completely, while grinds will never just disappear in the water.

But then there’s that.

A couple of weeks ago we went abroad and asked a friend of mine to watch our apartment because I had flowers that needed pollinating. In exchange he could stay at the apartment. Since he’s a Ukrainian refugee who has to share a room with a questionable dude he gladly took me up on that offer.

Now, we are coffee snobs, my husband’s youtube history is full of James Hoffmann. So we have a manual espresso press at home, a hand filter, a french press, two moka pots, and a senseo pad machine (for guests; our filter machine just broke).

When we came home, we found a can of instant coffee. Jacobs, to be precise, and everything in Ukrainian. Dude brought his instant coffee to our coffee infested place. Knowing that he has been here for a while and drinks a lot of coffee, I asked him how did this can last him so long. He got it imported. He freaking imported Ukrainian Jacobs instant coffee into Germany.

And then we start reading the can’s text a bit more profoundly. It is a mix of normal instant coffee, i.e. freeze dried, with a bit of finely ground coffee mixed in. It does not dissolve completely. It takes ages for the grind to settle to the bottom. I don’t know who thought this was a good idea. I don’t know what the purpose is supposed to be. But they advertise it heavily on the package.

Also, I tried a cup and it does taste like shit but to each their own.

Tldr: instant coffee usually is freeze dried coffee that will dissolve completely but there are some unholy products designed by questionable people that contain real grind coffee for no reason.


I had the same thought when I ate chupa cups. The small one only has 6 grams of sugar, the big one has 12 grams, but they are equally sweet, how can that be…


I was very embarrassed to read that German politicians were so mad about that talk that they left the room in the middle of it. Nothing he said was even remotely controversial, let alone relativising. Yet this still made people angry and made it to tagesschau. Wtf.


Ok what’s up with the parmesan memes?


Looks like the goose is taking revenge for foie gras

Is there an alternative to "motherfucker" that people would actually use?

The word can have swearing but not genderisation which might be offensive (mother) nor allusions to sexual dominance (motherfucker). Nor, other possibly offensive connotations. It seems that the word is commonplace and people won’t stop using it, so an alternative to the word may be useful. But the problem with alternatives,...


I actually think that depending on the context asshole is more hurtful than motherfucker. “He’s a stupid motherfucker” seems like you are just angry. “He’s an asshole” sounds like he legit is a ln awful person. Not a dominant fucker or anything. Just a dirty, unpleasant being. It is more demeaning I would say. I would be more hurt to be called an asshole than a motherfucker.


I agree with you and your friend, but I think you got whoooshed here


I’m full of compassion for him and his family. But as an important religious figure, publicly saying that you pray for the fury and anger of your God to go down on your enemies is awful. I understand the sentiment. I understand the anger, I do. But praying for something negative to happen - especially when you are supposed to lead other people - cannot be the right way to go.

Pray for the war to end. Pray for peace. Pray for Hamas to understand their wrongdoings. Pray for the terrorists to realize what they are doing. Pray for them to stop and beg forgiveness. If you want, pray for God to judge them. But praying for violence isn’t what prayer should be used for.


I know what you mean. But that should be the distinction between religious extremists and “mainstream” religious leaders, shouldn’t it? Extremists tend/can promote the negative, brutal, violent parts of their scripture. The modern-moderate mainstream approach is usually to focus on the unifying, loving, connecting, forgiving aspect. And this is why his statement pisses me off so much. Being the representative of the Jewish community in Ukraine, speaking for/to this community, advocating the violent aspects of your religion’s scripture is an awful move.


Thank you for recognizing that this stuff is not going on for a century or two, not even for centuries, but for millenia. The conflicts in the mesopotamian area are probably the oldest in the world. Reducing it to what happened after or shortly before WWII is like telling the history of the world/the universe starting from when homo sapiens came into place.

Trying to figure out who this land belongs to seems futile. How many great grandfather generations do you have to go back to make this part of soil “yours”? Is 10 enough? 15? 20? Imagine your family lived in this part of the region since 1000 AD just for someone to come and say they’ve been here since 900 AD so you are technically a foreign invader and don’t belong there. Give back your house.

I sometimes wonder if they go back further than the religions the conflict is supposedly based on. I mean, tribal conflicts have always been a thing, right?


I’m sorry that something that should be so benign and unimportant as fashion and common clothing choices make you question your sexuality/gender/body [without questioning it for real]. This is what I hate about fashion, or rather the fashion industry. And it starts so early. My two year old girl gets a lot of hand me down clothing from twins (boy and girl) and the girl stuff is so colorful and happy and cut so versatile and the boy stuff is… blue. White. Black. Brown. Beige. Grey. Green if you’re lucky. It’s tshirts, jeans, cardigans. Like, they’re toddlers. Let them wear colors. Glitter. Velvet. Whatever.

That being said, there are plenty of cis hetero males that come to mind who experimented with fashion and also female clothing. I think Kurt Cobain gave a concert in a dress? As a very boring not really woke cis hetero woman I can tell you that I wouldn’t care less or question your gender identity or sexual orientation or anything, I wouldn’t think to see you like less of a man, if I saw you walking around with makeup and a dress. That shit’s fun and it’s just clothes.

Sorry for the random rant-reply tho.


Your kid will go to bed at 8 sharp like a clockwork


God yes me too. I didn’t even realize until I came out of university. A 9-5 job is a 9-5:30 job over here (we have a mandatory lunch break of at least 30 minutes if you work more than 6 hours a day, 45 if more than 9). Now calculate in the commute and if you’re lucky you’re at a 8:15-6:15 job.


Just 50%? You’re a pro cashier I would say.


Yeah I absolutely prefer the regular checkout. They don’t care if I say a word or not. It’s faster and more convenient and it is 100 times less awkward than waiting for help or sneaking away when you realize this isn’t working and you need regular checkout. Stupid Rewe stupid herbs that don’t weigh enough I CAN’T MAKE THEM WEIGH MORE you stupid scale with your stupid put the scanned product on the basket side


I rarely ever drive but when I do I don’t like to listen to music at all…


That’s true, we need fossil fuels for so many things besides transportation. At the same time, we are simply running out of fossil fuels. Even if we ignore the impact on the environment completely, there will be a point in the not too distant future when there will simply be nothing left to pump.

So what I am wondering is, even if one thinks man made climate change is a hoax or something similar, shouldn’t the first and foremost thing everyone agrees on be to still spare those scarce resources? For things we really (“really”) need to make from oil?

The first thing that comes to mind (maybe since I work in the lab) is medical equipment. You don’t really want to have to wash and reuse things like catheters, do you? I am not sure if bioplastics (i.e., still plastics, but made from plants) would be an alternative here once we run out but I sincerely hope so.

Prices will go up, in any case, and it will be a painful transistion. But now we are at a somewhat luxurious point where we can still make this transistion somewhat controlled and “smoothly”. If we continue to treat oil as a never ending resource and then do a surprised pikachu face once there is nothing left this will be much much worse, won’t they?


Say what now


It’s the same “translation” in Russian btw


Oh please please do you have a link or a name that i can google?


You’re technically correct so I don’t understand the downvotes, you most obviously didn’t imply anything else. Love the mrna technology, went out of my way to get vaccinated during pregnancy (because Germany was a bit slow with that), literally worked on Covid, Anti-Covid meds and mRNA in the lab, and you’ll have my upvote. You’re the best kind of correct after all. Don’t get discouraged.


Haven’t used reddit since boost went down but I am planning on going back in a couple of weeks/months.


That was my thought as well. I am unfortunately not able to afford an expensive phone if it won’t last significantly longer than a regular. But then again, my Xiaomi phone became unusable after about 2, maybe 3 years I think. It was just to unbearably slow. So ok, it’s about 150-200€ every 2 years - maybe 700€ for 5 wouldn’t be that bad then. I also saw there is something like a subscription thing where you pay per month?


We have a ROK and my husband once did 3 espressos for guests in a row, it did break his soul a little bit.


Thank you xD

You know what the most painful part is? When your guests try the coffee and are like “aaah wow yeah that’s… nice! It’s really, uhm, intense” because they are so used to their crap coffee and don’t get the flowery berry fresh aroma of specialty coffee and you’re just smiling and dying inside. I mean I would have hated this kind of coffee 10 years ago myself so I get it but man…

This is why I still have a senseo pad machine. I’m not wasting my time, energy and coffee to make fancy hand filter coffee or manual espressos for people who really don’t care (unless they ask for it, in that case, waste away).


I agree of course. It is just nice to have a variety and it is also worth the money to a degree.

Although, I must say, I use rather cheap coffee (not more than 10€-12€/250g with the price resulting rather from fairtrade and organic labels than from it being high quality) if I want to make a milk based drink. I personally don’t think most of third wave/specialty coffee tastes good with milk. So using it on a latte macchiato seems like a waste to me.


May your kitchen never run out of space for more equipment my friend.


In general, I personally don’t think milk and coffee go well together at all, to be honest. I don’t drink milk drinks often, but when I do, I add tons of sugar and sirup and consider it a dessert and not “coffee”.


That reminds me how my father loves to tell the story of a doctor who wasn’t convinced that sun causes skin cancer so he went to India for a year and didn’t wear sunscreen once and lo and behold he didn’t get cancer so he disproved that sun causes cancer.

Again, my dad is a mathematician. Granted, analytical and computer algebra, not statistics, but dear Lord.

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