@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar


@[email protected]

If I stop commenting, then I’m probably dead. Fuck this world.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Social media isn’t a “competition”, dear. Meta, along with other big-tech enabled fascism and ruined my country. Fuck the Zucc royally.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

“Nature is a trusted, high-quality, peer-reviewed journal” - said no one after this news.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

South Indian from a minority group here. The partition was pretty fucking stupid. I’d rather if there were no partition, but federation of power to states, divided on linguistic basis. India has a sub-nationalism problem. Kannada and Malayali chauvinists destroyed not just mine, but countless languages and cultures. Similarly, Bengali destroyed the tribal culture in Orissa and Jharkhand, and Hindi language in cow-belt areas.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

European Union kind, but with the concept of India still being a country, governing not states, but sub-nationalities. Some amount of centralization should still exist with respect to defense, unequal fund allocation and the likes. Oh, and I forgot to add this - dual citizenship should be enforced compulsorily. Single citizenship is what’s caused dangerous, destructive territorial nationalism primarily on the basis of Hindi and Hindu identity.

velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

“Hmphhh”, breathing heavily, one of your half-informed brethren approaches you. In front of you is a bizzare creature that spends day and night modding his kawaii, unproportionally large breasted and rainbow-eyed waifu desktop. On one hand is his aformentioned waifu pillow stained with, let’s not talk about that. On his legs are two large stocking-like socks, no pants and a shirt that says “I ❤️ Poettering”

“Akshually…”, and as he says that, you can hear the velled up mucus, ready to launch itself upon further tickle to the nose. Quickly, you hand this poor lad a box of tissue. Nodding his head, as to be grateful for your act of kindness, he empties all the air out of his lungs. “That’s a lot you’re holding in there”, you silently whisper.

“…As I was saying, systemd is not an init system, it is more than that”, smirks this weird man. As you try to process all of that, to your horror, you realise that you’re speaking to a modder, or as they call it in politically incorrect terms, a ricer. One of those people you’ve never wanted to meet in real life.

“But I do care about security, and the attack surface is now pretty larg…”, you say, to which the man interrupts, “Linux does not have any viruses, s…stop spreading FUD…banned, 1 day”. The last part doesn’t make a lot of sense, but you assume that he’s pretending this conversation to be on a forum, and he is a “moderator”.

“I do care about the basic UNIX philosophy, which is modulari…”, again, to which this gentleman in front of you interrupts, “If you want modularity, then start from making a micro-kernel. Banned, 5 days”, he scoffs and laughs at you.

“But Poettering left a mess behind that is Linux audio, atd you trust that guy? Also systemd is not as fast as he claims to be, how can y…”


“Akshually…”, you mumur, as you leave the room, but the man heard you clearly. “…I am a big fan of Scheme, so I learnt Guile. Now I use GNU Shepherd”, you say, as you close the door behind.

“ARRRRRRRR! BANNED, 2 MONTHS! BANNED, 3 MONTHS! ARRRRRRR!”, you hear the noise behind, content that you’re not one the one following the herds to the cliff.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Lennart Poettering, He Who Decides What Crap Features To Put In systemd.

velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Forgejo (by Codeberg) is working on that (ActivityPub integration), actually. Since it is a soft fork of Gitea, we can expect similar features.

Also, fuck GitHub.

velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

This should explain why.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

I must’ve forgotten to check the comment before posting. Fixing it.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Copilot was trained on open-source and possibly even close-sourced projects. GitHub did this without prior consent from any of the project owners, which is is in stark violation of restrictive copyleft licenses. Absolutely disgusting and despicable behavior. You might also want to read this comment on HackerNews.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

ActivityPub integration. GitLab and Forgejo/Gitea may be able to bridge with Lemmy. It could look like communities on Lemmy, something like: <user|organisation>_<project_name>@<forgejo_domain_name>. Suggestion can go into “Issues” for now, although I hope that Forgejo brings in a dedicated “Discussions” tab, or it will be a nightmare having to close multiple issues being spammed.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

So, correct me if I’m wrong, but Threads, as a federated web app, can get posts from other federated web app instances, and can store them indefinitely, right? Is this going to be a data-collection nightmare?

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

This was pretty fucking hilarious.

Installies, a site for managing, organizing, and retrieving shell scripts for installing things on Linux and Unix-based operating systems. (installies.org)

Hi, for the past few months I have been working on my website Installies. It is a site for managing, organizing, and retrieving shell scripts for use to install, remove, update or compile apps on Linux and Unix-based systems....

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

This thing will simply fail on an alternative filesystem layout, something to be mindful about. For mainstream FHS distro, it’ll work fine.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

The app crashes abruptly when I click on Profile without logging in. But then again, this is the alpha version.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar


velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Indian (South Asian) lad here, I don’t know most of the references, but I came across some clues while researching. All of this is with reference to the USA.

Boymoder is basically a “he”, who’s transitioned to a “she”, but is pretending to be a “he” again, by wearing baggy clothes and cutting hair.

Sweet tea is a Southern state specialty?

Plantation is a slavery reference - black slaves were transported from Africa and made to work in inhumane conditions. USA has a still-active, 200 year old separatist movement - the flag you see behind resembles the confederates - but it’s theme was modified to make it similar to the trans flag. The confederates are the Southern (South and South Eastern, to be exact) states that wanted to keep slavery, so they were willing to break away. There was also a civil war back then. The confederate states are also called red states in general, I guess? But red states are where Republicans are voted, so that is probably an incorrect definition.

Yankee is probably a Dutch derogatory word for American of British ethnicity, something about calling them pirates or vagabond, I don’t know.

Blahaj is a shark plushie sold by Ikea, also popular within the American trans community for reasons unknown.

Dixie, more precisely Dixieland is probably a derogatory word for southern states. Dixie is also an anthem for the confederate states?

Dixie blahaj probably means a dixie-themed blahaj, and yankee blahaj means similar stuff for the yankee one. Kind of like how communist-themed blahaj will have the sickle and hammer, and the Russian fur-hat with a star on it.

Anon’s fantasy is about a timeline where the civil war has happened during the present times. With technology as well as bonded slavery.

The rest of it is multiple sexual fantasies about:

  • getting non-consensually snu-snued by the soldiers and being treated like a objectified woman, while pretending to be ignorant about them being trans - almost as if they pass like a real woman
  • the act of them torturing anon to get out of their tomboyish behavior and to behave more like a stereotypical submissive conservative girl
  • all the soldiers declaring them as their wife - something about polyandry
  • more aggressive, unsafe snu-snu (that’s what the word breed means in urban dictionary) and more weird sexual fetish, because Anon insulted the Union soldiers

I’m traumatized. Sorry that I made you read this.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Translation: “We did the bare fucking minimum about teaching our people that we did a ‘bad thing’. This ‘bad thing’ also happens to be a convenient excuse to hide our war crimes in other parts of the world.

And hey, we can’t trust ourselves from comitting this horrific act again, so we’ll greenlight for the existence of something as barbaric and backward as an ethno-religious state in the 21st century, at the cost of killing and displacing the natives, instead of bringing rehabilitative schemes in our own land.

We’ll also make sure to shove this down the throats of other groups that we have exploited, while also making them feel guilty of our crimes, knowing in full that they had nothing to do with it, and wonder in confusion about why they’re angry at us - oh, are we supposed to apologize to them by not selectively rejecting other parts of the history? Get over it, shit happen! Also, this will no longer be our burden, and hey, we’re the good guys now!”

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

like you did with them more than a century ago

Here, for you. Muslims were the majority since the fifth century. Even if you were to ignore the Ottoman census, the Jews were still a minority. It is the net Muslim population that dropped.

So you (and I explicitly mean both sides here, equally infested with hateful morons) chose to fight for the sake of fighting until everyone is dead because you are all too dense to consider another option.

Typical centrist response. We’ve seen how well the settlers have treated the native Americans, Africans and the Aboriginals.

velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, that famous “we don’t talk about and don’t teach history” in Germany with barely mentioning enough to use it as a cover for imaginary war crimes in all these wars Germany is involved in all over the world…

Herero and Namaqua genocide, the Maji Maji Rebellion as well as other undocumented atrocities in Namibia, Cameroon, Tanzania, Togo, Ghana, Burundi and Rwanda. They were all imaginary, right?

Colonial amnesia at it’s finest. Who knows what more will I uncover, once I start bringing Asia? Sook Ching in Singapore, Nanking Massacre and the Boxer Rebellion in China. There’s also Roma and LGBTQ+ persecution in Europe.

Talking about Holocaust is the bare minimum. Respectfully, I’m from one of the many ethnic group in India that had to face cultural and language genocide, thanks to German missionaries.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

What is that thing?

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

I can’t afford any of them, but at least I know I know what they’re - star projectors.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

You can make one called c/shitrichpeoplesay.

Edit: Looks like !shitcapitalistssay already exists.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

PEDMAS sounds like one of those cheap, off-brand protein powders that are abused by body-builders.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Markdown fucked your comment. Use escape symbols.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Never mind, here’s another better way to do this:

^6^⁄2(1+2) ⇒ ^6^⁄2*3 ⇒ ^6^⁄6 ⇒ 1

Works on the web page, but looks weird on some mobile app. Markdown is a fucking mess. Some implementation has MathJax support, some have special syntaxes.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Saponification. It also reacts to oil secreted by your skin as well, but your hands aren’t oil. The target chemicals are triglycerides (I think).

Not a chemist, but this reminded me of grade 9 chemistry equations. And I was pretty bad at it.

velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

The word -chud in Chandrachud is pronounced as -choodh. It means crest. Essentially, the word means someone who has a moon crest, which is a possible reference to Lord Shiva saving the Lunar God Chandra from Daksha’s curse.

Dhananjaya is an alternative title for Arjuna, one of the five (six, if Karna is included) from the epic Mahabharata.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Don’t really have anything to add here. Just the opposite stuff happening.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, I’m that idiot. Learnt basic Nix flakes and Svelte. Should’ve stuck with React.

velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

You know what’s the most satisfying (and possibly the stupidest) reason about using a flakes?


The color. I like it. Lavender is my favorite. Worth the struggle.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar


velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar
  • be me, depressed, shitty programmer, jobless CS graduate
  • leave all personal projects incomplete, have nothing to show to get a job cuz muh superiah creature, mus make mah own microkornel to shit on Linus
  • "Hey, Andrew was right all along, you stupid penguin"
  • but suck at writing code, have low attention span :-/
  • uses C to feel special, rage hard because memory leak on hello-world.c
  • bored, more depressed, try finding FLOSS games
  • Hmm, this particular xyz game sounds cool
  • "Woah, this must be like Doom on steroids, you can run it everywhere, even on the web?!?!"
  • "This was made with C? Mind == blown!"
  • The dev has their own website, cool :-)
  • Click on random links across page without reading, come across a page about learning C-lang
  • Page is something about suckless world or something, yeah I guess there’s too many conspiracy-theory idiots out there, maybe bro is calling them out?
  • "Meh, this tutorial isn’t that good, I’ll just pirate a modern C17 book"
  • goes back to home and starts reading about themselves
  • what? bro has their own 3d model nude uploaded for the entire world to see.
  • Is bro okay? trigger warning-type stuff about self-harm, lots of blood!
  • what the actual fuck? bro hates feminism and trans, but ironically, pansexual themselves?
  • WHAT THE FUCK? Also anti-vaxx, because bro thinks that weak animals like humans should die, survival of the fittest?
  • I NEED BLEACH FOR MY EYES, bro’s not ashamed of wanting to groom children, also banned over a few different places on the web for the same reason!
  • Curious about one of their remote Git profile, also checks other users who have starred them - get even more grossed, shut down laptop, touch grass after a long time
  • Moral of the story: don’t visit random websites
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

How about both?

velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Use Nix or Guix if there’s a lot of stuff that you want to move. What you’re doing is just pointless overkill.

velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Here’s the reason why you were banned (open this on a browser).

You’re spreading a bunch of low-grade conspiracy nonsense related to climate geo-engineering - something about chemtrail (this is the first time I am hearing about this weird conspiracy, so I do not know the exact depth and width of what other nonsense you might believe in).

Any mod would want to do their due diligence to not make their users look like a bunch of lunatics. In my opinion, they have done their job properly. Misinformation is at it’s highest, you need to learn to verify your sources first.

You can appeal for an account restoration in the Matrix server, but is it worth the effort? Just make a new account, and don’t repeat the conspiracy shenanigans.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

You can use Eternity for the time being. Jerboa is broken for 0.19.0. The software has not even passed the 1.0.0 mark, so this behavior is understandable.

velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

Wion is a subsidary of Essel Group, and a right-wing, populist mouthpiece. They’re responsible for spreading hate in India against the minority groups.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

All our data are belong to us.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

What did I just read? And I thought I grew in a country with a conservative society.

Engaging in stereotypes is an immature behaviour. The world isn’t all black and white.

And what the heck is a wifey material? You’re a grown man, right? I’m pretty sure you can cook your own food, mop your own floor, wash your own clothes and buy your inventory. Why do you need a woman for that?

Goth and bimbocore are just subcultures that deviate from the norm. Remove all of that, and what remains behind is a woman. It does not make them a bad mother, a bad cook, a bad home-keeper or a bad life-partner.

In Hinglish, we have this saying: “Pehle slutty-savitri, phir sati-savitri”. This phrase essentially criticizes the hypocrisy of men who manipulate and exploit women for their own desires but then seek “pure” wives for marriage. This applies to you.

velox_vulnus, (edited )
@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ll talk with respect to India. A bunch of dominant caste (including a decent chunk of middle caste and uplifted/politically represented lower castes) folks rent houses, of which, the upper castes are simply the worst kind of landlords.

A small minority of them don’t discriminate, or disregard this, when money is involved. But most still do.

How exactly? They ask for your full government name - your surname speaks about your caste. But that would be really rude in the 21st century, right? How exactly do they mask casteism then?

Convey your caste using a lifestyle - “Oh, sorry, we don’t allow non-vegetarians”. This was literally our personal experience, especially in Mysuru, for the first time in my life. I was left stunned. And mind you, these people are educated, and have great jobs in the public sector.

In the Hindi-speaking belt, they are even more direct about their bigotry: “We only allow people who come from अच्छे घराने (acche gharane, meaning good families)”. But you already know who the good, well-mannered families are, don’t you?

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

It is, and there are laws to prevent this. But what’s even the point, when these laws are not enforced properly? And even if someone were to sue, there’s too many cases pending. Our courts are overburdened. Filing a police complaint is pointless.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

I use Matrix, which is filled with a bunch of Linuxheads and FOSSQueers, so it may not be to your liking. Other alternatives are Jami and Simplex.

@velox_vulnus@lemmy.ml avatar

But it looks like the app still exists? What happened?

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