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This has been happening intermittently since 2012 or something.

Not wg, cause it wasn’t popular then.

HTTP\HTTPS tunneling etc are not that hard, ya knaw.

Or encrypted GRE, ffs.


Russia is less terrorist than Azerbaijan, but the latter isn’t even being sanctioned (and there’s been an ICJ decision against them, but everybody ignores it) for starving out a little country of 120k people right now in a medieval siege, and openly stating that they are doing exactly that.

I don’t think Ukraine has lots of problems. At least the aggressor there is recognized for what it is and the victim is recognized for what it is and armed by half the world.

I don’t think Ukraine deserves any attention, in fact, since in Artsakh they support Azerbaijan. Support of now finally actual genocide happening is what makes me think that.


Russian likes to threaten the world with nukes

Tactical nukes usually.

nuclear war would inevitably lead to a nuclear holocaust that would cause the near extinction of the human species.

If you use tactical nukes, then it’s not much more significant than using thermobaric ordnance or cassettes or even chemical weapons or anything else kinda nasty and non-conventional.

It won’t lead to a global thermonuclear war and thus a nuclear holocaust any more than use of sarin in Syria did.

However! If you don’t give a flying fuck about a smaller holocaust then I don’t give one about your bigger one even if it involves me, I just don’t care.


Ukraine is not “western” puppet, it’s just a big oligarch-dominated part of the ex-USSR.

Say, Transcaucasia was toxic nationalist-bandit-oligarch dominated, with these components being initially almost equally mixed, and to some extent still is.

Russia was oligarch and FSB dominated, until those merged with FSB being on top.

Ukraine was similar, but oligarchs are on top now.

I wholeheartedly agree that Ukraine is better than Russia. It’s just more similar to Russia in the dimension of evil than most here seem to think.


Sure, Russia threatens the entire human species,

Your life is worth at best as much as any Artsakhi farmer’s life. In fact much less, if by “the entire human species” you mean yourself.

Now, Russia can’t threaten anybody, I’d be surprised if any of those strategic nukes are still operational. I happen to live in Russia and know how things are usually done here. That aside, Russia’s regime consists of thieves and murderers, not some Hollywood fascist hardliners. They care for their lives very much.

but if it doesn’t suit your liberal virtue-signalling for some marginalized minority

At this point I’d actually prefer that somebody nukes the miserable being you are.

And people of Artsakh are very much the majority in their land, however they are besieged and dying from hunger.

But, well, it’s good to know that you care about Ukraine only because of being afraid that, again, somebody nukes you.

Also my ancestors on paternal side happen to be from a certain valley in the province of Tayq, Western Armenia, currently occupied by a certain genocidal NATO country. I won’t buy your bullshit. I’ll care about Ukraine and somebody, again, nuking you personally when enough people care about that, which is never.


Russia is threatening them in much more material way, with all its deals with Azerbaijan (which would be something sanction-worthy for the latter if it were, I don’t know, Georgia), but it isn’t killing them right now.

You don’t actual care about them.

I very definitely do, my aunt’s husband is from there and a participant of the first war.

You’re a fake and a liar

Judging by your use of the words “liberal” and “minority”, I’d say your opinion on the matter is not worth much, neither are you as a whole.


Escalation policies tend to become very elastic when implemented by humans.

They really can get to some limited strategic exchange, but after that point some countries are democratic and that demos which supposedly rules them will tear into pieces everybody preventing the cessation of hostilities, and others are authoritarian, and their authority cares about its lives and well-being the most.

I mean, NATO officials have become much more modest with words about “any attack on NATO territory is an attack on NATO” after a few stray missiles have landed on Polish territory, for example.


Your own country is not a dictatorship yet it deals with Azerbaijan and Turkey. So you are responsible for that, democracy and all. I suggest you fix that first, then blabber about what I do and don’t do, which you don’t know anyway. Right now you are a valid target for that “hit them where they don’t expect it” option that the weaker side always has.


I mean, Iraq was not good.

But yeah, I agree with this way to present your point.


Can you even imagine Russian rebuilding anything for Ukrainians? Can you imagine Russia spending money to make life for Ukrainians better?

I mean, it did flood Chechnya with money. Mostly for the loyal bandits, but they do build stuff.

Russia is full on the #1 most terrorist dictator state in the entire world.

Not on the level of Turkey or Saudi Arabia, no. Or maybe at exactly the same level.


What country is Turkey invading and destroying right now?

Syria, Artsakh, Cyprus.

Who is Turkey threatening with nukes?

It doesn’t have nukes, but it’s threatening its every neighbor, especially Greece and Armenia.

What country is Saudi Arabia destroying right now?


What country is Saudi Arabia threatening with nukes?

It doesn’t have nukes, but it was threatening Iran all the time until their recent rapprochement.

Other than these, one is a fascist genocidal horde and another a medieval kingdom with beheadings and sharia law, both allied to NATO, though. Russia is just a very big mafia state in comparison.

Russia is objectively the worst of all, by far.

Why are you repeating something you can’t support with facts?

Maybe you think Ukraine has more value than Syria or Yemen or Artsakh due to it being “European”? For me a human life is a human life, but if we differentiate them, then civilization-wise compared to people of these countries Ukrainians (and Russians) are almost savages.

Pastor alarmed after Trump-loving congregants deride Jesus' teachings as 'weak' (

Evangelical Christian leader Russell Moore revealed this week that many evangelical pastors have become alarmed that their Trump-loving congregants have become so militant that they are even rejecting the teachings of Jesus Christ.In an interview with NPR, Moore said that multiple pastors had told h...


I mean, do not make yourself an idol and all that. Politicians are usually satanist. What else is new?


What’s wrong with you calling ancaps fascist? I mean, they are not more or less fascist than anyone in this pic except for the tankie getting pummeled, and the tankie always has this coming.


The author of that book didn’t consider herself libertarian, and educated ancaps usually do not consider herself one of their own.

That is, apparently you’ve never met one yet write such pretentious phrases.


It’s not that you are completely wrong in anything, but:

at the end of WW1 in order to preserve German bourgeois rule

I’ll just inform you here that German aristocracy and “bourgeoisie” are usually used as antonyms, not synonyms.

Also Germany was starving, the logic was that they can’t afford more chaos, even if it means conservatives.

Soviets did the similar thing with GDR and Hungary and what not in the Eastern block. Though of course they preferred their existing communist buddies who somehow survived the 30s and 40s.

USA wouldn’t have such still already existent friendly factions, so they tried to grow some new ones, initially from people who’d be moderates in former regimes.

I’d still prefer Pinochet to Khmer Rouge.


Guys, you can keep jerking off each other all you want, but pseudo-scientific arguments are simply not sufficient to prove your point.

Science persists over millennia, builds compasses and then ships and then rockets and now computers. Science makes whole societies vanish or survive. Over the course of too many years.

Now let’s look at communism. It’s not science, it’s a socioreligious sect, of the kind that Lucian of Samosata was ironic about, as those were plentiful in his time.


Her views are 100% bog standard modern “libertarian,”

Wrong. She praises monopolies, hierarchical systems with hereditary aristocracy, money bending rights, some people being more human than others etc. She’s rather very roughly Darwinist, with the idea that the less you try to compensate for strength disparity, the better, and at the same time she’s rather centralist. Almost fascist.

Basically she’s an inverted Bolshevik, which is not surprising considering her family history. A Bolshevik from capitalists, if you like. Not even similar to libertarianism. Her ideas have simply nothing to do with liberty. She was sufficiently honest to explain these things herself.

and anarcho-capitalists/“libertarians”/racist and pedophilic liberals and fascists lying about their real goals to useful idiots.

I’m ancap (rather distributist as in Chesterton’s views, but that’s harder to explain), so this BS you can leave to yourself.

I’d generalize this as anarchist ideologies attracting people who’d like to get rid of certain limitations most others would consider sane. Like fucking children, stealing, killing etc. This is, sadly, a real tendency, but I’ve met such leftist anarchists too.

Rothbard, famous racist, slave desiring, apartheid supporting, pedophile ideological founder of anarcho-capitalism, who has quite a lot of suspiciously pro-fascism quotes, technically started the process in the 40’s, but it didn’t gain steam or co-opt the term libertarian until the populatization of “libertarianism” thanks to Rand’s works.

You forgot to say that he also kinda liked USSR, at least in his book, “For a new liberty” or something, a very interesting person surely.

Also Rothbard’s and Rand’s followers were always very different people. I’ve never met a person who’d like both. It’s a bit like tankies think that “liberal” and “fascist” are synonyms, completely removed from the reality. If you want to have some idea about libertarians, you should talk to them and not your leftist friends.

So yes, everything you just said is technically correct, but is still deliberately misleading in modern context.

It’s especially important in modern context. Ayn Rand is basically a spoiler for libertarianism, a strawman which every leftist uses against people whose ideology has nothing in common with her. And in reality she was just, like I said earlier, for capitalism what Bolsheviks were for leftist ideologies. Rather economically misguided and too impractical.


I mean, you can just read the sources, Rothbard’s most known books, Ayn Rand’s Atlas and other stuff, and make your own opinion. The only common thing between them is disdain for state regulation and leftism. But the root of Rothbard’s ideology is simply incompatible with the root of Rand’s ideology.

The former builds on natural right and non-aggression. The latter builds on people not being equal, and some being shit under the boot of others, better and more useful. These are in direct conflict.

I mean, explaining something to a tankie is similar to trying to teach a pig fly.


You know, using the word “neoliberals” just spoils your message due to this word meaning technically literally nothing. Empirically the least fuzzy description of it is “something that leftists don’t like”. It’s literally leftist slang.

I don’t think there’s anything more “actually libertarian” than Rothbard, but one can disagree with any particular thing (and I do with many). It seems you are pushing your ancoms from an unexpected orifice again.

But, of course, Chesterton’s and others’ distributism is even better, but one just can’t agree on such a thing with people without a certain cultural component.


Every time somebody calls this “web of trust” I feel the need to remind that really Web of Trust is a system of, well, decentralized manual trust, like with PGP. Like in Retroshare or Freenet for some people.

Every such attempt at replacing the actually relevant meaning of a thing which is still good and needed is suspicious.


What a shitty society

It has shittier sides than the one you are looking at.

and what a shitty communication system

Well, Zuck and others found the way to assemble all blonde girls from your town on one site. It was decided then.

At least until the general humanity realized that this doesn’t change shit except that we no longer have the normal Web itself, the truly miraculous one which we got used so quickly to.

I like Gemini, but I’ll take the ActivityPub-based Web. Better both, of course. With old Skype-like IM on top of that as well.

However, the identities being not cryptography-based and being tied to an instance I don’t really like, that should be fixed in future versions if we want to have stuff working differently from e-mail, which is not as decentralized as one would like.

And frankly maybe one should separate content instances from authentication instances. The latter would only present identities.


It’s more about doing what investors think will give them gains, so that they keep investing, don’t quit, and don’t press out the people in charge of the company.

Dunno why I have this association, but when directors of Apple pressed out Jobs, Apple’s stuff in the following decade was rather cool. I just played with MacOS 9 a bit, with its classical software like Hotline, and it really had a “culture” and an “ecosystem”, and not what Apple’s ads after 2000 tell you, but these seem to have been real.


Firefox replaced IE everywhere around me before Chrome ceased to be some funny curiosity.

I personally used Opera, though.


Why is everyone forgetting Opera?



Living in Russia, sincerely don’t get the joke.

Asphyxiating because of the poisonous gasses from a pickled cabbage tank, or drowning in vodka, or something like that I can understand. But what’s with the windows?


Ah. No such meme inside Russia.

I mean, there are from time to time suspicious deaths of such people, and the timing is sometimes interesting, but these are all kinds of deaths, - heart attacks, car crashes, aneurisms , whatever.

The creator of Pixelfed announced an upcoming encrypted messenger for the fediverse that will work across the fediverse (

It will be open source, end to end encrypted using Signal’s double ratchet encryption protocol, and he plans to make it easy for fediverse platforms to integrate it. The beta will release later this month....


Desktop fscking client, please. Not electron based would be nice, yes? QT is good.

ICQ-style or old Skype-style user directory would be wonderful too. VoIP is not something I’d care about, file transfers are.

This is cool.


most late stage capitalist

I mean, whatever you call it, opposition to this particular phenomenon would unite the militia and sovereign citizen kinds of people in USA (of what I’ve heard about) and ancoms and ansyns and ancaps everywhere and “citizens of the USSR” in the ex-USSR and reichsbuergers in Germany and I can go on.

Selling the same thing which differs in price and whether the same functionality is locked is something universally dishonest for everybody who is not in love with the organization doing this.


I remember transferring files via IR. It was convenient.


The “unelected” part is on purpose, though I’d prefer sortition.

The biggest group of voters may decide who controls the government, but they shouldn’t decide who takes places in the supreme court. At least not in the same mechanism.

Well, unless you can make it a 95% “in favor” vote, of course. Then, I guess, there’d be no hope anyway.


Thats how the three pillars of power works in all democracies.

And the amount of people willing to dismantle this particular one means it does serve its purpose well.

If "No one owes you anything," then you also owe nothing to a society that works against you, including allegiance, civility, or pacifism.

A society in which it’s everyone for themselves, that refuses to care for one another, is no society at all. Then everyone acts shocked and horrified at someone who understandably snaps, like modern western culture doesn’t run entirely on schadenfreude....


Now people line up to revel in the suffering of their fellow citizens with “well you were stupid to do xyz in life, so you deserve your suffering haha.”

It’s not schadenfreude, it’s psychological defense from injustice. People don’t want to accept that bad things can happen to them if they don’t deserve those. They want to think that if they do everything right, nothing bad will happen, and if they make a mistake, then something bad will happen, and so there’ll be fewer and fewer mistakes and bad things as they go. It’s scary to accept that this is a lie and life isn’t fair.

However, not attacking others or their property is not something you owe others, it’s normal behavior, and behaving otherwise you trespass. It’s not a gift on your part to not steal what belongs to another person.


Ah, actually there are places where many people live like that. I know such places (one, namely republic of Artsakh, has become worse in the last couple of years due to partially being occupied by savage racist apes thinking it’s inside their “territorial integrity”).

It’s just that this requires a set of skills most don’t possess, having grown in big cities or places not too different from big cities for this purpose.

EDIT: About “level of decision” - nothing really prevents you from gaining the same. Just going to live “off the grid” with pretty much “on the grid” mindset is something leftists do more. Being prepared and having technical means to get to a doctor is important.


They are not anti-imperialist. They want a planetary empire encompassing all our planet, no exceptions, which will fulfill various commie utopia images, like united humanity colonizing other star systems etc.

I mean, their idea of anti-imperialist is not that empires are too aggressive in killing and robbing, but that they are too modest to stop at that instead of integrating what they conquer.


I remember when Google search was almost a flat search and the needed result was usually at 10th page or something.

It still was there, though. Not the case now sometimes.


If you can’t defeat them, join them is what happened


Then you’d go bankrupt and stop supporting your “so much” housing, unless you’d gift it to those people, not give as a temporary service.

Bamboo - a nice idea. Actually I’m not sure it’s that hard for you to do even now. I’m serious, if you know the pipeline, then try to evaluate how much a start would cost (for it to be barely profitable). You need, well, bamboo itself (grows like a virus, shouldn’t be a problem), and on the process of making stuff from bamboo I’m not sure (I think it involves making some kind of pulp and then pressure?..), but humans do this kind of thing. Should probably start with dishes and cups.


Ah, a population can’t deserve anything, an individual can. But yes, you are correct.

Keep restricting supply while demand increases, and watch what happens. Oh wait, we’ve already seen what happens, and yet we refuse to acknowledge it.

Sadly humans are apes and thus they are not really looking for science to tell them what they don’t know, they want it to confirm what they’d like to think.


We all know zoning laws and supply restrictions for profit are what got us here.

Ah, OK. But then “there’s more empty houses than homeless people” argument doesn’t make sense.

and econ101 doesnt matter when the supply is kept artificially low through corporate welfare, consolidation, and lobbying.

WDYM it doesn’t? It works as expected.


It’s broken because of platforms working for people, which happens because there’s not too much, but too little fragmentation.

For a couple decades corps and their fans were communicating from every orifice that fragmentation is bad, it’s bad for developers, it’s bad for users, it’s bad for business and so on.

Despite this being not only wrong, but also counterintuitive, as we should all be familiar with how things work in nature, about evolution and competition and diversity.


Hotline and KDX, please


I’m not even upset. Yeah, it’s finally clear that it’s not our late 90s and early 00s Web anymore.

So what? What it’s magic was based on wasn’t so technologically or computationally complex, FFS. There’s been plenty of hypertext systems, some distributed. There are some hobbyist ones now, like Gemini again.

I’m looking forward to the niche being filled by better solutions, made after the experience of WWW as it was. It’s amazingly cool.


It doesn’t have to be underground at all, they are not yet making ads and DRM parts of TCP.


Cause 40hrs a week is a schedule for workers on a production line with machine tools doing monotonous work. It’s hard, but it doesn’t require you to think much. Thinking, changing contexts is hard.

Ah, also you really are a resource, only your employer is a resource for you too, to get money which you then use for your own purposes. You are mutually resources for each other, that’s the point.

Well, also it seems that in the olden days, when we didn’t have internet etc, it was a bit more normal to do your own hobbies etc at work, unofficial tea breaks, and in general many things other than work. Though I’m from Russia, and the Soviet joke says “they imitate pay, we imitate work”.


Can’t speak about other people, but for me such things really improve efficiency. You should be able to relax when doing intellectual work.


That suit is incompetent. He compares real metrics with imagined metrics, of course the latter are going to be better.


You give as little as you can give for as much as you can get. I’d rather say distribution of negotiating power. And the way to fix this is making it easier to do business in your sphere as much as possible at all costs. And I don’t mean making it more profitable for existing businesses, I mean there being as many businesses as possible and them being easy to start, so that the negotiating power would even out.

Which moves us to the IP, patent, copyright laws, which make it hard starting a business in many areas, and any kind of regulation and certification that makes it seriously hard to start a business really. Which is, BTW, the reason regulatory laws directed at fighting Apple, Meta etc are also killing many other things we don’t even see cause it happens in conceptual stage.

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