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Unpleasant and unempathetic, but “ghouls” I’d reserve for people, for example, who say “N won’t allow ethnic cleansing in M”, and then in 5 days, when that EC is 99.9% complete, refuse to answer anything at all. Or their bosses if they are just talking heads.

There are also ghouls who rape and behead people.

This one is just a fool, nothing too horrible.


which was filmed during a wine-and-cheese event

Not sure this is indicative of anything, there are many countries where such events are not luxurious at all, neither is wine as a drink. Dunno about Austria.


TBF, their prices are localized. Say, in Russia it was always not something you can do every day. They depend on many things, supply chain, general income levels, some central strategy. It’s a franchise, as everybody knows I’m sure. You can open a McDonalds in a place lacking one if they agree.

And the reason it’s comparatively expensive now somewhere as compared to 15 years ago is that they apparently think that being more expensive and smaller in volume is better for their operation than being less expensive and bigger in volume. Or something like that.


Also bag clips break. A rubber band or a knot (one you sure you can untie).

I usually use “just tucking”, though.


I’ve seen rats in rather expensive parts of Moscow.


As an Other Place fan whose experience with trying to befriend Star Trek fans IRL has hit the tragic third - thank you for being reasonable. I’ve met some people pretending that the Other Place is “space wizards for children”, while Star Trek is “real science fiction”. While in fact they’re the same - for most part space magic and for the select few areas, yes, real science fiction.


Search for Locutus, it’s very similar to what I’ve been imagining, only real (well, not yet, it’s a project).


Is that a Star Trek reference?

Pluralistic: Apple fucked us on right to repair (again) (

Right to repair has no cannier, more dedicated adversary than Apple, a company whose most innovative work is dreaming up new ways to sneakily sabotage electronics repair while claiming to be a caring environmental steward, a lie that covers up the mountains of e-waste that Apple dooms our descendants to wade through.


It can - they may produce long-living tank-solid devices and sell for the price that would make it worth remaining in business.

We can lease them for a fixed amount of time, which would be cheaper. Or we can buy them, but much more expensive. Or, as it already often happens, we can buy them with some contract with a mobile operator attached.

There are lots of business models.

Hate to sound statist, but if you somehow account for externalities here, these can become more common.

Ah, also they may consider producing upgradeable modular things, so that you wouldn’t have to change or recycle the box or the touchscreen, but you could replace the motherboard or the antenna, which are goods that can be sold …

Situation would be better with better school education informing children what a fucking portable computer is and why it’s not cool to buy a new one every two years and why these companies are bullshit.

Now, coming to the bullshit part - the incentive to buy a new thing every could become less if patent and IP laws were relaxed to some Wild West level. There would be plenty of companies and over time those with the business models I describe would gain reputation and faithful customer base, and eventually press out bullshitters.


I mean, porn and imagined girlfriends are a problem. A bit like alcohol, sweets, and in general addictive things.

They, eh, allow one to alleviate loneliness and sadness, but not really.

Now fantasy girlfriends are an existential threat to women? If a man wrote about how he has to compete with romance novels and sex toys he would be derided as a fragile loser.

They are a threat to women in that they supposedly make men a bit more likely to become fragile losers. In perception at least, I think in reality such men would become alcoholics or something else instead, or would just develop their imagination.


This I agree with, but your “in moderation” should be emphasized. Too much sugar - well, it’s obvious. Too much porn - one can really, honestly, seriously, I’m not joking, got serious hormonal and even mental problems.


It’s not about looks, it’s exactly about health.

You do see people being judged for the behavior resulting from lack of sleep, wrong food, some addictive habits and so on.


You haven’t read my comment attentively.

Ah, and playing video games 12 hours a day will harm you.

Sexuality is a very important part of human existence and an AI partner can provide not only safe exploration, because safety in sex is not only about avoiding tripper FFS.


I’ve specifically said “behavior resulting from …”, not lack of sleep itself.

About visceral disgust and hatred - well, I’ve met one girl with weight problems recently. She’s one of the most charming people I’ve met, and attractive too. Before meeting her I (in imagination and first impressions) almost shared that, because I’ve known some unpleasant people with excess weight at school and in my childhood.

Point being, many other traits are met with hatred by some people with pseudonymity. Cowards are like that.


Not sure I agree about training or walking for 12 hours.

OK, my ability to communicate in my own language as well as others differs with mood.

I meant that an AI is as dangerous as a human is in those kinds of communication it does imitate. Thus it’s not safe exploration, it’s just exploration. And that it’s safe only in regards to some diseases, which was a joke or an irony if you will.

EDIT: Ah, tripper is a loanword for gonorrhea in Russian, I suppose it’s not from English, German likely.


Well regulated - yeah, maybe. Not sure how’s that regulation going to work, by what I know about AIs. And there are many things not normal which we may yet discover via such AIs.

useless offtopic about “manipulative”

Just recently got blocked by one girl (she actually waited for an RL meeting for that) saying I was manipulative (I meant that what I can understand of her mind is beautiful, but I’m sad that it’s rare, while she got it as her mind being beautiful only when it interacts with mine). In fact I used an ambiguous choice of words for a compliment and didn’t edit it, cause she answered something positive I didn’t want to spoil after (about a picture with apple trees blooming), I didn’t think she’d change her mind on that phrase. I also didn’t expect this much harm, cause I myself, when afraid of something bad from other person, usually spend a lot of time and effort and humiliation to confirm it. Felt like dying yesterday and the day before, and it’s more like “tired of dry wailing” today.

Guess the point is that for people like her AIs are good, but unnecessary, and for people like me they can be harmful even if behave conventionally fine.


Time flows too slow until Ursula von der Leyen is in court facing such charges and more.


In the end faulty security always gives edge to the stronger and more malicious side.

So if you want to protect the weak and allow people to defend themselves, you’d want such mechanisms to not be rigged for any abstract noble goal, because otherwise you are going to get fucked very practically.


It’s not horrible, it’s factual. Try changing your diet to include lots of sugar, alcohol and caffeine, and also avoid physical exercise, and you’ll feel that even you are a different creature (feeling much worse at that).

And that’s same old you. Now macaques are another species.


As if humans treated other humans better when they can.


Makes sense. You have to be that to become a tech celebrity among elites, competence and intelligence are not things they respect, it’s actually a principal part of their worldview that competence and intelligence are for servants or simpletons, and real apex predator is, well, that kind of hack. They just won’t believe that you are really able to achieve something if you are not.


TBF, many dogs quiver when you try to wash them. They are afraid and that’s it. They don’t like that much water, and a bath, etc.

This case it’s different, of course.


That’s the point, you can’t ask them, their intelligence is different.


If you have this little empathy

Nowhere in this thread I’ve said anything which would give you a reason for this conclusion.

So you’ve been caught cheating, fsck off.

EDIT: Ah, and also I’ve got all the bloody world of empathy, but have recently ran out of mercy for those who don’t even pretend at being good people. You have that habit of cheating in common with them.


You are clueless. Stop imagining bullshit for other people, you look like a dramatic hysterical clown. This conversation is not about empathy, it’s about your mind not being sufficiently similar to a chimp’s mind to understand each other (despite appearances).

Also it wasn’t about any woman, it was about genocide, and I’ve used different words for empathy and mercy, because these are different things in my comment.


That too


Appearances are still consistent.


So basically he feels threatened by an extrapolator? In my opinion that’s something a self-respecting author wouldn’t do.


Well, if I’d have paralysis, with some probability I’d want to try even knowing all about Musk.

There’s that problem though with Musk apparently being too excited about putting a cord in one’s skull. Instead of, I don’t know, scanning for brain waves and analyzing patterns? I know literally nothing of the domain area, it’s just that maybe subtlety is a good thing.


A really big percentage of what you use is tested on thousands and more lab mice etc, and they do die in process often.

Not that I disagree, just real world works this way. We eat animals, we test on animals, we have been using animals for propulsion for most of our history. Also for coloring cloth, also for making it in case of silk, etc.

So … do you take any medicine at all?


Well, wouldn’t that also require manufacturing a unique device for every person using it? In case it becomes commercial.




It would be even faster if you’d use a keyboard on a PDA from early zeroes.

TIL In the Hot Coffee lawsuit against McDonalds,punitive damages were given due to McDonalds intentionally overheating coffee to save money on refills (

During the trial it was revealed that McDonald’s knew that heating their coffee to this temperature would be dangerous, but they did it anyways because it would save them money. When you serve coffee that is too hot to drink, it will take much longer for a person to drink their coffee, which means that McDonald’s will not...


Interesting, actually, in Russia I’ve never had that particular problem.

Maybe there actually is some regulation in place, makes me wonder.


Thank you for having a brain in this thread.

Only it’s the mass media system that failed rather. Which works in the way allowing to spend money on forming opinions with predictable outcomes. Which enables much worse things than dangerous customer service.


TIL USSR was capitalist. /s.

No, trying to do more with less is not capitalism. It’s material reality.

It’s power being the only criterion, which means there’s no working fallback criterion. There should be at least one (which is where left libertarians are), or the structure of power should be different (which is where right libertarians are). Neither thing can be made fact to full extent, which is why we need both.

Which is why I am a distributist.

The loss of dark skies is so painful, astronomers coined a new term for it (

Given the harmful effects of light pollution, a pair of astronomers has coined a new term to help focus efforts to combat it. Their term, as reported in a brief paper in the preprint database arXiv and a letter to the journal Science, is “noctalgia.” In general, it means “sky grief,” and it captures the collective pain...


Well, it’s possible to find places even under fscking Moscow to watch stars. Far from residential areas and any street/road lighting and traffic, naturally, somewhere in the forest.


I mean, it can be an API using a format easily put into human speech, and then machine-recognized. Said format would be a language, or even a code, intended for human-machine interaction via speech, like there are codes intended for error correction in various media with varying nature of errors.

So that humans would be able to give voice commands almost in natural language.

Only this wouldn’t be such groundshaking news, older Internet protocols like SMTP and FTP already are human-readable.

This also wouldn’t cost nearly as much as the title implies.


Nice haircut actually.

I personally just wore a messy Hagrid-like heap of hair being 14-15, some teachers didn’t like it, but I didn’t care. They did take offense, though.


The interesting thing with these type of news stories is for me, that any time I look up the haircut the school banned, it’s mostly a really good looking cut.

Some schoolteachers become that to feel themselves important. Or powerful. After all, they are in charge of a whole group of little people. Almost like an army officer (I got a really indignated and hateful look from one such teacher after politely pointing out that teachers are not, in fact, similar to army officers, they do not command and do not bear power and responsibility).

That is, they come for obedience and feeling of self-importance (“I’m teaching them, I must be very smart, yeah, or at least they fear me”), and even bad wages do not make them try and find another trade.

So they just envy kids who have a differing look from other kids, especially if it’s a good one. It makes them feel that those kids are less obedient.

(Sorry for that tone of disgust and contempt in my comment, Russian schools and all that.)


Apology accepted, captain Needa.

vacuumflower, (edited )

Seems likely. I mean, reading stuff from the 90s, it seems he had his brains in order then, just with that bad habit of putting his d*ck into too many places. And cocaine may not necessarily make one that demented.

It’s kinda sad. I’d really like to die before I turn into something like this, no matter how.


I mean, dogfooding is a good thing, right?


Usually if something is as easy for another person as it is for you, then they’ve been as successful in it as you have. That’s all I have to say about your readiness to judge others with that implication that you are better.

Ah, actually visited that link of yours, clicked through one article and it does look good. The only catch is that I’m confident most people with such problems haven’t ever heard about this guy and his website.


Thank you for being reasonable.


Back then pick-up artists were still a major thing, so I learned and then had to unlearn all that bullshit.

Oh. Thank dear god I never tried.

However, things won’t get better if we’re treating young men as poor, helpless victims of society

They are usually victims of their own parents, who may have too differing behavior from what is common average (say, example 1) both asexual and thus treating nonverbal communication as something not very hard or important, and thinking that you’ll just learn it, or, example 2) too sexual, like, sorry, one of the parents being an ex-escort and thus their child incorrectly measuring the signals sent, or, example 3) both parents having grown with their mother only or with little attention from their father, thus again not learning the skills of communication for men, one can imagine other examples).

instead of treating them like, you know, men, and telling them to take responsibility for their lives and online habits

Responsibility is fine for most, not knowing what to do is a different matter.

You’re not a victim, because you still have the power to change yourself.

That’s a philosophical question. You may have noticed that what you eat and how you exercise physically and what news you hear and what people tell you all affect very much what you think and how. So whether you can consciously change yourself to some intended end is, again, a question.


Yeah, I mean that “bowl of rice and a cat-wife” one ; it’s from the same copypaste as “simple worker Ivan from city Tver” and “strong jade rod comrade Xi” (in Russian those are with wrong grammatical genders and declensions, which is lost in translation). It’s a joke on how Chinese propaganda of anschlussing Russia would look.


Well, my sister shared her recommendations with me and those featured using dark themes among other things.

And I get too emotionally tired of just using a light theme (or even a lighter dark theme).

So I think yes.

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