@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar


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@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

One of these days we’ll learn to vibrate the entire atmosphere at the frequency of the internet

Substitute teachers are in short supply, but many schools still don't pay them a living wage (www.cbsnews.com)

A severe substitute teacher shortage in the Florida school district where Barbara Clyatt works means when the first grade teacher submits for time off, there’s not always someone who can cover. Students can get split up and placed in other classes — which can be disruptive to their education....

ubermeisters, (edited )
@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

See title: replace ‘but’ with ‘because’. Now you don’t need an article.

ubermeisters, (edited )
@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Owning a smart TV is one of the stupidest things you can do.

I’m admittedly this type of stupid, but I also know how to blacklist all the domains my garbage ass Vizio tries to phone home to.

They make the devices cheap so that they can spy on you. It’s the New Deal.

Edit: I see i’m not the only one who gave up on finding a reasonable TV and just opted to neuter a Smart TV instead. Now that I’m not in a position of “me want now, nothing in local store”, I think Ill take a few moments to do some research for everyone, and myself, just to highlight that there actually are still options. Heres a few brands I found that still offer Dumb TVs. I know nothing else about these, and am not in any way promoting these brands or claiming they are good at all. IDK.

This is not endorsement

  • Sceptre, breaks “Smart TVs” out as separate “android TVs” group, From “4K UHD” and “LED” offerings: www.sceptre.com
  • Supersonic, breaks out “smart TVs” from “4k " and “HD/FHD” TVs: www.supersonicinc.com
  • Caixun, breaks out “Linux” and “Android” TVs, from “4k” and HD” TVs: www.caixun-global.com

If anyone has relevant info about these brands, related to if they are good or suck… let me know.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Such a stupid fucking plan to grow Alfalfa and ship it across the fucking world just to feed cows anyway

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Cows are worse. We can plant more agriculture to assist on offsetting any carbon created in the lab grown meat process. We can’t do that for cows, because they’re stupid fucking grazing feeders that need way more land then the actual value of the cow.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

OP article says 61 women, just as a polite heads up.I think you’ve got a title edit to make maybe, if you care.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Oh wierd. My bad

ubermeisters, (edited )
@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

There it is ok, thank you. Idk why this bothered me so much. Also I’m pretty sure it’s an ai written (structured, or expanded using) article becuase I’ve noticed I have a very hard time reading a lot of the ai written stuff for some reason. I don’t follow it properly somehow.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar


Originality score: 0

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

I’m pretty sure that’s determined by the bend radius actually haha

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

People need to get some fucking chill

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

if we are going to control the population ever again, we are gonna have to make some comprimises, or continue shedding members to more rational trains of thought and self respect.

There I had the entire month of meetings for you.

I’ll take 10% of the churchs’ revenue now, please and thanks… Jesus said I need it more than you.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

They can continue to fuck off even after that

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Take a second to chill there satan.

What the fuck are you going on about? Entrails and shit go get some fucking help, dude.

The gross shit you’re talking about here isn’t any better than what the church does. So who takes care of your entrails after you’ve de-entrailed all the people you decided need to go?

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Christianity’s never been about Original Sin. It’s been about fear of death and mitigation of that fear. Didn’t take long for people to see the inherent power this type of belief system provides for the purported “chosen speakers”.

ubermeisters, (edited )
@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

I refuse to argue this with you because it’s not a fair debate in the slightest…

Proceeds to anyway though apparently:

I’ve over a decade and a half of formal biblical education, read cover to cover umpteen times in a cornucopia of translations and revisions, and none of it matters for shit. The Bible is the Bible becuase it gives mankind a way out of death. NOBODY gives a fuck about the rest of it; that is all positioning, pomp, and self persuasion.

And let’s not pretend like the Bible makes any fucking sense to begin with so you crying about the Baseline rationale possibly being wrong makes zero sense.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

TBH, you could remove the entire Old Testament and most Christians would be probably be happier. The divide between Judaism and Christianity would sure get worse though. Not that most Christians know they are reading the Torah for the first half of their precious book lmao.

This is a rant about ASUS and their RGB lighting software

Back in the day, I knew what I would get from ASUS and their AURA tech. Pretty simple, just choose what you want and go. My LEDs did what I wanted, it was simple. But no… no they said. Instead we want you to download most of a gig of bullshit to do the same thing, but with extra fucking steps....

ubermeisters, (edited )
@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

I think i read that Windows update 22h2 introduces native RGB lighting controls? I don’t know what the limits are, is it only motherboard direct connections like case fans etc? But perhaps they are working with (or against) hardware manufacturers to take rgb control of peripherals as well, idk.

Edit ew it’s windows 11 not 10


Microsoft announced native RGB controls for Windows 11 back in May during its annual developer conference. Since then, Microsoft’s RGB software has been in beta testing with Microsoft Insiders, but apparently, it is now in a mature enough state for everyone to use.

Microsoft’s new RGB control software aims to revolutionize the RGB software industry, potentially killing off dozens of 3rd party RGB software variants. With a proper RGB control solution now integrated into Windows 11, we could be on the verge of a completely unified RGB software experience, across multiple RGB manufacturers, which is something we’ve never seen before.

Currently, if you want to control all RGB devices from one control panel, you need to buy all of your RGB devices from a single manufacturer or invest in third party RGB software like SignalRGB that can control devices from multiple manufacturers. The problem with 3rd part manufacturers is that they don’t get official support like native RGB control software does, which can lead to bugs and issues.

With Windows 11’s control software, that could change. Now manufacturers will be incentivized to focus on supporting Microsoft’s new RGB software.

Another edit: i think Asus is making it a pain intentionally so people will buy another device. Classic anti consumer tactics. Stay classy asus:

dedicated rgb lighting controller hub: rog.asus.com/us/armoury-crate/

ubermeisters, (edited )
@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

When I can use Linux to perform my required functions without sacrificing output quality and without taking 5x as long, I’ll gladly switch. But that won’t happen because the professional tools I use are made by companies who benefit from requiring users to retain an insecure operating system so they can pump as much data out of us as possible.

Edit: sorry to the person whose feelings were so butthurt they had to downvote my truths.

ubermeisters, (edited )
@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

I didn’t listen to a single bit of hype before Launch. I didn’t watch a single preview of gameplay, graphics, didn’t read articles on the proposed mechanics, and absolutely love skyrim and fallout games. I barely knew about starfield other than “Bethesda is making a space game”.

Starfield is a good game. Consider that maybe you are just a spoiled brat, or terminally miserable.

So, maybe it isn’t the game you thought it was gonna be. Idc, that’s a you problem. I’ve got ~100 hours in it, and only just now started slowing down on playing it. And that’s more if a “less time on the computer in general” move, less of “starfield doesn’t sound fun right now”.

Stop believing corporations when they hype shit up, be a smarter consumer. You don’t get any cool points for being a fan boy of an entity that exists to take your money. Stop worshipping at the feet of that which entertains you. It honestly super pathetic, and makes you seem simple, and makes you way more likely to make up expectations that are unwarranted, or believe hype that’s premature.

Edit: cope harder cry babies

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

When I take that much time to write out a comment, which is clearly opinion, and I see a reply which has the first word “No”, I stop reading.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

How are you attempting to twist an objective qualifier like “good” into definitively stated fact? Fuck off lmao get a life. And consider.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Note the ‘CONSIDER’ which leaves the reader with a choice on if they want to qualify themselves as that or not… I see Lvl.1 reading comprehesion isn’t in your skill tree yet. Keep grinding bub.

Opinions aren’t subject to being believed by others or not, idk how you can read and write but haven’t figured that out.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Once again, opinion isn’t subject to external invalidation when the qualifiers are based on personal preference. Bye

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Hard disagree. I gave NMS about 30 hours before I dropped it. Picked it up a few times after big updates, still just a hollow shell of a game to me, with basically zero story or objectives.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar


@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

I get why you want to land a ship, and I’m glad you have NMS to do that in. It’s gotta have something to keep you entertained afterall.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

you absolute fucking nincompoop! You’ve never fully fleshed out every single possible vector that Google could use to track and catalog you? Moron!!

-You, just now

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

See also: the entire chrome browser clusterfuck

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe I’ll just fire up Frontpage instead lmao

ubermeisters, (edited )
@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

100% agree. I’m literally only here because I can’t tolerate Reddit anymore and I’m addicted to having some bullshit to read on my phone.

This isn’t a great website guys sorry. I don’t have a better option, and I dont have suggestions on how to make it better. You can’t. It’s a society issue, not a tech or gui issues. I’m not sure I can think of a single website that I enjoy visiting anymore. I’m addicted; it’s a habit I’m trying to break slowly.

Lemmy has just enough engagement so that I don’t feel like I’m browsing a cemetery, and it’s my methadone currently for my dwindling reddit addiction.

And before you try to tell me this isn’t just another toxic shithole, last time I expressed this sentiment, several users messaged me to let me know I didn’t need to be alive if I chose to go that route. I don’t even care. I expect it everywhere online now. But it speaks volumes about how fucked up the internet has made us all.

Yes, I’m gonna go touch some grass, and no, you arent gonna talk me into walking off a tall ledge, so don’t waste your breath please. I only logged in to make this comment so if someone else out there feels the same way, they don’t feel like such a out of place wierdo. How toxic has the internet become when I can’t even feel free to be a little bit vulnerable like this without this disclaimer? Is this the experience you wanted?

Disclaimer: I’m a shithead too, and I’m 100% positive I’ve been a cunt to people here without good cause before as well. Not claiming to be a great user 100% of the time, I’m human, and flawed also, and not all of my ideologies are yours.

Also: there’s like 2 topics on this entire fucking platform, and the mods are just as power hungry without any actual accountability at all.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t even get me started on the hexbear type shit too

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

You’re going to need another set of landing gear if your hull strength is going to survive the next grav jump buddy

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar


@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

You see, it’s like a worse version of Reddit where everyone just cries about Reddit or capitalism, reposts boring shit to the same communities (all of which are federated so there’s no need) or talks about extremely niche hobbies/topics. Also I think there’s a few communist pedophile furries who are into Linux.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah cool hot take. Let me guess “capitalism bad” lmao tool

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know a single person without a locking mailbox

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Not sure why the aggression, I was stating an objective point of view so that people can get some counter perspective. It’s an important part of establishing the scope of things normally. But ok, go full steam ahead captain.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Not really. Letters are generally of a known size so a house-side box is used to receive letters. It’s a letterbox. Then mailboxes, which you may note are generally much larger than house-sixe boxes, are intended for more than letters, and are sized as such. They care called mailboxes dur to them holding more than letters/envolopes.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Letter boxes are sized smaller, for just envelopes/letters. Mailbox is larger for newspapers etc. Small packages, also envolopes.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know if I can do it anymore guys… ive been trying but nah.

Reddit sucks for corporate dystopian reasons, and tbh Lemmy sucks kind of worse: “wow look how shit people still are when they have options”.

Maybe the internet really is dead and I should stop wasting my time on this fucking device.

ubermeisters, (edited )
@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Nobody actually cares though SatansMaggotyCumFart may care, but I dont, you do realize that… you’re trying to make some point but this is a fucking meme community dude…

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

i think you were supposed to say your username in there somehow, the rest of us are all doing it

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Ladies and gentlemen, the esteemed SatansMaggoryCumFart has spoken!!!

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Sloths have been incredibly successful, from an evolution point of view (.by that i mean, somehow they exist still, which seems like a miracle) so i can’t refute your principles.

@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

You dont get rich by spending money

Or something to that effect

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