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This is the reason prisoners are so healthy and full of vim and vitality. (right........)

UMMM I don't think you can get iron in your diet this way. First off, it's unlikely you're going to find a bar of pure iron anyway, since most metal bars are composites of many minerals.

Also, the iron has to specifically be in an ingestible form so the liver can process it. An iron bar ain't a lollipop. (maybe that should be a slogan for something).

When they say that cereal has added iron, they really mean that actual bits of iron are added (very tiny particles). You can use a magnet to pull some of them out, they're little iron filings.

So if you file the bar down first and eat the filings, MAYBE it would contribute to your iron intake. But - why not just grab some milk and eat the cereal instead?


I saw that also but I have my doubts that you'd get much iron intake from cooking in iron pans. People used to get lead poisoning from using lead pots and pans, so - maybe it's possible. I'm not sure how much iron frying pans, for example, are pure iron.


You can get all the iron you need from vegetables and certain meat or even taking supplements. There's no need to go about eating rusty metal. In fact, my doctor has advised me not to eat nails. I have to trust what he says, he's printed out several impressive medical degrees.


Huh. So there IS some reason to think cooking in iron pots will increase levels of iron in your blood. Interesting! I know metal can leach out of cooking vessels and into food, so that's not too surprising. Thanks for the information!


That's my kinda camping - driving a mobile mansion into the not too deep woods, hopefully near a mall. I love that.

Nature ain't got nothing on human ingenuity.


A five minute hike? I just hope they have delivery options.

Why do most people refuse to accept that they are wrong

I have come across a lot’s of people like these. like 99% of them. Sometimes it makes me think twice if what i am saying is wrong? What’s wrong with them. Is it so hard to swallow your pride and acknowledge that the other person is speaking facts? When they come to know they are wrong they proceed to insult/make fun of...


I encounter that all the time especially on public forums like this. This is a quote from an article I found about it online: According to psychologist, speaker and author Guy Winch, most people who consistently refuse to admit they're wrong do so because they have incredibly fragile egos. They clam up and insist they're right, demonstrating what experts term "psychological rigidity", as a defense mechanism.

Also I think that telling someone they are wrong comes across as a criticism about their intellect and they respond defensively by instinct. And, another reason is because people don't want to believe anything that contradicts their preferred view of the world. So if you "correct" someone they tend to act like you're attacking them or as too stupid to know what "truth" is.

It's really a telling distinction because today, most people behave in this defensive way. You don't see many people willing to concede or say, "wow that's a different point of view than I have considered, maybe it requires me to spend some thought on why I feel the way I do." Which is the real value of differing opinions; they help us re-assess and redefine the reasons why we feel the way we do.

Israel raids hospital, turning medical facility into war zone: "Patients are being evacuated who were evacuated in the first place from the intensive care to the hallways" (www.democracynow.org)

Medical workers were forced to move premature babies and other patients as the hospital was turned into a war zone, sending dangerous dust and debris into the air. People trapped by Israeli forces in Al-Shifa Hospital dug a mass grave within the hospital compound to bury the dead.


Per ABC network news, the premature babies were being put onto gurneys to die of exposure because Israel won't allow any electricity or heat into Gaza at all. So, this is the fine work of a cultured civlization eh. This is the upshot of the "human" experiment. Makes me long for the good old days when men simply butchered women in Whitechapel for fun. At least that had some morality to it, today's inhumanity tops even that sort of horror.


Yes I savor it. And like Israel is doing now, having bloodily disemboweled young kids just for the hell of it, because they can. Human monstrosity in every way, just like your own capacity for hate and anger sizzling with in you. I love it. It helps me to sharpen my needles.


Why any human being actually believes they're somehow going to find salvation. That's what I don't understand. We're all prejudiced, we're all full of our own bigotry toward others, we're temperamental, gun happy, torture-loving monsters. Humans are not designed to be "loving" creatures, and we continue to think the horrors we do will somehow be forgotten or forgiven. I'm reminded of the movie "From Hell." This is what people are, the rough smut of beasts, slouching toward Bethlehem, not to honor or repair but to destroy it with our anger.


We have this notion (bred by a delusion of civility) that we are somehow a peace-making race. Which is about as true as saying that rabies is a fun disease of peaceful bliss. We are all rabid monsters, humans have what anthropologists call a "reptilian brain." We're about getting everything for ourselves, and leaving nothing for others. We grab all we can off the table, and then spit bile over what remains so those below can have nothing good for themselves. We're evil, we're sick, we're all the same. So this war in the middle East is just a fun lark, once you see the real truth.


So true. That's the point of the novel "Animal Farm." We want a human society where justice and peace prevails. But, inevitably, there are some pigs who feel they deserve a bigger slice of pie and don't care how they get it. It's not pretty, it's not some mythic ideal of paradise, but it's the reality we live in. Yeah it's true we have the ability to comprehend yet we still lack the ability to feel and to care. In a way, that's even worse than being a dumb animal.


You're wrong but I suspect you're very young and have yet to learn the real ways of the world. Humans ARE sick, evil and vile - but I totally get why it's not pleasant to face that and you'd prefer not to think it. You're right about assuming we have the capacity to be kind - but we more often choose to be cruel anyway.

Look at what happened on January 6th with the Capitol riot. Most of those people now say they regret taking part in it. But they DID have a choice at one point. When trump rallied them and told them to use violence against our nation - that's when a truly kind or intelligent person would have said, "Screw that. There's a line I'm not willing to cross, ethically or morally."

But they chose to cross it anyway. They CHOSE to cross into a realm of despicable dishonor and mentally ill horror, to do so willingly. They crossed the line because, as the Stanley Milgram experiment proves, humans will always do evil even when they grasp how evil or wrong it is.


True enough. There are kind people out there, but they get drowned out by the ocean of evil and corruption that overwhelms our world.


No not all, but people who study violence (such as the council on criminal justice) have found that more and more humans lack the (previously thought to be innate) traits of empathy and kindness. We live in a world where shooting people in video games is perfectly OK and causing death is entertainment.

I play God of War (and House of the Dead) so I can't say that I'm above any of that. Only that I see how it dissuades people from being able to care very much and even enables some people to murder others for fun. For every mass shooter who plays violent video games, there's 10 million more playing those same games that aren't mass murderers.

But, and this is the big BUT, violent media (even if it is big business) does inure people to feelings of empathy and compassion, it accustoms people to seeing acts of violence, and it even makes it seem like nothing but a game. These are just my thoughts - not moral judgments about what others do with their free time.


I've yet to see the big wigs even do 3 hours of actual work during a work day, let alone the kind of physical labor that factory floor workers have to perform all day long. In the last company I worked for (and I'm now retired) there were 34 managers on my floor, and 3 of us doing sales, customer service, repair, delivery, and distribution for the company. The managers mostly spent time on Amazon, but often had meetings to decide what they could do to prompt us to work harder with more duties.


Well I have to concede that I was very narrow and harsh in my statement that all people are monsters, bar none. I agree with the idea that good and evil are not objective and are mostly subjective. We use our labels to say, "I'm with the GOOD group, the salvageable and honorable ones" and to segregate ourselves from others we deem unworthy. We're very tribal that way.

Sadly many of the trump supporters DO have zero regret and inability or unwillingness to see why what they did was so monumentally horrific. Animals do sometimes kill for "fun," if you can see it as that - I've seen footage of chimps torturing and killing their own kind just to pass the time. Somehow it still makes me recoil and see such acts as horrific.

And like you I have Republican acquaintances who find what happened on Jan 6th utterly repugnant, so yes I do agree such people exist. I have mostly distanced myself from these people, because I find I'm afraid to even be around republican-affiliated people anymore.

I'm just putting my ideas out there - not trying to argue for against humanity's capacity for goodness. At the end of Camelot King Arthur says, "some of the drops do sparkle." Not many, but some. We can only hope the ones that sparkle are powerful enough to outshine the waves of those who would drown us all in violence, crime, and stupidity.

I appreciate your thoughts and feedback.


Because other people are stupid and wrong about everything. (!) At least that's how most people view everyone else in the world.


Like when people keep asking "is so and so gay" (usually a celebrity). I mean, unless you're trying to date that person, what difference does it make. Whatever they do behind closed doors - you're probably not getting an engraved invitation to join in, so give it a rest!!


I usually am just posting my thoughts and am surprised when people get angry over them. I'm fine with someone disagreeing if they can be reasonable and thoughtful as you definitely were. I appreciate the amicability also!!!


Yep it's been a year of bad decisions and questionable behavior. With any luck, next year will be also!


Hmmm. Looking like he-man or looking more like skeletor as I age - it's a tough choice. I once had a hairline, now it's almost at the back of my neck.
Of course I could do a serviceable job at slicking back what I have and looking like someone who hangs out under an opera house in a cape.


It's really sick. ABC world news reported they had to leave some babies out on gurneys to die of exposure because Israel will not allow any electricity into Gaza hospitals. How I hope all this inhumane monstrosity gets visited on the heads of the Jewish state. They are more than war criminals; they are degenerate filth.


I know from his past actions that Netanyahu is corrupt and racist beyond words. What I don't get is why we're helping him spread his festering rot all over the middle east.

br00t4c, to random
@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar

BlazeTV co-host: "Gay people are adopting children. It's a tragedy" and "that should not happen"



@br00t4c Me: "Gay hating bigoted assholes are having small brained children. And it's a tragedy. They should not happen." Abortion sometimes should be mandatory.


Park your bear ass on that bench and contemplate your next dumpster rampage.


I've been radicalized against HP for a decade now. I bought an HP printer with the guarantee of a sizeable rebate. Of course, the rebate never showed up and every time I called about it, the customer service person would read their script, "Oh we sent that out just a few days ago should be arriving soon." Uh huh. Here it is 15 years later, no rebate check and I'm sure they never intended to send one at all. I'm not a fan of HP at all.


They have a ready source of magenta, just sponge up the blood of all those kids they've killed.


That's the same as the printer I recently bought, and the problem is, my Internet connection is very spotty at best, and my computer doesn't support the needed software. SIGH. My printer's a paper weight until I can afford a new computer system and better internet.

mercedesallen, to random
@mercedesallen@mastodon.social avatar

"It claims that the treatments Carlan pursued over many years for his gender dysphoria amounted to conversion therapy, because the provider... should have known Carlan would later come to believe he was motivated by internalized homophobia..."

MA Lawsuit Claims Trans Medical Care is Gay Conversion Therapy — Assigned


@mercedesallen Although I really hate to agree with any of this nonsense, I do sometimes wonder whether trans people become trans because of internalized homophobia - or more likely, ingrained stereotypes about what men should/shouldn't feel or women should/shoudn't feel. I am gay myself but never had any regret or internalized stress over it. Yet I've heard from trans people that they were "uncomfortable" as males because of their attraction to other males (and vice versa); as if a "real" man cannot justifiably have sexual feelings for another man, or a woman have such feelings for another woman.

I'm not saying I agree that is the case, only that's what appears to often be the case from their own mouths. I certainly hope it IS NOT a reason that trans people become trans, because of course it's ridiculous and wrong to think that men should or shouldn't have sexual thoughts about other men, or women about women. To me, in fact, those sorts of sexual feelings are even more normal than socially acceptable heteronormative feelings which have to be inculcated and encouraged.

Just some thoughts......


@mercedesallen I know that gender identity and sexual orientation aren't always the same thing. I'm just hearing a lot of oddly (maybe not that oddly) stereotyped thinking from trans people when they explain why they transitioned. For example, that actress from "Juno" who decided to transition - in an interview asked about why she transitioned, she said she always had liked women from a young age.

Maybe that's the exception to the rule, but I seem to hear a lot of the same kind of thinking. And it's not so strange given how we inculcate young minds with ideas about what men are supposed to feel and be, and women also. I have no personal beef with anyone transitioning, just trying to better understand it.


@mercedesallen I think so too. I think there's more stigma to being trans than being gay nowadays. I don't get the stigma at all - I mean, what a person does with their own body and/or identity, really is no one else's business and certainly doesn't seem like such a big deal to me.

Ideally we'll (someday) live in a world where no one has to hide who they are, and anyone can change their gender without it upsetting someone else. I mean there are so many other things to worry about and other issues that really need our unilateral involvement.

avi, to random
@avi@chitter.xyz avatar

Game developers are focusing on the wrong GaaS, they should have more Gays as a Service for their fans in their games


@avi As a gay gamer, I agree - what's funny is, all my gay male buddies are video gamers, and only one straight female friend of mine is into gaming, but we were sort of raised with it from the Atari age - it's just part of our daily lives.


When I was an ordinary dumb kid, I took a bunch of cattails from a pond nearby and put them in my desk at school. Well - a couple days later, they decided to "bloom" and we had a desk inspection and when I opened my desk up, the room filled with big fluffy cotton spores. I got yelled at for a solid hour, I'd never seen my teacher so angry. And I'm like, what's the big deal?? It's free cotton candy and it's pretty!!


Yeah but just don't get caught. Turns out teachers don't like having their classroom filled with fluffy seed spores.

triodug, to random
@triodug@fedi.triodug.com avatar

I remember kids getting called gay and saying "yeah I'm gay! A Lesbian! Bc I fuck CHICKS 😏" as a comeback. Now we have trans lesbians Ll over!


@triodug I was one of those kids getting called gay back when most of us didn't even know what it meant. I am gay now and super proud and happy, but I still want to go to a reunion and just go up to those idiots and say, "YEAH....WHAT OF IT!?!?!"

br00t4c, to random
@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar

@br00t4c Huh. I suspected as much but didn't know for sure if he was gay. I grew up in the late 60s and early 70s and remember how anti-gay society was then, how it was still considered a mental disorder and how men could not be open about it at all. Things have really changed, and I'm happy to say mostly for the better. As a very out loud and proud gay adult, I wish him all the best and I know that even as we still struggle, we're in a much better world today. We're progressing, it's just a very slow process.


Boy howdy do I know that frustration all too well. I keep a lot of my spare pieces in a big jar and whenever I go looking for one I know I have - suddenly I don't have one like it at all. What the hell? Are aliens using my spare lego parts to build a painful new form of bumpy anal probe or something? I know I saw that piece in there just two days ago!!!!!

GayOldTime, to random
@GayOldTime@masto.ai avatar

This week's is canned soup and gelatin, together at last! Try it at home! (Or don't.)


@GayOldTime MMmm boy, don't that look good. What could be classier than bits of rubbery chicken encased in a beef gelatin. We sure knew how to live back then.


All this irrational fear and hatred of others - where does it end. Why do we need to "wall off" Canada or any other country? America was never meant to be an isolationist, walled off country - in fact, just the opposite. I can see why some border security is sometimes important - but we do not need more walls, barbed wire, and dobermans at the border waiting to chew up immigrant kids. I say we welcome Canada and we open our doors to Mexico - thousands of people flock there every day across the border to work and to shop - why not just get rid of the walls? We do not need them.


It does create that us vs. them mentality which is a falsehood and the diametrical opposite of what christians, jews, or any one is supposed to be all about. We're not above, beyond, or "better than." We're all in the same boat and we're all totally alike (yes, totally). It's time to stop being paranoid and hateful to others.


Uhh well I was comin in a boat - maybe I'll turn around and go back after all. I just can't compete with Cleetus the Fifth and his cadre of sweet young wives.


I cried during "Titanic." I can't believe I spent $7.50 on such a dumb movie. It was trying so hard to press people's buttons, plus I hated the idea that in order to like the female character, she had to "give up" her wealthy heritage and "descend" to the common man's level first, the same plot as the movie "Overboard." What is the message here - that having money is wrong and automatically makes you a bitch. What an ironic thing for hollywood people to be shoveling in our direction.


Really cute. Cats have the corner on being chill. Mine resembles a meatloaf with a tail, but she does like to roll over with her legs up in the air and then go to sleep. I wish I could be that at ease!!

Got gendered correctly by a stranger for the first time today!

Went to get a prescription today (not hrt, a different drug) and this guy tried to cut the line and the pharmacist said “sir, she is in line next” and it made me sooo happy. (And then I was sad that I had to use my legal name to get my script, but overall happy for getting gendered correctly)


Nice! I'm glad this turned out to be a positive experience for you. Keep having those!!

geraineon, to random
@geraineon@sakurajima.social avatar

I love how R18 doujin/manga just tells us what's inside. "A story of a swordsman who becomes a sex slave", "her straight boyfriend descend into gay pleasure." Okay. Thanks. Hahaha.

Either that or my friend just keeps linking me to the trashiest titles.


@geraineon I appreciate the clarification. I guess it could be read as positive or negative, but again I don't believe gay sex is anymore a step into debauchery than any other type of sexual gratification. Of course it depends on what kind of pleasures they engage in, but to me all sex is human sex and (so long as no one is being hurt by it) none of it is disgusting or wrong.


@geraineon that's me too. I appreciate your feedback.


I know - I wasn't trying to say that you called men repulsive. I was just saying if you don't find dudes attractive, I hope that doesn't mean you are repulsed by them the way some homophobes claim to be. I'm lucky to be able to find attractiveness in both males and females (not all of them, certain ones). Many men have close male friends they are attracted to, but can't admit it - in some ways they are closer than any other relationship they have with women.

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