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Yeah it's a real moral conundrum. Do you vote for the fascists who want to destroy the country of America, or the other party who wants to bring people together and have some good social programs going. It's really a very tough and confusing choice.


Ha! Hind site is 20 20.


In the "rear" view mirror. Naturally! Especially if your pants were destroyed by the explosion you're coolly walking away from.


C'mon you gotta love the original Star Trek series at the very least. I mean it was a milestone and it's still my favorite of all the Treks out there.

The fact that it has so many communities (for Trek in general) shows that it really resonates with people across the board. I can't think of many other shows that have achieved that. Its the mix of science fiction and adventure with very human emotions and problems that make it so appealing, I think.


Again, I'm just floored (so is the person in the photo!) by this kind of thing. To think such gigantic reptiles once populated this planet, for realsies. I mean if that doesn't sound like something out of the most way out kind of science fiction. And yet we had no idea such creatures existed until fossils began turning up around the 1820s.

Can you imagine what kind of plays Shakespeare would have written about dinosaurs if he'd known about them? But even suggesting that thunder lizards once existed on earth would probably have landed you in the stocks back then.


I'm sure that's true - I wonder how early the earliest fossil of a dinosaur was actually unearthed, and if people even had an inkling what it meant.


To me the fact that they belong to dinosaurs is almost as fantastic and awesome as if they DID belong to dragons. I've always found dinosaurs to be kind of hard to accept as a reality, especially when you stand next to those gigantic bones or visit a display of animatronic ones and realize, "these things once were actually real and alive."


Here's the same bone, compared to a coffee bean. And now, next to a quarter. And now next to a rum-soaked twinkie. For science.


I think the whole world has a terrorism problem. Even countries that have traditionally been very neutral and peaceful are having problems with young men committing acts of terrorist aggression. It's everywhere now.

I don't think it is a problem of fixing security, as most terrorists are "home grown," they don't come in from outside countries. The home grown terrorists very likely are influenced by things going on in other countries, but usually they are natives to the country they terrorize.

It's a problem of raising better kids. Of doing the hard thing to keep your child off the streets and away from drugs and guns. Of making people understand why hurting others is more than just unethical or immoral, it's a path toward self-destruction and misery for everyone. And, we ought to be assigning more officers to ensure people go make their mental health appointments, as everyone should be doing.

The world of human beings is as sick place. Men value the wrong things and the wrong ideas. And especially young, gullible, highly impressionable men. We need to make sure resources are available and utlilized to keep young men in school and out of trouble and to get counseling. Most of them need it very badly. And we need to pass strict gun control measures - not a popular sentiment, but an accurate one. It has to happen or we'll never be able to overcome this dilemma at all.


I didnt' really have room to write more about what the term "raise better kids" would entail, but obviously ti would mean getting to the root of why these people are mad. That's why I mentioned the need for mental counseling, which is sorely needed in a world where parents don't bother to find out why their kids are upset and don't or won't see the red flags in front of them.

Yes the problem is much wider than this limited space can give a voice to. But you won't solve the problems of the world by trying to throw one size fits all solutions onto the situation and attempting to look at the forest but not the trees. You can't conquer a global problem by a global solution, it requires one on one kind of treatment, and has to start at home or in school.


All I can say is, I'm glad Jeff Epstein is dead and some of those who helped promulgate his sickness are in jail also. Far too many men get away with the abuse of women in this society. These men are all mentally ill, and they all need to be jailed for the remainder of their lifetimes.


Yes he did have a female accomplice who I'm happy to say also went to jail. But how often do you hear of women abusing men? I know it goes on, and one problem with any kind of abuse is under reporting by people who are embarrassed and ashamed.

Still from what I've read the greater number of perpetrators is men, just look at all those they just busted for sending solicitations to young girls for sex (I think it was group of 10 or 20 men). None of them gay - all of them straight men with girlfriends or married.

That's who my scorn is heaped upon and always will be. The ones who really commit such atrocities with no concern for the victims.


No thanks. I can do much better. You'll have to learn to fuck yourself - or you'll have to be a rape victim to have any hope of a sex life. Happy holidays!


I pray to god, if there is any actual god exists, that this article is correct. trump is the most evil and dangerous criminal ever to exist in history. I can't reconcile myself to the idea that any people in this nation are so unintelligent and low and unethical that they'd want him put back into office.

Such a monstrous horror could not be a liveable reality. As much as I've already turned against all the conservative excrementals in the world around me, I'd have to consider each person a living horror, part of a Thing too awful to be allowed to survive. Guilty of the worst evil imaginable, simply by virtue of being alive. Such vermin cannot be allowed to go on living.


We have automated paper towel dispensers, if that ain't space-age magic I don't know what is. I think we found out that flying cars are a bad idea. It turns out most people could not operate a regular car correctly.


But the important thing is, they should be FLYING not merely levitating! Levitation is the opiate of the weak!!! or something. In the future, everything should be flying around indiscriminately at top speed!! TOP SPEED, DAMMIT!!! I want to zoom into the nearest brick wall as fast as possible! Also, I want my anti-gravity toast!!! I'm tired of having to keep my breakfast down by myself.


We did this test with petri dishes in my high school biology course where we had students wash their hands, air dry them or use paper towel dispensers or air-blower dryers, and compared all the results. Oddly enough the paper towel and air drying alone both resulted in lots of bacteria growing in the dishes. I'm not sure how effective those paper towels are - or if it's just that kids don't know how to wipe their hands!


They tried to teach people to use hovercraft, and it was a miserable failure. There are so many more controls with that, and people just couldn't get it right. I shudder to think about putting people into flying cars, especially when they already drive under the influence most of the time.


It's good for the Soylent Green factories.


Well when you think that our adult bodies have more foreign bacteria in them than human cells, it's pretty amazing we can even move, or walk or talk. We're kind of walking bacteria bombs. Maybe our systems get used to being overloaded with bugs and so, that feels normal to us.


Both sides can be misinformed but, it doesn't mean you need to react negatively to someone else's viewpoint. If you disagree there's nothing wrong with saying "I disagree because I think that....." or "I've read that...." and you don't have to call the other person a nasty derogatory name.


Actually I wrote that because I am not new to this stuff at all. Just kind of fed up with always getting called names just because sometimes I post things that arent the most popular view or are different ways of looking at things. I'm OK with people saying "I don't agree" if they can explain why without also adding "you idiot" or "you fucking idiot" onto the end. I try to be civil, but am always surprised how people respond with uncalled for name calling.


Well I think you're right, but I hope people have more brains to than to simply go along with what their friends think. I'm very anti-religious, but have close friends who are deeply religious. We just stay off the topic. I think people choose to hang with others who think the way they do most of the time. That doesn't prove anybody right, it just proves we like to congregate with those whose opinions are the same as ours.


That's true where I live in mormon country, USA. People are told what to think by the church, and they also are instructed who to vote for by the church. The Mormons often say, " my church does my thinking for me." I guess it relieves people of the responsibility of having to make choices for themselves. That to me is much bleaker than truth being obtained from weirdos.

Which I think it correct. It takes a "weirdo" to be either crazy or brave enough to say anything that goes against the popular viewpoint. Most people can handle almost anything better than they can handle being unpopular or called weird.


I can see where it's not just tempting but seems necessary sometimes, but all you're gonna do is bait the person into a useless bout of name calling back and forth.


For any mundane depression, (you're gonna laugh, they're all gonna laugh at me) it's OK to laugh at this, believe it or not my go to song is "On a Clear Day" Yes that song from the musical of the same name. Stupid, I know - but it does the trick. For seasonal depression, my go to is "Sleigh Ride." How can you feel blue when you're balls are bouncing on a sleigh over the snowy hills and through the woods?


For any mundane depression, (you're gonna laugh, they're all gonna laugh at me) it's OK to laugh at this, believe it or not my go to song is "On a Clear Day" Yes that song from the musical of the same name. Stupid, I know - but it does the trick. For seasonal depression, my go to is "Sleigh Ride." How can you feel blue when you're balls are bouncing on a sleigh over the snowy hills and through the woods?


If you're talking video (not board) games, I think most the games I played were kind of a mix of good and bad. I mean they usually start out pretty well but then end up being repetitive and boring. If I ever have to play another farm sim where I'm required to craft things in some convoluted way that makes no sense, I'll chuck my game system out the nearest window. Why does "Stardew Valley" get it totally right, and the rest not get it right at all? OK yes I play mostly casual games, but the real "gems" are few and far between. Still waiting for another good sim that isn't more work than it is fun.


I wanted to like "No Man's Sky," when it was finally available on the Switch (my PS4 had just died when it came out) I was elated to play it. After a couple hours of playing, I wanted those two hours of my life back. An ugly game with very little color, and absolutely no direction as to what you're supposed to be doing, I wasted those two hours trying to figure out what the hell was going on. I absolutely hated it - the only game I ever asked for a refund on.


Well to be truthful, it feels like people DO put casual gaming in sort of a "not really serious" category. And that's somewhat true; I don't like overly complicated games that have tons of drop down menus you can't even read onscreen (tiny fonts). I've always been more into puzzle or even sim games because there is no platforming usually (I SUCK SO MUCH AT PLATFORMING!). I love casual games because they usually are easy going, I can play for 20 minutes or an hour, it's up to me.


Oh sure go and be all logical about it. :/ You're right though, and I do try to stay away from labor simulators (which is a better name for them than gaming simulators, since there's not much fun in them if you ask me). Even Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing get very tedious doing the same chores every day all day long - maybe it's just my adult ADHD acting up.


Me too! And why after all this time, isn't there a Stardew 2? I know he's busy with Haunted Chocolatier, which makes me salivate for many reasons - but I dunno if I'll ever live long enough to see it come out for realsies.


That's one thing Stardew does right. But also, it gets the "labor mechanics" right; there aren't a ton of drop down menus to navigate through, your tools are right there on the bottom tab. And also, amazingly - and astonishingly - it GIVES you the basic farm tools you need right off the bat! You can start a farm without much explanation and zero aggravation. If you need upgrades, you just pay for them and yes, there's some material gathering to make buildings, but someone else does the actual construction. To me that's great because then I can go fight blobs in the mines or fish or visit the other residents.


I think that's true and one reason I like SDV so much. There isn't a lot of time spent on material gathering, and you don't have to craft your own tools or make your own buildings. I think those things COULD be fun if they weren't so complicated in so many sim games - I could not make heads or tails out of the crafting mechanics in "My Time at Portia," for example. I think if you're goingg to task the gamer with those things, they should be very easy to do, because most people don't want to waste time on mundane chores and drawn out searches for rare materials or who knows what the game requires (in many cases I simply have no idea what the game is wanting from me!).


What is MTaP and MTaS? *(sorry for my ignorance). Are they available on Switch? Or just PC? Just curious.


That's a good point. I mean, why should games not be as unserious as possible? That's one thing that always kind of bothered me about video game evolution. At first, it was this little square dot you swatted with a white "paddle"; my family bought that system and I was about eighteen.

I've been a video game addict since and probably have owned every system at one time. But I really hoped to see it grow in the direction of fun but other the top sim games and casual but engrossing puzzle games, not so much in the direction of let's go shoot people and kill as many other sim-humans as we can.

Not that's there's anything wrong with that! I mean, I have a special love for the God of War games, but to me those are so crazy with mythological creatures and stuff that it really appeals to me more than, say, GTA type games.


Oh OK - sheesh, I shoulda known that. I've seen My Time at Sandrock and it's available on Switch, but I'm afraid to check it out because I hated MTaP so much.


Thanks for letting me know, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't. Instead I'll end up wasting my money on something else that looks good and then I end up hating : (


That's so true! It's kind crazy to me how many new games are in the jagged style of old arcade games (pixelated). I think the old and new all have a place in gaming, but -- I can't keep up with all the new consoles. I mean, I really don't want to have to get a PS5. But - i don't want to be left in the pixelated dust of yesteryear either!!


We all need more sleep. Drinking coffee with my toes is getting a bit socially awkward. And trust me, when you get my age, you'll only wish you had indulged in more sleep when you were young. Now I have to take an entire bottle of Ambien and drape a towel drenched in chloroform over my face to get any sleep at all! (WELL maybe I should cut back on the caffeine also....).


No because I'm not willing to be put on a CPAP device. I suffer from bleeding throat due to an unnaturally dry throat, and I cannot tolerate any air forced down my airway. I probably DO have sleep apnea, but I don't have the usual symptoms of it, I simply usually just feel restless in bed and unable to feel sleepy at all. I go to bed late, you'd think I'd be worn out enough to sleep, but I just lay there. When i do sleep, it's all nightmares and I don't get any rest from that anyway.


Our society is very shallow, what matters most (more than potency or virility or being a good person) is how you look on the outside. If a person cannot conform to a GQ standard of awesome beauty, then in my opinion they are not worthy of having life at all. It's outward appearance that has the most importance in life, nothing else at all. Nothing else actually matters in the slightest.


I remember that meme. I was just being over-explaining as usual. I also hope most people don't want to eat poo poo for many health-related reasons. Yet I see so much "dung" shaped food these days, candies and chocolate shaped like piles of poo (looking like edible poo emojis) - what are we encouraging our kids to eat when we give them "reindeer poop" candy??


I mean, when I was a young man (to be honest as young as 12) I had sexual "fun" with girls in my class (after school, not during!). And I had hetero sex pretty early. I didn't come out as gay until my mid-20s. But I've noticed that with women, often they seemed a little less clean "down there" than men. I think it's just because females have parts down there that get mucky...(don't mean to gross anyone out).

I know people assume men must be gross down there, but most guys I've been with are not at all. In fact, not even in the slightest. Maybe I lucked out with really clean guys - but I prefer their body cleanliness environment (?) to that of women. I hope that doesn't seem sexist, but it probably is.


I'm gay, and I'm very happy to be gay, but I don't really get what the term "gay" is about. When I was younger, I was straight, but then I met a guy who was a person I happened to fall in love with, and that's when I realized what I was all about. I don't really know what "gay" means other than that I am same-sex attracted, because I'm so much more as a person than just a sexual orientation. For example, I have two degrees in music theory and a masters in English, and have spent many years as a filmmaker, and a writer. So I don't really define myself through my sexual behavior, those some males do and I have no problem with that, to each his own is what I say.


Right. And I tell you this, most of the time most guys have pretty clean asses (from my experience). In fact usually the armpits or even the other body parts have odors but that part of the body doesn't (in my own experience). I realize other people's mileage may vary.


Well they say (this is gross but) they say that "ass is the new cunt." Sorry for the NSFW language. I've noticed in men's magazines that ass is a particular focus these days (yes I've seen it for myself). And I love it, personally. I think that it's high time the heiny was given it's due regard.


Your fake sympathy is misplaced and misguided, to no surprise. I'm not poor, and I'm not even all that interested in you or your comments. But, I have said I'm gay over and over again and I march in every Pride parade - it's hardly a secret, I'm very proud of who I am. If I seem high and mighty, it's only because I am. I am the great I am - I am the greatest person to ever exist!

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