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Plain copy paste without a critical view is not recommended, but it surely provides good pieces of code from time to time. Especially in obscure frameworks/languages, compared to what can be googled.

ChatGPT 4 is a really big difference with 3.5 though. What took me hours together with the 3.5, was fixed in a few minutes with 4.


Tomato soup with kidney beans can make it way more filling and gives the taste more body. Other less-western combinations with tomato work as well; like rice / beans, some sweet pepper, onion / tomato mixed sauce (perhaps even add apple or banana).

Otherwise stuff like Burritos and Chili recipes are always great.


I read this as “two guys and a girl get it on”. I thought he was trying to ignore a threesome in a public elevator, while they were trying to make him greet them. Was wondering why he even entered in the first place.

I need some more sleep.


Desktop runs great, but Firefox on Android seems to be noticeably buggy here and there sadly. I still use it, but I can imagine that might drive people out of the ecosystem.

Many people get used to the synchronization of their passwords / bookmarks cross-channel. More advanced users have a separate password management for this I’d figure, but that’s not the default for 90% I’d guess.


Well, in my experience it’s mostly interaction bugs. Quite noticeable when you’re used to Chrome not having these issues.


You’re willingly confirming something you rate as sensitive, trying to bring more credibility to it by being an extra shout and referencing a virtually unverifiable needle in a haystack ‘authority’ as Google, but find the sensitivity a reason for not sharing your information.

How can you reason like this?


Are you talking about North- and East-India?


This, although really hot it terrifies me to no end. I can’t focus on the good feels. This position is better imagined.

Edit: While exiting this post I was presented this juxtaposition:


Wintereenmas ducks quickly


Isn’t that the thing, we needed capitalism now to be able to have communism in the future?


It’s better than the native Mail app by Apple.

tweeks, (edited )

A bunch of cells in rapid development with the potential to become a human being. Murder is a strong term, but in a broad sense I don’t think your insinuation is wrong per se.

This might be getting a bit controversial, but for the sake of discussion:

The important thing here is, do you mind if that potential for life is taken away. In this case we place priority on the human being that eventually has to dedicate her life to that potential. Or is that new potential more important than that already existing, conscious human being (especially when there are physical / mental problems involved)?

It comes down to why we live, and why must we live? Personally I believe trying to avoid (potential of) suffering is a more reasonable concept.

If one gives life to a baby, you give it a potential for suffering which it otherwise does not. I’d say the ways one can suffer is of a greater weight than the ways one can be happy. So if you go the route of creating life, you better be damn confident that you are in a good position to do that.

In that philosophy ‘murdering’ a potential with a large chance of creating more suffering for the collective is not that bad. One might view this differently when the being is conscious and might actively not want to die, as we bring the complexity of individual human choice to the table and what worth that has; but I think we can agree that is not applicable on the unborn potential human being discussed in this topic.


Can I select all races?


If for example a client application is (accidentally) firing doubled requests to your API, you might get deadlocks in this case. Which is not bad per se, as you don’t want to conform to that behaviour. But it might also happen if you have two client applications with updates to the same resource (patching different fields for example), in that case you’re blocking one party so a retry mechanism in the client or server side might be a solution.

Just something we noticed a while ago when using transactions.


A collection of words even, claiming to be a standard.


Interesting, I work with both at my job and my main take is:

  • CLI of Mac is superior to me and least confusing, plus has it’s whole CLI experience working correctly for a long time, but Windows did a bit of a catch-up (still not on par IMO and too many ways of working)
  • The GUI settings are more advanced on Windows, but the new/old interface are a cluster fuck; I don’t trust the interaction between them
  • Windows has more compatibility options with hardware/software, if you dig deep enough you can make things work most of the times
  • The general MacOS experience (from starting your computer, opening apps, using the CLI) performs better, Windows feels a bit more sluggish/bloated to me

I do like the steps that Microsoft takes with things like Visual Studio Code and .NET of aiming cross-platform. I have in no way any hatred for Microsoft and I think both operating systems have their pros and cons. They are both fine to work with.


In no land are babies free


But milk is (slightly) acidic, isn’t that a product to avoid as well before brushing?


Well, he has a position to uphold; what about future generations growing up with a broke Scrooge.


And moreover, I’m YOUR star? What is this capitalist bullshit, should everyone have their own star now, can’t we just share 1 absurdly massive pile of hydrogen? Damnit, wish I was born in the East. Bunch of loonatics here.

Meanwhile in the East - What te fuck mom… WHO do you say is our frickin’ star…?


Last thing I heard at least ChatGPT 4 was said to be better, but that was a while ago (in terms of AI chatbot timelines). Do you perhaps have a source for the 10x better part?


Good solution, perhaps two simple options at browser install: Default / Custom. That way you don’t have to uninstall all the stuff at the end.


Windows 7 truly was a blessing; fresh new update and performant, but before the double interface hell and advanced taskbar shit with intrusive ads implemented.

At least that’s how I remember it.


a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime


Research on stuff you consume is a good habit, but most people don’t make time to check every source, even on things they use daily like a phone (or people would all buy Fairphones).

I think most sane people do not like to masturbate to something when they believe it actually causes harm. That’s why this is a news item, porn for most people is not about abuse and they are not fine with it (although I agree much content is often extremely aggressive). As for many it’s supposed to be a window of letting sexual frustration out; porn is about sex, which is one of the core drive factors of most existing species and one of the main reasons we exist today. Not everyone feels as strongly about it, but one cannot deny the human urges surrounding it.

For many people porn in general can fulfill a need, and therefore it’s quite easy for them to overlook the dark side of porn out of habit, just like eating animals is culturally acceptable to most, as well as buying the latest phone every two years while child labour is likely involved. People get their dopamine hit by different things and may look away from questionable parts. I’d figure that includes us, perhaps on different subjects.

I think we should all critically look at our own behaviour. We’re all bad and hypocrites in my perspective, but not on purpose per se. Most discussion in this topic I see is about some people trying to admit they’re confused and defending their past behaviour without wanting to give it all up and others that claim to have the moral highground while ignoring any nuance.

I think it’s good to look at ourselves and our own shortcomings. Everyone has different flaws, some might be equally morally questionable. Let’s acknowledge that and share our views. And together make sure that we strongly form a bond on that practices like in this news post will not happen again. This is a lot easier if we can understand the consumers of porn related services and work together to weed out the dark while acknowledging existing needs.

tweeks, (edited )

I understand that you are frustrated, but in my opinion you are using a lot of black/white arguments. Let’s try to work this out, as I think definition differences and perspective are confusing things.

A. I’m not saying porn is the only way out, I’m saying it’s an outlet of existing (sexual) urges. Watching porn is as necessary as eating meat, both are not needed to survive and have not been accessible to people in the past per se. It’s an urge you can act on, purely for pleasure. Just like toying with one’s new iPhone can be considered a pleasure, while we might want to look for a more sustainable alternative that is not build on workforce abuse of all ages. But indeed, not all phones are bad, there is nuance and most people will need one. Just like not all food is bad, but we’ve got some pretty nasty stuff done to our fellow-earthlings. But there is nuance.

B. Porn can be consensual stimulating graphic imagery, for example in the form of a couple sharing part of their love life, a photoshoot of a nude model, but it can also be found in ancient paintings and has been common in books as old as time itself as texts (figuratively speaking). This distinction is important in the argument.

Perhaps we need to define the term porn better; as I understand it you mean the non-consensual form of real people in sexual situations in media.

And if I understand you correctly, you say that if you look at any of the forms of porn I’ve described above than you are masturbating to rape. But that’s strong generalizing in my opinion.

What I do get though, is the part when what you find online is questionable and you can’t see the difference. I’d say let’s rule out all the porn that does not have an approval certificate of actual consent by an official authority.

C. 130 years ago iPhones did not exist either, the context made them useful, but I think I get what you mean with that argument. Just to keep things in balance, perhaps the amount of sexual abuse was higher as well then, as there was less of an outlet for sexual frustration / less regulation. I don’t think we can get factual records on that, as sex has always been a bit of a taboo subject. What I’m sure of though is that sexual imagery has been around for far longer than 130 years.

D. In my opinion the Fairphone alternative (fairtrade, relatively expensive, sustainable) to an iPhone now (forced -child- labor, relatively cheap, marketed as 2 year object) is on an abstract level like the nuance discussion between consensual porn and nonconsensual. Most people do not know the difference even after some research. It is both extremely hurtful for real people, downright sadistic even, hurtful for the environment and just surfing in a wave of lustful dopamine. In both cases most people do not care enough to pay a bit extra, even do research.

In both cases people might throw the subjects under the bus because they do not see the relevance, while they’re both supported by extreme human suffering in the bad scenario. They do not want to see similarities between suffering if it does not support their story.

  • What I mean with all my responses, there is nuance in this topic.
  • What you mean with your responses, there is pain in this topic.

And I say yes, there is pain, and it is gutwrechingly terrible. So are humans, I despise all of us for existing. But the truth is just that we are bad at looking at our own flaws and good at pointing out others. We still want things to change? We must work together and that starts with nuance.

I acknowledge the downsides of porn, I do not ask of you to acknowledge an upside, only hope to instill a bit of nuance in the definitions we’re talking about.

I think that’s where most of this triggers emotions and confusion.

tweeks, (edited )

Thank you for your patience with me. I think I understand you better now, as I sense you might have added some additional perspectives to my views. I’ll let it simmer in my mind a bit. Thanks again.


He leans on it, don’t you see? That’s his lean-knee-wee-nee.


The text might be automatically added with some script or AI, to perhaps fit different sizes or create items in a batch. Or someone was really lazy, or a combination.


She wanted to stay with me even without kids, but after the first days I saw her become an empty shell of a person. This was her meaning of life, apparently even more than we both thought. I could leave her, but that felt horrible as well.

Now we have a kid; the first few years were a personal nightmare for me because of mental health issues. Lack of sleep icw depression and what more makes parenting extra intense. I tried with all my might to not let it affect our child, I hope I managed to so far.

It’s a lot better now, the kid is great and I’m amazed how much love I feel, but I always feel guilty. For giving life (something that goes against my principles as I did not want to be born myself) and for not being able to 50/50 care because of the mental shit that makes me unable to. Aside from that the usual, missing my freedom, the continuous responsibility.

I would not do it again in a reset of my life, not because of the kid who I genuinely think is great, but due to my lack of mental health, which has the potential each and everyday to ruin it all for them (which is a compulsive intrusive thought in my mind). But I hang on, I try to.

With all the love and respect, I would not recommend anyone in my situation.


Usually the moment after greeting a passerby with a faked smile, my face goes straight to depressed sour-lemon mode, which I then quickly straighten up to a less worrying expression. Just in case other people pass by. Don’t want to ruin anyone’s day.


Well, in the Netherlands and at least some other EU countries most train stations have a bike rental system that works by just using a card to unlock the bike for a couple of Euros for 24 hours. So there is a possible solution.

Many people here use that system. It’s also possible to buy a (second-hand) bike and park it at the station where you need it, if you’d like.

Edit: Didn’t see the post below… but exactly that.


Now try it with kids or a partner who works in health care. Personally I was quite strict like you, but had it a couple of times due to external factors becoming internal factors.


On the contrary, I’m perhaps a bit slower with the scanning, but I have the time to pack every item in the correct bag, without putting stuff on belts and without the heavy breathing of another person in my neck while their items are already playing a game of bowling against mine.

The Man Amazon Erased (

Jackson soon discovered that Amazon suspended his account because a Black delivery driver who’d come to his house the previous day had reported hearing racist remarks from his video doorbell. In a brief email sent to Jackson at 3 a.m., the company explained how it unilaterally placed all of his linked devices and services on...


In this case it’s the “suspect” of racism, in which I think we all agree should not directly lock you out of your account, but perhaps give you a warning.

But what if it’s suspected illegal actions or content? Like them catching the home server being part of a DDoS attack, or overhearing signs of child abuse / identifying possible child pornography content or noticing illicit gun ownership. Their AI will determine that there’s a 97% chance of that being the case.

I wonder if that would change things.

If such a system is not allowed to block usage, it will probably at least inform the local police.Your home setup will in most cases eventually act as a panopticon.


I thought that once, and then I came to the conclusion that if the universe is infinite and time is as well, our atom arrangement will almost certainly happen again in the future. Essentially creating a new self, that is not aware of its previous self, but has the same kind of consciousness… As far as we can tell in an endless cycle.


I’ll try. For example, our nightly state that forms a sort of split in our stream of consciousness is similar.

It’s a bit like saying you are happy life is over when you go to bed, but in reality there’s a pretty good chance you’ll start a dream state which you might not remember afterwards.

Still, even if you might not remember a nightmare, you don’t want a form of yourself to experience it. As you know in that ‘now’ it will be suffering for that version of yourself.


Thanks for the link, interesting!


Could be, or maybe I’m the over-anxious one being too emphatic. But I can just imagine there will be a moment that I’m going to be that instance of self, which will experience the world similar to me.

Like it’s as much me as the me in one hour is going to be me. As long as our chemical setup is the same, with (roughly) the same organization of atoms and thus having the same brain, I can relate as I know exactly how it feels.


The desktop browser was better than IE back in the days and I like how they market/position themselves. Nowadays I switch between Chrome and Firefox just to have different containers (private and work), and yes I know this is also somewhat native supported in Firefox… but it still felt unintuitive to me.

I recently started using Firefox on Android because of the new privacy sandbox strategy (which I’m not against per se, I don’t know all the details yet though), but I must say… it feels a bit buggy and seems to suffer from input lag. Too bad, the desktop experience is flawless.


Heaven forbid even more, a masstectomy.


Do you have a source for that? I cannot find anything about it online in Google, Wiki or even in ChatGPT delusions.


For others like me interested in the exact example; it’s about the difficulty of designing a trash can that smart bears cannot open and dumb tourists still can. You cannot create something too secure if you still want dumb people to use it as well, due to the overlap.

The quote is not really saying dumb people will break / nullify security, like I read in the above comment, but more that they just will not be able to operate it.


I think I understand your viewpoint, but personally have a different opinion. I’m not going to a restaurant to socialize with the waiter; although some of those interactions can be pleasant it’s still just a functional transaction to me that can go wrong and could be be optimized. My main focus is the people I’m going to the restaurant with and the food/drinks.

QR for the win for me, but I agree fully that most of those apps kinda suck. I hope time will fix that.


Of course we don’t want both, but it comes across as if you’re dismissing a possible direction to a solution to the one that is definitely worse (real life suffering) by a purely emotional knee jerk.

Mental health support is available and real CSAM is still being generated. I’d suggest we look into both options; advancing ways therapists can help and perhaps at least have an open discussion about these sensitive solutions that might feel counter-intuitive at first.


That’s a fair point. And I believe AI should be able to combine legal material to create illegal material. Although this still feels wrong, if it excludes suffering in base material and reduces future (child) suffering, I’d say we should do research on it at least. Even if it’s controversial, we need to look at the rationale behind it.


I’m thinking new interfaces/concepts of interaction might be where we lose touch.

Just like the previous baby boom generation had people with a lot of technical knowledge about for example how punch cards were used to configure computers and how to type with an old typewriter, we might know much about more advanced technical software and touch interfaces, but many might skip the Snapchat/TikTok scene and feel out of place.

Not to mention future upcoming things like a Brain-Computer Interface connected to an AI; perhaps to socialize, to create tools / content. Some of us, and maybe you as well, will join this scene too, but I already see people giving up and staying away from new stuff.

We will have a role in the technical side because of our knowledge, but that core knowledge is not that important any longer in many fields just like most developers don’t have to worry about machine code any more.

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