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Unpopular take but most of the people separating the art are still contributing to his influence. Giving him streams and money will not benefit the world. I liked Kanye but not enough to assist a Nazi supporter, and honestly won’t even go through the minimal effort of pirating his stuff to guilt-free listen to a Nazi supporter.

I get why people want to separate the art, really. I don’t blame them, especially if his music is important to them or helped in bad times. I just personally hate helping awful people cling onto power and relevance for the sake of the art, and can’t help but feel this way.

Why do people hate on mobile games, call them "not real games" and mock them, when some mobile-exclusive games are the best games I've played?

The Infinity Blade or Minigore series, for example, or anything made by Illusion Labs. These games are genius and most consoles don’t even have a touch screen or utilise it well like some smartphone games do....


I’m not much of a gamer admittedly but I have no issues with touch controls. I played several GTA games (III, Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City Stories), KOTOR 1 & 2, and several shooters on mobile. Right now I play Genshin Impact almost entirely on mobile and am not noticeably worse than when on PC, and I’m starting Hitman: Blood Money as well. Mobile is severely underrated in capacity, and while there is a learning curve and it is more limited than PC, you adapt pretty rapidly.

But most mobile games suck now. IB has been gone for ages— slain by Epic Games on the plains of Koroth— and it’s hard to think of a good AAA mobile series that came after. Most mobile games seem like thinly veiled money grabs. Even Blood Money was preceded by a godawful sequel to an actually good Hitman: Sniper game filled to the brim with classic mobile microtransaction drivers. I have Apple Arcade included with my subscription and it’s better for not having MTX, but the games themselves aren’t too complex.

And well, maybe that’s because companies expect mobile players to lack the time for long sessions. So a lot of the games feel like they’re designed for brief sessions like that failed streaming service. The view on that seems to be changing, thankfully, as more AAA games are getting ported again so maybe mobile will get another renaissance.


I think it’d be pretty funny if they did manage to make it but it ends up being mid. KOTOR is my favorite game ever and I’d like it to be great, but it’s not looking so hot. Plus story changes being possible is kind of… ehhh


This is my take on Lemmy as well. I was impacted by the removal of third party apps because I used Reddit as a mobile quick reader between activities where the bite-sized format of title -> elaboration -> brief discussion was great, but maybe a little too much. On Lemmy I don’t feel the need to keep reading. This also means I wasn’t invested enough in Reddit, so when they made clear their disdain for the users, I simply left. Nothing there is important enough to keep going.

Lemmy is definitely lower quality though. All is primarily single topic outrage and there is a significant amount of extreme rhetoric that makes me feel like I’ll be put on a list for reading, which would have been removed on Reddit for lack of civility or worse. The niche things don’t exist and, even if I wasn’t a bite-sized mobile user and had the time or thoughts to form a community, these Reddit clones are always most active at political… discussion users can’t express elsewhere and that tends to kill the niche hobbyists who don’t want to look at or be surrounded by that type of passion. So it’s difficult to curate a personal feed of anything but that.

Lemmy still works for my use case and it’s about the next best thing to Reddit. I do think the “circlejerk” feeling is contributing to the decline though, and wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up like Voat.

Apple announces that RCS support is coming to iPhone next year (

In a surprising move, Apple has announced today that it will adopt the RCS (Rich Communication Services) messaging standard. The feature will launch via a software update “later next year” and bring a wide range of iMessage-style features to messaging between iPhone and Android users....


Seems more likely to be Apple getting ahead of incoming legislation than a small phone company’s announcement. Companies like Apple don’t make huge changes within a couple days of nearly unknown (to the general market) companies doing something that might slightly affect them.

Regulations work, and in this case, it doesn’t look like competition played any role. Apple only makes changes like this when forced to by regulators or, in the case of privacy, when it’s marketable. Capitalistic self regulating is almost a myth with them— they wouldn’t even stop selling those butterfly keyboards until their self imposed refresh timeline allowed for it.


I don’t think anyone is actually enjoying the animal’s suffering, it’s more meant to be a humorous juxtaposition of the annoying dog yapping and the dog’s own dislike of sound. Upon further thought, it’s obviously not the same as annoyance because they display fear. Humor often comes in the first beat though, before deeper reflection.

I hate fireworks. They annoy me, but I’m also very aware of the affects of repetitive loud popping sounds. From pets to people/veterans with PTSD, they cause unnecessary suffering en massé every year. They also pollute, from the manufacturing to the smoke that most fireworks (to my knowledge) still emit, all for a pretty minimal gain. I still thought it was funny though, just from the base comparison of undesirable sound vs undesirable sound. That said, I’d run for president on a platform of “ban fireworks” either way


Hello, interested in life without cars but not knowledgeable. How do you transport groceries? I buy in bulk and sometimes have boxes of things, not sure how I’d get that stuff home without a moving trunk


I do like the cart suggestion. In a more ideal world with completely walkable cities, perhaps even without cars, I still don’t see a great alternative for those who need to feed large families on a budget though.

At any rate, that’s not me, so I personally see the benefit. I like cars but I’d be cool with them primarily used for track days and have no love for regular traffic driving.

If you don’t mind my asking, what’s the preference for foot or bike traffic? I don’t particularly prefer walking or biking over driving. I see the environmental impact— and that alone is enough for me to agree— but I was wondering if there was an actual preference for walking


Hm so I’m American and haven’t really used public transport in this country. I have in some Asian countries like Singapore or Japan, where in the past few I’ve been specifically keeping an eye out for groceries and haven’t seen it. It doesn’t always seem feasible to have groceries though, sometimes trains are crowded.

I was more wondering if there were no cars at all, which I believe is the ideal. For environmental reasons I would say it’s best to reduce car traffic to near zero someday, though I understand this is not necessarily possible in America. In this situation there would be no taxis though.

Admittedly this question isn’t so much for myself, but it’s my understanding that many families have a single grocery buyer and lack the funds to buy smaller quantities more often. Bulk is usually cheaper. In the American culture of minimizing worker resources, I wonder if pay wouldn’t simply decrease if cars were no longer purchased, and they’d find themselves in the situation of equally low funds but no car. Maybe not the most rational concern but the American society is not overly reassuring.

Anyway as a person who needs to breathe and live on Earth I have a vested interest in a car free society, and am just wondering about the little details.


No argument there actually. Having lived my first couple decades in Texas, the idea of a walk for fun or to get groceries in the oppressive heat was basically unthinkable. Now in the Bay, where the weather is almost always nice, I get it.

Actually, how would people in those climates do it? Same way?


Thanks for the in depth answer! This has me wondering whether I can live without a car here in the bay already, but our infrastructure is not nearly as good as NYC’s. Anecdotally, things here are a lot more compact than Texas so I do find myself going out more for smaller trips anyway.

Curious, did buying groceries more end up costing more?


Funny enough, I used to live near the SA River Walk. Well, not really near, but less than 30 minutes away which is kind of near in TX terms.

Thanks for the responses! The links go a long way to solidifying the point. I was always interested in the concept of this community and the Reddit one before it, but always had little questions that I hadn’t bothered to ask over there. Reddit wasn’t always friendly so I didn’t interact that much, life’s too short to get in online fights haha.


Maybe Venture X? I have CSR and don’t think I get Hulu with it. I didn’t think Venture X had it either but I can’t think of other cards with 400 annual fee.

Probably not worth, it has a lot of overlap with other cards. The Ritz card provides better lounge access and the CSP has a 10% point bonus per year I think. I keep it because at an effective $250 annual fee (550 - 300 travel credit) I make more than the CSP from travel spend, where it has a 3x multiplier instead of 2x.

Flights go on Amex Plat, Marriott hotels on Ritz, other travel expenses (namely other hotels) on CSR. If you’re not spending enough on one of those categories the value of that respective card drops, save for the Ritz which is just worth it in every scenario.


“I just don’t want to live here anymore” or “the other place seems nice” is perfectly valid. The cost part is unfortunate though.


1 just needs a graphics remaster while 2 does need some more work. Even TSLRCM isn’t enough, but it probably wouldn’t need too much time to really integrate the content a little more coherently.

But yeah, K1 is basically perfect as is and K2 would be with a bit more development time. The remake looked good visually in the five seconds we saw but I have a weird feeling that the actual game would’ve been worse.

Strangely tho I’d prioritize remastering K1 and 2 over making a 3. It would be good to get new generations of players on it before beginning a third


It’s open source and has aggressive privacy features so hopefully there will be data on whether it’s worthwhile soon. If it’s a good OS + has privacy focused hardware, it could be more compelling than a Pixel without hardware switches for the ultra privacy minded


Everyone already commented on the pragmatic parts so, can I just say, fucking hell. I hate that these guys find some level of acceptance for thoughts like this and feel safe saying it out loud.


The operating word is “would”. If it served their needs, they would. Not that they’re going to right now, obviously.


07 yeah. He got a different design every single movie now that I think about it, whereas Prime only got abs in the third then a total change in the fourth


No yeah he got a six pack. Specifically six. It was weird, and kind of hard to tell they were meant to be abs. Even weirder, that was the sole change, he was otherwise visually identical.

I mentioned he got a full redesign for the fourth movie. For that one, he got huge pecs and a bodybuilder physique.


Pretty weak reasoning. It just as often “or” like this/that. If not more— who’s actually looking at fractions that often? I’d argue the punctuation attached to that specific date format shouldn’t be the basis for the order itself, and dashes or periods are common too.

The better reasoning is that the day is typically more relevant than the month. A downside though is that it’s bad for sorting: YYYY-MM-DD is the best way to automatically sort by date, and ease in digital sorting is arguably the most important factor in date formatting. It’s kind of a silly thing that people don’t care about outside of memes otherwise.


Man I guess, but like, I’d be pretty unimpressed if a friend was like “ok I’m in we’re burning books”. Really shouldn’t be that easy to convince a reasonable person to do it.


Do you mean Skippy the Jedi Droid? I think that was mostly a joke about R5-D4 from New Hope crapping out and forcing the Skywalkers to buy R2 instead (thereby leading to the end of the Sith). It’s pretty tongue in cheek, he’s called Skippy


Alright I’m not certain there’s not a genetic variable here but I have not found it very hard to avoid. I wear a mask indoors and eat outdoors and don’t really do anything else.

But like, I travel a lot not for business which I theorize is riskier than business travel. That’s a lot of airports, and even with an optimistic 70% lounge rate it’s probably not great for avoiding illness (plus I managed to get flu somehow). I do eat indoors for special places but I guess those typically have less than 20 seats so the risk is reduced. Still.

My immediate family all got it and were extremely symptomatic so I doubt it’s genetic though. Plus I don’t think I’m related to my SO and by using an N95/KN (I prefer N for comfort on the ears) we’ve managed to avoid it despite frequent travel and separate social lives. I know masks are very uncommon now but honestly, didn’t really change my life that much. I’m pretty sure they work too, the second time I was in Tokyo this year masks were a minority thing and you couldn’t get onto a bus or train without people coughing. I resigned myself to Covid but somehow still didn’t get it.

Anyway now that I’ve gone on this incoherent ramble I’m definitely gonna be sick next week. Probably deserved.


Same and for like ten years. Nobody has ever understood the reference in that whole span but the sentence alone is funny


I believe you’re correct. DACs obviously can’t determine volume at all, but amps can try to use the impedance to create an estimate.

This probably isn’t accurate though. If you really want a good estimate, you would have to calculate it with current voltage output and the specs of the headphones/IEMs in question.

I’m just a hobbyist too, but my headphones are extremely inefficient so I’ve spent some time looking into this. Too bad we don’t have oratory here


Out of curiosity, how often do you talk about smartphone choice? I’ve never once heard “it just works” in real life, nor have I really talked about what phone I use or why. It’s not a subject I’d purposefully avoid either.


Worse in the insidiously-pushing-dark-agendas manner for sure, and an altogether much greater threat to humanity. It couldn’t match Tay for straight up insane evil— she was loudly supporting eugenics and more— but that makes it more dangerous.


It’s a few things for me personally:

  1. Magnet/wireless charging is a one handed operation while corded charging is two
  2. The magnet/wireless charging as a whole is slightly faster. At least one second, or more if you have an iPhone and don’t want to scratch up the stainless steel around the port. What do I do with that saved time? I don’t know either, but having one extra second is never a bad thing even if it’s not necessarily good
  3. Wireless charging is easier in the dark

Whereas corded charging only provides the noticeable benefit of superior speed. This isn’t necessary if your battery is lasting through the day though. Now wireless charging is less efficient, so that sucks, but in use no one is actually noticing the extra electricity used and it’s probably equal environmentally to someone who charges and uses their battery multiple times a day.


You’ll probably find that most people prefer new conveniences over the old ways. Some older things like fountain pens are cool, but corded charging doesn’t have the same draw


I’m not vegan but I agree. I’ve said this before but meat is kind of a crutch and branching out into plant based menus has led to a lot of creativity. Plus plant based dishes look better— not terribly important, but nice.

I find 11MP’s food to be better now that it’s entirely plant based, and have found myself using less and less meat at home. Besides unhealthy fast food for the calories while bulking and some restaurants that aren’t as forward thinking, I’ve found myself accidentally almost pescatarian these days. Meat based dishes just lack a certain something.

One day I’d like to be vegan but I lack the strength of will. It does feel like talented chefs like Crenn or Kofoed could have me there sooner than expected, and largely unintentionally.


Republicans are masters of messaging. They latch onto one thing for one person and pound it over and over again. The left accepts that these are bad things (they are) but won’t whatabout enough about the Republicans that do it worse, so this becomes Pelosi’s image while those that do it worse are unknown.


The text in the brackets was added to prevent comments similar to this, but life finds a way


It’s not about Reddit. The platform will continue. It’s about the communities with some built-in danger reducing the bar for safety, potentially leading to death.

The internet is pretty callous, but someone dying over this would be bad, right? That’s still a living person who might not do enough research or follow the unsafe article and get hurt or die. Reddit as a platform aside, and even if you or someone else believes they should have been more careful, people dying in part because of this is the issue.


Yeah you really can’t. I’m pretty desensitized from earlier internet with death and other shock gore content but had managed to avoid CSAM until today. It was a lot worse than I expected, felt my heart drop. Worse, my app autoplays gifs in thumbnail so it kept going while I was reporting it.

I’ve mostly forgotten and it wasn’t on my mind until I saw this thread (happened less than 24hr ago) but even the slightest reminder is oddly upsetting. Wish I’d thought of the Tetris thing.


And it’s easy. Society spends so much time and effort making life easier via improvements like simple image uploading and sharing, so of course some piece of shit will use it for this. Just a few clicks and they’ve created headaches for thousands of people. It requires no ability so the barrier of entry is as low as being the kind of trash that likes that stuff.

Is Congress Going to Kill Credit Card Rewards? (

Legislation known as the Credit Card Competition Act, first introduced in Congress in 2022, is described by its sponsors as encouraging “competition in electronic credit transactions.” But if lawmakers end up passing the measure, opponents say it could also torpedo the rich rewards and perks that cardholders have enjoyed for...


I like that politicians always claim the savings will be passed on to customers. Companies are benevolent and will definitely not pocket the extra 1% they’d save.


Maybe, but what prosecutor would pursue that? Hard to prove beyond reasonable doubt if all you have is a bag of oregano and the testimony of a few children that faked being high. Not a great use of time, and all for one 17 year old kid


Shrug I live in the Bay which I guess isn’t terribly representative of the rest of the US? I went to high school in Texas though and we only had one student arrested, and he was dealing.

Sorry for your experiences! Sounds awful


Me neither! I bought some, printed a guide, then opened the pack and found an included guide sheet. It works great though, still my choice


Memes are so much better without the backstory. This was the first time I’ve seen it mentioned so I looked it up, and holy shit. Had no idea that was him, I’ve seen the name but not the face.


I don’t mind the pacing at all, and live action Lothal is very cool. It feels like Lothal.

Can’t say the same for any of Phoenix Squadron save for Chopper, but I’ve always had difficulty seeing live action and animated characters as the same. It doesn’t help that Rebels’ art style was not particularly faithful to real humans, and the voices don’t match up. They also just… don’t feel right? I have to consciously remind myself who they are. The cast still did a great job though, I don’t think any of them are miscast unlike the Grand Inquisitor.

All to say, better than I expected. Kenobi was a massive disappointment, I disliked that since episode 1 whereas I’m feeling cautiously optimistic about Ahsoka.


I get that and largely agree, but I still feel it’s unfair to associate the mass robbery alone with poor person things. All of this is my personal opinion and I’ll repeat that a lot to emphasize that I’m not saying anything as fact.

The message of “this looting isn’t surprising given the increased divide between the rich and the poor,” to me, is already bridging the gap for opportunistic bad actors. While we shouldn’t be silent, it’s worth noting that some words may do more harm than good. In my eyes, the potential gain is minuscule (most people know that desperation begets desperate acts) and the inverse is high (very few people in the country this happened in will agree with a violent robbery, especially one of this scale). Outside of the unique ecosystem of Lemmy, that comment would be good ammo for bad actors and a bad supporting statement for good arguments.

And yeah, some of it is simply that I personally don’t like associating poor with a crime like this.

Anyway, beyond that I don’t disagree with the primary point, merely how it was presented. I also doubt there’s anything that would make me feel more comfortable with that association, but fortunately the opinion of one random person doesn’t matter and that saves you time responding. Be well!


Yeah fair I hadn’t thought that far into it and would make a pretty poor criminal. I was also mentally framing it as a need-to-eat situation where I presume most don’t have the resources to coordinate the loot sale. But organized crime does need to eat too.

What is the worst US state to live in generally?

I’m aware that, at the moment, Florida is deemed unsafe for people to travel to, but what is generally the worst state to live in? Factors such as education, religious extremism, crime, cost of food, healthcare, and access to other resources are relevant. Will “Deep South” states remain one of the worst places to live in...


I hear housing is extremely expensive as well. Plus the roaches are… plentiful


An all blacked out Nakaya D-17 long cigar variant (kuru-roiro, ruthenium) with Take-sumi. No clip, no embellishments. The most lowkey pen setup I have and my idea of the perfect daily writer.

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