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My only problem with it is that it’s always on the homepage under recommended, despite the fact I’ve never watched any streams like that. Even if I tell the site “not interested” it still shows the content. I only get on twitch to watch content for one game and from a small number of creators.


I’m having a crisis here thinking about this lol. It’s a part of the system that is your machine if you consider the system to be the entire use of the computer. But it is not a part of the operating system on the drive. It’s a lower level operating system that identifies your hardware’s capabilities and functionality and has sets of instructions on how to boot from your storage. Computers are really just many many layers of abstraction. Separating the abstractions into layers gets pretty complex. But if you create a virtual OS inside of your storage device’s OS, it is its own OS. It has no knowledge that it’s a virtual machine.


Doesn’t work for me on Jerboa either.


You quoted half of the sentence. I think there’s enough substance on there to consider that an informed opinion.


Same with motorcycles. All year is motorcycle weather for me

No title - Zdzislaw Beksinski (

Known as the nightmare artist, Zdzislaw Beksinski, a polish painter and photographer, is famous for his horrifying works, all of which have no official title. Despite the hellish landscapes that he imagined, he was of sound mind and had no history of mental illness or emotional instability, which only adds to the oddity as he...


Born 1929 in Sanok, Poland and died in 2005 in Warsaw, Poland. I can only imagine the shit this man saw in his life.


I don’t get a chance to compliment people that often, but I do try to genuinely listen to people.


This comment is pretty old. Do we really want to demonize anything anyone has said? I’ve probably said some ideological embarrassing things in the past.

Unless he’s still pushing these talking points, I really don’t see the point


I’ll be honest, not sure what it was about that day, but I thought the comment said 7 years, not 2. So my apologies on that. But apparently there’s enough recent dribble to that even if it was 7 years it wouldn’t matter. Thankfully, the nature of open source projects is that we can fork and continue onwards if this ever causes issues.


What programming language? You might have to back to basics. I know what you mean though. That was my frustration as well. The basics aren’t covered well enough on many courses, and learning in a browser IDE adds anxiety when following tutorials if you don’t know how to set up your environment.

If it’s with Python, maybe I can help. Getting your environment set up is the most important part. I like to use pycharm, it forces you into virtual environments but that’s a good practice to follow and gives you plenty of practice with the basics since you’ll have to install your dependencies for every project.

Sometimes the dependencies change, and it’s nice to know what version you previously used vs how the new package version works.

What got you into coding ? (aside from money)

To give some context, I’m a developer myself and once I had a conversation with someone who has not “tasted” programming, but was wondering about passion and career. I was asked what I like about programming. My answer was that my interest in it came from writing small scripts when I was young to automate things....


I worked as a network engineer and got pretty frustrated working with outdated applications that were not user friendly. Once I became a supervisor, a large part of my job became writing and generating reports summarizing events that happened on the network that no one would ever read. I wanted to learn programming to automate the things I hated about my job.

I’m still an engineer, not a developer, but I enjoy writing user focused programs that reduce or eliminate worker frustration. As with many jobs, it’s not the networking that’s difficult, it’s all the other bullshit you have to do.

Also, learning how to parse, model and visualize data can really help you make your point to your management and get your ideas pushed through. Also a great way to earn brownie points with your bosses, as managers tend to love graphs.

Wish I could say it was a passion for me but I really learned out of necessity.


thanks for making Lemmy a better place


Honestly I’d suggest something that gets you out of the house more. Motorcycles, Latin dance, hiking and drinking is what I do for fun. I do enjoy programming for fun sometimes but the inspiration is something you have to find in other areas of life.


Totally useless red circle too. I guess it was intentionally drawn to obscure the context


Haven’t been to Panera in a while, had no idea they were selling these drinks. The article makes mention that people who have the condition she had are typically OK with caffeine but that energy drinks are more dangerous because they contain other stimulants apart from the caffeine, like taurine. There’s really no fair comparison between coffee and energy drinks because of all the other added stimulants in energy drinks


Gotta risk it for the biscuit

No idea why or when I heard it but I like the risk/reward nature of it


Me too! Why? No idea where I heard it from but it’s my favorite


It’s not about bad decisions per se, it’s about managing risk. Life gives risk its flavor. A risk with no/little reward is maybe a bad decision. But risk is an important part of life. One that I’ve come to appreciate 🙂


I imagine if your book got translated into hundreds of different languages, eventually people would add numbers to the verses. Sometimes the translated version is not a great translation to the original languages intent, so it’s easy to reference the verse number across other translations or compare it across languages


There’s a silver lining of good intentions here… Immigration court is different from state to state. Texas only approves 35% of asylum seekers. Meaning if you’re an illegal in Texas wanting a pathway to legal residency, you’re not likely to get it there. Meanwhile, in blue states such as in NY, it’s 69% or higher. I would say majority of asylum seekers are seeking asylum for legitimate reasons. My wife tells stories that are very common to her family and other people from Honduras… The drug cartels rule with impunity, they have had family kidnapped for ransom, seeing people killed by gun violence is very normal, etc.

Anyways, typically, when USCIS finishes your intake, you have to be released to the custody of a friend or relative who accepts responsibility for you and you are given to their custody in their state of residence. You can’t just ask to be taken to a liberal state, you have to have family there. Republicans are being cute in how they’re dealing with immigration, but for the immigrants themselves, it’s a favorable outcome.


That’s how Seinfeld is too. Seinfeld pioneered so many things in comedy but if you view it as a relic it seems lame. As a youngin I couldn’t understand why anyone thinks it’s funny


That’s a pretty big assumption, and as with many things in life, repetition and discipline make up 90% of success. You’re never going to start looking at goals as attainable if you’ve resigned yourself to the mentality of “they had a better hand”

Does self esteem lead to self care or vice versa? Both are true. The only constant is action.


I know it’s easier to assume than to consider, but I’m a first generation immigrant from a poor family who willed himself out of lows you can’t even imagine. Go see how people from impoverished countries live with your own eyes, then try talking that “no one picked me for sports teams and I was bullied in middle school” depression BS. I dare you.

thisisnotgoingwell, (edited )

I think a lot of people think doing good things is supposed to feel good, when in reality it’s more about piercing the veil. Take getting into shape for example, people often exercise for months before seeing any kind of results. In fact, a lot of time, as your body recompositions by adding muscle, you end up gaining weight. You step on the scale expecting to have lost weight and there is no progress, week after week. You have to stick through the “it sucks” part. Then when you start seeing results and health benefits, it helps your self esteem and makes you want to keep going. I worked out for 3-5 times per week for about 3 months before I started seeing results. And it sucked. It’s supposed to.

There are no people out there who start doing something difficult and immediately feel reward, purpose, and fulfillment. You’re always going to feel like a moron who doesn’t know what they’re doing. Being successful means you must be very comfortable with failure and be able to reiterate your efforts until you see results.

I say this as someone who sits in an engineering position who’s applicants are expected to have 10-15 years of experience as well as a college degree. I’m a 9 year self taught engineer who runs circles around my colleagues. At this point, I’ve failed at more things than most people have even attempted.


you’re right, but if depression is an ailment, then it’s the responsibility of each individual to seek treatment. A lot of people wear depression on their sleeve like a disability.


You can strawman the argument all you like. Depression is treatable. Maybe telling people who are depressed “I agree, life sucks” isn’t as noble as you think it is. If depression is a hole, all you’re doing is offering a shovel. But that’s the problem with depression, anytime anyone brings up things that can treat depression, the response is “Well ACKSHUALLY”. Maybe you would feel better if you took better care of what you eat, or exercised, or called your loved ones more often. Maybe not. The only way to know is to try. There isn’t a bandaid fix for depression, but there are certainly things that can help. Trying nothing and then throwing your hands in the air frustrated doesn’t accomplish anything.

Speaking as someone who’s taken prescription meds for depression in the past. But if suggestions ruin your preconceived worldly constructs then you’re welcome to call me a moron… if that gives you some slight pleasure, go for it.


What I was calling your strawman is the endless fallacy of “what if”… as I said, that’s the bane of any kind of intelligent conversation online that’s related to things like weight loss or depression. You could recommend something like good sleep and exercise and people will come out of the woodwork to say “well what about people who have thyroid issues or sleep disorders or etc”. Obviously there are fringe cases in everything but everyone thinks they’re the exception to accepting good advice. Yes, there are people who suffer from chronic depression that’s caused by their brains inability to produce things like endorphins, but that’s a minority. You’re asking me to set aside my entire argument in favor of a small subset of “what ifs”


You really spent all that time just to say “I agree with the application of what you’re saying on most cases, however, there are some cases where that’s not applicable”

What made you think I ever meant that my findings could be applied with 100% success rate?

Is the purpose of life to be happy?

When I’m unhappy, I feel like I’m doing life wrong. I’d rather be happy. But is happiness the point of life, or is there more to it? If I pursue happiness, mine first then for those around me, is that selfish? But if there’s a bigger purpose, then what about people with Alzheimer’s or dementia who can’t recall recent...


Yeah, that might be a good case. Isn’t the weight advertised when it’s frozen/before it’s cooked? How can they call it a quarter pounder if half of it’s weight is reduced before it’s served to you?


That example doesn’t really translate. The butcher doesn’t cook the meat for you, you take home one pound. If you’re selling cooked meat products, you should have to provide an estimate for the weight of the finished product. One pound of frozen meat is going to weigh a lot less than one pound of thawed meat after it’s cooked


There’s no way to do that? McDonald’s cooks the same burger probably millions of times a day, the patties are cooked for a set amount of time at a certain temperature,they have the process down to a science, and you say there’s no way to do that?

They’re not incentivised to do that maybe. But not “there’s no way to do that.” You can certainly calculate to a small margin how much weight the patty should lose after cooked.

thisisnotgoingwell, (edited )

The asterisk as I’ve seen is only on advertisements and it’s really only there to shift responsibility away from the retailer towards the consumer. You won’t see that kind of disclosure when you’re there, looking at the menu. I don’t understand the point you’re making though, how is it the consumers responsibility to know that when the consumer can’t verify? I can’t very well inspect the meat and see if you’re calling an iced over pound of meat “1lb” or if it’s thawed, can I? That’s how responsibility is supposed to work. If there isn’t any proof offered, how can the consumer be responsible?

It’s not a surprising result, but advertising now is entirely devolved into straight up lies. Have you seen the techniques they use during advertisements to make food look more appealing? They’re advertising something which is entirely different from the delivered product. Under any kind of logical thinking, that’s immoral and should be illegal. The fact that the current justice system serves corporations more than people doesn’t justify it.


Hear me out: motorcycles.



I hope the day comes that motorcycles are seen by the law and public opinion as a commuting option and not as a hobby… owning a motorcycle and living in a large metro area is great. I get to park for free instead of paying $15 per day.


Moisturized? 🤨


Mixed feelings here, what is an “inner child?” Feelings of exercising creativity and spontnuity don’t have to be “compartmentalized”… Just work that into your adult life. only thing that is different otherwise is obviously responsibility, that will never go away. You might have to answer to your wife as to why you chose to spend a whole Saturday watching cartoons, but as long as you make your needs known, that shouldn’t be an issue as well.

I’m sensing you have problems communicating your desires(ideas, inspirations, etc) … other than that, you might be feeling nostalgia. But nostalgia is mostly ignorance. It felt like good times at times because I was ignorant to how my parents struggled.


What are these numbers? There’s 330 million in US, are these the number of people that vote? Genuine question


I agree with what you said, but until your household jointly makes 75k+, it’s really hard to save money when just existing eats up most of your expenses. I felt like I could breathe at 75k when my wife wasn’t working, 100k was when I could cover all bills and still have enough to save up a bit of money. That’s with my being lucky in that I bought my house 5 years ago and my mortgage is only like $900/mo…(modest 2br home in not a great neighborhood ) total monthly bills ends up being about $3k(including groceries, gas, utilities, car insurance and car payment being about $600 for both cars) Wife started working again so with her 50k and my 100k I can finally have financial goals instead of thinking about just surviving. Rent in my city starts at $1500 and I have no idea how normal people are getting by.

One of the worst things about being poor is that it becomes a mentality. If you have spare money after your bills are paid, you get used to it disappearing by life’s circumstances such as an issue with your car, so people have the mentality of “I need to spend it before it gets spent on something else.” That’s why when people do their taxes and get money back for child tax credits and stuff and suddenly they go from a couple dollars in the account to $3000-$5000+ they go out and buy sofas or nice televisions.

what's the highest increase in salary you've had or seen?

I’m an 8 year data center network engineer who recently broke 100k for the first time. When I got asked my salary requirements I actually only asked for 90k as my highest previous salary was 80k with lots of travel, then I found out they gave me 100k because it was the minimum they could pay someone in my position. I’ve read...


That was basically how the meeting went lol


Yeah, in my case, the decision to hire me had been made, but HR would of course onboard me. I got kind of blindsided as the person who asked me wasn’t the person who would be making the decision, she was basically a proxy. I asked what the range was and I got some generic “it depends”… I checked most of the boxes for skills but I don’t have a degree and for some reason that’s off-putting to large companies. Anyways yeah it didn’t feel right to be pushy so early


If I had the chance to follow my dreams, I would have been a paramedic, followed by either park ranger or some form of rescue team. Unfortunately, as a poor immigrant, I had to focus on pay, and paramedic pay was only about 2x minimum wage where I live, so I decided not to follow my dream. Thankfully I ended up in something else I enjoy. All that to say, you’re a hero in my book, and I’ve always thought paramedics should be paid significantly more.


Dang, I thought it was easier to break into programming. Did you have any formal education? I totally felt that, I had to climb through the ranks one painful step at a time.


That’s great. That’s basically the route I’m looking to take, though my background is mostly with networking, so I have some catching up to do in sysadmin skills. Thanks for your insight! I’ll give you a follow (idk if that exists in the fediverse lol) and maybe follow up with you later. It’s great you’re willing to be a resource for the aspiring engineers. That’s the kind of spirit I try to embody.


Bernie sold out and Hillary still lost. I respect his body of work but he wasn’t the answer.

I think the closest thing we’ve had to an amazing presidential candidate in the last 12 years was Andrew Yang.

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