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I don’t see a reason why they shouldn’t, as AFAIK women can participate in rituals.

Section: Recognition of Women as Freemasons

In short, in some places women are accepted and in some they are not. As the Unified Grand Lodge of England does not recognise women as freemasons, women are not officially capable of reaching the 33rd degree. However, where women are recognized (i.e in Continental Freemasonry), women should be able to reach the 33rd degree.


I’ve played around with (only played around with, I haven’t done any actual development with either but I’ve heard they’re similar) GTK, QT and Tk (actually tkinter from Python), and QT seems the most intuitive. It just feels right to me, compared to the others.

Idea / Question about tiling window managers (

First of all: Please don’t tell me how impractically this might be or confusing or whatever. This is like a thought experiment and let’s be honest: We don’t JUST want efficiency when modding our desktops – we also want it to look sick and individual and have people watch in admiration – or something like that. So keep...


This sounds a lot like newm, I’d suggest you check it out! (though I think it might be unmaintained now)

New extensions you’ll love now available on Firefox for Android (

Today, Mozilla announced more than 450 new extensions (software that adds new features or functionality to the browser) to users on Firefox for Android at Mozilla’s AMO Android page. This milestone marks the launch of a new open extension ecosystem on mobile where developers are now free to create and publish extensions and...


Just use BraveNewPipe: it takes newpipe, adds sponsorblock, and a few more platforms too.


Work in Cinnamon on Wayland, Plasma 6, XFCE 4.20 for Wayland support, WINE on Wayland, The Fancy Hyprland-like effects coming to Qtile Wayland, basically everything Wayland.


I’ve tried out quite a few, but the ones I’ve stuck with are:

Destination Linux: I haven’t listened to it in a whule because I barely have any time left for it, but it can often be very interesting and educational.

Tech over Tea: It’s an Interview-style podcast where Brodie Robertson, a well-known Linux YouTuber, interviews a member of the Open Source community, usually a developer, about their project and you could often get some interesting insights into the life and responsibilities of an open source developer, as well as some interesting stories during development and insights into what the future of the project might look like.


You can watch them but they aren’t made to be educational, so if you’re looking for educational content, I’d say DL is okay, while Tech over Tea, while it is my favorite, is not exactly a channel used to learn about Linux. If you want to learn Linux as a career, I’d point to Learn Linux TV. Learning about Linux for general usage, I’d recommend CTT, DistroTube, InfinitelyGalactic, OldTechBloke, and The Linux Experiment.


It really depends on how they implement it. They can either implement it in a way that it requires such exorbitant compliance costs, that it kills off competition. If that’s the case, the law will just strengthen the foothold of the current few companies and create a market without competition, which would be terrible. Alternatively, they could implement it in a way that it hurts every player in the space by making them follow extremely strict privacy and copyright laws to make it hard for everyone, but without stifling innovation.

I feel like the EU could potentially take the first route and that’s scary. You can argue the EU is anti-BigTech but all those fines are just spare change for these giants, so how do we know it isn’t just a smokescreen?


I just hope it works the way it is supposed to, no loopholes for Big Tech or anything like that.


By whom? Red Hat is pretty much the only one supporting X.Org so that’s why. Development will not really continue because there will be nobody to do the development.


To be honest, I could see myself as a vegetarian. I can still eat eggs, have mayo, and most importantly, eat cheese. Also with vegans, they don’t just abstain from eating animals, they also abstain from consuming animal products, and using them in general meaning that not only are you giving up on eggs and cheese, but also leather boots and jackets etc. That’s too much. We are omnivores. Our ancestors survived on the scraps left by lions and other predators. Our only way to keep warm was leather skins. We could survive on berries and fungi, but we couldn’t keep warm with fire only. Anyways, I’m taking this a bit too far, but my point is, I’m supportive of vegetarians, but not of vegans.


Let’s see.

8÷2×(2+2) = 8÷2×4

At this point, you solve it left to right because division and multiplication are on the same level. BODMAS and PEMDAS were created by teachers to make it easier to remember, but ultimately, they are on the same level, meaning you solve it left-to-right, so…

8÷2×4 = 4×4 = 16.

So yes, it does equal 16.


Hear me out, I don’t want to be Musk. I want to be in a situation where I don’t have to work and I don’t have to worry about money for the rest of my life. If today I want to lay in my bed until 11, get up and play games until 3pm, start binging a new series until 10pm, and then go clubbing until 4am, I wouldn’t have to worry about whether it’s Tuesday or Saturday, whether I have a project due tomorrow, whether I have food in the fridge, whether I can afford to pay my bills, all because I get a stream of money coming into my account every month, enough to cover all my expenses and then some, so if I want to start a project that can develop into a successful business, I can do that. And if I just want to tinker with some random piece of hardware I found on eBay, I can do that. And if I just want to go through the routine above, I can do that. That’s what I seek. That level of freedom. Money is just a way of achieving that freedom.


Okay, let me put it in other words: Pemdas and bodmas are bullshit. They are made up to help you memorise the order of operations. Multiplication and division are on the same level, so you do them linearly aka left to right.


Pointless luxury can have different meaning for different people. Some people use money to amass power. For such people, controlling multiple businesses in multiple vital industries is key. For a person who wants to use money to achieve freedom (lile me), buying up media companies would be pointless. For someone aiming to amass power, it would be key.


It seems you are partly correct. You are correct in saying that this is how it used to be done (but that was 100 years ago, it seems) and you are correct that in modern times, this would be interpreted as I did it, above.



Blue logo distro

Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?

(Fedora, Arch, Kubuntu, Zorin, ElementaryOS, ArcoLinux and surely many more I’m forgetting)


No point, the btw gave it away


How many more PRs/MRs left? And when will it be available via wine staging? I can’t wait to try Wayland gaming on Hyprland! I’ve moved everything else over to it already


Seeing this prompted me to do an experiment.

There was a time when Nixpkgs was smaller than the AUR. And, until recently, Nixpkgs was larger than the AUR but still smaller than the combination of the main Arch repos with the AUR.

As it turns out, the current total package count for Arch and the AUR is 85,819.

For nixpkgs unstable, that number is 88,768.

NixOS 23.05 Stable has 83,740.

And considering the mention of 9,147 new packages and 4,015 removed packages, that would mean that 23.11 would have a total of:

88,872 packages. This is more than the current figures for Nixpkgs unstable, but this is going off data from separate sources (NixOS devs and repology, with repology still being slightly outdated)

And, as such, I think it’s fair to say the winner is (drumroll please)…

The USER for having such incredible distributions, giving him the vast breadth of choice for what distro matches their workflow best.


I’m on Hyprland and I use Waybar because it’s the best


So X.Org fully dies on the 31st May 2035 with the end of Extended Life Cycle Support for RHEL 9. We have XOrg’s death day. Even if it will likely be on it’s death bed taking its final breaths for years before that.


Yeah, thank you for doing such a good explanation of it. I completely agree. Truth be told, the features I missed with Qtile on Wayland (some bugs that took a while to iron out, and are only fixed in qtile-git, as well as rounded corners, which are a work-in-progress, leaving me with only 1 issue with Qtile, that being how difficult Qtile Wayland is to install and set up, if only there was a working guide for doing so via pip, but pywayland and/or pywlroots via pip are usually broken), were all fixed by Hyprland, so I’m on Hyprland full time now, and I love it! There is only one minor issue I have (drop downs from Waybar’s systray are kinda broken on Hyprland, rendering weirdly, with strange black gaps between sections and rendering under, rather than over, windows).


Alright, so what else is needed until Wine on Wayland becomes as good as Wine on Xorg? Is there a checklist, or something? What’s left until Wayland gaming is as good as, if not better than Xorg gaming?


Wait, so It’s actually happening? Wayland gaming will be a thing soon? Plasma 6, releasing in the first half of 2024, has ironed out all but 1 of its “Wayland showstoppers”, actively working on the last one, as well as many bugfixes. XFCE 4.20, with Wayland support, is releasing in late 2024. Cinnamon, MATE, Pantheon, and Enlightenment, have all started working on Wayland support and will likely show early stages of it in 2024. AND WINE will hopefully be fully Wayland-ready in 2024. 2024 will be the year of Wayland!!!


Is the US preparing for a war with China? Cuz it certainly sounds like it.

Quote from the article:

The Pentagon is working toward deploying swarms of thousands of AI-enabled drones, according to a notice published earlier this year.

In a speech in August, US Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks, said technology like AI-controlled drone swarms would enable the US to offset China’s People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) numerical advantage in weapons and people.

“We’ll counter the PLA’s mass with mass of our own, but ours will be harder to plan for, harder to hit, harder to beat,” she said, reported Reuters.


It’s the BBC. They’ve always been biased but always pretend to be Independent, like most media sources.


For me, the fact that Chris Titus basically said “the opensuse installer is better” is, I think, more praise than OpenSUSE has receive in years , but far less than it deserves. Honestly, the only issue I had with Tumbleweed was the notoriously slow package manager. I think it’s the only package manager slower than dnf, and even installing apps by appending them to configuration.nix (if you so choose) on NixOS felt far faster than using zypper. I really like Yast, though.


Am I the only person that just uses the Super/Windows key to navigate GNOME. Super to open up the global search and dock, Super again quickly to open up the full app menu, and Super again to go back. Or just press Super and type name of the app you want to run


I find it to be quite inaccurate depending on who you are. As a beginner, it’s fine, but for me, for example, the distro I’m looking for is Arch-meets-NixOS. All the packages I need, with the packages being easy to install, avoiding compiling wherever possible, NOT immutable, and having a Stable release, with a 6-month release cycle.


Photoshop is now available in the browser. Just Excel (not always, sometimes LibreOffice Calc with VBA compatibility does the trick), the other Adobe Creative Cloud applications, and some other Windows-only software (for example I dual boot Windows, because of advanced game macros written in AHK that don’t work on Linux via wine or ahk_x11, and I have failed in porting or rewriting them (it’s too big of a task, there is a whole team behind the actual macro). So… still some reasoms to run Windows, but fhese reasons are decreasing.


With file managers, for example in thunar, you can select Properties -> Permissions -> Allow this file to run as a program


Haha (but in all seriousness, his lack of understanding of the issue was embarrassing, even if he did apologise afterwards; it’s like Ballmer: everyone remembers him saying “Linux is a cancer”, yet nobody remembers him apologising, when he saw Satya Nadella found a way to make money off Linux, rather than look for ways to tear it down as competition). In both cases these men saw that a change in their stance would allow them to achieve their goals (of promoting free software, and making money, respectively) much more easily).

So here you can see me behaving like the average Linux user, hating on Microsoft and being elitist about my distro, and I’m done ranting about M$.

I use Arch BTW.


Adware + New Technology (from the 1990s)


I’m saving this. I don’t use any appimages (except a cracked Minecraft bedrock launcher but we dont talk about that one), but I’m still going to save this.

does Google severly dislike Firefox??

with the recent news about the things that were said about Google slowing down Firefox on purpose, are they doing this because they severily dislike Firefox/open source? :c If so, that wouldn’t make a lot of sense!!! Because Google loves open source too. I read they were doing this to stop adblockers, and well if you use...


Just want yo say these news are not entirely true, as this issue has been reported on Chromium browsers as well:


Yeah, I’ve been using systemd-boot for over 6 months, close to a year, and I’ve never had issues with Windows. And I’ve been dualbooting a lot. Multiple times, using different windows editions, like AtlasOS, or Windows after Winutil, and my sytem has never broken because of Windows and boatloader shenanigans. And to top it all off, in all of these instances, I had Windows installed AFTER Linux, and the only tbing I had to fix after install is to change the boot order so Systemd-boot takes priority.


Wait a second, so that basically turns MacOS into NixOS?


Arch, because of the AUR and because I can’t get fully used to NixOS. Also, I know my way around Arch better tban any other distro. I tried my luck on Debian and it didn’t go that well, but I’m willing to try again soon. (If only I could get Hyprland on Debian…)

Advantages: has all the software I need, new versions as well.

Disadvantages: lacks a stable branch (I recently found myself with limited/no internet access for about 2 months; if Arch had a stable release, I wouldn’t have had to rebuild my NixOS system over 100 times while I was trying to get a decent DWM setup.


Gentoo because it’s for gentle men legends

There, fixed it for you.

I use Arch BTW.


Consider adding a text editor/IDE (just don’t push (neo)vi(m) or emacs on him, I don’t think it’s a good idea for a kid) because once he moves on from scratch to pretty much anything else, he will need a text editor/IDE. Also consider if he wants to learn the terminal, and then you can pick any extra software/tools/utilities accordingly.


Personally, I am an atheist, and I find nihilism, absurdism, and to a lesser extent, stoicism, to be the philosophies I most closely resonate with.


While I have no idea who that is, I totally agree with, and would like to highlight, your point that

We’re all in this hell hole together, the least we could do is help each other out


What, like the brush? P This sounds quite interesting, so please explain.


Now if only they could stop recording every click or keypress I do inside of it…


I don’t kniw why but for some reason the phrase reinvent the cow is so funny to me.


WD1 was alright (I really liked the dark atmosphere and Aiden himself, but a generic revenge story in a world where Blume could have been the big bad (and hacking was, for me, underwhelming) felt like a missed opportunity), WD2 was the best (a focus on hacking, and on the true enemy, Blume, in exchange for a tonal shift, which worked well, but I still wanted WD2 with the darker feel of WD1), and Legion feels a bit empty (from a character perspective). I could go into a deep analysis of why I don’t like the character system or I could just point you to Whitelight’s video on Legion:

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