@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar


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@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

That’s very ambiguous wording. Are they going to have cut all existing homeless people in half by that date, or legislate homeless people must be cut in half by that date?

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

You’d be surprised how blatantly companies sell very personal data on a person. Google’s not going to do it openly because of pr, but a little subsidiary might

Google probably isn’t going to sell everything, but it’s pretty likely there’s an offshoot company who will sell individual data.

Their data is indeed their golden goose, but if they sell data for individuals at $300 or even $10 a pop, no one is going to get enough of their dataset to compete. They could even rate limit… Although if companies start to pay a billion or 10 to get full data dumps on a country, they might refocus on collection.

After all, the data isn’t the true golden goose… It’s the golden eggs that they process and sell. It’s their ability to collect data that’s most valuable

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Here’s a list of examples where Google was examined by the courts The first search on the topic I’ve made

I don’t have a smoking gun for you, but I’ve got a dozen lawsuits saying that Google is lying about their assertion that they don’t sell user data

It’s not proof, but it’s very telling… I’m not saying that Google is directly selling user info, I’m saying that you can buy a list of credit card purchases made by any individual from Equifax for $200

Google isn’t selling information directly, but it sure as hell seems like they’re selling it indirectly

I haven’t looked into the issue deeply, but a casual search has only reinforced my opinion

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Seems confusing, why don’t we just call it base-10?

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

This made my day…I felt way too proud of the joke for being clever, and usually when that happens some people don’t get it and think I’m an idiot, and the people who get it think it’s just a dumb joke

I very nearly didn’t post the comment because of that, but said “fuck it, I think it’s funny, and if no one else does no one will notice”

Compliments mean nothing to me when I don’t feel proud of the thing being complimented, but I felt proud of this…

It’s a stupid little thing, but it comes at a time when I’m trying to build up the confidence to release the game demo I made months ago. You moved the needle a little bit… I’m going to text a friend right now and have someone else play the demo.

So thanks for telling me you loved the joke, it was the straw that pushed me into putting more of my work out there

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

I laughed out loud, the twist at the end got me

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

I feel like your generation really got poisoned by the boomer lies…“trust the system, put in your time, and you’ll get your turn on top if you work hard”

Most of your cohorts just seem to be wandering around confused, struggling to reconcile their worldview with the reality that everything sucks (and is rapidly getting worse)

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

A while back I started doing this thing where I give a genuine and specific compliment to a stranger whenever it occurs to me, then immediately disengaging.

In my mind, by the time they’ve processed the words I’m no longer trying to interact with them - I try to be specific so it hopefully feels genuine, but I get out of there immediately

I have no idea if it lands like intended, but some girl complimented my leopard shoes while power walking past, and it was way more memorable. Having to suddenly decode someone’s intentions leaves my mind too busy to internalize a compliment, and usually I just shrug off compliments if it’s not something I’m proud of, but the drive by compliment sticks with me

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

No, the problem with Smith’s capitalism is that he’s constantly misrepresented

He was descriptive, not prescriptive. He was not an advocate of capitalism, he was explaining it - and if you read the wealth of nations and your takeaway was “Lassie Faire capitalism is a good idea”, reread it

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

My point is that Adam Smith wasn’t really an advocate of capitalism, he explained it and made a strong case for the necessity of regulation

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

What it really comes down to is that he’s conservative in the “I established my worldview as a child and now it’s calcified” sort of way. He wasn’t exactly progressive even back then… He mostly just made fun of stereotypes in a fresh way

I don’t think he’s a hateful person or anything, I just think someone has encouraged him to share dated beliefs that he has no business talking about.

He was never a comedian with a real message, but maybe he always wished he was

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Yeah, it doesn’t do that though, does it? Beta max was better than VHS, hd-dvd was better than blue ray, SD card slots and audio ports are better than not having them.

Hell, look at gaming. The free market makes shit games, because it turns out monetizing the crap out of a crappy product then doing it again is what the free market prefers over quality

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

You mean it’s only said to people who don’t have enough money to speak with their wallet

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Can confirm. My last two years of high school it started at 9, and I’m now a leftist who believes decentralization is a virtue

Imagine if I didn’t have to get up at 6 the first 2 years…I might’ve even tried organizing or something. Instead I’m just tired most of the time

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Interestingly enough, I spent a summer interning in France. I got homesick and was craving peanut butter, looked for it at the store, learned the word - they had no idea what I was talking about. Showed them it written down and a picture and everything

My host family told me you could find it in the international isle, but looked at me weird… They said they only ate it as a high calorie snack when they went skiing

My point is, even though I’m constantly disappointed by even “fancy” wine and cheese a decade later, a spoon full of peanut butter is a fantastic way to shut down hunger pangs for a few hours.

Honestly, it’s better without bread or toast - that’s just empty carbs anyways. I started getting coconut flakes to sprinkle on top… It’s an easy way to class it up without adding calories or effort… It’s basically a no-bake protein cookie at that point

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

That’s called a dark pattern, and Google has been gaining a reputation for using them. I totally believe it

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Glad to help, and it goes the other way too - teaching others the concept spreads the ability to notice it

Seeing as you saw fuckery afoot before you were primed to see it, I doubt I need to sell you on the importance of spreading the concept

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

I’m a pragmatic programmer. I came to Linux because we were doing server-side stuff, I stayed because bash shell is a blunt tool but command line is incoherent

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

I mean, it comes down to jealousy, right? And that’s an emotion… You can’t really control your emotions

I think it’s more a matter of “is this a deal breaker”. Some people just might avoid those movies, some people might need to see it and get reassurance, some people can’t handle it at all. And some people just aren’t bothered - there’s people who are fine with their partner dating other people so long as they come home at the end of the night

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

You can control your reaction to your emotions, and you can change yourself.

You can’t control your emotions themselves though, just the before and after

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

On one hand yes, if everyone stopped buying their product then the company would go under. Just like if you just eat less, you’d lose weight

But these such oversimplifications that they lead to the wrong conclusions. You want to lose weight? Learn about nutrition, avoid triggers, and learn to cook from single ingredients. Raw willpower can work… But it’s basically the worst strategy. Most people can’t do it, and most of them that do regain the weight within 18 months

You want companies to stop doing consumer hostile things that destroy companies? You need to look at the small number of people making profits on the process of destroying the company

The problem with economics is that it’s taught like a religion. You get nice, believable mechanisms, but not only are they not tested empirically when they’re adopted, it takes decades of being obviously false for the idea to lose steam.

Inflation is an example… Wage growth is empirically not tightly coupled to it - we have the numbers, they aren’t ambiguous. But you tell this to people and they’ll scoff, because the commonly used model of economics says so in a neatly packaged narrative.

Voting with your wallet is the same. Refusing to buy a product does not push a company in a desired direction, they’ll (accurately) see it as a pr and/or marketing problem. It’s cheaper to change the minds of consumers than the build better products, it’s cheaper to lobby governments than to clean up after yourself, and it’s easier, more reliable, and highly profitable to reposition yourself to win big by tanking a company than it is to making it better

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Oh, I’m not talking about asking for forgiveness… What I’m saying is that you can straight up make enormous profit in tanking a company, and it’s not even illegal. You just have to do it right

Is it just me, or has the BS with OpenAI shown that nobody in the AI space actually cares about "safeguarding AGI?"

Money wins, every time. They’re not concerned with accidentally destroying humanity with an out-of-control and dangerous AI who has decided “humans are the problem.” (I mean, that’s a little sci-fi anyway, an AGI couldn’t “infect” the entire internet as it currently exists.)...

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Depends on how much money and power they’re entangled with, and who they threaten

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

It’s already out… People have been letting it out for months to do all sorts of things

Luckily it turns out empathy and lewdness are practically built in to these models

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

For me it’s "oh? You really like this creator? Be careful not to binge their backlog all at once! I think you’ve had enough. Let me hide the rest of their content for you so you’re not tempted

Hey, how about this news show where the guys stand instead of sitting, and wear normal clothes? They still awkwardly read off a teleprompter and have a very shallow understanding of the topics, but come on, you should watch them again. I know their shrill, forced, voices make you cringe and exit the video as fast as you can, but let me put that up next on auto play for you again

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

As a developer, honestly I think this is a good thing.

Open source isn’t always a good thing. It’s not just opening the source, it’s a very specific way to develop software.

In theory, you make something open source, and other devs walk in and out, helping the project grow and helping with admin work. People can tag in and tag out as their schedules allow, and the software will grow organically and democratically, bigger than any single user

In practice, it’s politics. Contributing is rarely on a walk-in basis - but code is your ideas given form, and no amount of power is too little to trip over.

People are protective of their baby, but also don’t want to spend their free time interviewing contributors instead of working on it. And just like mods on top boards, managing a popular open source project attracts a very specific type of person

And finally, we live in a hypercapitalist society right now. Know what happens if you open source a project and it gains traction? Someone runs off and turns it into a service, usually the owner, but not always. Services tend to become the first class citizen, and are free to take investor money and make pull requests to serve their use case at the expense of someone using it themselves.

I think it’s safe to say Linux is the greatest open source project of all time. It’s a clusterfuck that has not lived up to the imagined ideals of open source - I think it’s great and too important to entrust to any group, but it’s a hot mess. And Linus Torvold didn’t open source it for years until it reached a point of maturity.

My point with all this is that OSS is fantastic, but it’s not a virtue intrinsically. After all, almost no one makes money on OSS, but plenty make money on turning such a project into a service.

Opening your source on the other hand? Other people can take bits and pieces to learn from, and people can audit it. If you keep out corporate use, I think that’s fair - I mean, even if you copy code for your own project, you quickly move beyond the 20% difference you need to remove their copyright claim if you’re building something different

I think we need to be more pragmatic about OSS… We need to make multiple philosophies for different people and different types of software

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

It’s precedent. It’s not law, but it’s not a myth either - it’s a case study we go over with new programmers so they’re not afraid of undeserved lawsuits

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Ultimately this. I believe the 20% came from a lower court opinion, but search sucks these last few months so I can’t find exactly what I was looking for

At the end of the day 20% different isn’t the actual standard, it’s more complicated than that. But it’s what we tell fresh developers so they have a baseline - they’re almost certainly safe at that point, and more importantly they feel safe to build things with a hard line like that

Ultimately, the supreme Court decided the case on a more fundamental level (so the % didn’t come into play at all)

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Then I think you just have to shoot your shot


@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

What money train? Sure, he’s famous now, reasonably understands ai, and has a reputation around it…

He doesn’t actually have the ability to advance AI tech. He’s a figurehead chosen to represent engineers and handle the logistics for people who do have the ability to advance this miracle technology

What’s his money train? Joining the circuit of short time CEOs?

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

I thought the board was on board too… But it came when Musk pulled promised funding on the run up to gpt4. It was a shit bird move, but it seemed like it was just picking the best of bad options to keep the lights on in a critical time

I mean, no arguing that he sold their souls to Microsoft though… They’ve made openai products part of every service they run, and seem to have nudged their trajectory significantly

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Not brand tie ins, that’s like a coca cola ad on one of the walls. People don’t want brands, they want characters and IP… They want crossovers

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Fuck… When I read that I jumped and almost dropped my fidget poker chips

I feel like other generations didn’t go through this. Even my parents have been shocked hearing about how long ago the star wars prequels came out, but didn’t react hearing how long it’s been for the originals.

It just feels so viscerally recent… My grandma saw cars come into common usage and people land on the moon, and she’ll say it’s wild how much the world has changed. But tell her Netflix started streaming close to two decades ago, and she’ll start laughing at the absurdity of the thought

Maybe time distorts as we approach the singularity

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Crazy more expensive for raw profits - per unit, it’s basically negligible.

You could say this if s consumer focused effort to achieve market share or sell more games, but I choose to believe this if just what happens

Personally, I think this is just what happens when you have an employee run tech company. They lose out on like 0.05% profits, but more then make up for it through game sales and reputation

I mean realistically, this is probably a few cents a unit. Across hen million units, that’s real money. But quality pays over time. They lose out on quarterly profits, but they don’t worry about that bs - they’re not publicly traded, and they’ll make way more on a 5 year timespan

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Fair point, although I’d argue that this is probably a cheap and standard extra step

Molds and turn around time are definitely expensive… But much cheaper if you wait until the next version that probably will have different mount points for the newer internals

I’m not saying this isn’t worth praising, I’m just saying this is exactly what integrity and giving your employees autonomy looks like. You come back for version 2, and you take your lessons learned, you explore the improvements that you thought up during the last version

It’s just basic craftsmanship, but that has unfortunately been smothered in most places these days. You have to be big enough for this to be an R&D effort you can afford to fail, but small enough no one has bought you up to wring you for value

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

That still seems like it crosses a line to me

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Until a big company realizes the most profitable thing to do is take that option off the table

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

You have to cook it until the stick turns brown, obviously

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

No, a paradox is an intrinsic contradiction.

There’s no resolving it without redefining the terms - if you traveled back in time, you broke causality, meaning time was never what we think of it as. If you spawn a new timeline, you never created a paradox - the apparent contradiction is from an alternate timeline.

But in this case, there never was a paradox - people made one up by misunderstanding tolerance for universal acceptance. That’s never what it meant - South Park even did an episode about it when the term was pretty new.

It doesn’t mean you like them or support their choices, it means you treat them with common decency according to the social contact. You can be a bigot deep in your heart, but you don’t make it their problem.

It’s about That’s all it is, it’s about “your freedom to swing your fist ends where my nose begins”. And conversely, if a bigot acts acceptably and they keep that between them and their priest, you tolerate them.

Ideally, you wouldn’t be prejudiced against them… I’m sure plenty of Nazis were decent people. Like Russians today - some support a horrible and unjustified war, because propaganda works. Many genuinely believe they’re liberators paying an enormous price for the freedom of Ukrainians. Show them the concentration camps from then or the war crime videos today, and they’d be instant converts the minute they’re convinced they start to accept they’ve been lied to

But you still stop them. They’re still wrong, and need correction, because they’re hurting others no matter what they believe.

You don’t let chistofacists abuse their children, and you don’t let klan members or fascist organize - you respond with counter-organization to their organization, you mock them for being a fucking idiot/asshole when they post dumb shit online, you argue them calmly when they push stupid beliefs respectfully and in good faith, and you respond with overwhelming violence to imminent harm.

It’s not a philosophy, law, religion, or ethics framework… It’s just the explicit form of the basic social contact for people who struggle to keep their prejudice in check

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

Or maybe it’s because they study and ban food additives beyond finding the dose that causes immediate symptoms and don’t put an extremely strong industrial waste products in their drinking water (turns out the crap they put in the drinking water was poisoning the land when they dumped it in the rivers, and has been pretty convincingly linked to ovarian cysts and low testosterone while doing nothing for our teeth). Or maybe it’s just because they have better social cohesion and stronger worker protections.

But probably just the olive oil and red wine. And hey, all that stuff is complicated… Why not just buy the fancy expensive liquids at the grocery store? If you pay enough and do your research, you can even get olive oil that is legal to sell over there!

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

It’s banned in the EU and Japan. Their dental outcomes are the same over the same period, and guess what we have more of?

Fluoride in toothpaste isn’t the same as what they dump in the drinking water, molecules matter.

One of those is a medical product lethal if you drink a bottle of it, the other is a hazardous material that you need training and PPE to handle

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

It actually works pretty great, it genuinely does compile to native code pretty well. The js code just drives - everything visual or I/O is native, so it’s faster than you’d think

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

IDK, I feel like capitalism just enhances the appeal of cosmic horror. I feel like encountering horrors beyond my comprehension would be reassuring after a lifetime of experiencing manmade horrors within my comprehension

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

I think it sounds way worse when you distill it.

They want the power to take away your livelihood

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

I mean, that’s just demonstratively wrong. I’ve got plenty to criticize about China, but I personally know multiple people who got offers to teach English over there with a very, very basic understanding of Chinese

They most certainly prize speaking English without an accent… I’m not saying it’s a good deal, but they most certainly encourage the program

@theneverfox@pawb.social avatar

I’d explain it by saying they’re attempting to “rebuild pride in their Chinese heritage”. After years of Western culture being equated with prosperity, they’re pushing to build a new national identity more convenient for them

Many countries have efforts to try to preserve their culture against American media - like France limits the amount of English songs on the radio. They still teach people English aggressively in schools - it’s the primary language of trade and technology

The PRC just wants it both ways. They want the advantages of globalization and speaking the international language, but they want it to be culturally stigmatized too

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