@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar


@[email protected]

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@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Idrac, wake on lan, and plug-in behavior: power in bios are all great options here.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

To be entirely fair this is much less of a “tick the Linux box” solution, you actually have to program thing differently to work on Linux in that case. They obviously have the resources to do it but it’s less infuriating than the literal single click it would take to enable EAC on Linux on $game.

How do I cope with my father hating me?

My father, who convinced me (16 m) at the time to move in with him instead of my mother when they moved. All 3 of the other siblings stayed with my mother. He then kicked me out the week I turned 18, a week into my senior year. Since then he stays in touch only to speak with his grandchildren (now going on 4 kids). I have never...

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

My mom kicked me out when I was 18 and I was homeless for 2 weeks. She took me back in when uni started.

This is one of the reasons I don’t speak to hear anymore. At all.

This year, she sent me texts demanding to see me on my birthday. I did not speak to her. At all.

I am now waiting for her to die and for one of my siblings to inform me. Apparently, my sister (who lives in another country, we don’t talk much) is also done with her and doesn’t talk to her at all. I guess our brother will let us know.

What I’m getting at is that you are under no obligation to cater to people who don’t want to tolerate you in the first place. If a guy you lived with for a while was an asshat and demanded to see your children, you’d think he was demented. But suddenly he nutted in your mother once and now it’s fine? Family means nothing on its own. Family means you have a default group of people you interact with, but it’s up to each individual to actually be friends and allies with their family members, and if someone isn’t being a good friend or a good ally, and even is actively antagonizing you, then why do you still feel like you owe them anything? What do you mean “finally getting to the point you should accept it”? Accept him into your life? Why?! What good will that ever do to you? Oh sure maybe you’ll get to think “well I made amends before he died” once he’s dead. Guess what, if you’ve never held a grudge against him like you seem to imply, then it’s actually not up to you to make amends. Don’t tolerate bullshit from people just because they happen to be related to you.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Right? You’d think he’d wise up lmao

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I own poggers.website which is always funny when I tell people to look at my “poggers website”.

At some point I tried to register chee.se so my email could be [email protected] but unfortunately it’s a 4-letter domain that spells a common word, so it’s squatted to hell and back.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah but the whole point was that the @ would replace the a. Besides I have decided I would stop buying domains for single jokes.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s much less funny than it seems. Inside jokes (that way the next time someone makes the joke, you link them thejoke.com or whatever and that’s a bit funny, or just phrases that sound hilarious when you’re on discord at 5AM (I used to own poggers.ninja which I thought was incredible for some reason)

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Black’s fgh pawns create a megazord and being charging The Laser.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

While technically this is a maybe, in practice you really don’t want both the source and the receiver to be on wifi because you have to wait for the deck to send a wifi packet to the router before listening for the same packet from the router to the quest (yes this is a bit backwards but it is how we do wifi), everytime.

A deck on an Ethernet adapter os probably gonna work better, but you still have the problem that currently VR on Linux is extremely hit-or-miss. I have a windows install on a separate disk specifically for VR purposes on my main computer.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

The main problem here is that IRC moke libera has a lot of random ephemeral users who join once and leave soon after. For the bridge, this means creating a matrix account on the instance and either deleting it, which creates problems down the line and is inefficient, or leaving it be, which means the instance fills with a crazy number of inactive accounts really fast.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Buy a used laptop or a a desktop (nothing fancy, office desktops can do the job) and run in on that.

If you can get your hands on one raspberry pis from the 3 onward will run Minecraft server okay. They don’t consume much power but they’re also much less powerful than a used desktop.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Been looking at these for a while but I can’t seem to decide on one, any suggestions?

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

First of all, libre office is very competent but I understand that it’ll always be very behind whetever Microsoft decides to do next.

Office is available on all systems at office365.com if you must use Microsoft tools.

For the non-tech usage, very much yes. Most of the problems your hear about with linux stem from people trying to make it do stuff that you can’t dream of doing on windows because it will stop you. Simply installing a system and using it to browse the web, edit documents, maybe install a few popular programs like VLC or Discord is set-and forget. System installers have recently gotten much more noob-friendly as well, imo the debian and Pop!OS installers don’t really allow you to mess up. KDE is a good choice of DE, but you might be more confortable with others. Good news, you can decide later, as switching desktop Environments is easy and preserves your files.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

everyone’s experience with gender is different, that’s why online tests don’t really work. you might not want to call yourself trans despite feeling like you don’t fit in your AGAB, just as wel as you may call yourself trans even if you do feel like it. it’s all a matter of what makes you comfortable and what that label means for you when you use it.

for example, in my local LGBTQ+ community, transgender is viewed as a term specifically for people who still fit in the gender binary (MTF or FTM) but not non-binary people. I think that is horseshit and NB erasure, and as a non-binary person, i use the term trans anyway to describe myself, despite not being ‘trans’ in the way my local community would use it.

i can’t tell you that you’re trans or that you’re not. that’s for you to decide. what i can tell you however is that cisgender people don’t cry about not being born a woman, but i’ll give you that they don’t generally ask themselves these questions in the first place. you also may or may not (again, up for you to decide) be genderfluid, where the gender you feel like may fluctuate.

as far as experimenting with your gender, there are many safe online spaces in which you are free to experiment with pronouns, names and labels. as always, labels are not fixed and neither are people, so feel free to change a label you describe yourself with if you feel like it isn’t you anymore. a label is a language tool that you use to communicate with others about what you experience. if i tell you i am bisexual and nonbinary, i am offering you information about how i feel about myself in a succint way, just like i could tell you what city i live in and that would tell you some things about myself.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

!RemindMe 2 years

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Absolutely no worries, that was much more of a commentary on my local community who should know better. It’s totally ok to make mistakes as long as you don’t make them on purpose ( and I don’t even think you made one here, I was pointing out my own experience) :)

I suggest looking in the sidebars of various LGBT subreddits for discords, at least that’s the spaces in which I’ve felt the most free to be myself. I am partial to discord.gg/lgbtqplus but there are many.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Turns out only the top players get long queues with this system, so they’re the only ones going into the not-skill-based queue and the wait times are still long; anyone not at the top then gets matched exclusively against top players and that’s no fun for them so they keep to the skill-based queue.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Please consider putting it slightly away from the furnace. Chances are by the time you notice a furnace fire, go there and try to take it, you now own a very burnt or at least extremely hot fire extinguisher. Put it nearby but so near that a fire would destroy it before you could use it.

What do I put on my resume when the contract owner of my job changes?

I work as a contractor, been working here for 9 years, had the same contract company all that time… Except until recently when the contract came up for bid and the old company was outbid by another. Lucky for me, they’re keeping all the same people, positions, and whatnot. I like my job, I look forward to the change, I just...

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not many employers are gonna care what company you contracted under, they will just care what company you did the real work for.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yes, they can. There are app-specific folders in .local that flatpaks can read and write to specifically for this purpose, and also the file picking dialog may give access to the one specific file you picked.

Android IMO has great usability in exposing a database to apps, which means they aren’t required to ship their own database engine.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Isekai is “normal fantasy setting” but you must explain everything to the MC, which is useful because you had to find a way to explain that shit to the audience anyway.

How come there isn't more torrent based technology

Most of the problems in the current internet landscape is caused by the cost of centralized servers. What problems are stopping us from running the fediverse on a peer to peer torrent based network? I would assume latency, but couldn’t that be solved by larger pre caching in clients? Of course interaction and authentication...

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Fediverse instances with image hosting are bandwidth limited, but that’s just a normal result of image hosting. If you remove image hosting then the bottleneck becomes processing power again.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Sure, but data storage is quite cheap these days. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem, but a 12 Tb raid goes a really long way, or AWS s3 charges pennies per GB per month and solves all your problems if you’re prepared to spend tens of dollars per month.

Bandwidth on the other hand is either inaccessible (read: you have a normie ISP that has at most 2 speeds to sell you and neither of them have guarantees), or extremely expensive, on the order of thousands per month. On top of that, if you happen to pay AWS for storage, each request must be forwarded to AWS, converted in some way by your server then sent to the client, which means it eats both up and down bandwidth. Of course, if you know what you’re doing you can use Amazon’s CDN but at this point administering your instance is a full time job and your expenses are that of small company.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Its on the low side but still within reason. Its not just an OS, it’s an OS, a full steam install, a web browser( actually 2 of them because steam also packs an embedded browser), a desktop environment, HD animations, HD wallpapers (several of them) and it adds up quick.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Apart from the obvious problem of launching it (though surely there are scripts for this) when connecting to an external display, desktop mode launches KDE which is an extremely capable desktop environment. What more would you get out of a desktop distro, and how useful would those things be compared to losing big picture mode on startup?

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

This heavily depends on your jursdiction, but:d

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Probably an IQ test, these are standard in a lot of places.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

More of a hip tracker. while the main use of fulbody tracking (increasing immersion in general) is SFW, there is definitely a cybersex scene where it comes in handy.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

They were historically good at input devices because they were the only ones with enough weight to get manufacturers to stop fucking around and use xinput, which guaranteed their hegemony with normal controllers for a long time. 5-10 years ago, it was basically impossible to get a normal controller (ie Xbox or ps layout) that was not approved by Microsoft, working in all games.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Well hey, at least it’s not AI…

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

He only applies sunscreen in the shape of a v-neck to throw you off the track

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

And we’re not talking sober of mild drugs either. I fully believe this man did pretty much all drugs at least once.

How Ubuntu Linux snuck into high-end Dell laptops (and why it's called 'Project Sputnik') (www.zdnet.com)

Today, the Dell XPS-13 with Ubuntu Linux is easily the most well-known Linux laptop. Many users, especially developers – including Linus Torvalds – love it. As Torvalds recently said, “Normally, I wouldn’t name names, but I’m making an exception for the XPS 13 just because I liked it so much that I also ended up buying...

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I used to buy computers for a research lab as part of my job, we had a contract with dell.

Overall dell’s entire market is made of companies like the one I used to work at, that signed a nice contract with 5 year on-site warranty, bulk order rebates and the like.

These (or the ones they sold 3 years ago, at least) aren’t that bad. They’re not exactly good, but you have a Linux laptop with some manufacturer support (as much as you’re getting with windows at least) and they’re capable machines, with good drivers and they come from the factory with Ubuntu if that’s what you tick in their custom order form they give you when you sign that contract. As the guy in charge of fixing the computer, its nice knowing that its not the Linux support for the laptop that’s trash.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Considering what specific nvme drive to use on Linux hasn’t been a real problem for at least 5 years, especially if you just plan to stick it in a laptop. Just buy a drive from a reputable brand from a reputable source.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

If powershell wasn’t a Microsoft product I think it could easily outclass any shell currently available. The concept of command output typing is hand down one of the best features of any shell I’ve tried.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Tbh denuvo is so devious I think it just does that to your brain.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Mostly yes. It’s trivial for a program to know what is and isn’t a symlink, but in general you can do that, also you can do it with folders.

Some games may care (for example that’s a big no-no for anticheats) but in general it works just fine.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

You can still play go if you want, there’s a beta called “csgo demo viewer” that can connect to community servers.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

It can’t be that bad if future me doesn’t come back in time to stop me

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Bernard Arnaud a l’argent pour immédiatement régler plusieurs grands problèmes de notre société. Ne pas le faire est un signe de sociopathie.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Nice idea if you actually have the rest of the redundant network, uplink and all that jazz (otherwise you’re wasting time and money).

the reason this won’t ever be a product is because if you’re serious about your redundancy you’re installing extra NICs inside the servers, which are ideally not second-hand. the only people who would be the target market of such a product is just you.

also: do these servers not have pcie slots inside? is there truly no way of adding nics inside?

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

To be entirely fair, I think its insane that the US would charge income tax on citizens who live abroad in the first place.

voxel, (edited ) to privacyguides
@voxel@infosec.exchange avatar

Warning to all Brave Browser Users

Blocking variations.brave.com which is used for A/B testing could potentially break Brave's functionalities. For me did Brave's "forgetful browsing" feature broke which seems to be disabled by default if you block this domain.

#brave #bravebrowser #privacy @privacy @privacyguides

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Anyoneserioius about privacy should not be using a chromium browser, and should definitely not be using brave.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Linus fucked up his os by entering the command that prompted him “are you absolutely sure this is what you want to do? if you don’t know, then it isnt.” and presed yes. windows does the same when doing a factory restore, if you click “yes i’m sure” then that’s on you. yes, ideally steam worked and he wouldn’t have had to try to fix it, but that kind of thing happens all the time on all software, linux just gives you the option of fixing it yourself instead of going “welp i’m not using that”.

this fix-it yourself mode of functionning is really what sets it apart from other OSes, for examp,e if you have a windows problem good luck finding anything beyond “have you tried dism /online?”, which by the way is also a console command and is like the very first step in all windows troubleshooting.

as for gaming, I daily drive debian and i’m not really encountering any setbacks beyond the obvious “this game developpers is incapable of making a linux anti-cheat so it won’t run on there at all” problem, or its cousin “this game developper is incapable of going into their EAC dashboard and click ‘enable linux support’” (yes, it is that easy, i have done it personally).

Also worth mentionning that Linus is accused by ex-employees of misconduct, and is generally an asshat when it comes to technology despite being a technology reviewer.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

What support lmao

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

No, the steam install failed, and he went looking for solutions and one of the potential solutions he found literally says “proceeding might break your system, continue?” And he said yes. The thing that broke his system had nothing to do with steam apart from being recommended by someone somewhere to fix the issue he was having.

Also you can very much play GTA V on Linux.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I use Debian 12 daily as a desktop and its going great. Just select KDE or GNOME on install it just works.

@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

And I never did it on Linux either. Just because Linus is a dumbass who can’t read doesn’t mean you should disregard an entire os.

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