@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar


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@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Furthermore, I want AI content that I specifically asked for, not AI content that someone thought would get them page views.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Rifts: Your spell doesn’t do MDC, so the darkness is unaffected. Rolls dice. But it looks like the Coalition detected your use of magic…

Nobilis: You have inflicted a wound on Alissa Cavanaugh, Bearer of the Six Daffodils, Walker of the Western Circle, Viscountess of Darkness and Sister of the Familia Vortarax. From out of the darkness falls a white glove, holding a crushed daffodil. It lands at your feet, and from it’s empty fingers spills a scroll that unrolls in front of you, written in letters that are somehow legible, despite being inscribed of Darkness itself. The scroll reads “I know not how I may have wronged you, but this strike against my Estate shall not stand. If you and your Familia be not without honer, meet me on the night of the full moon on the steps of the Great Citadel in City Back, for by the laws of Angels and Devils, shall I have my satisfaction.” It is stamped with the Viscountess’s seal. What do you do?

WEG Star Wars: Spend a Force Point and roll Will. Wait, isn’t your Willpower currently “Battered?” Subtract 1D. Nope, it STILL seems as if the presence of the Dark Side is strong here. But also, you now sense a disturbance in the Force. As if someone, or something, has been alerted to your presence.

MERP: Critical hit. Roll a d100. Um… hang on let me find the table… 97? The darkness is ripped to pieces, it’s body parts scattering in a 2d10 meter radius, covering everything and everyone in dripping gore…

Dark Heresy: You attack the darkness. Gain a corruption point and roll WP or take 1d6 Insanity points. You hear demonic whispers in your head, it sounds like they’re screaming “Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!” Also, you’ve alerted the Orks to your squad’s presence. You see a BIG ork come out in front, carrying a really big, red gun…

Tingleverse: The Darkness stares at you in surprise, then smiles. “Is that what you want?” he asks, “Do you want to be rough with me?” From out of his black depths his eyes glow with passionate intensity as you feel him yield before you. “Yes,” says the Darkness, his handsome voice husky with barely suppressed desire. “Yes! Take me! Pound me!” His beautiful asscheeks, darker than the depths of space, part before you. “I want you,” he whispers, “Yes. Show me that love is real, buckaroo!” What do you do?

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

FTFY: Every planet in our solar system explained at a 5th grade level by probably ChatGPT.

thebardingreen, (edited )
@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar
@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

And if you attempt to erase your own memory, you will only succeed in opening a portal to the void, from a which a physical manifestation of your own fear and loathing will emerge. This might seem terrifying, but in reality your fear and loathing will be gentle, friendly and intensely attractive, will help you overcome your own self imposed limitations and then will consentually pound you in the butt in a surprisingly wholesome way and with an overall message of love and positivity.

Love is real buckaroos!

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Sadly, Zoe pulled a George R R Martin and never finished it.

Chuck himself had this to say about it.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m planning to run it next year at a gaming con at Burning Man (yes, that’s a thing). My copy has been ordered and should get here within days.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Be me.

Red alert sounding. Catastrophic power overload is immanent.

Be bent over in Jefferies tube, remodulating the power coupling on the primary phase transducer.

Feel a warmth behind me.

It’s Shrek.

He whispers into ear “This is my swamp.”

He grabs me with his powerful ogre hands and spreads my ass cheeks.

He penetrates my butthole.

I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water.

It hurts so much, but I keep working on the phase transducer as the computer voice is counting down to a critical overload.

And for some reason, I want to please Shrek.

He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love.

At the same moment, I finish the remodulation procedure. The countdown stops.

Captain Sisko walks in.

“What is the meaning of this Mr. O’Brien!”

Shrek meets his eyes and says “It’s all ogre now.”

Shrek is beamed away.

Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

I dual boot Qubes and Linux Mint (kinda two ends of a spectrum, I know).

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

You pick the lock and the chest opens. It appears to be full of kittens. Roll a will save.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

My theory: The Soong family have been illegally cloning themselves since 2023.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Yeah, there’s a moderately active lemmy.ml community for Denver. By moderately active, I mean there’s about a post or two every day and they tend to get 10-15 upvotes.

By contrast, the Denver subreddit gets about 15 posts an hour with popular posts having 2-600 upvotes. There are also highly active subreddits for surrounding areas such as Boulder, where popular posts garner 150 or so upvotes. I’m aware of 3 different attempts to create Lemmy communities for Boulder. The only one with ANY activity had a post 15 days ago that garnered 15 upvotes. The previous post is from 5 months ago.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Use a privacy hardened browser over tor / vpn with an ad blocker.

That’s really all you can do. And they’ll STILL get some value from you, as they’ll use your activity to inflate their page view statistics.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

100% agree. I probably spend 60% of the time I spent on reddit on Lemmy and have more fun, find more interesting content and engage in more interesting and productive discussion.

I learn just as much on Lemmy (with the exception of local news) and the users I interact with are better informed and kinder.

I DO miss that local news / engaged local community.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Okay then. I think we are in a simulation, someone quick saved, and is now experimenting what the outcomes of random decisions are.

Please tell me someone quick saved in 2016 and they’re going to reboot this bullshit soon…

In a way, Tasha Yar's fate actually worked out really well for the series

I don’t know whether this is an unpopular opinion or not but I actually think that the way Tasha Yar died gave the show much higher stakes throughout it’s entire run. Here is the chief security officer, main bridge crew, tragic back story, potential love interest for the robot character just slapped down by the monster of...

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

This is a Lower Decks episode that badly wants to get made.

Is it just me, or has the BS with OpenAI shown that nobody in the AI space actually cares about "safeguarding AGI?"

Money wins, every time. They’re not concerned with accidentally destroying humanity with an out-of-control and dangerous AI who has decided “humans are the problem.” (I mean, that’s a little sci-fi anyway, an AGI couldn’t “infect” the entire internet as it currently exists.)...

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Corporations gonna profiteer. Capitalists gonna exploit. “Visionary business leaders” gonna turn out to be dirt bags when you dig into them (Google Annie Altman).

And “we” keep falling for it and putting up with it en masse, unto our collective doom.

Time to ditch #duckduckgo (lemmy.world)

In the last couple of months I have noticed an increasing trend of supplying me search results that are completely unrelated to the current query and tie back to my location or previous searches. I can say this with a high degree of certainty this is without a doubt beyond the 100th instance this has happened....

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Brave’s search engine is… fine. I only use it by accident sometimes.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Pretty sure you’re getting downvoted because people hate Brave and you seem to have put it at the top of your list. People hate the company and founder (with good reason) and the scammy crypto aspect. However, the browser consistently gets top tier ratings on it’s privacy implementation (from a technical perspective). I personally have mixed feelings about it. If you MUST use a chromium based browser (and sometimes I must) Brave is an obvious choice (again, from a technical perspective).

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

This is what I expect from the anarchist hacker spaces I used to hang out in in Oakland, not from a multibillion dollar company.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

The outpouring of unprompted employee support speaks more to me than anything else and puts me firmly in Altman’s camp. I can only think of a few bosses I’ve had in my life who would that reaction from their teams under these circumstances.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Oh please. That doesn’t even sound like him.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

I don’t think she was my favorite, but she was a lot of fun and we were playing the Iron Skies Drinking Game, so we were schwasted.


@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

The ONLY reason we have Paramount+ is because my wife wanted to watch some soaps on it (IDK even which ones, I couldn’t be less interested). But I WAS like “Now I can watch Lower Decks! Sweet.”

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

I had a roommate who used to make ostrich chili all the time. It was pretty good. Still prefer beef though.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

For me it’s ostrich. I’ve eaten a lot of elk and bison, but they’re so easy to get in my area, I don’t seem exotic (my mom’s freezer is always full of bison hot dogs). I’ve eaten a lot of ostrich too. I had a roommate for several years who loved it and would cook with it all the time (mostly chilli, but he’d also make meatballs and other stuff with it).

My exwife and I once watched some people get served live shrimp at a fancy sushi restaurant. They were squirming around, trying to escape. They (the people) couldn’t figure out what they were supposed to do with them. They asked the chef to demonstrate how to eat them, but he either misunderstood or was just like “lol, white people” and took them back, chopped their heads off, shucked their shells and returned them to the people.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

That’s Montgomery Scott, and he runs the transporters on the Enterprise.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Trombone players can do magical things with their Chad lips.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Beam me up Monty.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

No, I’m pretty sure it’s Malcolm Reynolds and Wash.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

You’re not wrong…

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Man, Unions in America are anaemic. I REALLY wish our labor force would grow that kind of spine and stand up for each other that aggressively.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Step 1: Be black.

Step 2: Walk into the police station and say you’re there to turn yourself in. Say you have something you need to show them.

Step 3: Reach into your jacket.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar


I had a construction worker try to explain to me how Elon Musk is a genius who makes it possible for me to do my job (I work in the Space Industry, NOT for SpaceX) and I should be grateful he’s creating those opportunities for me instead of hating on him. He got really mad about it when I didn’t agree.

He got even angrier when I asked him why someone like him, on the lowest rung of the labor ladder, was simping like that. He had no answer though.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

I would never have known if you hadn’t told me. XD

What should be used for anonymous usernames?

More often than not, the best way to hide is to simply blend in with the crowds – this also encompasses one’s choice for a username. It is relatively simple to make a single throwaway account – just come up with a username, and off you go – however, if one makes throwaway accounts often, the task of thinking of a unique,...

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Model: Wizard-Vicuna-13B-Uncensored (running locally).

Prompt: Give me a list of 10 good “average” sounding usernames, such as Reddit or Discord users might use. Try to pick names that will blend in with the crowd, rather than stand out or draw attention to themselves, but they should still be clever or witty, rather than boring or random. Please do NOT use actual reddit users names. Come up with original names. Blend in some random words, if you have to.

Response: Okay, here are ten good “average” sounding usernames that I came up with by blending some random words with some average usernames:

  1. AverageJoeBookworm
  2. EverydayMikeCasual
  3. CommonSarahSimpleton
  4. NormalNickEasygoing
  5. OrdinaryOliviaBasic
  6. BasicBrianHumble
  7. StandardSamanthaNormal
  8. TypicalTommyAverage
  9. RegularRachelCommon
  10. TraditionalTaylorEveryday
thebardingreen, (edited )
@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

He’s been coached that he’s neck and neck with Trump in the polls.

Centrist democratic old people are NOT following the human suffering in Gaza, their media sources have all taken a VERY pro Israel bent. He can’t lose them by seeming to go “too woke.” So his strategists have told him to be very conservative on the Gaza situation. He needs the centerist old people to win the swing states, no the leftists.

The progressives who REALLY HATE his stance on this are going to vote for him next year no matter WHAT he does with this situation, because the alternative is four more years of Trump.

He might lose a few far leftists who WOULD have voted for him, but this pissed them off too much. But he doesn’t think he needs them as much as he needs the centrist old people in the swing states (he’s sadly probably right, FUCK First Past The Post and FUCK the Electoral Collage).

And he WILL lose some of those centrist old people to Trump (or more likely to staying home) if he doesn’t come across as a Pro Israel Hawk on this issue. Many of them are waffling back and forth…

They’re like “Trump was bad, but this Biden guy also sucks…(for the opposite reasons YOU think he sucks, those are the things we LIKE about him).”

You’re like “Compared to Trump? Really?? Do you remember how shitty Trump was?”

And they’re like, “Yeah, Trump is terrible, but according to my old people news, Biden is really terrible too and I support Israel because I remember the fucking 70s and I’m Islamophobic as fuck and Nancy from my church says it’s all Biblical prophesy anyway and you remember the Eccelstines, right? THEY’RE Jewish and I was talking with Linda at yoga about how bad the terrorism problem is…”


I’m surrounded by this divide. My liberal ass white bread suburb is a sign warzone right now. People have signs that are a mix of the Israeli flag and the American flag weeping blood (no really, that’s a block away from me on someone’s fence). Other people have “Shame on Israel signs.” We just elected a 100% Democrat city council. The big local political conflict is between the NIMBYs and the “Let’s do something that actually might WORK to address the homeless problem.” The NIMBYs dominated, just like they did last year. I’m going to let you guess where the generational, income and racial gaps are on that issue… and the Israel debate is (mostly) along EXACTLY the same demographic lines.

The horrible morals of a show supposed to teach them

I’ve been watching the various Star Trek shows for a while now, and while not finished I saw most of them, I believe. And I cannot shake off the feeling that the messages given by these shows, especially (and almost exclusively) recent ones are pushing horrible morals that most people seem to not care about....

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

I don’t think the message of Section 31 has EVER been that it was “good / necessary.” It’s always been cautionary. Like: Even in a Utopia, this thing can exist, people will support it, people will argue it’s necessary. I’ve always thought the message was “Why do we tolerate this shit and you assholes who insist it’s necessary?? Why do we let you get away with it? Why do we pull the wool over our own eyes and look the other way?” It continues to be a good story to make Americans talk about.

In DS9, Section 31’s machinations badly backfired and stealing the cure from them and giving it freely to the Changlings is what ended the war.

In Picard, Section 31’s bullshit literally created a terrorist who brought the Borg back and set them loose on Starfleet, again.

In Disco… IDK. I don’t like Disco and I only half watched that season. They made um… an AI that tried to take over?? I guess, it was bad and Star Fleet was complicit.

One of the most important parts of the story, I think is how even in the Utopia of the Federation, we never see anyone being held accountable for Section 31’s actions. My takeaway from this is “a call to action that perpetually goes unheeded and is never heard in numbers great enough to make a real difference” which is a VERY true and tragic lens for the modern world.

I don’t think I’ve ever thought of S31 as being pushed as a GOOD thing. More like shown to us in the spirit of “Stop, children, what’s that sound, everybody look what’s goin’ down.”

thebardingreen, (edited )
@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

They were always shown as the sort of cool, James Bond/Batman-like agents that everyone admires for getting their hands dirty for the sake of everyone else.

I don’t think I’ve ever encountered anyone but you with this take. I’ve certainly never heard anyone say “Oooh, Section 31 is cool, I admire them,” but I’ve had LOTS of conversations about how uncool they are. The main characters don’t like them, they’re ALWAYS an antagonist / obstacle. I understand that’s what you see, but I don’t think the experience you’re having is very universal.

The lack of accountability for me shows that starfleet does not mind a group above the law, which immediately removes the idea of starfleet/the federation working on democratic principles.

Star Fleet DOESN’T work on democratic principles, it’s absolutely a military organization, with a military hierarchy and agenda, that has a STRONG scientific, exploration and humanitarian mandate.

The FEDERATION works on democratic principals, but Section 31 has ALWAYS been portrayed as an illegal, unsanctioned organization working within Star Fleet, that simply lots of factions and elements with Star Fleet support or align with (Fascists gonna fasc, even in the Utopian future, and people with that mind set are going to be drawn to the closest thing to a military organization around).

It WOULD be nice to see a story where the assholes behind Section 31 are revealed as assholes and held accountable though. I would get behind that.

Yes, it echoes with a lot of modern things. But what is the point of making science fiction if all you show is a world that didn’t evolve in over 300 years?

Um… there’s a LOT wrong with this, as there are all kinds of points to making Science Fiction, and showing all sorts of things. And one of them is VERY MUCH showing the kinds of things that are wrong with our world, starting conversations and raising awareness. There are lots of points to making Science Fiction. You don’t have to like all of them. You don’t have to like Chuck Tingle or Space Raptor Butt Invasion, but it has a point (and it’s actually a really positive one, if you look past all the pounding and dinosaur love).

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Just watch the last season of Picard. Forget the other two seasons and pretend they don’t exist. You don’t need them, the final seasons stands on it’s own.

Where can I learn more about Native Americans before during and “after” colonization?

All my life, from when I was a little Republican shitstain to now, I always had a soft spot for the Native Americans. No rationale or so-called “nuance” ever made what the settlers did okay. In school we didn’t learn much about the Native Americans. We learned a tiny bit about their infrastructure and where they would...

thebardingreen, (edited )
@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

The History on Fire podcast by Daniele Bolelli has a TON of episodes about Native American history. Daniele has a thick Italian accent, but he’s a REALLY good storyteller and I enjoy listening to him. Some notable episodes:

The Real History Behind Killers of the Flower Moon.

The Last War Chief: The Story Of Joe Medicine Crow.

The Story of Tom Le Forge, The Real Life Dances With Wolves.

This story isn’t about Native Americans DIRECTLY (although a lot is said about them), it’s about WHY the WAY LESS SHITTY white people who ALSO colonized America DIDN’T make it into the history books the same way as those Pilgrims you mentioned (TRIGGER WARNING: Pilgrims being dicks.) The Wildest Man You’ve Never Heard Of.

These two are multiparters (so 9 episodes in total) that dig into the history of probably the two most famous Native historical figures in North America. It’s worth listening to these two one after the other, as these two men were contemporaries with a long, complex and often tumultuous relationship.

Sitting Bull

Crazy Horse

This one’s another four parter about the conquest of Mexico and the conflict between the Spaniards and the Mexica (Aztecs). People of the Sun.

This three parter explores the parallels between the Sand Creek Massacre (which happened to the Cheyenne people in Colorado) and My Lai (during the Vietnam war). Anything That Moves.

IF you like all that, you might also check out THIS series from Our Fake History, debunking a bunch of historical myths about Pocahontas. Sebastian and Daniele are frequent guests on each other’s shows. Did Pocahontas Really Save John Smith?.

Sebastian also does a series on Columbus (which can’t help but focus on a lot of Native perspectives), so if you want to hate that guy EVEN MORE… Columbus?


This is an Our Fake History with Daniele on as a special guest. Daniele and Sebastian talk about Liver Eating Johnson, a white man / cannibal / Indian killer… or was he and is that ALL made up?

Liver Eating Johnson


Also, if you DON’T know about the Navajo Code Talkers, you’d probably be interested.

@thebardingreen@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz avatar

Because of the nature of Trek, it was easy to retcon into an alternate universe. The world building in Star Wars didn’t leave much room for that.

Maybe they can keep ignoring it for another decade, then write it off as a vision from the Dark Side.

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