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Literally typed into Google “Samsung Galaxy S6 Lite Lock Bootloader” and it was the first link.


Sometimes unlocking the bootloader is a irreversible process. I had to get lucky and someone leaked the factory DFU-mode software for my particular phone, and that was the only way to re-lock it. Others tried to re-lock their bootloaders and ended up with a complete and unrecoverable brick. If those commands aren’t working for you, it’s possible you’re just on a newer version that disallows relocking. I don’t know why the downvotes, because you’re at least looking to educate yourself; but you may have to consider that you cannot relock the bootloader as a possibility.


It sounds like the person who posted this believes you can run code on people’s machines simply by having their IP address rather than there actually being any kind of exploitable code-running capability. Leaking your IP isn’t really a big deal, as you’re constantly leaking your IP any time you connect to anything anyways, and if CS:2 uses any kind of peer-to-peer to lower latency or make the game more responsive, you could have grabbed those ips with a simple netstat (for windows users) command anyhow.


And since most residential IPs are short-lived DHCP leases, instead of permanent IPs, a simple router reset will usually get you a new IP and you’re good at that point.


And the client is ass, and crashes constantly, and Wildcard is ass, because they keep hiring ass developers, or at least not hiring any good Unreal devs. Probably a bunch of nepotism within the company, because I’ve seen singular indie devs recreate games such as ARK within a months timespan, with it working better than Wildcard ever has.

It’s not a complicated game, all it’s gonna take is someone to replicate it well enough – a skeleton team if that, and Wildcard is going to lose their shirt because they don’t take shit seriously.

They literally have mod authors that managed to recreate most if not all of the content that was missing from their game - authors that don’t get paid and did this shit in their FREE TIME.

Wildcard is a fucking joke.


America benefits from allowing others to fight their wars as a proxy, news at 11.

thantik, (edited )

I keep all mine in a Keepass file across multiple USB drives that get updated about once a month. Wife has one, one lives at my mothers house, and I keep one on me - at all times airgapped so no risk to have them exfiltrated either. Keepass has some plugins in order to support 2FA as well. This keeps me using unique passwords everywhere, TOTP codes easily accessible, wife can get access to something if she needs; she knows my master password scheme - but is not really a technophile so she doesn’t really want to mess with it unless she has to.


“Keepass2” seems like it’s an Android app. I will never store my passwords on a device which is literally designed to steal your data. Granted, it’s probably still a million times better than trying to trust someone like Lastpass, but I’m paranoid.


Android has a Linux kernel that sits on top of another locked down kernel which has full access to everything, in binary blobs that prevent recreation of the environment by you or I from source code. There’s a big difference.


An Indie game is one that has a single independent developer. The developer is artist, composer, programmer, and wears every hat of the business. That’s an indie game.


Built in FSR is fucking wild. Godot is really shaping up to be a crazy good engine.


Yeah, the technical error of enabling them before they meant to. Anyone who’s stupid enough to have bought a Ubisoft game in the past decade deserves this shit. There’s so much excuse-making about the way gaming companies are going, that they can all get fucked. I hope they enjoy their full screen ads.

They didn’t accidentally code everything for this, test it, put it in updates, etc. That was all on purpose, and they ‘accidentally’ enabled it to measure how much outrage was generated. If people make excuses for this shit now, it WILL be coming as a permanent “feature”.


Because it’s like a dozen fucking people who post 90% of the content. I blocked like, I dunno – 20 people, and it took care of MOST of the weird ass fetish stuff popping up in my feed, leaving the odd cutie here or there.

I’d rather have a severe lack of farmed content, for a lot more genuine posts. Regardless of if it’s “dead” or not. If I see users with like 20k post points, and 100 comment points, I block them.

If there was a way to automatically do this (only show content from users with a certain ratio of posts to comments), I would.


How is that weird? Most normal people comment far more than they post content. It’s content and link farmers, as well as bots who have the ratios that they do when it comes to posts vs comments.

Like you… thumbsnap, thumbsnap, thumbsnap, thumbsnap… same fucking domain over and over again. Just farming up hoovered content, stripping original authors and lacking credit on where the content came from. You’re a great example, thanks for the reply.


I mean, content is great – and you’re not a person I’d consider for blocking. Your ratio of content to comments is lopsided toward the content, but it’s not like these guys with 400k post and 2k comments. There’s a threshold. I block people who aren’t genuinely interested in communication on the platform.


This is normal. Most “alt” services, rely on outrage and shit to grow user base. Reddit will do something stupid and we’ll get a huge influx again, some people will stay, others will leave.

One of the other alt sites that I was part of had a meme just for this:…/008.png

We need something like this drawn up for Lemmy but without the N word.


Hopefully this assistant doesn’t kill its wife…

(I promise you this statement is related. It’s a little bit of history on BTRFS/ReiserFS though. BTRFS actually has support for in-place conversion from EXT and… ReiserFS, as it was kind of a competitor and the same engineers worked in ReiserFS)


I always have felt like blaming cars, of all things, misses the bigger picture. 1 crude oil shipping vessel produces more pollution than the entirety of cars in America will for a year. Cars are one of the things that actually empowers individuals to live their individualized lives. Hell, some people live in their cars/rv/campers and it allows people to escape the rigors of daily life.

I agree we should take aim at making them more environmentally friendly, and take a harder focus on replacing plastic components with metal and/or other recyclable alternatives. If we could sequester carbon into them somehow that would be even better; but things like carbon fiber require nasty epoxies that are difficult to break down again once they need to be recycled.


No I realized damn well what community I was posting in. That’s the great thing about intellectual discourse, is the ability to argue a cause based on its merits in order to refine an opinion or idea to its ultimate ends. Without dissenting opinions being allowed, all you do is isolate yourself into an echo chamber where your opinions are never challenged and get ever-more extreme to the point of comedic proportions. You need your ideas challenged so that you can make an educated and refined argument. Additionally, my arguments allow me to be open to correction and I can update my own opinions based on arguments made against my statements as well. I know the internet has taught many people that argument = bad, but true discourse invites other opinions that may not necessarily agree. I, in my propensity to wish for the best in humanity, am of the hopes that I can achieve that here on a platform where I assume that people are slightly more intelligent because they had the foresight to leave the previous platform which has been overrun with anti-intellectualism.


Damn, thanks for the rebuttal – Do you have any other sources that are closer to 2022? Covid REALLY did a fucking number on everything from shipping to travel, both reducing travel and increasing shipping - so I’m concerned that those numbers may be a little different in a post-covid world. Still, very enlightening facts!


But this argument basically implies that we should gut the majority of people’s benefit because of a minority’s inconvenience. Certainly we should accommodate the minority who can’t, especially if it means living a fulfilling life, but not at the expense of everyone else.


I think this is the huge balancing point at which cars rely on. You saw a lot more small cars and less of these huge monster trucks roaming around North America back when gas had hit $5/gallon. Now gas is $3 but accounting for inflation, it’s probably at one of the cheapest points it’s ever been.

Even though I argue many times for cars in these posts, I long for a day when gas is $10/gallon so that these 3-5 ton behemoths aren’t on the road carrying a single person. I’m fine with this causing an artificial limitation on people to pick and choose when they use their personal transportation. Granted, we’ve also seen that this results in the economy slowing down overall as people choose to go fewer places and thus spend less money overall.


You lack reading comprehension. I did not give you a false dichotomy, because a false dichotomy requires that I present to you two options, with the stipulation that you can only choose one or the other. Nowhere in my previous post did I do any such thing.

I merely reiterated what I understood your stance to be, and offered an alternative; which would be not unduly hampering other people’s experience because of a minority.

You’re so focused on being “right”, that you’ve lost sight of the actual discussion in an effort to portray my argument as some sort of argumentative fallacy. Which ironically enough, is in itself, another fallacy – called the fallacy fallacy.


They said the robot mistook him for a vegetable. If he would have survived, I’m not sure the robot would have been wrong.

why aren't r/piratedgames here? I thought they migrated to lemmy too

Not to start a war, but I think the place here is better for free discussion of games piracy. the lemmy community they site on their subreddit is literally dead, has just one or two posts. It would have been good if a rival community to r/piratedgames appears here on dbzer0 too, I mean r/piracy is still there, but this place is...


Honestly, pirating anything with an executable in it is just asking for something to happen. The hoops required to mitigate these risks, especially when games mostly now are online with a multiplayer component, I can understand why game-piracy would really only be for the people who are REALLY hardcore into AAA titles. Most of the stuff I purchase now is indie and ends up being better than AAA titles, and it’s cheap enough that I don’t really even want to pirate it.

Additionally, lemmy just doesn’t have the eyeballs that Reddit has…still. I can understand someone’s justification if they stayed over there. I got site-banned once just for reporting a mod for child-predatory statements, and I literally hadn’t even made a comment. Just reporting the post got me banned. So I’m over here hiding from child predators.


Were you trying to install a VPN kill-switch in iptables or something and mess up somehow? I did have an issue similar to this once, where I was firing up my VPN, not realizing it wasn’t allowing multiple clients, and so my initial client would get kicked off and I’d have to reauth on the VPN to get connected again – in my case I was split-tunnelling a wireguard connection, but could that be happening? Are you firing up Qbittorrent with some sort of VPN scripts and getting kicked off of your normal VPN connection?


“Fitgirl” bugs the fuck out of me. They repack everything in an executable installer? Fuck that shit. I’ve been running her ‘installer’ on a VM, and then ripping the damn NSPs out. Why the fuck won’t they just distribute the NSP?


Does compression really matter when it’s a torrent and you’re just extracting the file anyhow? It’s not your bandwidth, it’s a conglomeration of everyones bandwidth, so you’re not really having to deal with back end things like saving data.

thantik, (edited )

Not all Linux contains GNU command line utilities or glibc. Asahi Linux is an example of this, the Linux distro for the new Apple Silicon.

Edit: Correction!

what budget 3d printer would you suggest for a beginner?

so im a teen with not alot of money but i want to get into 3d printing, another community suggested the ender 3 original. it looks like a solid printer but who know im a noob after all. my budget is around 100$ or less. im looking into making mini figures and painting them or whatever nerdy thing i find. i know the budget is...


The Ender 3 v3 SE is going to be y our best bet. I run a 3D printer repair shop, and unless you are already experienced and good with assembling kit machines and highly technical of a person - you will have a terrible time with an Ender 3, 3 Pro, or 3 v2.

The Ender 3 v3 SE can be had for $200-ish at various places, comes with auto leveling which even handles all the Z-probe offset stuff, so there’s no need to get yourself confused with terminology, it already has a direct drive, and PEI build surface, all the things you’ll end up spending another $200 on to put on an Ender 3 of a previous generation.

Don’t start your 3D printing journey for $100 unless you have a highly technical acumen or you will have a terrible time. I know the others are trying to be helpful by suggesting machines to you that fit within your budget, and it’s certainly possible to start out that low – but the better advice is just to get something slightly better. It’ll make the difference between you hating 3D printing, and loving it.


Yes, even the v2 required a lot of assembly and you have to deal with eccentric nuts and delrin V wheels and crap in order to make it print right. The v3 has proper linear rods on the Y axis, no wheels to adjust the bed, everything assembled with like 6 screws. It’s leagues ahead of the v2.


I’ll tell you right now that the Anycubics are garbage. They have electrical/wiring issues, and their touch probe solution is flaky. They are violating open source licenses as well, by not releasing the source code for their firmware on their machines. Stay far away from Anycubic.

I can vouche for Sovol’s SV06 and 06+ - they’re good machines - but their communities online are misguided. (A lot of them mistakenly believe their machines are suffering from “X-Twist”)


You’re welcome to message me directly if you have any questions about it – the biggest piece of advice is don’t go changing a bunch of crap out of the box as many on the internet will tell you to do. Just download creality slicer, choose the Ender 3 v3 SE, and print. Maybe turn on/off supports as needed. Use the “Level” option when you first turn on the machine, and then print your file. I’ve had complete technophobes able to run this machine with little to no problem.


There can be. There are certainly Bios’ that don’t give options that motherboards are perfectly capable of changing. I had an old Phenom II that I managed to patch NVME support into the bios so I could boot off of a PCIe Riser.

Granted, I was patching UEFI stuff and none of it was open source – but the idea is the same. Open source bios in theory, could unlock features.


So what you’re saying is we’re all white on the inside? I guess technically it’s kind of an eggshell, but still…


I’d be okay with 200mbps symmetric, with a future goal of 1gbps symmetric. More than ANYTHING, I’m tired of providers providing things like 1gbps down, 10mbps up. And then doing shit like “Here’s you’re 1gbps plan with a 1tb data cap!”


We should change to mibibits! We need easily factored numbers of 10, not this old powers of 2 stuff! (/s if it wasn’t obvious)


Things with caps aren’t terrestrial broadband.

Comcast is Terrestrial Broadband and has a 1tb cap. You are simply wrong.


Damn, I thought that Octoprint was basically “Stable” at this point, I didn’t realize Gina was still maintaining it actively! She’s a wonderful steward of the 3D printing community and participated in the main 3D printing community back on G+ (back when that was a thing).

I have nothing but good things to say about her, Octoprint was the basis for Klipper back before someone ported the Duet web controls into Fluidd and Mainsail. So she’s been instrumental in some of the major 3D printing developments.


I joined a hackerspace/makerspace. Similar in concept, but instead of books; tools and nerds.


I wish these would come back. I loooove tiny PCs, and use the smallest everything I can get almost everywhere. Small phones, Small cars, Small computers.

The GPD Win has everything I want, but I can’t afford the $1400 they want for the 10". I miss these being available for the $100-$200 mark.


VPNs with “Residential IPs” will work best.


This is somewhat normal for FDM 3D printing. It’s a known behavior of filament in its molten state on the interior walls. As the nozzle goes around, it’s always at a tangent to previously laid filament, and can have the effect of pulling just-laid filament off of its bedding into the previous layer.

It’s one of those things that to fully understand I’d have to find one of the dissertations one of the community members did.


Doesn’t look like the same gcode though. Initial layer lines are facing opposite directions. You also have small brown inclusions in the white one, which is usually the result of burning/dripping filament from a leak.


Appeasement was a mistake, and we should have imprisoned all of the south.


You’re not so great at context are you…


What the fuck wild accusations are you making now? I said “Appeasement was a mistake”. Who were we appeasing? ALL was referring to the people encompassed in the appeasement. You’re a psycho if you think anyone suggested otherwise.


Hot/All - I have it set to show NSFW, but I block most of the NSFW subs individually or the people who are just trying to push people to OF. Problem is on old.lemmy, you have to visit the group you want to block if you want to block it. So my history looks like a lot of me going to yiff/gay/rape/incest/torture shit…but there’s no button to block it on the mlmym version of lemmy unless I go do the stupid group directly. Author says he implemented this functionality, but it doesn’t work in FF.

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