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Grayjay is not Open Source (

Today FUTO released an application called Grayjay for Android-based mobile phones. Louis Rossmann introduced the application in a video (YouTube link). Grayjay as an application is very promising, but there is one point I take issue with: Grayjay is not an Open Source application. In the video Louis explains his reason behind...


It prevents commercial distribution of the program, and thus it discriminates against persons and groups who wish to distribute the program commercially.

Uhhhh what? That’s not how any of that works.

“No discrimination against persons or groups” is about protected classes.

Interpreting it to mean “anyone for any reason” would mean that open source allows people to simply assert sole ownership of it, because to not allow them to is to discriminate against people who want to assert sole ownership. That’s an ad absurdum broadening of the OSI ethos.

Edit: a helpful commenter has found where on OSI’s website it does prohibit non-commercial-use clauses

…and the blog author was in fact incorrect in their assertion that it violates the personal discrimination clause (clause 5). It is a violation of Clause 6, “No Discrimination Against Field of Endeavor.” Also, the section specifically talks about prohibiting its use by a business, which is not the same as its sale by a business.

Let’s say Alice develops an application with maintainer lock-in, but for whatever reason the need for a fork arises. Bob has been studying the code and knows how to maintain in properly. However, because Alice’s code has a non-commercial redistribution clause Bob cannot make money off his maintainership. If the software is sufficiently complex that Bob has to spend a lot of time on it, or if Bob must be able to provide paid support (e.g. for regulatory reasons) he is not allowed to do so. Only Alice can demand financial compensation and thus in practice she is the only one who can afford to maintain the code.

Oh no. This person literally IS trying to just be able to start charging money for someone else’s code.


“People steal the profits from others’ labor all the time, that’s normal and good.” - You


I love Japan, but sometimes I really really hate their judicial and justicial systems, and the xenophobia and conformism that often underpins them.


Japan is extremely conservative in certain ways, usually because of their focus on conformance to social norms.

I encountered gay men not-infrequently while I lived there, and Japanese people are (for the most part) fine with them even if uncomfortable, but from a legal standpoint, Japan mostly prefers to pretend the LGBT+ community doesn’t exist, and can be very hostile towards it when it’s forced to acknowledge them (such as in medical contexts).


No, no one wonders about that. We can acknowledge that Israel is doing evil stuff without questioning the existence of Hamas.

All this does is give people who want to minimize or excuse Israel’s actions an excuse to dismiss its critics.


It’s funny how small a bubble they seem to have been in, because in my recollection Tumblr was always seen as being much more ND-friendly than Twitter.

There is always another website to move to, another chat app to talk on, another forum where people will coalesce together to discuss their particular interests and identities.

Hell, we’re on one right now.

Israel-Palestine megathread for the remainder of the weekend

the front page is now like half articles on this currently, so it’s probably time for a megathread because none of us want to keep track of 12 threads on this subject and all the resulting comments. only major subsequent developments (for example, boots on the ground; pronunciations by governments; that sort of stuff) will get...


It’s terrible that Israeli civilians were murdered.

It’s wonderful that the world is stating such, and showing its support to prevent further murder of innocents.

It’s terrible that Palestinian civilians were murdered.

It’s terrible that the world is ignoring this, and turning a blind eye to further murder of innocents.


Given the white coat, that’s pretty accurate to what Palestinian doctors would be experiencing…


Emulating leftist rhetoric to push right-wing ideas is a common tactic.

I’ve seen people try to push “abortion bad because men force women to get them” and similar bad-faith arguments for years, by anti-choicers who think they’re a lot t more clever than they are.

It’s very easy to see how “sex work primarily caters to straight males at the expense of women’s health and safety, so sex work bad” would resonate with people.


I’ve been running a Jellyfin server on my homelab (with cloudflare tunnel to internet) for a while now, so I may actually look into helping out with this. Jellyfin is fantastic, and has been much easier for me than Plex.


Terra Nil

You start with an area that was destroyed by humans (and capitalism), and have to basically revive the ecosystem, and then remove all your buildings and leave.

There are also games like Stranded: Alien Dawn (which is sort of a mashup of Kenshi and Rimworld) where you are not supposed to be growing, you are supposed to either reach an equilibrium and live there sustainably, or escape/ leave.


There is a game I kick-started called Stonehearth that fits this mostly. Sadly, it was abandoned by the developers.

There is another one called Timber & Stone which is also largely dead, sadly.


This sort of sounds like Foxhole


Eve Offline, with all other players being NPCs.

I have a mental hangup with the very real dread of when hosted multiplayer games die, that all the time and effort I have spent, and all the things I’ve built, will just suddenly disappear. It’s why I run a private G17 Mabinogi server on my pc, rather than playing online.


Note that ToS are not legally binding in any way, it just means they reserve the right to deny you use of their service for doing so. They probably cannot (and have not tried) to sue anyone for commercial training use of their models.


Make sure to also give the Freestar Rangers and UC Vanguard mission lines a try; they are both long and excellent: FSC Rangers is a love-letter to Spaghetti Westerns, and Vanguards line is a mini-Starship Troopers.

Consumer Nintendo Switch 2 rumored to have more RAM than the Xbox Series S (

A new Nintendo Switch 2 rumor has surfaced claiming that the next-generation hybrid console could actually arrive with more memory than a powerful rival like the Microsoft Xbox Series S. The same source has also offered an update in regard to the Switch 2’s potential DLSS support and ray-tracing capabilities.


“8gb of DDR3!”


don’t know where you got that idea, but 16gb of ddr3 can be gotten easily for $30, as where 16gb of ddr5 is going to run you $100 minimum (talking retail prices, obv)


might be introduced

So no, currently they’re not doing anything else.


As a very committed SC backer, I do not think that quote was directed at SC, I think that was just an honest assessment of the amount of work that handcrafted planets would have taken.


The EFF understands that “somebody do something!” is an invitation to erode liberty, and guarding against those types of power grabs by corporations and the government is important.

In this case, EFF is arguing that ISP’s should not have the ability to choose which sites to block. They are spot-on that this precedent would be used to block access to abortion assistance programs in Red States, and would get people killed.


Just to step in with a personal anecdote in regards to point 3, and specifically “nobody who wasn’t transphobic to begin with needs to be convinced to not be it”:

About a year ago my wife’s cousin (17M) was visiting us for a party. I was showing him and his dad my gun collection, and the cousin noticed several stickers on my safe which reference support for the LGBT+ community. When we happened to be alone out on the balcony later, he asked me about them, and what I thought about LGBT+ people and issues, and it was a great opportunity to educate someone not in that community. It is also something that he wasn’t going to get from his parents or friends, because his parents don’t know anything about LGBT+ issues, and his friends are all 16/17 year old males, and that means they all watch manosphere-light assholes like JonTron.

I’ve written about this issue elsewhere at more length, but the Left has largely ceded the young-unaligned-male demo to the Right when it comes to outreach and education, and I do think a lot of the problem is this attitude that “anyone who’s not bad is already an ally”, or put in the inverse, “if you’re not already an ally, you’re bad”. But in the case of young people specifically, we do need some willingness to have these discussions, because a Google search gives you facts about the LGBT+ community, sure, but it doesn’t give you humanization.

The rest of point 3 I agree with, but I do think it’s unfortunately common- even if understandable- to see people lash out at what are very possibly good-faith questions about LGBT+ issues because of how used we all are to questions just being the lead-in to some bigot asshole’s screed.

t3rmit3, (edited )

What @frog said is spot on in regards to my wife’s cousin; the first thing he did when he saw the pride flag was go, “haha gay” because he’s and edgy teen. And when we were talking later, he absolutely sounded like a right wing anti-LGBT+ troll, because he didn’t have either the vocabulary or mindset to do otherwise. But he was asking questions earnestly.

There is tons of ‘casual transphobia’ in young male spaces (and casual bigotry in general), and someone has to be willing to wade into that bog if we want to pull those kids out of it. I’m not saying that has to be you or any other person in particular -not everyone can or should put themselves in that position- but if all transphobia is universally only met with hostility, even when the context of the conversation might otherwise hint that this is not someone who is a lost cause, it will drive those people further into the clutches of the Right.

That is why I brought up the lack of a Left-oriented outreach pipeline for young men; they’ve been ignored by the Left for long enough that their spaces are very hostile to LGBT+ people in general (looking at my fellow gamers), but we need to start clawing them back, and that has to start with not immediately treating them as lost causes worthy only of derision when they exhibit transphobia.

Many of them are just parroting the language and behavior of the spaces they occupy in order to fit in, not actively choosing or attempting to be transphobic.


I played from 5 pm yesterday at release until 5 am today, and I literally encountered one single bug, which was that I managed to get a big enemy’s pathing hung up on a rock, so I could kill it.


Micro plastics are going to end up being the leaded gasoline of our era.


I agree 10000%. This is Souls with robots, not Armored Core.

What’s even more upsetting is that the reviews I read claim exactly the opposite, but you jump into mission 1 and there’s a giant gunship that will 2-shot you, and you have no ability to customize your mech, so you’re right from the outset being told that build means nothing about outcome.

I’m not surprised the Souls fans love this game since they don’t know any better, but I am very disappointed in FROM.


It’s funny how you turned, “this is not AC” into “[this is] unreasonably difficult”. Despite what the Souls crowd seem to keep responding with, this is not a complaint about difficulty, it’s a complaint about where the difficulty lies.

Souls-like games place their difficulty in adapting your movement and timing. That’s what this game does.

AC used to place it’s difficulty in planning. You had thousands of combinations of weapons, movement styles, distances, etc, so you could find many different ways to beat a boss, not just one. “Just fly up and hit it with the melee weapon while you dodge around” is the dumbed-down version of AC.


Yes, in most of them the first mission is just a short tutorial, before they turn you loose in the actual game (mech creation).


Yes, and that is not AC. There is not one correct weapon for the job, there should be many different combinations of tactics, weapons, movement styles, etc. The build didn’t matter, because “the sword can kill everything” is not a “build”, but it’s true in AC6.

Want to one-shot the giant mechs at the expense of agility to handle small ones? Turn your AC into a massive lumbering build with a stupid-big cannon. Want to snipe stuff from halfway across the map, in exchange for a 20-second reload? Or make your AC able to fly for minutes on end, at the expense of only having a lightweight shotgun and blade, and barely any armor? No problem.

You could do those and tons more, and they all have trade-offs, and none of them work for every mission. That is AC.

There is no variance here, it’s all just Dark Souls-like dodge-fighting. You could keep the same build from mission 1 and beat the game, and that’s not “difficulty” in the AC sense.


You misunderstood OP; there should not be one correct build to beat a given boss, there should be many possible viable builds, that all require different strategies and tactics because they have tangible trade-offs and don’t all work for different enemies or maps.

“Use a gun and dodge well” or “use the sword and dodge well” is removing that planning and adaptation towards your own AC’s requirements.


You can use “fly up and hit it with a sword” for 95% of AC6.

That is not “AC” in the traditional sense, and while obviously FROM can make whatever game they want, it’s disappointing to me that they turned it into Sekirobot, but with shorter and less interesting maps, and basically no lore.

As to why I thought it was a return to OG form, as I mentioned in my response to OP, I read multiple reviews which said it did exactly that. That’s not FROM’s fault, but it does suck.


Who is “they”? Because Afghan women sure as hell didn’t choose this.

Jitsi, the open-source video conferencing platform, now requires a Google, Microsoft, or Facebook account for their online service (

While Jitsi is open-source, most people use the platform they provide,, for immediate conference calls. They have now introduced a “Know Your Customer” policy and require at least one of the attendees to log in with a Facebook, Github (Microsoft), or Google account....


That’s just not true at all. You’re talking from a very small circle if you think most OSS is used by privacy buffs. The largest users of OSS are companies, followed by techies who enjoy the challenge or the ownership. Privacy wonks are by far the smallest userbase.


several live service games shut down

Another positive thing to happen this year in gaming!


It is a “free speech” platform insomuch as it is intentionally making space for people with fundamentally conflicting beliefs.

There is no c/conservative on Beehaw, and many of us would not be here if there was. Extremism is not the only thing that is incompatible with my beliefs, and I get enough daily exposure to Neoliberal and Conservative viewpoints that I don’t want to deal with it when I’m relaxing. It’s why I haven’t had Facebook or Twitter in years. and Beehaw just have different goals.

The Steam Deck is changing how normies think of gaming PCs.

Just thought I’d share something I thought was pretty interesting. I have a mother in law who is… well let’s just say she’s a stereotypical older mom who doesn’t own a computer, just an iPad. During the pandemic, she started getting into Nintendo games and bought herself a Switch. Fast forward a few years later and...


You’d have to say all 3 of those, and then you’d still be missing a ton of the other groups that also fall under “normies”, even in just this specific instance. “Non-hardcore gamers” would work in this context, but the whole point is to have jargon for it as a concept (“someone who is not a member of your specialized in-group”), rather than saying the specific in-group being discussed each time. “Non-Supernatural fandom-nerds”, “non-/a/ lurkers”, “non-r/SocialistRA lurkers”… or just “normies”.


Welcome to the internet, I guess?


Transgender Law Center and of course The Trevor Project are my go-to’s. That second link is to their page on advocacy, and has a really great anti-LBGT+ legislation heatmap. It’s really sad and infuriating how many anti-LGBT+ bills there are out there.


a series of games that are low budget, relatively short, and easy to pump out very quickly, but with a distinct series identity and maybe a consistent writer/artist across games

Telltale has entered (and exited) the chat.


As much as I hate Trump, attorneys need to be willing to represent everyone in order for us to actually have a working justice system. It might be nice to imagine Trump trying to bumble through representing himself and fucking it up royally, but it’s less fun when it’s some poor sod who’s been wrongfully accused, but who local attorneys are prejudiced against.


And eventually they’ll just ban personal DNS resolvers and force you to do the latter anyways.


umm, that page loads several javascript files. jquery, popper, bootstrap, etc.


Did you mean to respond to someone else? I didn’t say devs shouldn’t use javascript, I just said that the linuxmint website does, in response to the person above me saying it doesn’t.


If you’re used to cooking asian foods, you could try something like curry rice with hamburger steak for the meat eaters and croquettes for the vegetarians. It’s not at all spicy (actually, it’s often pretty sweet).

You could also do some kind of donburi like soboro-don (ground pork and egg), and tempeh for the vegetarians.


warships don’t just torpedo every submarine they detect…


So your position is that Zelensky is responsible for the safety of both his and Russia’s citizens? If he is intentionally targeting Russian civilians, that is one thing, but targeting Russian government targets is completely reasonable.

Christie on new Trump charges: ‘These guys were acting like the Corleones with no experience’ (

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie ® compared new charges against former President Trump that accuse him of working with Mar-a-Lago employees to delete surveillance footage at the club to the tactics of the fictionalized Corleone organized crime family....


I don’t want Christie to win anything, but I do want him to tear Trump down some more. The enemy of my enemy is welcome to keep attacking my enemy.


You can upload videos to a danbooru instance you run, as well as pictures/gifs/webm/etc. It is all about tagging, and if you put it behind some auth mechanism (I’m using Cloudflare’s application Access portal to use Github as my IDP) you can lock it down to just friends and family.

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