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Hey look! Governments that aren’t 100% solely beholden to corporate interests!


what a horrible lineup.

“NEW IP” (2031)



Makes perfect sense, AND is logically consistent, if you realize the GOP believes Democrats are inherently treasonous, and that the Constitution should be interpreted only as it was when written (i.e. as a vehicle to establish a settler-colonialist white ethnostate that allowed slavery).


It’s absolutely hilarious that Putin is still pretending he has any ability to counter NATO militarily outside of nukes.

Russia is estimated to have lost 87% of their pre-war soldiers and 60% of their pre-war armor.

The drafts already drove a massive exodus of their future workforce (estimated at 700k by Forbes Russia, which is around 0.5%, which is a LOT) to flee Russia.

Their ground force modernization (equipment, training, stockpiles, etc) is estimated to have been set back by 15 years (same cnn link above).

If Russia didn’t have nukes, they’d pose almost no threat to NATO. Well on their way to being another North Korea.

YouTube screwing itself with adblockers again

I use Firefox and uBlock Origin. Not sure what kind of experience anyone else is having with YouTube, but recently my home page has been empty because I “don’t have watch history turned on”. Okay, fine. I won’t be able to browse suggested videos, and I’ll spend less time on their platform....


It still has to be remotely relevant to me. If they showed me 10 different cars that look like Mini’s aesthetics, hey, I’d probably keep those in mind. Instead they show me 5 SUVs and 5 pickup trucks, and unless I actually start to make enough money to start that llama-petting-zoo-cafe I dream about in my worst work moments, I will never need or want either of those vehicle classes.

t3rmit3, (edited )

I do know what a Rav4 is, because my coworker drove one, but without looking it up I don’t know what a Forrester is.

But also, I think you’re confusing the studies that show that all people are susceptible to marketing, with saying that all people are susceptible to all marketing, which is not what studies show. Nor is there such a thing as marketing with 100% market penetration.

Believing that all marketing works on everyone is just as false as believing that there are people whom no marketing works on.

“You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time… Well, you keep saying it differently, Abe.”

Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" (

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...


Yeah, I can imagine the frustration of seeing people who don’t know anything about what happened during development blame you as a dev for something that may have been design decisions or budgetary or time constraints that you had no say in or control over.

“So sure, you can dislike parts of a game,” he concludes. “You can hate on a game entirely. But don’t fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is (unless it’s somehow documented and verified), or how it got to be that way (good or bad).”

“Chances are, unless you’ve made a game yourself, you don’t know who made certain decisions; who did specific work; how many people were actually available to do that work; any time challenges faced; or how often you had to overcome technology itself (this one is HUGE).”

This is a totally fair take. He explicitly says it’s fine to not like the game, but just don’t try to pretend you know what happened on the back end to make it the way it was, because you’re probably gonna misplace blame.


Where did he say he was smarter or wiser? I must have missed that quote.


…for making AI-generated articles in the first place.


tHeY’rE tRyInG tO pReVeNt CiViLiAn CaSuAlTiEs


tHe MoSt MoRaL MiLiTaRy


You made the claim that this place has developed a “reputation”, which implies it being among other people than just you, here, now.


I didn’t ask for any of that.

Do you often find that when you encounter simple statements, you then spin them into wild and far-reaching demands in your mind, that somehow also just happen to reinforce the fear you already expressed feeling?

t3rmit3, (edited )

If you want me to be more direct, I’ll do it:

There is no reputation for Beehaw being a place that allows, conducts, directs, or supports doxxing or brigading. I won’t ask you to provide proof of a reputation otherwise, because I know you can’t. You can forgo the charade of fake justifications for why you won’t provide what we both know isn’t there.

I did a LOT of reading on fediverse communities about different instances before I settled on joining Beehaw, and the entire reason I ended up here is because Beehaw has the (very valid) reputation for being a “safe space”, quite the opposite from what you’re claiming.


Apparently you either cannot or will not differentiate between people saying, “you know what, I don’t really care if a bunch of literal Nazis got doxxed” (which folks here did say), and “let’s doxx people here” (which folks here did not say), and that just speaks more about your inability to interact with nuance than it indicates anything about your moral stances.


I already have multiple beehaw users following me and harassing me. Including “brand new” accounts from other instances.

the threats

Press X to doubt…

But if you’re actually getting threatening PMs, flag them to the mods.


I’ve used a Zip disk more recently than I’ve used a manila folder, but we still use those for directory icons (and the Open icon).


I’ve never seen a soccer ball that doesn’t look like that, as someone in the US. What else would a soccer ball look like?


There is an icon that Adobe has with an arrow pointing down into a folder, and I think that works pretty well.


what in the Minor in Graphic Design are those…

Poll shows Palestinians back Oct. 7 attack on Israel, support for Hamas rises (

Almost three in four Palestinians believe the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel was correct, and the ensuing Gaza war has lifted support for the Islamist group both there and in the West Bank, a survey from a respected Palestinian polling institute found.


Turns out when you trap people in a hellhole, they start to resent the people who put them there, and laud the people who seem to be trying to change that shitty status quo.

Who’da thought?


“We oppressed (and bombed) you until you hated us, and now that you hate us we will use your hate of us to claim you are the bad ones.”


Palestinians did spend the supplies they received on civil projects, but Israel (and Netanyahu in particular) has been getting a lot of that money sent to Hamas in order to prevent the Palestinian National Authority from gaining support in Gaza.

So don’t blame Palestinians, who have no say in how that aid gets distributed, blame Hamas and it’s backers like Israel.


I’m sure you thought this was some kinda clever gotcha, but to everyone who is not deep in Israel’s kool-aid, we all can see very well with our own eyes which place has been systematically, indiscriminately bombed, and it ain’t Israel.

t3rmit3, (edited )

Israel’s claim that Hamas resisting the violence and oppression of Palestinians by Israel makes Hamas responsible for said violence and oppression of Palestinians by Israel, doesn’t ring true to anyone objective, much less the Palestinians whose families and friends are dying to Israeli bombs.

these words don’t explain why the support for Hamas is allegedly raising

Israel: “I’m the one killing your loved ones for decades, but really you should blame this other guy (Hamas) for giving me the excuse to do it!”

Yeah, I’m sure you’d totally buy that argument too.

Israel propped up Hamas very actively, in order to delegitimize the PA and prevent a 2-state solution, thinking that they could oppress Palestinians far worse with them under a labeled terrorist leadership, but then they act all surprised pikachu when said terrorist group does the terrorism.

Netanyahu gambled with both Palestinians lives and Israeli ones, and lost that bet badly, so now he’s looking to capitalize on the situation to ethnically cleanse Gaza and set up new settlements there, hoping that will be enough to save himself from the political reckoning coming for him internally.


There are no downvotes on Beehaw.


Good thing that basically every other action you could do falls between “do nothing”, and “commit ethnic cleansing”, so they’ve got a lot to choose from!

Too bad they decided to go with the ethnic cleansing instead.

t3rmit3, (edited )

In case you don’t know the definition of ethnic cleansing, forced removals are ethnic cleansing, so even by your own comment they’re engaged in it.

Hamas is a terrorist organization, and Israel reaped what they sowed by supporting Hamas for a decade in order to delegitimize the Palestinian National Authority.

Palestinians are not Hamas, and Israel is exploiting people conflating them to deflect blame for their genocide and ethnic cleansing.


I don’t know what relevance you think scripture has to this conflict, but despite what Israel would like to claim this is not a religious war, this is a settler-colonial project driven by modern, western Imperialism. Religion is being used by Netanyahu and Likud in the most cynical, blasphemous way, in order to justify their murderous acts.


Not an any practical level.

It certainly hasn’t been weaponized by them to deflect criticism of their actions by international observers, like Israel has been doing.

I haven’t really seen any accusations that being anti-Hamas (the political entity) is Islamophobic, only that being anti-Palestinian (the people) is, which is true.

Contrast that to Israel and its supporters very openly pushing the narrative that being anti-Israel (the political entity) is antisemitic, not just being anti-Israeli (the people).

t3rmit3, (edited )

Israelis are not Likud

That’s why I try to be very deliberate in differentiating between “Israel”, which is a country and government, and “Israelis”, which are the people who live there.

As an American, I’m extremely mindful of this distinction:

Being anti-American is bigotry based on national origin.

Being anti-America is a moral and justified position against an Imperial, settler-colonialist state that kills millions around the globe.


Literally everything is just a concept humanity made up, informed by our very specific and limited abilities of perception.

Even numbers are represented differently in different languages, and different cultures teach different methods of interacting with them, and aliens could have completely different paradigms for interpreting physical reality than us altogether.

Anyone who tries to make claims about something being a universal or scientific “Truth-with-a-capital-T” that transcends human definitions is pushing an agenda.

t3rmit3, (edited )

Science is a human paradigm for interpreting the universe. Certain scientific truths are accepted by humans, at this time, which constitutes a very small part of the universe.

I’m not saying none of the accepted scientific principles may be correct (and I’m certainly not saying they should be discounted by humans, since after all, it’s our own paradigm), I’m just saying that they are only coming from a very small and narrow ability to interact with the universe. If they are universally true, it’s not because we exhausted all other possibilities; we literally don’t have the means to say we’ve examined anything in all possible ways that can exist in the universe. We can’t know what we don’t know, after all.

I do think that saying we have achieved anything that qualifies as definitive, objective Truth, beyond the limited realm of human perception and experience, is not true. Nothing within science is universally, unquestionably settled.

For humans? With the instruments and models we have now? Sure, absolutely.

But once again, that’s very narrow.

As a little aside:

These truths aren’t necessarily rooted in personal biases but rather in the pursuit of understanding the world objectively.

That is also an agenda. Agenda doesn’t mean something nefarious, it just means an ideologically-driven plan. Wanting to understand the universe better within a certain paradigm (i.e. science) is an agenda.


Why does “Stardew Valley” get it totally right, and the rest not get it right at all?

I am not an expert on SDV, but my wife plays basically every HM-like out there, and her take is that Barone focused so heavily on the ‘economy’ balance in SDV that all of the activities feel like they’re worth doing, so it doesn’t become “only farming”, or “only adventuring”, etc, like many others do. Even just picking up wild plants feels worth it when you drop them in the sale bin in the evening.


I think MTaP and to a lesser extent MTaS both really carried over a lot of the complexity from Planet Explorers, Pathea’s first game they released internationally. It’s a survival crafting game, with a LOT of complexity (e.g. manual, voxel-based weapon and vehicle designs). I don’t think it worked well in combination with other systems like farming being very underdeveloped (in MTaP especially).


My Time at Portia and My Time at Sandrock (sequel). They’re both on Switch.


Yeah, if you didn’t enjoy MTaP I wouldn’t recommend it. :)

On TikTok, the war in Gaza is a game (

One of the TikTok trends is to show the process of loading a projectile into a tank and firing it. Another is to put trance music to a video, along with the words “2-3, sha-ger.” This is the order that a military drone operator is given to drop a bomb, with the syllables separated so that the message is clear. The trend...


Why do I suspect that even if we said, “after”, you would still turn around and object to these Israeli assholes being held accountable if tribunals came to pass?


No, war crime trials are for their other abuses, like killing a record number of journalists, aid workers, doctors, and of course women and children. War crime trials are for cutting off food and water to civilians, and bombing civilian infrastructure. War crime trials are for funneling civilians into “safe zones”, and then bombing them.

But you know that. You just don’t care, as long as the monsters you support win instead of the monsters you don’t support.

t3rmit3, (edited )

You are either willfully ignorant about how wrong what you’re saying is, or you are truly a lost cause.

I don’t think you are aware of just how small this war is in terms of death toll compared to other wars that are currently going on.

And I don’t think you realize just how many insane ratios this war is producing. For being so small, it is resulting in more aid worker, doctor, and journalist deaths than other, much larger wars. It has resulted in level of destruction (e.g. 60% of homes damaged) that hasn’t existed since WW2. The sheer percentages of children being killed versus adults (nevermind combatants), is just staggering.

If your only defense is to say, “but who cares about ratios and percentages?”, then you’re just arguing that it’s okay to genocide small groups.

And you want to talk actual numbers? More children were killed by Israel in the first 3 weeks of their brutal assault than have died in all global conflicts combined annually, since 2019. That was when the child death toll was “only” 3,400. Now it’s thousands more.

But I’m suuuuuure you’re just weeping non-stop for them, right?

Neither is not supplying your enemy with resources

They are denying civilians water and food, and Israel is not the ones supplying those resources anyways, other countries are, and Israel is blocking them.

nor is bombing civilian infrastructure that is being used for military purposes

Which the water infra and power plants were not, but they were bombed anyways (and to be clear, Israel has never claimed that they were used to launch attacks, before you try to pull that out of your bum).

At no point did Israel make the unrealistic promise that they would be safe from bombs.

Ah yes, unrealistic to not bomb civilians. Of course. So smart. Why even have stipulations about war crimes, since apparently no one in a warzone can expect not to be killed indiscriminately anyways? Checkmate, human rights!

Given that Hamas operates from there

Hamas doesn’t “operate” from the 60% of residential buildings that have been damaged in Gaza, any more than the IDF could be said to “operate” from Israeli neighborhoods. Israel has shown no evidence (and in fact has been shown to have been dead wrong with their claims, such as at al-Shifa) that they are using the refugee camps and homes and businesses that Israel bombed to launch rockets (if they were all actually rocket launch sites, where were all the people actually living?). Simply having your soldiers live somewhere doesn’t make it a valid target, otherwise the rocket attacks into Israel are all justified too.

There’s a reason that Israel is rapidly losing support on the world stage, and why it’s going to find itself a pariah state before too long.

You would do the same if you were in their place.

When you wake up and find that most of the world is rejecting your country’s claims of conducting a war legitimately, perhaps you should question why, rather than rushing to spew out half-baked justifications and appeals to empathize with an abused group becoming the abusers.

t3rmit3, (edited )

You mean where they found weapons and a tunnel with an armored door with a firing port?

Yes, that one. The one where all that was behind that door was a room with 2 cots and a table, where Israel had claimed (complete with a fancy 3D animation) that there was an entire multi-level command center with tens of rooms, housing potentially hundreds of Hamas fighters. That one, that didn’t exist.

Or the al-Shifa hospital where a surveillance camera recording shows terrorists bringing in a hostage?

This is always such a weird argument. Yeah, of course Hamas brought the hostage there for treatment. They were trying to keep them alive. They’re also the government in Gaza, so it would be no different than Israeli military bringing one of their hostages to an Israeli hospital. Are you under the impression that hospitals that treat war wounded are military targets?

Let me ask you this: How should Israel have reacted to the terror attack on October 7? What would, in your eyes, an appropriate, justified response look like? Please be honest.

First I’d say that Netanyahu should stop giving funds to and allowing funds to flow to Hamas in order to prop them up as a bid to prevent a peaceful 2-state solution.

Netanyahu made a similar point at a Likud faction meeting in early 2019, when he was quoted as saying that those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Then, I’d say they should have conducted a ground invasion backed with actually targeted strikes on Hamas targets using precision weapons that the US is so enamored with.

and also permitted foreign aid through the border crossing with Egypt

Permitted a pittance, after blocking all of it initially.

I’m not Israeli.

That just makes your caping for their genocide and ethnic cleansing even more ridiculous.


Now you’re the one being obtuse, unless you’re claiming that you’re actually arguing that you can be charged with theft, which you can’t be, because legally, copyright infringement isn’t theft.


Yup, many people (like you) consider copyright morally okay, and many people (like me) consider copyright infringement morally okay.

Not an ideal world for either of us, I guess.


If it comes from their copy, sure. But streaming proved that people won’t do that if they have a less onerous way to do it, whether it be Spotify or Netflix.

People only started reverting to piracy when services started cannibalizing access to content and demanding more money than the access was worth.

Most video games don’t contain DRM, and can be found as torrents online, and yet video game sales are through the roof.

You’re literally just rehashing all the tired MPAA/RIAA talking points claiming that piracy would kill music and movies, that never panned out despite piracy always still existing.


As in this argument.

Yes, that was my point.

if you would have a legal streaming platform that is free with all the same content then everyone would use that, no?

Are you suggesting a case in which it’s funded by some billionaire who does not need to charge money in order to cover the cost of hosting? Because if not, we’re back in the “commercial use” territory that I already covered.

If it’s purely hypothetical in order to ask if people prefer free things, then sure, of course people prefer free. But people prefer convenient even more, as streaming shows.

Half the reason piracy took off in the days of Limewire and Napster is because the RIAA actually made agreements with the big music publishers not to sell their music on digital services, in order to prop up CD sales. When iTunes came along, it instantly ate up the vast majority of Limewire/Frostwire/IRC traffic for music.


Just fyi what you’re describing is already baked into most modern torrent clients, letting you “stream” the video or music files, rather than downloading.


Morpheus, holding up a AA: “7 billion”


This misses the key advantage of AI to businesses: lower total overhead through AI. You’re acting as though every job lost to AI will be replaced with another job opening somewhere else, but that hasn’t been true for efficiency automation historically (sorry horses), unless you’re talking about jobs that aren’t in the same field, in which case you’re just pulling a “learn to code”.

There will be people who have 10+, 20+ years of experience whose jobs will be lost, and they can’t just start over from square 1 in their careers.

The former makes us freeze in fear, the latter allows us to take action.

Thanks, LinkedIn.

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