@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar


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@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Oh. my. god. This is such amazing news!! Chesko was an amazing modder, and economy design was one of the often-changed areas of Skyrim, so to hear that he had a hand in Starfield’s economy is incredibly exciting to me.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Haha, I’m also very tempted by the jumping trait – mostly cause if it’s anything like No Man Sky’s jump, I’ll be doing it all the time anyway!

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Nice!! Some of them have downsides I’m not sure I want on my first playthrough, but I’m kinda tempted by the family one - would be cool to see how well their face generated parents match my character, and by the endgame I’ll proooobably have more money than I know what to do with, anyway.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Looks basically as expected from the official trailers! Cool to see more backgrounds; I think I’m going to go with Explorer but it’s gonna be hard to choose.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I have a personal Discord server that I drop links into - fully intending to get them out of Discord and into my notes someday, though let’s just say I’m quite behind on that.

Mostly I find it useful because I can drop a link on from my phone and quickly access it from my PC, or vice versa. There is some organization into channel types (food, music, games, etc) but these days I just use a general channel as a dumping ground and figure I’ll sort later, ha.

What is up with Baldur's Gate 3?

This is not a criticism - I love how much attention this game has been getting. I’m just not understanding why BG3 has been blowing up so much. It seems like BG3 is getting more attention than all of Larian’s previous games combined (and maybe all of Obsidian’s recent crpgs as well). Traditionally crpgs have not lit the...

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

This is it right here, at least for me personally. I’m a huge Dragon Age fan (played through DAO and DA2 before Inquisition’s release) who has always been vaguely interested in Larian’s Divinity Original Sin games but never made them a priority in my backlog. Seeing the cinematic cutscenes and the 3rd-person voice acted dialog for BG3 made me immediately interested and now I’m 10-ish hours deep into Baldur’s Gate and loving it!

Also slowly resigning myself to DA4 not even coming close to matching BG3 in quality given the circumstances of its development.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I’ve had good success using it to write Python scripts for me. They’re simple enough I would be able to write them myself, but it would take a lot of time searching and reading StackOverflow/library docs/etc since I’m an amateur and not a pro. GPT lets me spend more time actually doing the things I need the scripts for.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I’m curious, how are you discovering new music this way? my understanding of soulseek and nicotine+ is that they’re great for finding music by artists you already know, but idk how they would work for discovery…?

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

sick! do you think you’ll ever print these physically? I’d love to pick up a copy if you ever do. :)

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

sick! do you think you’ll ever print these physically? I’d love to pick up a copy if you ever do. :)

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

degree in Visual Art, work in digital asset management for a marketing (blech) studio. I’d love to get into a DAM position at somewhere less ethically awful, like a symphony or museum or something, buuut my position pays really well relatively speaking to other similar similar jobs I’ve looked at, so that’ll have to wait until I feel more established in life.

took a couple basic comp-sci classes in college, though, and went to a coding bootcamp before I got my current position. running linux on my laptop, might switch to it on my desktop. I make use of bash for renaming files a lot at my job.

there’s a lot about tech-heavy areas that interests me, but it’d drive me crazy to be around too much of it. I think there’s a lot of good in the liberal arts that tends to get missed by the sort of hard rationalists that tend to hang out in tech spaces.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I completed all of the shrines before I beat the game, and found it enjoyable. I also really enjoyed running around the depths collecting all the lightroots. I enjoy exploring caves and wells too, so that’s next on my list to complete. Grinding for armor sets is tedious to me so I’m skipping it…

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

beautiful! great choice of pattern to show off the colors of the yarn.

Workspaces / Virtual Desktops – do you use them on your laptop, desktop, or both?

About 4 years ago I got a 13.3" Thinkpad laptop to replace an old Chromebook for portable development, and installed Arch + i3 on it (btw). After a bit of ricing the configs, it started feeling really homey. I love using workspaces here! They feel perfectly suited for laptop screens which have minimal space, allowing me to keep...

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Makes sense! I agree laptops tend to be too small for tiling; I don’t really use the tiling part of i3 on my laptop very much - usually only to pop open a terminal window on the side that I close after a few minutes.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I’ve accidentally tried to switch workspaces with the i3 shortcuts when on a windows machine before! that muscle mememory, haha.

when I’m booting Windows on my desktop, I use MS PowerToys to snap windows around which gives me the same feeling of nice organization as tiling but feels more intuitive in the Windows environment for me.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

It’s so interesting the different ways people organize their windows! I have a strong preference for never overlapping windows where possible at home, but on my work computer it happens all the time and I don’t mind. Each window definitely has its own “zone” on the screen though (browser in the upper left, slack in the bottom right, finder in the bottom middle, and so forth).

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

How far away from your monitor do you sit to see all of the 49”?! It must all be in your peripheral vision, haha. (Edit: oh, I overlooked the ultra wide mention and was picturing a 49” tv type thing, haha. Ultra wide makes more sense!)

I actually went down from two monitors on my desktop to one… nothing wrong with the second monitor now sitting in my closet, but I’m liking the extra space on my desk and it feels more ergonomic to not be swiveling my neck as much.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I really wish I could load Sway on my desktop… unfortunately I’ve got an Nvidia card and I couldn’t get the live ISO to boot with sway. :<

Very tempting to try it on my laptop though! All the setups I’ve seen using it look really clean.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Wanting to pin a floating window was always something I wanted on Windows, so I was excited to see that being natively supported by KDE.

Agree on disliking alt-tab because it’s non-deterministic! Cycling through a whole list of apps has always felt clunky to me so I never use it.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Using it to separate work from other uses makes sense to me - I think if I worked from my desktop rather than the company laptop, I’d be more inclined to use the virtual desktops.

Be honest, do you still use reddit?

I used to check the front page at least once every day, and occassionally check specific subreddits. Now I don’t look at reddit unless theres some drama, like mods getting purged, then I’d go there and enjoy the drama. Occasionally there will be questions that only reddit has the answer to so I have to reluctantly use it. I...

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I purged my comments and deleted my main account on July 1st, which was surprisingly emotional for me. I use Alien Blue on mobile, which still works so far, but now that my main account is logged out, I’ll never be able to log another account in because authentication has been broken in Alien Blue for a while.

I’m keeping Alien Blue installed for two reasons: one, for checking on a friend who only posts updates on reddit, and two, I read r/games a couple times a week for headlines and discussion. Lemmy just doesn’t have the same level of engagement or discussion as r/games; even though there’s a certain brand of insufferable commenters there, the majority of people post thoughtful comments that are more than one or two sentences long and those are the kinds of threads I like reading. Lemmy threads seem to be more shallow; lots of replies to the parent, but very few threads that go more than one or two comments deep.

How are you able to cook while working full time through the week? Do you have some kind of strategy? How do you plan your food?

We want to break out of this cycle of ordering delivery but at the same time, cooking everyday has been a challenge. We also have been trying to develop some sort of routine where we meal prep on the weekends but we live in an apartment with a really small kitchen so cooking and storing food for 5 days doesn’t seem doable....

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

We eat yogurt marinated chicken breast pieces cooked on a frying pan with curry sauce, alongside rice-cooker steamed veggies. We usually get 6 lbs of chicken, chop and marinate in an evening, then eat that for ~4-5 days; also keep on hand things like pasta and frozen meatballs for the days where we’ve run out of chicken but haven’t shopped yet. We allow ourselves to order food once or twice a month but no more; this usually happens on days where we’ve run out of chicken.

That both of us are totally cool with eating the same thing for months on end really helps cut down on cooking time. 😅

Today I got rid of folders

I was really hooked by Obsidian right from the start. It’s one of these things, where you feel the potential electrifying your fingertips. My first few notes were clumsy, as expected, but I also expected it to get better over time. I read something about Evergreen Notes and tried to apply those principles. I still sorted...

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I started my wiki in TiddlyWiki, which by default means links and search were the only way to find notes. When I moved to Obsidian, I tried sorting everything into PARA-style folders, but… it’s way too much maintenance to mess about sorting everything so I’ve quit caring. I operate exclusively through links and search.

Everything is still in the folders but going back to a mostly-flat folder structure is on my to-do list. Since I’m already not using them to navigate my notes, though, I’m not in too big a hurry.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I’ve never had a paper-drawer notecard system, but one is described in the book The Mixed-Up Files of Ms Basil E Frankweiler and I’ve always sort of aspired to that. The way you organize alphabetically has those kinds of paper file / encyclopedia vibes to me!

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Personally, I almost wish Obsidian didn’t expose a folder structure - but the program is flexible enough to enable hiding the file browser, so that works for me.

Since TiddlyWiki doesn’t even mess about with the concept of folders, imo that forces users to dive in and really think about how they’re connecting notes through linking - which helps build a sort of mental roadmap through their notes. Roam and Logseq are similar, I believe.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Any chance you could put together a mini-example vault to help troubleshoot on?

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I love the color and texture of that sweater! I haven’t had the gumption to try making a whole sweater yet but will have to add that pattern to my someday-list.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Ooo, Aldi had Musli lately but it was one of their “limited edition” aisle things and my store ran out recently. I got really used to it for breakfast, so I’ll have to look into Seitenbacher’s!

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I appreciate this point of view! My BA is in visual arts, but I’ve also leaned heavily into tech, programming as a hobby, etc.

I think there’s a lot of different topical threads at play when it comes to AI art (classism and fine art, what average viewers vs trained viewers find appealing in a visual medium, etc) – but the economic issue that you point out are really key. Many artists rely on their craft for their literal bodily survival, so AI art is very much a real threat to them.

But, when I first interacted with Midjourney, and seeing my mom (just an average lady) being excited about AI generated art, I can’t help but see it like photography – all of a sudden the average person gets access to a way of visually capturing things that make them happy, that they think look cool, something they saw in a dream but didn’t have the skill to create visually… and that doesn’t sound like an inherently bad thing to me.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

They certainly made it look pretty fun in the direct! Hopefully it gets a good chain of perks through the skill tree, but if not I’m sure there will be perk overhauls and other mods to help flesh it out.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Pushing Daisies is a really wholesome show, funny and what I found to be an interesting plot too.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I tried out the PARA method, but so far it feels too involved with fiddling in the file system and I’m not really using it anymore. I use the “open file” command palette as my primary form of navigation, backlinks and other internal links secondarily, so folder organization doesn’t actually matter to me. I plan to un-PARA my folders and simplify them as much as possible so I can continue to ignore the file system organization.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

yup, I started on Beehaw and realized I didn’t miss the downvotes and that it made interacting with comments sections feel much more in good faith. Later moved to my current instance after specifically looking for small instances with applications and no downvotes but federated with (almost) everyone. I know downvotes are still there for most other users but I don’t see them and it’s freeing!

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Reminds me of this neocities site that has a collection of Gameboy Camera photos collected from the internet.

Books, to RedditMigration
@Books@kbin.social avatar

How am I notified if someone replies to my post? I think i've seen a few replies, but it doesn't appear to notify me.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

This has happened to me once, where I only saw I had a comment I could reply to by going to the post itself.

I’m seeing other issues with federation not working so I suspect this has something to do with that..?

Skill Trees: What We Know So Far (i.imgur.com)

I noticed that there are “advanced skills” (green bar) and “expert skills” (blue bar) - I’m guessing the last bar is “legendary skills”. Advanced skills might unlock after spending 4 skill points in the tree, while unlocking Expert skills seems to require somewhere between 7, 8, or 10 skill points. I wonder if...

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

love how fun and colorful the yarn is! what shawl pattern is this, by chance? it looks like it would wrap much better than a triangle shawl.

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

thank you! :)

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I just transferred all my domains out of Namecheap into Porkbun. I think Porkbun is 10 to 50 cents more expensive than Cloudflare, but they seemed a bit easier to use and could hold all my TLDs. So far, a way better experience than Namecheap!

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Namecheap has okay starting prices but man their renewal prices aren’t great compared to other registrars.

How to use Dataview for notes that contain multiple values for a single field?

I have a number of individual notes for various books I’ve read, with a YAML field for “author.” This works great with Dataview, except when there are multiple authors of a book. I assumed I could just add another YAML line “author: Sample Author” to add the second author, but then Dataview does not return results for...

@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

Just mentioning to cover all the bases: you’ll want to make sure you’re using the correct multi-value YAML syntax in your front-matter when you include multiple authors (eg. single line or multi line array). I like using the Linter plugin to help me out with this.

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;"># single-line array
</span><span style="color:#323232;">author: [Sam Jones, Mary Apple]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;"># multi-line array
</span><span style="color:#323232;">author:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Sam Jones
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Mary Apple

Once you have something like the above, using flatten should enable returning results for either author; with one test file in my vault, this worked for me:

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;">TABLE WITHOUT ID
</span><span style="color:#323232;">link(</span><span style="color:#0086b3;">file</span><span style="color:#323232;">.</span><span style="color:#0086b3;">link</span><span style="color:#323232;">, title) </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">as </span><span style="color:#183691;">"Title"</span><span style="color:#323232;">, author </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">FROM </span><span style="font-style:italic;color:#969896;">#books FLATTEN author WHERE author = "Sam Jones"
@surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu avatar

I found this note combination feature request but it doesn’t look like any plugin or native solution exists? From reading the thread, possibly you could make your document with all the transclusions then export as markdown which should then pull the transcluded content in. There’s also this short thread but it seemed focused on pulling entire notes in; not sure if that’s what you want or not.

Edit: and this is why I shouldn’t research things on my phone! Obsidian doesn’t have a native markdown exporter, just to PDF… there’s “Obsidian Enhancing Export” plugin, and “Obsidian Markdown Export” plugin. and a paid plugin.

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