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Well they went off piste! Until then they had been in or close to the track that George RR Martin had laid out.


This. All my dell machines work just fine with fwupd.


They don’t WANT to be in the fediverse, they HAVE to be. I can’t understand why people find this so hard to read.

Meta just launched Threads in Europe, citing “compliance concerns” as the reason for the delay. This happens at the same time they announce their first step towards ActivityPub. The brand new Digital Market Act requires big companies to open their dominant platform and Meta wanted to be on the front foot before launching, and then get ready to laugh as Twitter get into regulatory hot water. If you want to run in Europe and be a dominant platform, you HAVE to be open.


No, he’s doing it because otherwise he won’t be compliant with the Digital Market Act, as a “gatekeeper”. That’s why this is happening at the same time as launching in Europe.


They’re testing read-only access to Thread posts, as far as I can surmise. That’s a far cry from “users on Threads are fully AvtivityPub compliant”. What would really show Meta’s commitment to interoperability would be subscribing to AvtivityPub accounts elsewhere. But of course they want to be the source.


Please could you tell me what success looks like for ActivityPub if it doesn’t involve adoption?

sunbeam60, (edited )

My wife and I are increasingly convinced that we, humanity, peaked in the 90s. We had conquered acid rain. We were removing CFCs. The internet was coming in, so were mobile phones (but only to call and text, so you could stay in touch but escaped the trap of a million cameras around us), the music was so incredibly broad (Brit pop, grunge, spice girls, dance … it was like the world’s biggest buffet), the high street was still doing fine, TV had great shows (Seinfeld, X-files etc) and everyone just seemed a damn sight happier than today since misery-communities hadn’t formed on the internet to celebrate and refine their misery.

It was a simpler time. And all powered by a healthy western economy and the declaration of a (naive) victory in the Cold War.

sunbeam60, (edited )

To stop scratching my damn furniture.


We have done everything. He’s still intent on ripping up carpet and shredding sofas.


I want to love my ecotank Epson. The software is butt ugly, but works. The printer itself isn’t the nicest looking, but works.

But man, the print quality. No matter how many times I run a cleaning cycle, it’s still a smeary mess within two pages and the deep clean doesn’t work. Neither the instructions in the manual nor found online work.


Problem is you need more than the “vast majority” to be nice before you feel safe.


Unfortunately I find it hard to disagree with you. There’s no ordained purpose to us here and we are certainly legion enough to topple the ecosystem we depend on. It’s wholly depressing and utterly insane that we don’t act with the urgency the situation requires. Country-borders don’t help.


You absolutely don’t. It massively increases your chances, though, statistically.


Story of my life, right there.

Who's winning the war in Ukraine?

The media won’t give me great answers to this question and I think this I trust this community more, thus I want to know from you. Also, I have heard reports that Russia was winning the war, if that’s true, did the west miscalculate the situation by allowing diplomacy to take a backseat and allowing Ukraine to a large...


I’ve been following along daily, have an army background so take from that what you will.

I think Russia is winning the war, strategically. They are losing a small amount of ground, but there’s no breakthrough and every day that goes by in the current state is a day closer to a fragile peace deal that secures Russia’s winnings. I think anything beyond Krim is just buffer zone. This is fundamentally about securing access to ocean - Russia is extremely constricted in getting its navy to sea.

With a frozen war Ukraine won’t be admitted to NATO - in that way, I think Russia is content to have a frozen conflict, because it creates a weak buffer state between Russia and NATO.

So in terms of securing its desired outcomes, Russia is winning.


Some ISPs just hand out an IP with a DHCP server directly on the line, so it might be even simpler.

Setting up your own PPPoE client is extremely easy, so either way you most definitely can do what OP wishes for.


If your ISP uses an Ethernet cable into your premises, then you most likely can do exactly that. Either you’ll get an IP from the ISP’s DHCP server or you’ll have to configure a PPPoE client with some login details before the ISP issues you an IP and connectivity.

To do that to every device on the globe you’ll need a much larger address space to IPv6 is your only choice.

That said, be mindful of the security that a router provides. Connecting your PC this way means you desperately need to keep it up to date and running restricted firewall.

Some ISPs run a coaxial cable into your house, though. Most of these use (Euro)DOCSIS and finding an interface card for a regular PC seems impossible.

All in all, it’s possible but it depends on the cabling standards and the protocols spoken. Don’t forget, at the end of the day, your modem is just a computer running Linux, most likely.

Check out OPNsense or OpenWRT if you’re interested in using a regular computer for routing. Alternatively just use Linux but it’s a lot more work.


No, but like E5, then E10 then E30, fuels can be mixed. Scandinavian offers (for a premium) to use 50% SAF for your journey if you’re willing to pay the premium. Of course they achieve that by committing to buy and mix in a proportion of SAF into some, if not all compatible, flights, rather than fuelling your plane specifically, but it’s still something.

The additionally cost hasn’t been that much, about 25%. That’s probably reasonable in term of how many plane journeys either shouldn’t be taken or moved to rail.


A sort of real time game that starts in third person, as a single character, and expands over time to a whole village. Set in a post apocalyptic world, where you wake up after the apocalypse and have to survive, eventually meeting other survivors and either fight them off or band together to form societies. Each person modelled like an rpg character, with skills sets and capabilities (electrician, plumber, computer geek, radio amateur, farmer and all the other things that make a self-sufficient village). It would need to model the dynamics of politics and how society was governed and the run-ins with other villages and roving bands of survivors.

A sort of mini civilisation but themed around rebuilding capability rather than discovering it.


Yeah, I guess. Never seen the show, but aware of it.


Wow. Never heard of this. Will definitely give this a go. Thank you.

What item have you been using on a daily basis for the longest amount of time?

Sometimes I will use something and realize I’ve owned it forever. It’s a nice change in our throwaway reality. I think my personal record is a bicycle multi-tool I got for one of my first bikes, ~25 years ago. Still have it, still use it. When it comes to electronic devices I have a Panasonic mini Hi-Fi from ~2005. Never...


Bought some walking boots in 1991 that I only got rid off last year (they finally broke). Except Antarctica they’ve been on every continent. Felt quite sad saying goodbye.


Sir, this is a technology community!


You do realise solar and wind gets pricier and pricier to integrate as the level of steerable capacity decreases?

What you are looking at here is “cost to install ‘rated capacity * load factor’”. A big part of the reason renewables are still cheaper is that we have a lot of backup steerable capacity, mainly in the form of gas plants in the west and coal plants everywhere else.

Renewables dump electricity onto the grid and then say “here, buy this!”. And the only reason the grid can respond and say “sure” is that it can tell the steerable gas and coal plants “turn off for a bit, these other plants are dumping a crap tonne of capacity onto the grid”.

Given the insane challenge in building enough storage and/or enough transmission capacity, you are going to need some steerable capacity beyond 70-80% renewable to continue to have cheap integration of intermittent renewables. Do you want that to be based on fossil fuel?

If we wanted to treat renewable capacity in the same way as we have treated other generators, we should say “I want steerable capacity between 0-1200 MW” from this field of wind turbines!”. That would force the currently externalised cost of guaranteeing generation onto the builders of renewables.

Right now, a lot of the real cost is hidden elsewhere in the grid - so it’s no wonder it looks so cheap.

Please don’t misread my comment as being against renewables, which we need a lot more of. I’m against crappy accounting.


That is honestly an urban myth that nuclear isn’t steerable. It’s not steerable in the second, but it is extremely steerable in the hour or the day, which is more than plenty given that renewables output change by the hour or day, rather than the second.

Yes it’s not frequency management - for that we have pumped storage and batteries. But it sure as shit is steerable enough for matching up with renewables. The wind doesn’t goes from Beaufort 6 to Beaufort 1 within a second.


Hey, likewise, thanks for a sensible debate.

I definitely think 0 nuclear is possible, just a lot expensive than “mostly renewable with some nuclear.”

I’ve commented extensively on this before here on Lemmy, let me copy pasta here:

Here’s a couple of good papers and articles on the topic:

A systematic review of the costs and impacts of integrating variable renewables into power grids - a large meta-study from Nature Energy showing that the externalised additional cost of integrating 1 MW of renewable production hits £40/MWh between 75% to 85% renewable penetration. Beyond that no studies have been done, but already at this level, renewable would be more expensive than nuclear (at auctioned build-prices today).

Real-World Challenges with a Rapid Transition to 100% Renewable Power Systems - finds that even if you set the Value of Lost Load to £40,000/MWh in a 100% renewable grid, you’ll still get power outages after 2030. It’s not equivalent to externalised cost of renewable integration, but is a heavy indicator that without forcing massive fines on renewable providers, the reserve capacity won’t be provided (it’ll be cheaper for them to just pay the fine). The study finds that a fine of £4 million (!) per required-but-not-fulfilled MWh is needed to encourage providers build the reserve capacity (through distribution, storage etc.).

How much can nuclear power reduce climate mitigation cost? - shows that nuclear will lower the cost of getting to zero carbon electricity product by 40%+, compared to refusing to use nuclear energy production.

Burden of proof: A comprehensive review of the feasibility of 100% renewable-electricity systems - shows some of the challenges of the assumptions that people make in thinking renewables will get us all the way there.

Projected Costs of Generating Electricity - shows that, all costs considered, nuclear remains an extremely cheap way to create energy, even up against renewables.

Local Complementarity of Wind and Solar Energy Resources over Europe: An Assessment Study from a Meteorological Perspective - shows that at least in Europe, wind and sun don’t anti-correlate (in other words, we’re not going to get energy from the sun on non-windy days and energy from the wind on cloudy days. Also shows there are many periods (days long) in Europe where we have don’t get neither sun nor wind. So storage will have to last us days across Europe.

Many of these articles refer to many other articles you may find interesting.

Overall, my point is that it does us (collective “us”, not just “you and me”) no good to argue that “it’ll be alright if we just commit to renewables”. One has to argue against these peer reviewed studies, done by experts in the field, many collecting and meta-reviewing many other studies, to argue that “renewables will be enough”.

And these are not “cooky studies” in “cooky journals”. Nature, Cell, Joule are some of the most respected journals, with the highest impact ratings and the authors & their reviewers have studied these topics for years.

I’m all for more renewables! But it won’t be enough!

Messed up things a doctor did to you or someone you know? / Bad experiences with doctors

Today I spoke to a coworker who had bad experiences with doctors and was seeking recommendations for a new one, then other coworkers chimed in, and so I decided to ask you guys as well. Well, not for a doctor recommendation, but about your bad experienced with doctors?...


Have always been treated fairly well by doctors, but since marrying and getting to know my wife so well that very, very little remains private, it’s very clear to me that doctors (male and female alike) take a special interest in diminishing female problems relating to periods, menopause, child birth, breast feeding, hormones etc.

Question to those not in the USA, and who have lived outside the USA.

I’ve been thinking about something and want to check an assumption I have. I only hear directly from other people in the USA, and interract with the global community through memes. How are the gun regulations/laws different from yours in terms of strictness, and do you wish there was more or less where you live?...


That’s not true. You can own a gun for target shooting too, but just like in the U.K. you have to be a registered member of a club and while you can hold the gun at home, then only under strict controls and a gun can only leave that locker when it’s going to or from the club, or to and from a store for repair or sale.

The guy who went on a mass shooting in Fields (a big shopping mall) used a target shooting rifle from being a member of a shooting club.


Yes except it’s all open source and if you’re unhappy you can fork. Good luck forking iOS.

Google and major mobile carriers want Europe to regulate Apple's iMessage platform (

The long fight to make Apple’s iMessage compatible with all devices has raged with little to show for it. But Google (de facto leader of the charge) and other mobile operators are now leveraging the European Union’s Digital Market Act (DMA), according to the Financial Times. The law, which goes into effect in 2024, requires...


It’s WhatsApp through and through.


YouTube is honestly the best place for tutorials. I went from being a complete Linux noob to running more Linux in the house than I can count, just by watching video on YouTube.


Klovn, the tv show (but also the three movies they made), is a Danish Curb Your Enthusiasm style show, often much more out there and including a lot of references to bodily humour.

It might take a little while to get into but it is riotously funny at times.

I think it was on Hulu for a bit, for all you Americans.


The data centres are trying to get rid of the heat!

Are you proposing converting the heat to electricity? That would require a huge amount of heat pumps (to concentrate the heat) and a turbine hall (the smaller, the less efficient). You’d be talking about 20% efficiency at most, probably more like 10% for the total system efficient.

Compare that to a good district heating system which is typically 90% efficient.


Yet in some places there’s an excess of wind production at times and it’s economically viable to throw it into hydrogen and ammonia production. Do you think Maersk is designing ammonia powered ships for nothing?…/maersk-backs-plan-to-build-europe-la…


Changing the day actual Firefox arrives on iOS but I’ve really tried to daily drive the Firefox skin on iOS and it’s just too painful and hobbled. The history and bookmark sync was awesome, but damn it just ain’t Firefox.


I completely agree the price is far too high.

I actually do subscribe but only because I get a deal through my mobile network that, long story short, cuts the price by two thirds.

I can’t understand their pricing policy at all. And they’re doing a terrible job at explaining their cost basis if it’s actually what it costs to serve video to us (highly doubt it).


How are we this far through the thread without talking about Batman & Robin?

sunbeam60, (edited )

I’d be super happy with no upper limit on age.

What I definitely have is an attitude limit; I loathe it when sullen teenagers knock the door, mutter “trckotrt”, no dress up except someone has drawn a tear on their face and then grabs five portions of candy and just dashes out.

Like, you can be fucking 40 for all I care, but you squeal “triiick of treaaaat”, then I say “wow, aren’t your costumes great” and offer the bowl up. You then grab one large or a couple of small things, say thank you and walk off excitedly.

The requirement for me is that you look like you’re enjoying it. Otherwise, why am I opening the door to strangers and offering them sweets?

sunbeam60, (edited )

No. It’s a platform, which can load custom HTML-ish apps, like WeChat (very successful in being a platform) or Telegram (not very successful yet at being a platform).

All Spacebaby is saying is “I have an audience, let’s address it with everything and charge an access fee for companies accessing it”. I very much doubt he sees Twitter creating all these things, just providing a platform that allows others to do so while seeking rent.

He’s imagining the sort of closed off internet like what you see in China. I’m sure the ultimate purpose is that he can censor anyone calling him a Spacebaby. What a Spacebaby!


I loathe the guy but I really think you’re doing him a disservice. It is HARD to scale businesses while maintaining an environment of iteration and preventing things getting moribund. And while I’d never work for him on work-life balance grounds, you can at least not fault him for living the kind of environment he wanted to create, with absolute dedication to the task.

And honestly, how many CEOs do you know who can walk the grounds of his business and tell you exactly what each component does and why? While it may not be his idea, that’s still a lot of knowledge to hold in your head.




Ugh. This is why I’ve stopped clicking on everything.


Not a millennial but broadly agree with you.

It’s also just so … base … like, ok, your characters bonk, we get it, just fade to black. When did a sex scene add anything to a story other than titillation? It’s the equivalent of serving me up another algorithmically targeted TikTok video. I feel like they’re just taking advantage of me.

So, in short, I’d be happy if they leave that shit at the door. If I was searching for porn, I’d know where to look.

sunbeam60, (edited )

18 year reddit veteran.

I haven’t contributed or actively browsed Reddit since moving to Lemmy. Three visits from a google search for a specific problem.

I don’t get FOMO - too long in the tooth for that, but I do miss the center ground politically on Lemmy, which despite my best attempt of locating I haven’t found here. I sometimes feel like I’m the only one to frown at both nazis and tankies here.


What do you base that strong opinion on?


Been using OpenWRT for a long time on a cheap consumer router. Finally decided to upgrade to a fanless N100 appliance. Had to choose between OPNsense or pfSense.

pfSense just seemed too good to be true.


Oh yeah. I do remember that. Ok. They’re assholes agree.


Wait are you proposing to run solar via artificially created sunlight in the night?

Wouldn’t it just be simpler to siphon off some energy from your perpetual motion machine?

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