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Just this month I was there and the pizza is a different concept there to be sure.

Street pizzas of thinly sliced zucchini or potato covering bread rounds with olive oil. That’s pizza in Rome.

Focaccia bread like crust with some anchovies and potatoe? Pizza.

Neapolitan style is just a different style again, but the theme is dough is not the delivery agent, it is the primary purpose. The dough is the important bit, with toppings being intended to enhance subtle flavors for it.

Italian pizza is most similar in American expectations of food typically found there, to flatbread dishes. It’s flatbread with some stuff on top to accent it. There is no cheese on most of the pizza I had in the various parts of Italy I was in. Cheese was not an expected component. Healthy or at least flavorful variations on additions to the dough are the goal.

Whether you are in Sardinia, Calabria, or Rome; pizza is pizza dough with local additives.

I have seen French fries on top of pizza in Sardinia, and this was called there “American pizza” :)

sudoshakes, (edited )

Two questions for you!

1.) What is the most useful thing we in the Lemmy community can do to help you get that Oscar?

2.) I have a secret Santa this year coming up in a month that I am a part of with some friends. Would you be interested in leaving a comment for a friend of mine in response to this that I can show them a month from now for the secret santa?

“Hey Rome, this is Margot Robbie wishing you a merry Christmas and happy new year?”, or something like that?

Thanks for being cool either way and good luck getting nominated this year!


Database engineering does have some overlap with your dating life :)


You can charge any of them off a standard socket, so no, just no faster rate charging at the house.

Having a dedicated circuit installed with materials for the wire, breaker fuse, and conduit was $600 including electrician labor.

There is a universal charging standard. The ONLY company that doesn’t follow it is Tesla, but they too can use the universal chargers which also have multiple plug heads to use at source or you can carry one in your vehicle.

As for the lack of charging stations, you obviously don’t own an EV. The sheer mass of stations makes it possible to drive from 29 palms to Manhattan without worry. The cars will auto-add and find them for you on your route, and tell you which you need to hit with what charge time. You can even filter on types and cheatgrass rates for them to calculate your trip. This of all the things you stated is a tribal non issue that only gets even less with time.

There is a huge problem with charging but electrical connections and smart circuit load balanced charging at various times on the grid is easily doable in the time ranges of adoption we are seeking. There is a current chicken and the egg problem where government doesn’t invest in massive infrastructure because private companies haven’t crossed the tipping point on making it their primary focus… who haven’t done so because their customers lack the charging infrastructure and so around around it goes.

Having governmental targets like California’s are ways to break that cycle and force investment that makes public infrastructure changes viable to due to economies of scale.

It is a problem now. It doesn’t have to be.


It sounds better the faster you are


Opiates are not medically indicated for migraines.

Triptans are.

So are injections of Ajovy.

This person is not talking about taking opiates. They are talking about medications that suck to take, but reduce the electrical storm of a migraine in the brain.


They were mocking you.

They have a PHD in the subject at hand and you can’t google for the definition distinguishing the two by physicians in chronic pain care.

You played yourself.


I see you need no help finding new lows to fall to.

Enjoy sir.


Why is that wall needed? Can you expand on this more?


You pay before taxes on traditional contributions so the net income hit is less.

Say your effective tax rate is 30%, then you are eating in gross pay only 18,900 off income to fund 27000 in 401K savings.

The whole point of tax deferred accounts really.

Roth contributions don’t work this way, but most do not max out funds using Roth given the tax difference in retirement vs working.


I am at 160 with income tax from the state adding 5% on top of federal taxes in NC.

It is about where I am at all things said and done if I didn’t practice tax mitigation and tax deferred account max outs.


I have maxed out retirement since my first year of working out of college.

It hurt for a while to do, but it was worth it.

Software engineering background.

Max 401K and IRA. Roth back door a portion of the total due to future taxation and Roth benefits in early withdrawals.

I expect to be disabled before I hit retirement age due to a genetic disease, so I am pressed to shove as much as I can into savings in order to survive the medical costs and early loss of income.


Ultimate retirement calculator.

Run the numbers.

Use conservative estimates for tax rates, spending, and inflation.

Take the end result and put it into fire calc.

If you survive 95%+ of simulations, you are solid. If not, save more yesterday.

Can’t save them all, but you can try to save yourself.


Picture of what could be his sister. Her name is Bea. Cool with us. Not a fan of anything with fur.

sudoshakes, (edited )

His point, which seems pedantic, but isn’t, is to illustrate the specific attack vector.

Breaking encryption would mean that the cryptographic process is something that an attacker can directly exploit. This is as close to impossible as it gets in that line of work.

While you can compromise the effectiveness of encryption by subverting it using other attack vectors like man in the middle or phishing or the good old fashioned physical device access, these don’t break the algorithm used in a way that it makes it vulnerable to decrypting other data.

None of those mean an algorithm used like say the ole Two fish encryption is “broken”.

Blowfish Triple DES Twofish RC4 Etc. All are fine and not currently broken. All however cannot protect your data if some other attack vector companies you or your site’s security.


They just rolled out millions in new fiber lines in my area. I had them for internet since 2018, moved out of their area, and now I am in their area getting their service again.

You are incorrect about that stagnation. Google has breathed new life into fiber offerings.


Yes. The free cloud storage doesn’t hurt either


Back when I had it, it was a free 2 TB of google cloud storage with the fiber account.


The US fucked up hard on its killing of civilians, but MODT of the time it was at least a result of supporting direct ground combat where friendly forces were engaged. At least that was true from weeks after the initial invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Israel is tossing bombs at targets, using the most advanced aircraft in the world… and their ground forces are not within 10 miles of the site.

That’s what makes this inexcusable. They had time. They didn’t have ground forces under threat. Every vehicle isn’t an IED waiting to happen yet. They have the time to check for authorization before letting a JDAM off the rails.

The right to defend has to come with purse string implications if they use it as right to kill without mercy. They do this, we cut funding. They do it more, in clearly not accidental strikes, we impose sanctions. The purse will hurt enough due to their reliance on western arms, that they change lest they not be able to drop bombs at all.

It’s one thing to have a legit terror target and mistake the building or some freak accident. It’s another to drop a bomb on a refugee camp and then simply shrug.


What is your point exactly?

That somehow because it lacks tents this makes it any different?

Point A.) They acknowledged it was a known refugee camp. A known collection of civilians gathering after being displaced. They knew these people were there.

Point B.) Knowing point A, they dropped a JDAM on it.

What the actual fuck does it matter if they had tents or not?


I’m no shill on either side.

They did know there were people here that were migrants from the displacing area. It is north, but millions do not just all move in unison away from a war zone that is obviously not contained to just one area.

The bombing map of strikes since the start of this campaign goes from the northern border to the southern one with Egypt. Having bombs fall a place is not significant to migrating people. They fall the breadth of Gaza.

These people were there, they knew they were there, and they dropped a bomb anyway. Call it anything if you don’t like refugees, though that is the apt term when they are fleeing their homes without a place long term to go. It is a collection of people that was known to NOT be fighters, and they were bombed anyway.

I have fought an insurgency. I have been shot at and lost friends and pulled brain matter out of my hair belonging to a lieutenant. I have picked up my friends in charred pieces following IEDs and suicide bombs.

I know more than most the difficulty of spending all day making infrastructure, giving cooking oil, clean water, and food to the people… only to have them turn around at night and attempt to kill us with bombs and rockets.

There is no justifying this action. I do not condemn all of Israel’s actions. We have to hold them to a standard of not INTENTIONALLY lobbing JDAMs at a mass of civilians with no threat to ground troops, and all the time in the world to wait on a strike at that target.

This standard must be held so that we avoid funding war criminals, and also so that the rest of what is left of their rough tips cause can be maintained. They cannot win on that PR front if they fail to be just in their cause. The most righteous of causes is ruined by committing the same crimes against civilians they say motivate their actions.

sudoshakes, (edited )

All prisoners in the US, regardless of infraction, have DNA samples taken in many states.

That is not voluntary.

It was ruled constitutional by SCOTUS.

If you had that done, and you have family dumb enough to use 23andme, then you just got screwed, involuntarily, twice.


30% of the work force is in transportation related jobs.

The Great Depression saw only 22% of unemployment at its peak.

Your well meaning wish would destroy millions of lives while tanking the developed world economies.


Society is not able to understand chronic illness. Full stop.

The bias is you interact with people able to do normal society actions, because all the people who can’t are not interacting that way.

You grow up as a kid thinking,”this is how things will be for me and everyone I know. This is normal.” Then you experience chronic illness and realize you NEVER get “better” (read back to 100% fine). I am guilty of this. Then I didn’t get better.

We hide so much in how people suffer. We hide how illness impairs the lives of many in the US especially. We work to get basic medical care. So many are forced to show up broken to work, and hide it to retain care. Once we can no longer show up to the job as it demands, we get fired or are forced to resign, or in the most ideal of circumstances, we are forced to take long term medical disability.

I work every day not to avoid that end, but to forestall it for a little while longer. I buy time in the currency of my stress and well being. Once I am not “in society” any longer, my disability will be hidden and whoever takes my place gets seen.

The world doesn’t understand chronic illness because it’s hidden unless it happens in your household or to you.


She knew she had the condition and avoided high caffeine drinks.

She did not know about the caffeine content, 390mg in the large lemonade, due to poor labeling by Panera. This one drink is 10mg less than the maximum daily dose for HEALTHY person according to the FDA.

Given the lack of consuming any other caffeine products regularly due to her knowing about their impact on her heart, it is not a leap to say the lemonade was the culprit.

Further, the lawsuit alleges harm, even if not the sole cause of death, from their product due to not making it clear to the buyer that contents has so much caffeine.

According to, one liquid ounce of espresso can have anywhere between 30 and 50mg of caffeine. That means that a double shot will likely have anywhere between 60 and 100mg.

She bought a lemonade, without caffeine labeling, that contained 8 shots of espresso in caffeine. Cause of death or not, the legal culpability and reasonable expectation that this would not be in its contents is clear as day.

This will never go to trial.


This is the point.

The location.

In question.

Did not.

Properly label.

The contents.

This will be a shock to some of you, but the practices of a multimillion dollar franchise across many states can in fact have deviation at one location. People’s experience at locations since the event, at locations other than where it occurred, is not a sum guarantee of what happened at the time of this incident and location.



A dark coffee has up to ~40 mg of caffeine.

This was nearly 400.

I would say being off by 10X is pretty fucking misleading.


A large language model took a 3 second snippet of a voice and extrapolated from that the whole spoken English lexicon from that voice in a way that was indistinguishable from the real person to banking voice verification algorithms.

We are so far beyond what you think of when we say the word AI, because we replaced the underlying thing that it is without most people realizing it. The speed of large language models progress at current is mind boggling.

These models when shown FMRI data for a patient, can figure out what image the patient is looking at, and then render it. Patient looks at a picture of a giraffe in a jungle, and the model renders it having never before seen a giraffe… from brain scan data, in real time.

Not good enough? The same FMRI data was examined in real time by a large language model while a patient was watching a short movie and asked to think about what they saw in words. The sentence the person thought, was rendered as English sentences by the model, in real time, looking at fMRI data.

That’s a step from reading dreams and that too will happen inside 20 months.

We, are very much there.


Seeing Beyond the Brain: Conditional Diffusion Model with Sparse Masked Modeling for Vision Decoding:…

High-resolution image reconstruction with latent diffusion models from human brain activity:…/2022.11.18.517004v3

Semantic reconstruction of continuous language from non-invasive brain recordings:…/2022.09.29.509744v1


Seeing Beyond the Brain: Conditional Diffusion Model with Sparse Masked Modeling for Vision Decoding:…

High-resolution image reconstruction with latent diffusion models from human brain activity:…/2022.11.18.517004v3

Semantic reconstruction of continuous language from non-invasive brain recordings:…/2022.09.29.509744v1


I like how I said, the problem is progress is moving so far you don’t even realize what you don’t know about the subject as a layman… and then this comment appears saying things are not possible.


How timely.

I the speed at which things are changing and redefining what is possible in this space is moving faster than any other are of research. It’s insane to the point that if you are not actively reading white papers every day, you miss major advances.

The layman had this idea of what “AI” means, but we have truly no good way to make the word align to its meaning and capabilities with how fast we change what it means underneath.


The model inferred meaning much the same way it infers meaning from text. Short phrases can generate intricate images accurate to author intent using stable diffusion.

The models themselves in those studies leveraged stable diffusion as the mechanism of image generation, but instead of text prompts, they use fMRI data training.


If there are only four directions

How China became the king of new nuclear power, and how the U.S. is trying to stage a comeback (

China has 21 nuclear reactors under construction which will have a capacity for generating more than 21 gigawatts of electricity, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency. That is two and a half times more nuclear reactors under construction than any other country....


Not sure what this has to do with the price of tea there

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