@subignition@kbin.social avatar


@[email protected]

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@subignition@kbin.social avatar

I appreciate your optimism.
You can lead a horse to text, but you can't make him read

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

what even is an "extraction shooter"

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

[...] the question is ambiguous. There is no right or wrong if there are different conflicting rules. The only ones who claim that there is one rule are the ones which are wrong!


As youngsters, math students are drilled in a particular
convention for the "order of operations," which dictates the order thus:
parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division (to be treated
on equal footing, with ties broken by working from left to right), and
addition and subtraction (likewise of equal priority, with ties similarly
broken). Strict adherence to this elementary PEMDAS convention, I argued,
leads to only one answer: 16.

Nonetheless, many readers (including my editor), equally adherent to what
they regarded as the standard order of operations, strenuously insisted
the right answer was 1. What was going on? After reading through the
many comments on the article, I realized most of these respondents were
using a different (and more sophisticated) convention than the elementary
PEMDAS convention I had described in the article.

In this more sophisticated convention, which is often used in
algebra, implicit multiplication is given higher priority than explicit
multiplication or explicit division, in which those operations are written
explicitly with symbols like x * / or ÷. Under this more sophisticated
convention, the implicit multiplication in 2(2 + 2) is given higher
priority than the explicit division in 8÷2(2 + 2). In other words,
2(2+2) should be evaluated first. Doing so yields 8÷2(2 + 2) = 8÷8 = 1.
By the same rule, many commenters argued that the expression 8 ÷ 2(4)
was not synonymous with 8÷2x4, because the parentheses demanded immediate
resolution, thus giving 8÷8 = 1 again.

This convention is very reasonable, and I agree that the answer is 1
if we adhere to it. But it is not universally adopted.

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

I don't doubt that he was an accident

Varjo XR-4 Headset "Indistinguishable From Natural Sight" (www.uploadvr.com)

This seems to be Varjo’s response to the Apple Vision Pro. Its significantly cheaper than the last headset, the Varjo XR-3, going from $5,495 to $3990 and also removing the $1000 yearly subscription. Here’s a reminder that Apple initially developed much of their software for the Apple Vision Pro using Varjo’s XR-3’s and...

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

It would be so cool to have time and money to mess around with this bleeding edge stuff.

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

Good rambling, would read again, 8/10

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

I thought I was old, but I've only even heard of the 3dfx 😳

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

There was a 1999 PC game called Drakan: Order of the Flame which was a pretty good time. Third-person action-adventure sword and sorcery that had some fun hidden secrets, a variety of weapons with different strengths, dragon riding... To expand on that, and probably make the protagonist a bit more realistically dressed, would be enjoyable

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

Pretty sure rubbing alcohol isn't dangerous to the data layer, I think it just damaged the printed label

can I be a Free Software advocate but still use non-free software??

I’m asking this because one time, while browsing the GNU website, I noticed that some of the members’ emails had “gmail” on them!! And I asked myself how would that be possible?? And I think other members of the FSF had Gmail too. Why? Richard Stallman is against Gmail, so why would those memberse use it?? Would that...

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

this is so obviously a troll account that it's painful to see no one else questioning it

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

As an outsider to that exchange, you DID reply quite nicely, at least until abruptly being quite rude in your very last sentence. :/

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

The contempt and elitism coming off this post is so thick it could be cut with a knife. I sincerely hope this is just you in a bad mood and not routinely how you respond to people asking innocent questions.


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  • subignition,
    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    I have already seen this horrible headline posted (and deleted) from THIS community earlier today.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar


    The abbreviation cf. (short for either Latin confer or conferatur, both meaning 'compare')[1] is used in writing to refer the reader to other material to make a comparison with the topic being discussed. Style guides recommend that "cf." be used only to suggest a comparison, and the words "see" or "vide" be used generally to point to a source of information.[2][3]

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    No, I think min() returns the lower of two arguments. If you had 4 cores, min(4, 8) == 4, and if you had 20 cores, min(20, 8) == 8

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    As of now most of the top comments here are also in agreement with that take.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Sorry that I don't have an answer to your direct question, but

    It doesn't necessarily need to be at a large scale, because of federation. The technical knowledge needed to admin an instance is a barrier to entry now, but probably can be improved. We could eventually see an ecosystem where your WoW guild (or your college buds, or your found family, or your fantasy football league, or equivalent smaller community) hosts an instance for its members. You can still participate in federated discussions, and the subscriptions of the instance could stay comparatively filtered to what's most important to the users of the instance.

    You'll always have bigger generalist instances, but the flexibility you can have with really small and topical ones shouldn't be forgotten about imo, especially as the platforms/technologies mature.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Ah yes, toxic individualism

    subignition, (edited )
    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Ah yes, blaming other end users for "poor choices" instead of Evil Company obviously and openly doing evil things

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    So is it willful ignorance on your part then? Or have you some explanation for not paying attention to the myriad avenues of data collection and exploitation for the last fifteen years?

    To use a very old example which pales in comparison to things which are possible now, here's a story from 2012 wherein Target's marketing efforts outed a pregnant teenager to her family with targeted coupons. Luckily her family was supportive in this case, however it's not hard to imagine real harm being done if the circumstances were different.

    “[...] we found out that as long as a pregnant woman thinks she hasn’t been spied on, she’ll use the coupons. She just assumes that everyone else on her block got the same mailer for diapers and cribs. As long as we don’t spook her, it works.”

    So to bring this to a slightly more relevant topic for 2023: are you really okay with mass surveillance being used to uncover and prosecute women who have been forced to travel out of states with abortion bans to seek lifesaving medical care? Just because you don't have to worry about it personally?

    This is just one of many, many examples of the abuse of data collection in the modern day. Before you try and discard this post as an alleged strawman (or some shit) I encourage you to actually open your eyes and look, because these entities are not nameless, many of them are household names. Your "spooky bedtime stories" argument is an absolute farce and I honestly would prefer you to be trolling than genuinely this ignorant.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Thanks for removing all doubt that you are just here to troll. I wish you luck finding a more productive way to spend your time IRL.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Eh. Gotta let them dig the hole long enough to eliminate all doubt, plus pushing back on their nonsense is potentially valuable to third party readers later. Thanks for looking out, though.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Pardon me for sounding like an armchair psychologist here, but it seems to me like you have fallen down some weird rabbit hole where you are excusing your creepy behavior patterns with this concept of privacy. I suggest you take an honest look at how you behaved in this interaction, because "privacy loving" is neither a cause or justification for what you described doing in the OP.

    Instagram and Snapchat play a vital role in the dating, no one is willing to share their # anymore. If you say you don’t have Insta or Snap all you’ll get is a weird up to down stare and the words “I’m sorry”.

    If you really believe that, then tough shit: you can't have your cake and eat it too. You chose to stay off insta and snap, so you have to accept the consequences of that choice. Your decision to try to spin up a burner account and hastily attempt to make it look legitimate was stalker-tier behavior. Not to mention that painting a whole class of people with such a broad brush as "no one is willing to share their number anymore" is dangerously close to incel bullshit all on its own. It is far more likely that no one is willing to share their number with you because you are pushing to get too familiar too quickly and they are rightly picking up on the major red flags.

    The appropriate response would have been to be honest about not using it (and in general being honest is ALWAYS THE RIGHT MOVE when you're meeting people, so long as sharing wouldn't put your safety at undue risk), and to accept the odds of the weird stare you expect to get.

    Because everyone is a unique person, and you don't actually know when you're going to run into someone with similar views as you about privacy, if that is really your true concern. But it seems like your desperation overrode whatever principles you purport to have in that moment. Changing who you are to try and get in someone's good books is fundamentally manipulative and is a serious problem. You are never going to be capable of a healthy relationship until you nip that in the bud.

    It sounds like you are young, so the good news is that most people have been a fucking idiot in this regard at one point or another, and it's easily fixed! Accept that you fucked this up and take an honest look at how you approach interaction with others, and you will already be farther along the path to normal social relations than you think.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Here's hoping the person(s) responsible for these crimes are swiftly brought to justice.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    A really powerful statement, and I completely understand their decision.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Corporate death penalty 2024

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar


    Guess we're gonna hit the singularity soon or die trying

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    It's a bit over my head but the gist I'm getting is that you can do more interesting things when you can go from simply predicting the heat dissipation of a component, to controlling that heat dissipation.

    While there have been efforts in tuning thermal conductivity, their performances have suffered due to reliance on moving parts, ionic motions, or liquid solution components. This has resulted in slow switching speeds for heat movement on the order of minutes or far slower, creating issues in performance reliability as well as incompatibility with semiconductor manufacturing.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Your point is valid. You may want to use "raises the question" going forward though — begging the question has a slightly different meaning and usage.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Left guy has Ty Burrell as Phil Dunphy energy

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    The interoperability of Fediverse platforms is so cool!!! Don't even have to leave the site you're on to contact someone in a completely different style of site. I love to see it.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar


    Pretty sure they were taking the piss

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    This appears to be a brand account. Not-so-subtle advertising if I'm not mistaken.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Sorry, on further inspection it looks like you might just be a small business/individual selling custom clothing items. At first glance, it looked like your account was a front for some big brand.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    As another commenter said, that's because it's not the official site!

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Is your name Olly? Because you just disassembled that person.

    subignition, to kbinMeta
    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Is it possible to submit a thread to a magazine hosted on a different instance? I wanted to post to a lemmy.world community but I can't get it to show up in the magazine selector on the add thread page. Is there syntax I am missing here or is it just not possible?

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    @palordrolap Oh hey, thanks for the detailed response! I actually did some exploration and learning since I made the OP, so I can bring some info to this discussion as well in case the post floats by more people!

    TL;DR: To create a new post anywhere in the Fediverse, you have to have an account on the host where you want to create it.

    Thankfully, this isn't the case. I think Kbin has (or had? haven't tried lately) some UI issues that prevented you from being able to properly find federated communities to submit a post to them. I made an alt account on fedia.io (linked in my profile) and I have been able to post threads on communities in other instances from there.

    As far as I know, you are correct about the potential for one-way defederation causing visibility issues in the way you describe. Last I checked that was not really an intended use case for the functionality, i.e. it should normally be a mutual process, but I think that may be an area where the platforms are still experiencing growing pains.

    What would be nice is if it was possible to log in to one Federation site with credentials for another, or have some non-specific login details that are shared across multiple, but I suspect that's a logistical nightmare waiting to happen.

    Agreed, both that it would be nice and that it will probably never happen. :P I don't claim to know any more technical details than those broad strokes.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Maybe we can use this information to find Raxxla.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    You can play Hardspace: Shipbreaker if you want to get practicing early

    What got you into coding ? (aside from money)

    To give some context, I’m a developer myself and once I had a conversation with someone who has not “tasted” programming, but was wondering about passion and career. I was asked what I like about programming. My answer was that my interest in it came from writing small scripts when I was young to automate things....

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    That got a chuckle. Genuinely curious, how'd that work out for you?

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Honestly, depending on the particulars of how that type of thing fits into the bigger picture, that could unironically be good?

    Physical protests are the most visible form of protest currently, but any way for immunocompromised people and others for whom it's not safe to be out in the crowd to still contribute is probably a good thing.

    And I'm sure the internet is clever enough to come up with a way to amplify those voices effectively eventually.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Think of it like your flu shot you already get every year

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    Depending on how many variables/contexts there are in the lines, that could still be a combinatorial nightmare to record.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    OS-as-a-service needs to be made illegal, ffs

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    I kind of get it, but I feel like even in a b2b context you shouldn't be allowed to charge a subscription for something as low level as the OS.

    Now if Microsoft wants to offer paid support subscriptions for business customers (they might already do, I didn't look) that I would be fine with.

    Of course, businesses would just pivot in the other direction and speed up the release cycle to every year or two, making smaller and smaller improvements. No system will be perfect. I just hope we get to a better solution than "constant vigilance" eventually, whatever it looks like.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    I think we more or less agree. The comparison to coffee is valid per volume, but that's not a mental math step you are likely to take if you're not thinking about it very hard.

    @subignition@kbin.social avatar

    I respect your grit, lol. I have 200mg caffeine pills but they don't play too nicely with my stomach, so I keep them as a backup. I usually mix soda water with Costco brand energy shots for a comparable amount of caffeine which doesn't cause issues for me for whatever reason.

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