@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

Just trying to do some cool shit with people and have fun and respectful. Feel free to give me shit if I’m being unduly rude or disrespectful and point to this bio.

AI generated photo: sepia scheme insectoid monster

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@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

We use it to fuel our power grids too! At a certain point everything just becomes biomass 😅

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Wait till you hear what we do with horseshoe crabs

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Humans: create tool to help them do things better than they used to like their grandparents and theirs before them.

Also humans: how could we do this?!?!?

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

What a mature attempt at conversation 🙄

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Agreed, all are possible to iron out as the tech progresses. I can’t imagine Edison or Tesla were successful in every aspect of their inventions either.

The ability to automate effective learning and training for diverse tasks is arguably the crux of human progression. We’re making more and more “meta” things and I think it’s really promising for our future as a species.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

10cm is a bit long, blocking still might improve the overall appearance. What about adding a border to it?

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

No problem! You could also try maybe sewing a material onto the back to kinda force the shape a bit more too!

Good luck have fun!

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Well done, appreciate the sharing of knowledge. Kinda wish you would’ve dove into Stabble Diffusion image generation as it’s one of the most popular and powerful techniques out there, although it’s not a GPT. Maybe some other time! Looking forward to your next work 😊

stevedidWHAT, (edited )
@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t understand this trend of wanting to be more vulnerable. Through technology you can achieve anything, anything, you want. What you do with that tool is up to you, I know of several markets that have opened up specifically over the last 5 years max that provide work for yourself opportunities. Free education and literature. Everything is out there but we need to arm the children and the adult with this knowledge in advance so they can make full use of its true power.

We have arguably the largest libraries ever created in digital worlds, proxies away from oppressive regimes through game servers which host things like banned books and whistle blower docs.

Whatever it is you choose to do about this world, don’t choose to buckle. And for those of us that are strong enough and privileged enough, it’s our duty to educate and help our neighbors who may need help. It’s a big responsibility and communication isn’t always an innate skill, it takes hard work - but it’s worth doing to me.

stevedidWHAT, (edited )
@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

When did I say they were mutually exclusive? I specifically called out being a good neighbor.

Friends are important. The subcontext of this meme is that they’re all hungry and just are bundled up in one spot, the meme reads essentially “fuck the grind just hole up with friends”. I’m pushing back on that push and trying to inspire drive, interest, and prosperity.

Of course friends are important.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

That’s why so many comedians end up “cancelled” all that money boiled to their heads and the already apathetic “jokesters” are now even more out of touch with reality.

Let em all rot out like Cosby did. My heros will only ever possibly be my neighbors wherever I live.

Nobody else gets me like they do.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Stacklands, inscription, forza.

Stacklands was surprisingly addicting

Inscription was fun and challenging but not too crazy if you get creative ;)

Forza - I mean really any game where I can drive around. Fun to try to hit some corners sharp or do some tricks in gta.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Fun fact: we’re closer to fungi than we are to plants!

U.S. Pledge To Triple Global Nuclear Energy By 2050 (www.huffpost.com)

When I first read the titile, I thought that the US is going to have to build A LOT to triple global production. Then it occured to me that the author means the US is pledging to make deals and agreements which enable other countries to build their own. Sometimes I think the US thinks too much of itself and that’s also very...

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

What does any of what you just said have to do with the US making a pledge to increase global energy sustainability (energy and fossil fuels specifically being the crux of global catastrophe)

Sometimes I think posters just like to jab for rage bait

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, just calling out an attention addict

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Wasn’t an attempt to “destroy you” but go off with your dramatic self!

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Tbh (I’m being a party pooper) I’ve never seen it referred to as anything other than press any key specifically for this reason haha.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Is that pc or console - I ask because pcs have keyboards with keys and consoles have controllers with buttons

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Straight to Azkaban

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Technically both PC and console can tell what you have loaded/connected by the drivers in use (maybe other ways too) so it may switch if you unplug the Xbox controller but if it’s a game they expected to be primarily on console, or played with controller they’ll elect to use that verbiage.

But for pc games and stuff regularly played on keyboard, devs choose to use the press any key language (generally).

It might seem silly but UI Devs put a lot of time and effort into making things easy to understand and use and whatnot.

It’s just a meme tho nbd, just figured I’d bring up the convo piece anyway

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

What does any of what was said have to do with the same people owning two different servers…

If being a tankie means thinking critically, addressing concerns in a topic of debate, and not generalizing strangers into groups (go figure coming from the ML defender squad 7 over here) then sign me up.

You couldn’t even bother to address the point you had to result to NAME CALLING just to feel intellectually superior.

Low bar, par for the course.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar


@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Name some.

two extreme ends of a political spectrum are not at all similar. While some responses/behaviors might be similar, that doesn’t extend to the people or ideologies which was the fucking subject to begin with.

Washed and Kentucky fried brains at their best right here.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Imagine literally interpreting and using 0 context skills

You’re not a capitalist = you don’t practice what you preach

Not to be interpreted literally like most portions of conversation are.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Some of those who work forces,

Are the same who burn crosses.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Hello again old friend

Not to my knowledge but it was still an idea worth posing given the polices history against the homeless population nation wide and would be an easy answer as to why there’s not been any breaks in the case.

Although I didn’t pose what I said as fact, I can’t help what people will assume of groups they’re already familiar with.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Care to explain further or are we just throwing pebbles

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

With my fingers.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

I never did that, just pointed out a popular fact.

One bad apple ruins the bunch when it comes to those who’ve been trusted with power

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, just you fam.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

It’s just that easy ™️

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Just wait until we starting using these plastic eating bacteria they’ve been working on

• ᴗ •

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Plan B = recycling? 🤔

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Good reminder

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

It’s relevant to the comment I responded to not the post

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

You sound pretty obsessed with 4chan logic from 20 years ago ngl

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

On the dot as of yesterday

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

People who have served mainly and in person if you can.

Pretty hard to verify identities of people on message boards and forums so you could be talking to 1 guy with 20 accounts and 1 direction they want to take things.

We’re vulnerable people to mass opinion, and on the internet mass is easily manipulated.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

No man’s sky similarly had a rough launch in terms of empty promises, bugs, lack of meaningful side content but ended up being recovered by another company and has been producing non stop updates, patches, and major updates ever since and has topped the leader board for most played games on the steam deck

I’m not bashing anyone else’s feelings on this topic, I personally just feel like this was way more empty than any of bethesdas other games like fallout 4.

Not to mention all the other games that were pushed off so they could work on their “masterpiece”

The facial rigging and animations are constantly bugged or straight up nightmarish (par for the course, shit happens, I’ll give it a pass)

Not to mention the settlement system which is somehow less than what the settlement system was in fallout 4 and 76.

And if this companion tells me to stop picking up junk one more time I’m putting her in the god damn air lock

stevedidWHAT, (edited )
@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

I suspect you’re looking for correlations that aren’t even that accurate/reliable

No man sky wasn’t unplayable either

And it got SHIT on despite it being a small time company (hello games, maybe not exactly indie but definitely younger and less experienced than Bethesda assuredly)

Why is everyone so defensive of powerful giants?

Not to mention the fact that Bethesda (for their second release in a row) has the audacity to charge more for less gameplay. Sure it has promise, but don’t have the balls to charge me even more (I guess we’re all cool with $70 games now) for a game that took at least 6 years (if not more) to make that still drops with crazy and immersion breaking bugs ( I think that’s a fairly consistent feature we all look for in a game across the board)

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

I think people are valid in their venting of frustrations.

This isn’t frustration entirely against this game or even just Bethesda. We’re humans, we’re complicated and have loooooots of things that influence our attitudes and behaviors.

The frustration you see is likely part of frustrations that are held with lots of commodities we seemingly pay more and more for and get less and less from.

It’s not just Bethesda, the frustration is much larger than that and to try and downplay that is just ignorant of peoples lives and the bigger picture itself (in my opinion of course)

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

You did it again man

You generalized the frustrations to being only with the game industry.

It’s generalized frustration with being constantly ripped off, so because people are already feeling that, of course they’re going to speak up about specific instances.

And your last point, again, getting ripped off is a problem everyone deals with. Rich or poor. If seeing too many opinions is a problem to you, maybe you should get off the internet. Don’t try to make this someone else’s problem.

If you don’t want to hear everyone’s opinions, you don’t have to, but that doesn’t mean they’re invalid or somehow “not a real problem” because they don’t align with your lifestyle or opinions.

stevedidWHAT, (edited )
@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Of course I’m cool with your opinion, it’s what makes convos more interesting

To clarify “masterpiece” was in quotes to signify them having used that sort of verbiage and not as a mocking mechanism

Would you care to share some of these findings?

I personally haven’t completed the story yet, as I said that was a friend who had completed it in that timeframe. I’m working the hell out of side quests, I only just got the mission from the Russian dude in the space station for the main story but I’m deep into the crimson pirate faction line missions, amongst other side questions.

My point is that, yes they can pack in all this side content, but the majority of the games functionality is not finished, is broken, is widely disliked, or is just insanely mundane/formulaic

It’s a losing battle constantly putting out “new things” I can concede that, but don’t up the price tag or make such bold claims ya know what I mean? I played every Bethesda game since morrowind right up until the bs with fallout 76 (yes including doom and the like) I just don’t think they’re keeping up and I think they’re greedy.

That’s just how I see it based off these last few releases. (Come on man, you gotta at least admit the rigging and animations are pretty bad for a AAA title)

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

You’re absolutely right on that second bit, my bad.

“Play nms instead” was also genuine, I have hundreds of hours in that game and they deserve attention for how much of a comeback they did, but I understand where you’re coming from.

However, that 3rd point I gotta push back on. Bugs are not subjective, neither is incomplete functionality.

Im gonna pass on the slinging mud comment, I think that was just an attempt to downplay my argument.

Lastly, you mean to tell me you’ve never walked into your ship and the crew mates are all standing on top of their seats glitched into the roof? You’ve never seen one npc or companion doing the stationary ghost walking animation?

If you honestly think the facial expressions are indiscernible from real facial expressions I think we can probably just stop this convo here as you’re very obviously not being honest or truthful with yourself, but maybe I’m wrong.

Thanks for having a civil convo with me btw. I appreciate it more than you probably realize.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

I see your point on that original verbiage - it was brief so it could be seen as dismissive of the good and sarcastic.

I’m unfortunately very familiar with Bethesda’s flavor of bugs and what’s common. However, after 20 years of making games, I had hope that they wouldn’t run into these anymore. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not another “no npc” launch like f76 had, but it’s still a common bug that feels as old as time at this point lol

Really it boils down to that $70 price tag for me and, if I’m being honest, Mr. Howard’s blame pushing onto the consumers and, most importantly, the fans of his game and their gaming hardware.

If they had released at $60 I probably wouldn’t have batted an eye - like I said I love Bethesda games with a passion. The fallout series is my all time favorite game series above all else - and I play a lot of variety.

I kinda wish they would charge half price for first game acess with the express intent of fixing the game. Maybe that means the game takes an extra year but so be it. I’d rather wait for better quality than poison the well (as in no man sky, if you botch that release and plan on making other games, people tend to ignore that game for a while)

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly I would rather let people come in naturally.

endless growth faster than what occurs naturally is cancer


@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Agreed, I personally liked true off my chests, am I the asshole, etc. more conversation encouragement but tbh I don’t really see that going over we’ll just get here given how hard it is to have a convo without trolls popping up or people who’ve been brainwashed into using the same sort of logic.

Idk like I say, if we got something good going on, more people will naturally want to come and to stay. We’ve got plenty of lessons we can learn right now from the community in its current size. Why exacerbate the issue

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