@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar


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@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Thats two hundred years and would cover the end of Plantagenet reign and the Tudor era.

Henry VIII reign happened during that period, at the beginning of your time period everyone would be catholic and at the end Queen Mary of Scotts was executed because the idea of a Catholic on the throne was unthinkable.

The UK is littered with castles and estates, normally they focus on specific historic events which happened at that location.

stevecrox, (edited )
@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

If its for work I would suggest picking a "stable" distribution like Debian, Kubuntu or OpenSuse.

A lot of people recommend Arch or Fedora but the focus of those is getting the very latest releases, which increases your chance of stuff breaking.

A lot of people will suggest niche distributions, those can be great for specific needs but generally you will always find Debian/Ubuntu/RHEL support for commercial apps.

I would also suggest looking at the KDE Desktop, many distributions default to Gnome but it is unique in how it works, KDE (or XFCE) will provide a desktop similar to Windows 11.

Lastly I would suggest looking at Crossover Linux by Codeweavers.

Linux has something called WINE, its an attempt to implement the Windows 95 - 11 API's so windows applications can run on linux.

WINE is how the Steam Deck/Linux is able to play Windows games. Valve embedded it into Steam and called it "Proton".

WINE is primarily developed by Codeweavers and they provide the Crossover application that makes setting up and running a Windows application really easy.

People will mention Lutris but that has a far higher learning curve.

There is an application database so you can see in advance if your applications would work: https://appdb.winehq.org/

stevecrox, (edited )
@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Mint was a reaction to Gnome 3, the unique workflow upset a lot of people and the people behind Mint decided to build Cinnamon desktop (its Gnome 3 made to look/work like Gnome 2). They needed a distribution to build/test their work and so based a distribution off of Ubuntu and called it Mint.

As a bit of explanation, there are only a few projects which attempt to build an entire linux distribution from scratch. This involves finding code from thousands of sources, work out packaging, etc.. We call these 'base' distributions, Debian is the base distribution for Ubuntu, Ubuntu is the base distribution for Mint.

Ubuntu tends to be slightly ahead of Debian in the software versions it uses and automatically enables the 'non-free' repositories. Ubuntu tends to push some Canonical specific things like Snaps (which everyone hates)

I believe Mint rolls the Canonical specific things out of Ubuntu and you get the latest version of Cinnamon.

Its all a bit...

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

This has to be THE dad joke meme format

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

A project manager has responsibility for delivery of a project but they typically lack domain specific knowledge. As a result they can't directly deliver something, merely ask subject matter experts for advice and facilitate a team to deliver.

Most PM's cope with the stress of this position poorly.

This cartoon is an example of micro management (a common coping mechanisim), the manager has involved themselves in the low level decisions because that gives a sense of control. If a technical team then tell them its a bad decison the team are effectively attacking their coping mechanisim.

The solution isn't to tell them their technical idea is terrible, when you've fallen down this rabbit hole you have to treat the PM as a stakeholder. They are someone you have to manage, so a common solution is to give them confidence there is a path to delivery, a way to track and understand it.

stevecrox, (edited )
@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

This advice isn't grounded in reality.

Management normally defines ways to track and judge itself, these are typically called Key Performance Indicators.

KPI's are normally things like contract value growth, new contracts signed, profit margin, etc..

So if the project manager is meeting or exceeding their KPI's and you walk up to their boss telling them the PM is failing as basic job functions, the boss won't care.

This is because the boss might have set the KPI's or the boss might also be judged on them. In either situation its to the bosses advantage to ignore you.

The boss will only care if there is a KPI you can demonstrate the PM failing to meet.

Every person/group will have various incentives and motivations. To affect change you have to understand what they are.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Wikipedia lists all 12 subs as having Rolls Royce Pressured Water Reactors.

Your PWR reuse idea is is kind of where Rolls Royce is looking to go with Small Modular Reactors (https://www.rolls-royce.com/innovation/small-modular-reactors.aspx).

I suspect refurbishing decades old PWR reactors would be far more expensive than just building new ones, for example a SpaceX Merlin engine costs $1 million and a Blue Origin BE-4 costs $15 million. Nasa argued it would be 'cheaper' to reuse Shuttle components for the Space Launch System (SLS). Refurbishing Shuttle RS-25 engines has cost Nasa $50 million dollars per engine, restarting a production line is costing $100 million for each new RS-25 engine.

stevecrox, (edited )
@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Tactic developed by Wagnar.

The create a plan with fixed waypoints for a squad to run. They plan for 5-8 squads to run the route at set intervals.

The idea is each squad exposes the Ukrainian position so the next squad knows where to attack. By sending so many squads in a short space of time the Ukrainian position is overwhelmed.

Wagner would plan to have the first 4-7 squads made up of convict units with minimal training, with a trained well equipped squad operating as a reserve. The idea being as soon as a Ukrainian position looked to be close to failure the reserve is dispatched.

Fundamentally everyone apart from the well trained reserve exists to soak up bullets and explosives. They are "meat".

The Russian army had "well" trained battalions, as those battalions are attrited it would shrink them down to maintain effectiveness.

With Wagner's success they backfilled the battalions with convict and mobilisation soliders. Those soliders are used following the tactic above with the original remnants of the battalion representing the well trained reserve.

This is how Russia solved their inability to train new soliders

'Online Safety Bill', the UK parliament undermined the privacy, security, and freedom of all internet users (www.eff.org)

The U.K. Parliament has passed the Online Safety Bill (OSB), which says it will make the U.K. “the safest place” in the world to be online. In reality, the OSB will lead to a much more censored, locked-down internet for British users. The bill could empower the government to undermine not just the privacy and security of...

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

The issue is end to end encryption.

The law change requires messaging applications to be able to provide messages between people using their service.

In the 00's, messaging applications would have a secure connection between themselves and person A and anouther secure connection between themselves and Person B.

Person A would encrypt the message, send it to the service, who would decrypt it, open a connection to Person B, encrypt the message and send to Person B.

So if the police got a warrent for communications of Person B (say the police think the person is involved in human trafficking), then the messaging service could provide all messages sent to Person B.

Message services have taken themselves out of the loop, Person A now encrypts the message and sends directly to Person B. So the police appear with a warrent and the message service shrugs its shoulders since it hasno means to get the data.

The law effectively requires messaging services to design the apps/service so they can comply with a warrent.

The issue is less encryption and more the balance between your right to privacy and states right to intrude.

This is why banks aren't upset, they aren't talking about back dooring encryption and bank encryption is between you and the bank so they don't have to do/say anything.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

I have always had 1 question.

In voyager we see the Borg have thousands of ships of varying sizes and control a vast area of space. Voyager is able to take down spheres and small cubes.

Yet in Wolf 359 a single cube attacks and destroys hundreds of star fleet vessels. If a single cube is able to have that level of effect why didn't the borg commit a larger fleet?

You have the same issue in First Contact, they only commit 1 cube.

Considering how difficult the federation finds holding them back, attacking with 3-6 cubes would seemto assure victory

stevecrox, (edited )
@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Similar to most navies.

Engineering's workload won't really change, they'll do certain types of maintenance.

Most navies don't have command staff on the bridge full time. There would be a watch officer who is fairly junior learning how to operate the ship so the down time is an opportunity for them to grow and learn.

Most navies seperate the captain and first officer, with the first officer involved in running the ship and the captain running the big picture.

So you would expect the first officer to spend the time checking on every department to ensure they are up to standard.

That would mean department heads would be running drills or bringing equipment down for maintenance so its ready.

The captain would likely be planning and thinking through the encounter.

For any free time senior officers have there is probably a mountain of reports (personnel, ship, intelligence, etc..) to read and keep tabs on.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Years ago there was no way to share IDE settings between developers.

You ended up with some developers choosing a tab width of 2 spaces, some choosing 4 spaces and as there was no linting enforcement some people using 2-4 spaces depending on their IDE settings.

This resulted in an unreadable mess as stuff was idented to all sorts of random levels.

It doesn't matter if you use tabs or spaces as long as only one type is consistently used within a project.

Spaces tends to win because inevitably there are times you need to use spaces and so its difficult to ensure a project only uses tabs for identation.

IDE's support converting tabs into spaces based on tab width and code formatting will ensure correct indentation. You can now have centralised IDE settings so everyone gets the same setup.

Honestly 99% of people don't care about formatting (they only care when consistency isn't enforced and code is hard to read), there is always one person who wants a 60 charracter line width or only tabs or double new lined parathensis. Who then sucks up huge amounts of the team time arguing their thing is a must while they code in emacs, unlike the rest of the team using an actual ide.

stevecrox, (edited )
@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Do not mix tabs and spaces.

Its impossible to automate checking that tabs were only used for indentation and spacing for precise alignment. So you then take on a burden of manually checking

You end up with the issue where someone didn't realise and space idented or anouther person used tabs for precise alignment and people forget to check the whitespace characters in review and it ends up going inconsistent and becoming a huge pile of technical debt to fix.

Use only one, you can automate enforcement and ensure the code renders consistency.

Linux file system developer: we're severely under-resourced (lore.kernel.org)

I’ve said this previously, and I’ll say it again: we’re severely under-resourced. Not just XFS, the whole fsdevel community. As a developer and later a maintainer, I’ve learnt the hard way that there is a very large amount of non-coding work is necessary to build a good filesystem. There’s enough not-really-coding work...

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

The linux kernel is very old school in how it is run and originally a big part of the DevSecOps movement was removing a lot of manual overhead.

Moving on to something like Gitea (codeberg) would give you a better diff view and is quicker/easier than posting a patch to a mailing list.

The branching model of the kernel is something people write up on paper that looks great (much like Gitflow) but is really time consuming to manage. Moving to feature branch workflow and creating a release branches as part of the release process allows a ton of things to be automated and simplified.

Similarly file systems aren't really device specific, so you could build system tests for them for benchmarking and standard use cases.

Setting up a CI to perform smoke testing and linting, is fairly standard.

Its really easy to setup a CI to trigger when a new branch/pr is created/updated, this means review becomes reduced to checking business logic which makes reviews really quick and easy.

Similarly moving on to a decent issue tracker, Jira's support for Epic's/stories/tasks/capabilities and its linking ability is a huge simplifier for long term planning.

You can do things like define OKR's and then attach Epics to them and Stories/tasks to epics which lets you track progress to goals.

You can use issues the way the linux community currently uses mailing lists.

Combined with a Kanban board for tracking, progress of tickets. You remove a ton of pain.

Although open source issue trackers are missing the key productivity enablers of Jira, which makes these improvements hard to realise.

The issue is people, the linux kernel maintainers have been working one way for decades. Getting them to adopt new tools will be heavily resisted, same with changing how they work.

Its like everyone outside, knows a breaking the ABI definition from the sub system implementation would create a far more stable ABI which would solve a bunch of issues and allow change when needed, except no one in the kernel will entertain the idea.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

I am actually arguing for a stable ABI.

The few times I have had to compile out of tree drivers for the linux kernel its usually failed because the ABI has changed.

Each time I have looked into it, I found code churn, e.g. changing an enum to a char (or the other way) or messing with the parameter order.

If I was empire of the world, the linux kernel would be built using conan.io, with device trees pulling down drivers as dependencies.

The Linux ABI Headers would move out into their own seperately managed project. Which is released and managed at its own rate. Subsystem maintainers would have to raise pull requests to change the ABI and changing a parameter from enum to char because you prefer chars wouldn't be good enough.

Each subsystem would be its own "project" and with a logical repository structure (e.g. intel and amd gpu drivers don't share code so why would they be in the same repo?) And built against the appropriate ABI version with each repository released at its own rate.

Unsupported drivers would then be forked into their own repositories. This simplifies depreciation since its external to the supported drivers and doesn't need to be refactored or maintained. If distributions can build them and want to include the driver they can.

Linus job would be to maintain the core kernel, device trees and ABI projects and provide a bill of materials for a selection of linux kernel/abi/drivers version which are supported.

Lastly since every driver is a descrete buildable component, it would make it far easier for distributions to check if the driver is compatible (e.g. change a dependency version and build) with the kernel ABI they are using and provide new drivers with the build.

None of this will ever happen. C/C++ developers loath dependency management and people can ve stringly attached to mono repos for some reason.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

This is why Java rocks with ETL, the language is built to access files via input/output streams.

It means you don't need to download a local copy of a file, you can drop it into a data lake (S3, HDFS, etc..) and pass around a URI reference.

Considering the size of Large Language Models I really am surprised at how poor streaming is handled within Python.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

During the pandemic I had some unoccupied python graduates I wanted to teach data engineering to.

Initially I had them implement REST wrappers around Apache OpenNLP and SpaCy and then compare the results of random data sets (project Gutenberg, sharepoint, etc..).

I ended up stealing a grad data scientist because we couldn't find a difference (while there was a difference in confidence, the actual matches were identical).

SpaCy required 1vCPU and 12GiB of RAM to produce the same result as OpenNLP that was running on 0.5 vCPU and 4.5 GiB of RAM.

2 grads were assigned a Spring Boot/Camel/OpenNLP stack and 2 a Spacy/Flask application. It took both groups 4 weeks to get a working result.

The team slowly acquired lockdown staff so I introduced Minio/RabbitMQ/Nifi/Hadoop/Express/React and then different file types (not raw UTF-8, but what about doc, pdf, etc..) for NLP pipelines. They built a fairly complex NLP processing system with a data exploration UI.

I figured I had a group to help me figure out Python best approach in the space, but Python limitations just lead to stuff like needing a Kubernetes volume to host data.

Conversely none of the data scientists we acquired were willing to code in anything but Python.

I tried arguing in my company of the time there was a huge unsolved bit of market there (e.g. MLOP's)

Alas unless you can show profit on the first customer no business would invest. Which is why I am trying to start a business.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

I don't think its aged well.

This game looked incredible for the time and introduced a rail gun sniper rifle you could one shot kill people with.

This map let you camp out and be a sniper but it was possible to overwhelm the sniper so the game stayed fluid and teams had to support their sniper.

Quake, HL2 Deathmatch, Counterstrike had similar weapons but quickly filled with people who could launch themselves 100ft in the air and headshot someone half a map away through a window which is why single shot weapons faded out of FPS games.

If you try multiplayer on some of these games, the skill level of opponents is even higher, they know every trick and execute them flawlessly. This destroys the reason the map was so good.

Playing the sniper in 4 player borderlands story is probably the closest you would get to the original experience.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Is there any guide on the CName stuff?

I setup a simple hello world which could be accesseed via the dyndns addeess, bur the cname settings would error

stevecrox, (edited )
@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Maven has a high learning curve, but once learned it is incredibly simple to use.

That high bar is created by the tool configuration. You can change and hack everything, but you have to understand how Maven works to do so. This generally blocks people from doing really stupid things, because you have to learn how maven works to successfully modify it and in doing so you learn why you shouldn't.

This is the exact weakness of Gradle, the barrier for modification is far lower and the tool is far less rigid. So you get lots of people who are still learning implement all sorts of weird and terrible practice.

The end result is I can usually dust off someone elses old maven project and it will build immediately using "mvn clean install", about half the gradle projects I have been brought in on won't without reverse engineering effort because they have things hard coded all over them. A not small percentage are so mangled they can't be built without the dev who wrote it's machine.

Also you really shouldn't be tinkering with your build pipelines that much. Initial constraints determine the initial solution, then periodically you review them to improve. DevSecOps exists to speed development and ease support it isn't a goal in of itself

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Maven has unit and integration test phases and there are a multitude of plugins designed to hook into those phases but there are constraints by design.

Trying to hook everything into the build management system is a source of technical debt, your using a tool for something it wasn't designed.

I would look at what makes sense within the build management system and what makes sense in a CI pipeline.

CI tools have different DSL and usually provide a means to manage environments. Certain integration and system level tests are best performed there.

For instance I keep system tests as a seperate managed project. The project can be executed from developer machines for local builds but I also create a small build pipeline to build the project, deploy it and run the system tests against it triggered by pull requests.

This is why I say the build management system doesn't really change, because you should treat everything as descrete standalone components.

The Parent POM gets updates once every six months, the basic build verification CI pipeline only changes to the latest language release, etc..

Projects which try to embed gitflow into a pom or integrate CD into the gradle file are the unbuildable messes I get asked to fix.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Tesla actually market it as a positive.

Car manufacturers have to setup different manufacturing lines to provide different feature levels. Tesla argue this makes them more expensive. Tesla cars have all features installed, just disabled and the optional extra packages are cheaper compared to their rivals as a result.

To be honest there is a certain logic, if you've ever been in a Ford Focus LX (bottom range) its pretty clear they had to spend quite a bit of money on more basic systems. I honestly thought each LX was sold at a loss

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

I have a Mac book Pro for work.There is just a lot of random weirdness.

There is no right click, your supposed to do a light two finger touch for right click.If you click too hard it opens the dictionary.

If you plug in a mouse you can get right click, but it isn't consistent in working.

By default scroll is inverted (up is down, down is up), also windows can have scroll bars but they aren't clickable, you have to do a scroll gesture.

Almost every Left control + Button action is now Meta key + button. But not everything, its annoyingly inconsistent also new random shortcuts.

For example lock screen isn't Meta key + l like on Linux or Windows. Its Meta + Shift + Q, shut down is Meta +Left Control + Q.

The keyboard doesn't match the your countries layout, so keys move around and is missing traditional keys like print screen. To do that you press Meta + Shift + 4 to switch the mouse to a screen cut tool and select the area you cut.

I could go on and on, none of it is obvious and I wouldn't say any of it is an improvement at best its just different.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

I have had a vareity of HP, Dell, etc.. laptops. The trackpads will do gesture stuff but you can clearly feel a left and right button if you push down on the trackpad (e.g. push on left side for left button).

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Doesn't the fact you have to use a separate mouse tell you the design is poor?

The better approach would be to detect clicks on the left and right of the trackpad as left/right buttons and support two finger right clicking.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Mardown has several valid different ways to define itself, both ways listed are valid ways to indicate italics.

You would expect Lemmy and KBin to fix on one way but display both. That is a bug in the lemmy renderer.

For example asterisk Is a special character, when used in JSON you have to escape special characters with a backslash. A single backslash is also a special character. What your seeing is double escaping, (e.g. something is repeating it on code)

A quick look through the KBin code showed it using json_encode which is the JSON conversion library built into PHP. A quick google shows double calling the library on a string won't do that and I can't see KBin doing anything obviously wrong.

Lemmy has had some really weird bugs, an expectation that Lemmy hadn't escaped a block of code at a set point so they escape it and KBin is escaped would seem the most likely candidate.

The easiest test would be seeing how it renders on an alternate KBin instance, you would expect the extra characters to show up there, if they don't its probably Lemmy

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

That kind of character conversation is exactly what you would see if escaping wasn't being done properly.

Definitely a bug in KBin there

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

The admins to perform upgrades, monitoring, fixes, etc.. will require root access to the database. That means they can alter all your posts to say *blah blah blah" if they wanted.

Similarly passwords will be encrypted within the database and encryption algorithms have to be able to go in both directions. Normally they need a seed value to start random generation. The admin defines the seed as a result an admin can decrypt everything in the database.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

One of the reasons for the movement is developers see building and packaging as .

The task would historically fall on the most junior member of the team, who would make a pigs ear out of it due to complete lack of experience.

This is compounded by the issue that most C/C++ build systems don't really include dependency management.

Linux distributions have all tried to work out those dependency trees but they came up with slightly different solutions. This is why there are a few "root" distributions everything branches from.

That means developers have to learn about a few root distributions to design a deb/rpm/aur package systems to base their release around.

That is a considerable amount of learning in a subject most aren't interested in.

The real question is why don't package maintainers upstream a packaging solution?

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

@ergoplato I didn't suggest that.

Personally I don't think its ego. I think you have two issues.

The first is people go through stages learning DevOps. Stage 1 has people deploy a CI because its cool, they build a few basic pipelines and then 90% of people get bored. The 2nd stage is people start extending those pipelines, it results in really complex pipelines requiring lots of unique changes based on the opinion of the writer. You move to the 3rd stage when your asked to recreate/extend for a new project and realise how specific your solutions are.

Learning how to make minor tweaks and hook in a few key points to get what you want takes years. Without that most packagers will want to make big changes upstream which won't go down well.

The second issue, I have met quite a few developers who become highly stressed when the build system is doing something they haven't needed to do or understand.

A really simple example I have a Jenkins function which I tend to slip into release pipelines, it captures the release version and creates a version in Jira.

I normally deploy it first as a test before a few other functions to automate various service management requirements.

Its surprising how many devs will suddenly decide every problem (test failed, code failed review, sharepoint breaks, bad os update, etc..) is due to that function.

For me this little function is a test, if the team don't care I will work to integrate various bits. If they freak out, I'll revert decide if it is worth walking them through the process or walk away.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

No, UK beaches were increasingly becoming the cleanest in Europe.

However that stopped around 13 years ago and the water companies keep emergency dumping waste water.

stevecrox, (edited )
@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Not really.

SpaceX goes orbital, if you followed the Inspiration4 mission, the team spent 6 months training for their jaunt into space.

Blue Origin training course is a few weeks at most for going up on New Shepherd.

Musk is CEO Tesla and Chief Engineer of SpaceX, Chairman of Twitter, etc.. Bezo's is Chairman of Amazon as a means to give up his position in Amazon. Bezo's has 6 months to give up, Musk doesn't.

Also did you not watch the launch? Shatner was having a profound moment and Bezo's stomped on it.

Jared Isaacman (billionaire) did Inspiration4 and will do Polaris for the challenge. I get the impression Bezo did it for bragging rights. I think Musk is chasing being responsible for starting a Mars colony and probably wouldn't even care about going to Mars

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

This is traditional British food, bangers is slang for Pork Saussage (Cumberland Saussage I am guessing)

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

The script is causing poor behaviour by subverting the purpose of the up/down vote system.

The downvote button should be used to indicate a post doesn't add to the conversation. It isn't a dislike/disagree button, your supposed to comment in those situations.

I try to put effort into my comments, when they get randomly downvoted for no reason it can be upsetting.

Obviously you upset the mod and they overreacted, but your behaviour triggered the event.

stevecrox, (edited )
@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

When Oracle bought Sun Microsystems, it demonstrated it didn't know how to interact with open source communities. The Hudson -> Jenkins fork is probably the most famous where Oracle thought they could dictate where teams would collaborate. The bullying tone Oracle took made it clear they viewed the community as employees who should do as they are told.

To me this kind of fumble shows people in the Red Hat side are suffering the same issue, they don't understand they manage an ecosystem. Ironically if Oracle, Alma and Rocky work together they stand a good chance of owning that community.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

I am running a AMD Athlon(tm) X4 860K Quad Core Processor with 32GiB of RAM, Radeon HD 7450, 16TiB of HDD storage and 256GiB SSD. The only upgrade I am considering is buying 4TiB SSD drives to replace the HDD drives, this is only because I've noticed SSD's have gotten really cheap.

I would plan for Docker and not Virtual Machines, as VM's emulate an entire computer and then you run an entire operating system within them and then the application, the result is they need far more resources to act as a host for an application. Server applications have been moving to Docker because its a defined way to sandbox applications, run them consistently and uses far less resources.

Personally I run Debian Stable since its a home server and the only updated applications I want are Docker images and security patches. I then installed Docker Community Edition on to it.

I then deployed Portainer Community Edition on to the server, this provides a Web UI to manage the docker contaners running on the server. I have 9 docker containers currently running on the server.

You mentioned Plex: Plex provide a docker image for running their application that supports NVidia GPU Acceleration and seems to run fine on AMD hardware. You will find almost every server application offers an official docker image.

With my business hat on, think how many docker containers you want and plan for that + 1 cores in your CPU, you can probably look up the applications you want to run and add up their recommended RAM usage, as a home rule of thumb 16 GiB of RAM is the minimum, 64GiB would be overkill.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

With a lot of TV from that era you have to accept the first season is the show figuring itself out. 4 episodes, really isn't enough.

The best approach is just to skip boring chunks/episodes and move on to the next. Then when your hooked going back is worth it.

With Stargate while its an episodic format, events in past episodes are incorporated and it slowly starts building a complex universe.

Atlantis starts in SG1 season 5 and there are constant events in one series affecting the other one as a result.

stevecrox, (edited )
@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Your posting this on KBin which implements the twitter style fediverse API and federates with Mastodon.

Click the microblog button ... Behold twitter replacement

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

It never quite finds its grove.

Season 1, 2 & 3 all had fantastic premises I would have loved 7 seasons of but were all unrelated and concluded within a season.

Season 4 actually demonstrates the missed opportunity, they deal with the fall out of season 3

For example if you think of the scene set in "A Vulkan Hello", you would have ended up with an Action focussed version of DS9.

You didn't need a spore drive, Jason Isaacs could have stayed the same and we could still have watched scientists struggle to become soliders with the war causing the type of fall out we see in Season 4.

I want to move to Linux but I need to be able to access my apps that are not supported (kbin.social)

Hey, I use the Adobe Suite for daily use to build and develop posts and videos for multiple people and can't have my workflow slow down by learning a new application, I've looked into Linux a few times and want to really move over in the future but due to it not having support for Adobe, I'm not sure what to do....

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

The biggest issue with switching is your "must have" applications.

A lot of people spend time trying to make them work, it often doesn't work well and so they go back.

Take Sync, Linux has similar solutions (insync is a popular one), but there alternative solutions. Perhaps the server could run syncthing or your tooling supports ftp, etc..

The key thing is not to ask for the equivalent of X, but think what you actually use X for.

So if you use Sync to share video on Slack, you don't need a Sync replacement you need a way to share video on slack.

Alas I think Photoshop is the one killer application

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

You miss the point about Sync.

You don't need sync, you need a cloud storage solution that works with linux.

Its being willing to step back in that way which will help you transition.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

The Gateway really seems like a toll point, for both lunar architectures things are arranged in Low Earth Orbit, sent to Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NHRO) and then part of the architecture goes to Low Lunar Orbit, lands and returns to NHRO.

@stevecrox@kbin.social avatar

Can you provide an example, the few threads I saw her participate in she seemed nice.

If she mobilised her fans to shout down people who sent her dick pics, nazi's, trump/nigel farage/bojo, pro russian fans I would view that as a positive

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