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God fucking damn modern computing and its “we need to look like paper!” bullshit everything is goddamn bright white. They’re the reason my eyes are so fucked up.


It must be great to be young and think your eyes are healthy and good. Just wait till you get older and you will fucking beg for dark mode everywhere.

Why do kids even bother arguing against people with a lifetime of fucking experience? I’ve used a computer since your mama was a little child and worked with them professionally longer than you’ve been alive. Your fake “research” is your eyes not sucking yet because you’re young.


Guess what your monitor emits. Go ahead. Guess.

I recommend you try going back to school, or studying harder if you’re still there.


How do people like scoop and chocolatey better than winget? Winget is thousands of times more reliable and useful to me.


And creates huge fucking issues by not using the actual installers and doing user installs in many, many instances. Winget just works, which was my entire point.

And I’ve seen little to no important FOSS projects that weren’t available from winget, which you’d know if you’d actually try it.


You can 100% use winget install [softwarename] if it doesn’t collide with another piece of software of the same name.

And throwing everything in a user directory causes tons of issues that I’ve seen when something is expected to be installed the way Windows needs it to be.


Shoes are terrible. Fucking foot prisons. Normalize being barefoot most of the time and wearing minimal sandals (a base with a simple toe loop to keep them on) whenever you have to. Fuck socks, fuck shoes. Let your feet be free.


“Great” meaning great gigantic messes of nonsensical fanservice and a flood of movies and shows all tied to each other so if you miss one episode of Obscure Marvel Kerfuffle Re-re-revisited you’ll be lost.

You know, like fucking Star Wars is now.

Disney is fucking evil. Fuck Disney.


And that’s where comic books went to shit, too. Do kids these days really have no real arguments for anything besides citing even more bullshit to support their bullshit?


They didn’t have to copy it, now did they? Just because something was shit before something else was shit isn’t a fucking excuse.


Exactly this. It’s a hateful, spiteful show about everyone making fun of geek culture. I have always despised it and will continue to despise it. It’s not “safe”, it’s not okay, it’s nothing. Fuck everyone for making that shit show a thing and continuing the hatred and mockery that geek culture has had since I was young years and years and years ago.


CS is only good if you’re a cheater or a troll because it’s all “shoot at a random moving blob that you can’t even tell if it’s an enemy because CS decided that giving easily identifiable at a glance (like, you know, different colors or some shit, what a concept) characteristics to different teams is NO REALISM HURR and they want their wannabe war shooter kerfuffle to be gritty grimdark real” trash. CS has never been good.


This happens with most Linux installs particularly with Windows 11, but you can still boot to Linux from your BIOS. Interestingly enough, the only Linux distro where this has not happened is Fedora, which also doesn’t fuck the system clock up to make the Windows clock wrong. Fedora seems to be doing everything right these days.


BIOS meaning the EFI boot menu. It’s a generic term that we refuse to let die just because EFI has taken over.


Games aren’t supposed to be films. Set up a setting where your game is taking place and a reason for you to do what you’re doing and then shut the fuck up. Original Doom. Old Mario games. So many classic, real games only care about the gameplay and not all this damn story that is a diversion these days from the actual gameplay. No wonder modern gaming is trash.

You want a game that’s a movie? Just make a damn movie. Problem solved. Get overblown, intrusive story trash out of videogames. Do you want to stop playing chess after every other move and be forced to watch part of some medieval war drama unfold before continuing? No? Then why the fuck do you want story in videogames?


Why couldn’t they just make that story driven game into a book, or movie, or TV show? THREE TYPES OF MEDIA exists for story and people want to push that into videogames. How does that make any fucking sense?

I play games to PLAY A GAME, not have something “connect with [me] on a personal level”. Maybe you should re-think why you play videogames in the first place.


A “story” can happen around a character as long as it’s contained within the context of the game itself (show, don’t tell). But when you bring the game to a screeching halt and have a bunch of flapping mouths spouting exposition for hours on end, THAT DOES NOT BELONG IN A VIDEOGAME.


I swear, people use “gatekeeping” as a weasel word to mean “THIS KIND OF RATIONAL THOUGHT GOES AGAINST MY PROGRAMMED VIEW OF THE WORLD BOOOHOOO!” You don’t “gatekeep” videogames by saying gaming is about actual gaming and not some horrible amalgamation of a poorly done game and some failed writer’s self-insert fantasy power trip forced on people every five steps you make in a “game”.

Take a deep breath and re-think your position. Games aren’t meant to have overblown, intrusive stories. They suffer from them.


It has negatively affected games for years by creating a world where “games” are style over substance trash that care more about gimmicks and story and other trash than the game itself. There is a very tiny pool of actual gaming left, but when you compare that to games back when games were, you know, actually games, when nearly every single game that came out was an actual game and not 5000 hours of boring, who the fuck cares story, gaming was better. That’s right, it was. And maybe, just maybe, if you go back in your gaming history and play actual games with actual effort made into making the game part fun and next to zero effort put on stupid, worthless, pointless, waste of time story, you’d understand this.


Maybe you should stop spending millions on overblown graphics, motion capture, voice acting, pointless story/cutscenes, and other bullshit and just make a game like you did in the old days then, Crapcom.


It’s actually planned obsolescence by phone companies pushing updates that artificially cripple our phones and making us believe that they are becoming worthless. Every single phone will slow down over time, even if you reset the whole thing to clear out whatever you’ve installed. Sure, you’re going to need a new phone eventually when software advances past the technical limits of your device, but that’s not what’s happening; nothing has changed that much since you bought your phone but suddenly your phone is slow and not working nearly as well and the only thing to “fix” it is to buy a new phone.

It’s all a scam to make us all carry around tracking devices and to spy on us. Phones are garbage and belong in the trash can.


I never found a single use for RSS because I always found myself just going to the site anyway to read the full thing because 99.999999999% of RSS feeds are trash and it’s easier to just page through the site itself anyway. Podcasts… it feels like a massive waste of time listening to someone discussing something, usually poorly, with tons of exposition, diversions, and other BS. I’d rather just read something instead.

Good riddance to both.


I can’t believe people are still on the VR gimmick train. 99% of what they want from VR is interactivity which can be done with a standard computer screen and the Wiimote-like controllers. Looking around with your head is neat-ish but is really the primary cause of the motion sickness and essentially cuts you off from the real world which can be incredibly dangerous as well.

Companies have tried to make VR a thing for decades now, and now that graphics and hardware technology have advanced, they’re doing a major push trying to make it an acceptable, “it’s everywhere now, so many people are using it” thing when it’s really not. It’s a niche device with a market share less than Linux (Linux itself, not Valve’s “fake Windows Linux device that just runs Windows games without paying Microsoft money – how is this not a violation of Windows TOS”) or MacOS and yet they say those are too niche and insignificant to care about while praising VR. It’s time to give it up and accept that VR is a worthless gimmick, and if you want interactivity, find better ways to do so without making people sick and cutting them off from the world around them.


Trolling? No. What part of my history makes you think that?

Wine (and by extension, Proton) is simulating a Windows install with no Microsoft license. How is this not a clear violation of Microsoft’s TOS? I can see if you are just using it personally how it can be a grey area, but VALVE IS USING IT PROFESSIONALLY, INCLUDED WITH THEIR INSTALL, FOR PROFIT. Microsoft should sue the fuck out of them.

If you think that’s a troll, you have issues with reality. You can’t just create your own version of Windows (even one like Wine) without repercussions. Get over yourself.


Putting a bunch of APIs together in such a way as to create an entire copyrighted OS inside of another one 100% should be. You want to make DirectX itself for Linux, fine. But don’t tell me you think putting it and a ton of other Windows libraries together – even ones made “clean” – to run an OS very closely to its target OS (and this isn’t emulation, it’s making your own version of an OS) is not a problem.

Like I said, making Wine and using it casually for a single person isn’t the real issue here. It’s concerning, yes, but when a single user is using it for their own purposes, I think there’s nothing huge to be concerned with. When a major gaming corporation is using it as part of their own software running under a piece of their own hardware for financial gain – really? You don’t see the issue? How has Microsoft not seriously put an end to this already? If Microsoft is giving their blessing to this, they are opening up all sorts of copyright infringement across the board for software of all kinds.

Maybe if your mind is tainted by “Free software is holy and can never be wrong”, you have this idea that it’s fine. Free software is fine on its own as long as it follows a set of ethical and legal rules. Wine is definitely not doing this by allowing Valve to take their fork and making it part of their Switch-like hardware. Valve is specifically going full on Linux to avoid paying Microsoft for the rights to Windows on their machine, and using Wine/Proton to do this is simply wrong, no matter how you look at it.

I cannot believe anyone sees me as in the wrong on this issue. Valve should have pushed harder for native Linux gaming, but they failed, so they should have given up. Instead, they decided to do the wrong thing with something that should have been stopped from day one.


Pop!OS is becoming more and more out of date and problematic. Honestly Fedora is the only version of Linux worth using these days (there’s some gamer variant of it I can never remember that’s probably fine too).


Yes, that.


I have yet to find a distro besides Fedora that is actually reliable and works well with everything with minimal tweaking. Ubuntu and its derivatives are horribly unstable and finicky and everything else has its own issues. Fedora just works.


If you would do any searching regarding Pop!OS you would see tons of posts and articles saying that it hasn’t been updated in forever and it’s not just graphics drivers and such that need updating, it’s essential OS packages. You’re running the Windows 7 of Linux distros and spouting the same arguments as they do.


Too old and achy to run snekbois all over the place any more (I used to), if wifi isn’t good enough, tough.


Dear every single streaming service:



This way people can watch everything without having an elitist “I’M PAYING FOR ENTERTAINMENT” section of the world who are the only ones that can talk about all these new shows unless they sail the high seas with an eye patch on, which is yet another argument for MAKE THE AD TIER FREE FOR EVERYONE.


Because it’s the right thing to do and those greedy shits make a fortune off of ads and don’t need our money and okay I know, I know, MORE MONEY. Greedy shits. I mean… wouldn’t the ads be more valuable if they knew more people were watching? Or something?

Look, I’m just trying to get us all free Disney+ here, okay? Help me out here. :)


You can’t expect everyone to see 9 as 4+5 because some will see it as 8+1 or even 12 + -3 or many other possibilities, and you need to accept and understand those people. But you don’t have to listen to people who claim 10 + 7 is 9, for example, and you can tell them they’re wrong.

You do not have to accept people who are obviously incorrect, and more importantly, you shouldn’t.


We’re talking about people who are confidently wrong, not without knowledge and are willing to learn. CONTEXT.

Can I post anything without 50 people taking some smartass point of view outside of its context and thinking they’re correcting me somehow? Holy hell.


One of the, if not the best games in the last 15+ years.

I’m not exaggerating. At all. I am not a fan of a vast majority of “popular” modern games and think gaming has been on the decline since the mid-90s. In a massive pile of garbage “AAA” and “modern indie” titles, Terraria is the one shining, beautiful, wonderful spot that just gets gameplay right, with no gimmicks, no BS, no boring intrusive story, nothing but good, solid gameplay.

It’s one of my favorite games of all time. So all this makes me very happy.


Story for me in games should be one that sets up the reason you’re playing the game and that’s basically it. No endless dialog or narrative during the game. Small bits of things that can advance the plot is fine, but most games these days seem to talk endlessly about things.

Terraria has zero of that. You’re in the Terraria world and that’s it. No real story to tell besides what happens in the world (show, don’t tell). It’s fantastic.


Amazes me how invested we are in “games” that are 99% story, 1% tedious gameplay and call “RPGs”. Meanwhile, a beautiful, awesome modern take on the original Wizardry dropped, a game that says “fuck story, fight through this dungeon for your goddamn life, have some real RPG mechanics instead of 500 pages of dialog every five seconds” and no one seems to care.

JRPGs ruined western CRPGs long ago and the original BG was one of the ones that did it. Just make a TV show or movie instead.


It’s on Steam, just Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, just like the original.


You don’t need a story-heavy should-be-a-TV-show-instead RPG to have persuasion and deception options for fights/encounters, you know.


Yes, you can. Seriously, people act like Xorg is some immutable black box no one can touch. IT’S FREE (AS IN FREEDOM) SOFTWARE. FIX IT. Put in security gates with permissions for its security issues. And hell, it seems to work a lot better with different monitor and resolution configurations than Wayland can because everyone has to re-implement every damn thing from scratch because Wayland is a lazy, over-simplified library that basically tells everyone else “do your own damn work”.

Wayland is trash and the fact that we are fourteen years into its life (YES, FOURTEEN) and still can’t get it working right is a good indication that we need to abandon it.


per monitor refresh rate

Every time I’ve used multimonitor in the past (I hate it, why the hell does anyone want to look back and forth between a bunch of monitors and get a pain in their neck when alt-tab and proper window management on a single monitor works far and away better), it just seemed to work in Xorg. I don’t think people know what Xorg is really capable of and are making excuses why this new Wayland trash needs to be used.

Because that’s all it is. Excuses to use something new and shiny and exciting. This whole movement of “we have something new” has forced so many projects into supporting it by giving them basically no choice. “This is the future, if you’re not with us you’re against us” mentality holding them hostage and forcing them to adapt. It’s pathetic.


I love when people who have no idea how Free software (or, you know, software in general) works have this idea that people who find bugs and report problems are somehow the same people who develop the software.

Stick to Windows, bud.


Go back to Windows, kid. There is a division between people who report problems and people who work on projects, and some people who report problems even work on separate projects themselves, myself included. But there is a particular skillset to doing low level desktop development a simple application developer like myself does not have, and we pass on our own experiences with bug reports and other things to those who do have them.

Except in the case of Wayland, whose developers seem to have this “WORKS ON MY MACHINE, YOU SUCK, SHUT UP” mentality. So I’m going to guess you’re one of them if you’re not just some lost Windows refugee kid.

Wayland’s a lost cause. Get over it.


Ultimate Pure here with a single monitor. Because I know how to position windows and use such cutting edge modern features as RESIZING and ALT-TAB. Woo!

Multimonitor makes my neck hurt.


Meetings are detrimental to my coding time. If they want me to sit around doing nothing for hours on end they should just tell me to do that instead of dragging me into a room with other people talking about how important they think they are. If they really want information about what I’m doing, email exists.


it is easy to circumvent the tracking and spying that happens

The fact that using a cell phone for its intended purpose allows carriers (and by extension, the entities that make your phone) to precisely track wherever you are by cell triangulation – no GPS, no geolocation, no app spying, nothing, all in hardware – means that it’s impossible unless you just keep your phone in a Faraday cage and never actually use it.

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