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What if I take all of the pieces that were removed, and put them back together? Would that be a different boat?


He should be made to repay Nintendo for every dollar they can prove he cost them


Most people I know use their TV speakers. Maybe sound engineers should engineer the sound so that it sounds good in stereo OR 5.1


I hate Nolan. As long as he hates me for having normal speakers, I’m gonna hate him for being an elitist prick


He specifically declines to have it mixed well on stereo because he doesn’t think we should be watching his movies with anything but the most expensive speakers


I watch a ton of anime, and I hate weebs so damn much


That seems extremely stupid. As long as devs are incapable of making standardized difficulty settings, this will be a nightmare. I beat the first Horizon on the hardest difficulty, and had to turn the difficulty down on Forbidden West. If they decided to adjust the difficulty based on my performance in the first game, I wouldn’t have gotten more than a couple hours in.


I survived for something like three years on butter and saltines. It’s the best if you use unsalted butter, and put rock salt on top, but let’s be real here–we’re just scraping butter straight off the stick with each saltine and eating it like we’re in the trenches of the Great War and we don’t know when the Krauts are gonna attack us so we gotta eat fast



Peanut butter


Spray cheese

Cream cheese

Cream cheese with a clove of garlic


Help me think of more good ways to enjoy saltines


Liberal beta cucks don’t want you to know about these rocks that emit Alpha particles


“Do you still work at [job]?” Look at my clothes Aunt Jeanine. Yes, I still work at [job].


“Oh and by the way, this is a sponsored video 🤷” and then spends half an hour sucking a company’s dick for money

That and the shampoo ad killed my interest in the channel, and ever since then I’m extremely wary of everyone. Kurzgesagt is also up there, for producing propaganda for a billionaire’s charity.


IIRC, it was way too confusing to be useful as an educational video


Making a 20 minute advertisement rife with misinformation and having one single statement saying the video is sponsored is bad

starman2112, (edited )

I lost interest after he sang the praises of the Goblin Slayer rape scene. BuT tHe GoBLiNs nEeD tO bE sCaRy! You can “make monsters monstrous” without adding explicit rape scenes to your mid-tier manga.


Less “downhill” and more “dropped into a sinkhole straight to the pits of hell,” but Creepshow Art. I thought she was really fun to listen to, and it was interesting hearing tea spilling from a community I’m not privy to. At some point she opened up about a stalker who’d been following her for years, harassing her constantly, trying to get her fired from her job by sending compromising photos from her past to her boss, threatening her life… And then it turns out she was the stalker, and the victim was Emily Artful! She was the psychopath threatening someone’s life and trying to get them fired and shit! And I was planning on donating to her patreon!


After she transitioned, she started talking about being trans? The nerve


Guys, all we have to do is trust the technology that Bill Gates stands to profit from! Never mind the fact that Bill Gates funds my videos, just trust him, guys! The future might look bleak, but you don’t have to take any action! Ol’ Billy already is! Just trust him!!


Essentially, they’re funded by billionaires, and their videos show it. Here’s a couple videos that go into it:

Their videos about the climate for the last few years essentially boil down to “shit sucks, everything is bad, a lot of people are going to die. But wait, here’s an interesting new technology that could save the planet! All we have to do is trust capitalism to make this technology happen, and we’ll be saved!”

I’m of the opinion that we should be brutally fucking honest about the climate, and that copium like this only makes people complacent. If we stopped pumping out greenhouse gases right now, we wouldn’t avoid 3° of warming. Hundreds of millions of people are going to die as a direct result of anthropogenic climate change, and there is nothing we can do about that. If we get complacent, that number will be in the multiple billions. Cute cartoon birds turning into skeletons does not reflect the horror of climate change.

starman2112, (edited )

OP never specified youtubers, just content creators


An e-sports demigod and a fresh player using DK bongos should be made similarly effective.

So the distance between the skill floor and skill ceiling of every game should be zero? Ought we have fun by playing Chutes and Ladders and nothing else?


For clarity, “low skill games” doesn’t refer to video or board games that require little skill (e.g. Chutes and Ladders, Tic Tac Toe, etc.) but rather individual matches between low-skill players in games where there is a distance between skill floor and ceiling?

starman2112, (edited )

Gamepass a service that lets you play games, but GaaS generally refers to stuff like Roblox and Fortnite–individual games that act as a platform to sell you things from. That’s where the flaws are. I’m struggling to see the flaw with GP except for the inherent flaws with paying for a revokable license to download games in the first place. At least GP doesn’t lie about you owning the games that you’re playing like “buying” them from the xbox store does.

I mean, is Netflix flawed for offering movies as a service? You pay a monthly fee to be able to watch a wide variety of shows and movies, but you don’t own any of it. It’s literally exactly the same thing except for the type of media they offer.


How long have you been paying for game pass?

My buddy and I split the cost, and have basically since it started six years ago, so we’ve spent a collective ~500 dollars each on it. Lemme do some math to see if it’s been worth it. Add up the current, non-sale price of Nier Automata, Hellblade, Phoenix Point, Project Wingman, Grounded, Solasta, Persona 5, Gears of War 1, 2, and 3, The Talos Principle, Hi-Fi Rush, Sunset Overdrive, Recore, Outriders, The Outer Wilds and The Outer Worlds. There are more, but these add up to well over what we’ve spent on the service. It also saved us $70 when we realized that Starfield wasn’t worth paying money for.


Not launch price, current price. Like, if I wanted to play all of these games come January when there won’t be a sale going on. Had we bought all of those games at launch they would be significantly more. I guess if you don’t play a lot of video games it wouldn’t be worth it, but I’m not about to tell someone they wasted their money when they spent $500 expanding their baseball card collection or buying an entry level DSLR or something just because I don’t personally see the appeal.

starman2112, (edited )

The value is that you get to experience more stuff for less money. There’s literally a dollar amount of value there. I paid $500 to play X number of games instead of $>500 to play X number of games. If you don’t consume any media at all, then obviously it isn’t worth it, but don’t act like it isn’t worth it to people who do consume any kind of media at all. Not all of us spend our days looking at trees or replaying the same Mario game or whatever you do for fun.


I should what? See the appeal? That’s not how any of this works. I can’t just will myself to like something


What a cool game. I remember multiple puzzles that involved the DS’s unique hardware. At one point you have to clear dust from some surface. I asked my brother for advice, and he asked how you normally get dust off of something? You blow on it! Another puzzle involved making an impression of a key or something. Asked my brother again, he said to close the DS and think about it for a while.

starman2112, (edited )

Friendly reminder that Marvin Heemeyer was a damn lunatic, in case there’s any killdozer enthusiasts here. If he didn’t kill anyone other than himself, it wasn’t for lack of trying. He had every reason to believe there were fucking children in that library, and he wanted them dead. Fuck Marvin Heemeyer, may be rot in hell forever.


And somehow literal rent is not classified as rent seeking


Rent seeking, but based because it’s against homeowners


Build a twitter seizure board lmao


I wanted to burn this thing the moment I saw it, and it took me a few seconds to figure out why


This is why I only get into old, long finished shows. Who tf is gonna cancel Witch Hunter Robin before I finish watching it? Is Sunrise gonna find animeflix’s server rooms and light em on fire?

starman2112, (edited )

An actual answer to your real question:

There’s basically four options when you want to watch a TV show without paying money for it. You can borrow someone’s password to a legal streaming service, you can use an illegal streaming service, you can torrent the show and watch it locally on your machine, or you can torrent the show, put it on a private server, and access it from anywhere.

The first two options are the easiest and legally safest, but you don’t have total control over what you get. The services might not have every episode, they might have awful compression, they might take the show away while you’re watching it, etc.

The latter two options are legally less safe, but you have more control over what you get. If you only watch the shows you download locally (either on the computer it was downloaded to or from a flash drive), there’s no reason to set up a server at all. If you want to be able to access your shows remotely, setting up a server offers the benefits of streaming legally (watch it anywhere, let your friends watch it anywhere), with the benefits of illegally downloading (you decide what’s available to watch, it’s in whatever quality you want, no one can take it away from you, etc.)

For most people, just streaming is the best option. Most people don’t actually care about quality that much–have you ever met someone who doesn’t skip ads? Who can watch a youtube video with the mouse on screen? Who doesn’t mind the blighted notch taking away part of their phone’s screen? That’s most people. Not to say streaming is that bad for those of us who care about quality, just saying that if animeflix or watchcartoononline offer good enough quality for me, they offer good enough quality for 95% of the pirate population


See a man beheaded, get offended, see a shrink, show us pictures of your children, tell us every thought you think! Start a rumor, buy a broom, or send a death threat to a boomer or DM a girl and groom her, do a Zoom or find a tumor in your–here’s some healthy breakfast options! You should kill your mom. Here’s why women never fuck you, here’s how you can build a bomb. Which power ranger are you? Take this quirky quiz! Obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids!


What do they do over there everyday?

Probably bitch about Pagliarulo turning everything he touches to shit


A boat with a fan on it can work, because that air bounces off the sail and ends up going backward


Where I’m from this exact picture was easily recognized as a funny joke


Turn the magnet around duh


Looking back at the 50 hours I spent on it, I have to contextualize how much of it wasn’t spent having fun. How many of those hours did I spend building an S-class ship and outposts with 4+ materials before I discovered that all of that was utterly worthless due to the main questline destroying everything? Building the ship certainly wasn’t fun. Having a planet on my screen for three hours at a time while I scout for an outpost one pixel at a time was miserable. The point of those was that the reward would be worth it, but then during the main questline it all gets erased and you have to push the stone back up the hill again.

Contrast that with the game I spent the most time on this year: Hi-Fi Rush. It took me 80 hours to FC that game, and I was having a blast almost the entire way through! The tower was a bitch and a half before I learned the meta, beating Mimosa without taking damage took a good two dozen tries, but you know what Hi-Fi Rush has that Starfield doesn’t? Exciting gameplay. A soundtrack. A story worth paying any attention to. Likeable characters. The Prodigy. Even though replaying every level on every difficulty setting is tedious as all hell, the process of doing it was still fun, and I can still open the game up and admire the Wall. I can’t open up my Starfield file and admire my fully customized ship, the Death of Shame. It was erased along with every outpost and every relationship with every NPC.


It’s annoying because a lot of people say it’s no different to starting a new save file in any other game, but no other game encourages you to spend tens of hours on tedious pointing and clicking just to throw it away. Fallout 4’s outpost system wasn’t designed with the intention of deleting your settlements at any point in the story.


In fact, it gets worse. As part of the main storyline, everything you’ve done is erased. It is literally not worth your time to engage with the systems in the game, because everything gets reset. The only thing the main story encourages you to spend time on is the worst game mechanic in anything outside of F.A.T.A.L.

starman2112, (edited )

The game warns several times in several ways you before you do it, and it is absolutely not necessary to enjoy the game. And people who know the reasons you’d want to NG+ because they read spoilers? They ALSO know that they’re going to lose the previous playthrough well before they’ve gotten too deep into outpost design.

When a dev says that the game doesn’t really “start” until you finish the main story, I feel like that means it is actually necessary to enjoy the game as they designed it. The game was designed with this form of NG+ from the very beginning. It’s a bit like saying you can stop playing Nier: Automata after 2B’s story. Sure, you can, but it’s super not what the devs intended. Not engaging with NG+ is an option the same way quitting MW2 before No Russian is an option.

And for people who know the reasons you want to NG+, that causes a conflict. If I know from the start that I’m going to be ditching this universe, I’m not going to be invested in what it has to offer. When I reach the end of the game, _____'s death wasn’t a big emotional moment because I never spent the time to develop a relationship with them.

NG+ has been sorely needed in Bethesda games for a long time, but saying this is what we’ve been asking for is like saying FO76 was the multiplayer Fallout experience we were asking for.


Obvious bait is obvious


It makes sense if you consider that magic is rare. Finding a level 1 wizard would be like finding a rocket scientist. It takes the brightest of the brightest. A 1st level spell is an entire textbook that they gotta memorize. How many real life people are afraid of trigonometry? If 10 intelligence is average, and it takes 13 int to multiclass to wizard, then being a wizard requires an IQ of like 130 just to be an amateur.

And not everyone who believes in a god gets to be a cleric. You gotta be specially hand picked by God to channel his power. Maybe one in ten churches has a 1st level priest healing people. To be a paladin you gotta be a zealot. It takes John Brown level dedication to your cause. Magic is rare.


Lesser restoration isn’t free, it costs a 2nd level spell slot. Between you with the blindness that you’ve lived with your whole life, or this guy with dysentery who’s about to die horribly and spread the disease to everyone nearby, I’m spending that spell slot on him

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