@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

“Consumeth thou mine shortened legwear.” - Bartholomew, Son of Simp

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@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

If Oklahoma took the big “OKLAHOMA” off the bottom of the flag, we’d have a fairly kickass flag and there’d be something good to say about this shithole. It’s not exactly Texas or New Mexico, but this state has a lot of history (especially with the tribes) crammed into a short segment of time so the symbolism is there. It’s a complicated flag for a complicated place.

Prior to 1941, this is how the flag looked


And it’s so significantly better. It’s unique and truly representative of this place. Nobody is confusing this flag for another, except maybe for the blue field.

But hey, Tulsa’s new flag is pretty great.


@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

I’d say more than half the crappy situations I end up in are both outside of and beyond my control. Sometimes, you just have to ride the suck train until things improve. Therapy is a powerful tool, but it has its limits, and it’s important to know when and how it can be helpful.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Unfortunately, it was removed a couple years ago.


But the Confederate Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery is coming down. So that’s nice.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Man, I remember when games were as simple as

  1. Power on
  2. Play game
@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve been watching the weather pretty religiously since I was 5. In Oklahoma, we have the Mesonet, a collection of 70+ weather stations scattered across the state with its data available to the public. I totally go download shit to Excel and study historical data all the time. I could spend hours doing this. I should have studied meteorology in college, but I got a business degree instead.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Just because the Democrats are suddenly given power doesn’t mean they will use it to stop fascism.

Democrats had the opportunity to enshrine Roe after the 2020 election. They had a trifecta. They could have passed whatever they wanted and the Republicans would have had to suck it. And they deserved to go unheard, too, because it’s what Republicans did to Democrats for four years. Abortion is overwhelmingly favored among the voter base. We’ve been seeing abortion rights being protected on state ballot measures, even in states Trump won by wide margins. What we needed for half a century was a law on the books explicitly granting the right to an abortion rather than a SCOTUS decision based on an interpretation of an Amendment that doesn’t explicitly guarantee that right. So why did the Democrats do basically nothing to enshrine Roe between 2021 and 2023?

I’m still going to vote blue because the options are either fascists or business as usual. Do I really have a choice? So while we’re at it, fuck the two-party system.

And it’s not just that particular Congress’s fault Roe wasn’t enshrined. There were other Democrat trifectas after Roe. The last Congress just happened to be the one to oversee the overturn of Roe.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Sure bud. I’m a Republican troll. Don’t worry about going through my comment history to learn a shred about who I am or what I stand for.

You think I’m not aware they’d try to repeal it? Trifectas are rare so it’d be some work to pass a law repealing it. It’ll die in a chamber or get vetoed. It took a Republican trifecta just to end the Individual Mandate of the ACA, but the ACA is otherwise still in effect. But even if it only took a few years for Republicans to repeal an act granting the right to an abortion, at least they tried directly addressing the issue instead of shrugging and going “well that’s that.”

Yes, it’d be a lot of back and forth at the federal level for a while until people got sick of it and an Amendment actually made it to ratification. Until then, Amendments are practically impossible. Over 10,000 Amendments have been proposed since founding, but only 27 have been ratified. We can’t even get the Equal Rights Amendment ratified, despite its popularity. So what makes you think 37 states would vote to ratify an Abortion Amendment? Would you also have been a naysayer in '64 when Johnson signed the umpteenth Civil Rights Act into law?

Don’t get me wrong. I want an Amendment too. An Amendment is the strongest form of protection. But it’s also got a very slim chance of happening within our lifetimes. I’ll celebrate the moment I hear of its proposal, but I’m also not holding my breath for ratification.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Once you find the right coffee, the right grind, and the right strength, black coffee is just [chef’s kiss] awesome. If you don’t like it black, you need to buy different coffee beans or you need to make your coffee different.

I buy an organic fair trade breakfast blend from a nearby grocery chain in whole bean form. I grind 25g coffee beans to 750 mL water. It’s on the weaker side, yes, but it gives me two mugs of coffee that taste great (to me) and delivers the correct amount of caffeine that makes me feel alert, but not jittery. I also use a thermal carafe so the coffee left behind doesn’t get burned. But I’ve also used a cheap coffee maker that I babysit until it’s done brewing, at which point I turn it off. The second cup is just not terribly hot by the time I get to it, but if I wait too long, it’s room temp (ew).

I like my coffee, but I’ve had thoughts of visiting local coffee shops to see what they have, too. I want to branch out a little.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t get me wrong. I do too. My parents’ coffee tastes about as pleasant as a tire fire smells so I empty them of creamer if I drink their coffee.

But I have to cut back on sugar lest I get the family diabeetus. And drinking black coffee is one of the little things that helps.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Man, ADHD is a bitch sometimes. I couldn’t sit through a 15 minute training video for work today because - gag me with a spoon - it was so goddamned boring. But I’ll be dead the moment I pass up the opportunity to hyper focus for 45 minutes on the toilet crafting the perfect comment to a shit post.

No hard feelings because 1) I love copypastas and 2) I can laugh at myself.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

We have plenty of funny town names here, but my favorites are Hooker, Slapout, Stringtown, and Hoot Owl.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

My in-laws live on a private road. They’re the fourth lot down from the main road (for the uninitiated, if your property would block access to another property, then there exists an access easement across your property, and you must allow people - principally the owners - to traverse your property so they can get to theirs). Everyone is responsible for (but not obligated to) maintaining the stretch of road in front of their houses. The first couple houses are owned by folks with a good chunk of change and the road is as nice as it gets. The third house down has never done a thing to their stretch of road and it’s a piece of shit for that little bit. You’re cranking the steering wheel from lock to lock to lock again to avoid holes 6 inches deep. Their house is in a sorry state so there’s not a chance in the world they have the money to fix the road up. My in-laws throw some gravel in the holes from time to time to make things a little easier on themselves.

The municipality can’t/won’t do a thing. They don’t own the road and it’s not like the neighbors are blocking people in or out. The road is only nigh (not completely) impassable.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know who is worse: nighttime drivers who don’t turn off their brights; or nighttime drivers who don’t turn on their lights.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

It’s much the same in the States. I pay $70 a month for 500 Mbps. I live in a suburb connected to Oklahoma’s capitol city. My brother lives in the sticks with no interstate highways within a one hour’s drive. He pays $120 a month for 40 Mbps. This development comes in the wake of dropping his old ISP that provided plans up to 25 Mbps for the same price and required you to sign up for a landline to receive internet services. We grew up there, and when we were kids in 2009, our parents had 256 kbps service. And that was the most they could get. The place is also a dead zone for cell service unless you have Verizon.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Holy shit, where do you live? In Oklahoma City, you can get gigabit for $100/mo. In certain places, a local competitor offers gigabit fiber service for $85/mo. We can’t pay the setup cost for fiber just yet, but plan to jump on in the next year or two. For now, we have cable Internet at 500 Mbps for $70/mo.

The Internet in my area has got way better very fast though. We were paying $60 for 25 Mbit back in '17. When we got the opportunity to go up to 150 Mbit, I was blown away. It’s still cool downloading huge games in like 20 minutes. When I had 5 Mbit in '14, downloading a big game was something you started before bed and played the next day when you got off work.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Then (and I cannot emphasize this enough) I’d waddle away.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

No problem with that. I think the meme is referring to people who spent 100k on outlandishly large and glitzy trucks to spend 100% of their lives on paved suburban streets.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

All while never looking up from the phone.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

I used to own an HR-V. They’re good cars, but slow as stink. They took something with the wind profile of the CR-V and put the same engine in it as the '06 Civic. Still did like high 30s/low 40s on gas most of the time. So that was cool. Plus, it’s pretty spacious. It just needed like 40 more hp. Or a manual. Or both.

It was built on the same platform as the Fit so it’s got the neat rear seats that flip up. Seriously useful small car. I once hauled a whole ass 60" countertop halfway across the state in it. I guess they just decided the American market wants to go upsize. The Fit is probably one of the best suburban cars ever.

At least we can still buy the VW Golf.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

I think Jesus had a point when he said, “Man cannot live on bread alone,” and I’m an atheist.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

As an Okie, I’ll admit that our “cold” isn’t truly cold. Our coldest nights on average are like -3°C. In fact, the coldest it’s ever been in my neck of the woods is -25°C, and that was that freak polar vortex that knocked out power in Texas for several days in Feb '21. The coldest verified recorded temperature in Oklahoma happened in Nowata in Feb 2011, where it dipped to -35°C. And that was also a freak occurrence, and it was 24°C again within a few days. In my part of the state, it gets above freezing point about 355 days of the year. Rarely do we ever spend a full 24 hours below freezing, though it happens once or twice a year. We also get a decent snow or two most years, but it never sticks around for long. New snow is beautiful. But once it’s a day or two old, it’s disgusting. It’s nice that it all melts away within a few days.

And yes, I am a white man, and I wear shorts all year and in any weather.

Don’t ask me about the hot, humid hell we become over summer.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

It’s missing Tornado Seasons 1-6, but I’ll allow it.

spicytuna62, (edited )
@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Once again pointing out that Trump never won the popular vote. Yes, we need to abolish the Electoral College. It favors the right wing unjustly and undermines the will of the people when it does not align with the popular vote.

Lots of people voted for him, yes. I’ll make the argument that things will actually get better as the folks whose cognitive abilities are negatively impacted by a century of burning leaded gasoline start to die off. I believe it’s something like >95% of people born between 1945 and 1965 that have enough lead in their bodies to be cause for concern.Can’t remember exactly where I read this, but you can do your own Google-Fu.

Striking those last couple sentences and just outright saying that over 90% of the entire population born between 1956 and 1976 were exposed to enough lead to raise medical concern in early childhood, according to the table below.

I’m also back to throw in the table/material I’m referencing. If I’m going to make assertions, I should back them up.


And the source: Half of US population exposed to adverse lead levels in early childhood

If you want some idea of how little we cared about lead exposure, just look up the Tar Creek Superfund Site., which turned three nearby populated areas into ghost towns. It’s been reported that children would play on the enormous mounds around Picher, Oklahoma, and those things were covered in lead dust.

And try not to live downwind of small airports.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Not having a rooster is generally sound advice too.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Fall and winter are the best in Oklahoma. I fucking LOVE the end of the year. We get one or two good snows most years, but it never snows enough to need to salt the roads all the time. It’s 40-60 degrees throughout the entire season. It’s one of our dry seasons so most days are sunny. You can spend basically the entire season outdoors in normal clothes.

I’d move to Seattle or Portland or Denver for the weather, but there’s no way my line of work could afford the cost of living there. Also, my wife’s family is all here and she’s not keen to move 2,000 miles away. Can’t blame her for that.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

I walk and talk like a field hand, but the boots I’m wearing cost three grand.

I write songs about riding tractors from the comfort of a private jet

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar


@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

I usually buy my transmissions on eBay but you do you.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

I used to have a Samsung Galaxy S4, and its main gimmick was the IR blaster that also made the phone a universal remote. Great way to mess with people when I was in college at parties muting the TV or slowly making it louder over the course of a long time.

My roomie and I also had the same exact TV, which made it fun to point the remote in her room and turn it off from time to time.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

It was not water resistant, actually. I’d know. Mine was broken when I got pushed into a swimming pool. :(

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

All I want from my next phone is a headphone jack, an OLED screen, and expandable memory. User-replaceable battery would be nice.

So anyway, this is a route I might seriously consider.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Lol you’re thinking of the S5


Honestly, though. The S5 has a user-replaceable battery, IP67 water/dust resistance, USB 3.0, a fingerprint reader, a headphone jack, an AMOLED display, expandable storage, awesome cameras…It was absolutely peak Samsung and the phone’s only major flaw is the Micro Type B port.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

It’s all good, dude.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Hence, I provided a link to The Tor Project and the onion directly in the post.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

I can see how that’d be a little confusing, especially if you’re just finding out about Tor lol

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

I did not know this. I never looked into it, mostly because the BBC isn’t kept behind a paywall lol Makes sense, though.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

The link provided with the title of the post isn’t necessary to click. I only put it there to provide a little bit of legitimacy to the post. It’s the NYT’s own domain hosting a page that provides the onion service and some info about it.

If you have Tor installed on your machine, you can copy/paste the onion at the end of the post into Tor’s address bar once you’re connected to Tor. This should navigate directly to the NYT’s front page. Note, if you’re part of the uninitiated, you must use Tor to navigate to the link. You shouldn’t see the page I linked with the post.

Even on Tor, if you use the clear web site provided in the link, yes, you will see the box asking for a subscription. You can click the x to get rid of it.

I hope this helps out.

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar


@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

Buddy, I was born in '92. I’m vintage to me.

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