
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Skip-intro is an unofficial plugin ATM but can vouch that it works decently well. Can’t compare it to the Plex implementation since it has been quite a while since I’ve had Plex deployed.


Ah you’re probably right about the mobile clients. I’m not a mobile watcher really. I can say though that the jellyfin desktop app and jellyfin mpv shim both have skip-intro integration, though I’ve only tested it with jellyfin MPV shim.


Just this one

Have it hard-coded in my config so I’m less likely to faff around with my wallpaper instead of doing something productive. Less cognitive load IMO


East of the West

Wow thanks for mentioning this! I just got the first chapter and it looks to be amazing! I don’t know if it’s just Image comics style in general or not but the art style reminds me strongly of Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples’s Saga as well.

sneakyninjapants, (edited )

Just another option. If you know already or are willing to learn how to write documents in markdown format (like how lemmy supports), and learn some of infrastructure set-up and it can be between free and very cheap to have a blog on something like, github pages or others. There are plenty of static site generators out there that can be both relatively easy and very powerful.

I currently have a private blog set up on a cloud provider that just takes markdown documents and builds those along with some templates and webpage code to create a site like this. Although I have mine hosted on a VPS with my own domain, it’s completely possible to use something like github pages,, etc. for that. They’re both free afaik to host on, but if you want to pay for a dedicated service they are usually between 2 and 5 USD per month.

Edit: The option above isn’t activitypub software, sorry for not realizing that immediately, but it is federated in a way I suppose.

What is you backup tool of choice?

I don’t mean system files, but your personal and work files. I have been using Mint for a few years, I use Timeshift for system backups, but archived my personal files by hand. This got me curious to see what other people use. When you daily drive Linux what are your preferred tools to keep backups? I have thousands of...


Kopia repo on a separate disk dedicated to backups. Have Kopia on my servers as well sending to my local s3 gateway and second copy to wasabi.


Not trying to out myself, but I may be one of the few people that actually owned that shirt lol


Today’s episode of Veronica Explains is brought to you in part by corporate greed.

Less than 5 seconds in and I already know I’m going to like this video.


probably ee3(dot)me. It’s register only though, and somewhat limited selection. No ads though


Oh, I forgot it even had an invite code. It’s been quite a while since I registered. Thanks for reminding me!


It depends on if you were the first person on your instance to subscribe, and if that subscription happened before or after the posts were made. Lemmy doesn’t do backfilling content, which means only new content after the subscription happens will be visible to your instance. I’m not a fan of that personally, but I can see why they did it that way.


Oh that’s interesting, that’s the first I’ve heard of it. I wonder how one would go about testing if that works.


how can that be if others from this instance have already subscribed?

How certain are you that the community was already subscribed to? You may be the first person on your instance to subscribe there. If that’s the case you’ll only be seeing anything posted after you subscribed.

That is, unless Faceman is correct, in which case will eventually backfill content when it can.

For example, I’m seeing three posts there on both my instance and when I visit I’m fairly sure that when I first subscribed I could only see the first post, but definitely not sure that’s the case.


so I assumed someone would probably have subscribed before me

I think the community is very new, so there’s a decent chance you were the first. As to the overloading problem, it’s certainly possible. has a ton of users, and while I know ruud is dedicating a lot of resources to your lemmy instance, it just may not be enough to keep performance great. There’s been a lot of reports of performance problems by both users and federation problems between .world and other lemmy instances, most likely from being overloaded. You might try setting up a secondary account on another instance if you’re inclined, can’t hurt. Then at least you’ll be able to compare. Mine is on and everything has been pretty decent for me since the latest software upgrade, just as a point of reference.

Sorry for my cluelessness, I’m new to the fediverse

No worries mate, we’re all new here. I’m still getting used to things too.


The way I have my monitoring set up is to poll the containers from behind the proxy layer. Ex. if I’m trying to poll Portainer for example:

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;">---
</span><span style="color:#323232;">services:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    portainer:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    ...

with the service name portainer

from uptime-kuma within the same docker network it would look like this:

Can confirm this is working correctly to monitor that the service is reachable. This doesn’t however ensure that you can reach it from your computer, because that depends on if your reverse proxy is configured correctly and isn’t down, but that’s what I wanted in my case.

Edit: If you’re wanting to poll the http endpoint you would add it before like http://whatever_service:whatever_port


Oh I see, I definitely misunderstood what you were asking. How is your caddy server set up? Is it serving one site per subdomain (site.your.domain) or is it one site per path (your.domain/site/)? I am running traefik so I probably won’t be able to help with specifics, but it’s worth a shot.


I have a set of rollerblade style wheels and they worked well when I was using them on hardwood floors. Like another commenter said, they are very rolly, so you’ll probably want a set that can lock at least a few wheels if you decide to go with them. If you’re in the US I found these on Amazon that might work ok, but unfortunately the ones I bought have been delisted.

Edit: grammar

sneakyninjapants, (edited )

Thanks for sharing! I’ll definitely be looking into adding this to my infra alerting stack. Should pair well with webhooks using ntfy for notifications. Currently just have bash scripts push to uptime-kuma for disk usage monitoring as a dead man trigger, but this should be better as a first-line method. Not to mention all the other functionalities it has baked in.

Edit: Would also be great if there was an already compiled binary in each release so I can use bare-metal, but the container on is most-likely what I’ll be using anyway. Thanks for not only uploading to docker hub.


I have reservations about running either the agent or portainer itself on something external to my lan.

I don’t feel like it’s safe enough personally either, so I just have portainer edge-agent nodes connected to the primary on my intranet through through vpn tunnels. I really, really would prefer not to ever open ports on my local firewall, but being able to monitor and control remote docker hosts is also pretty convenient, so my solution has been decent for me.

YSK: Use RSS feeds to curate your online experience

Over reliance on algorithms has degraded the user experience to the point that the average user is drowning in ragebait and extremist politics, because they drive up engagement. Just like a toddler, algorithms don’t discriminate between good and bad attention, so everything that gets clicks is thrust forward. Now, you could...


They mostly do by default, which is pretty annoying. But there are ways around it. I’m currently self-hosting a Miniflux instance where I can set per-feed whether or not it will try to parse the full text of each article. Most of the time that works, but on the off chance it doesn’t I fall back to Morss by prepending the feed with http://fulltext/


Agree completely. In the grand scheme of things the damage that appears to have happened here is small potatoes, but it brought attention to the vulnerability so it was patched quickly. Going forward now, the authors and contributors to the project might be a bit more focused on hardening the software against these types of vulnerabilities. Pen testing is invaluable on wide user-base internet accessible platforms like this because it makes better, more secure software. Unfortunately this breech wasn’t under the “ethical pen testing” umbrella but it sure as hell brought the vulnerability to the mindshare of everyone with a stake in it, so I view it as a net win.


Using a self-sourced 350mm^3^ Voron 2.4r1 as my primary,and have been very happy with it. Also have an Ender3 kicking around somewhere and may or may not end up converting it into an Enderwire eventually.

Deleting my Reddit comments was a strange experience. (

It wasn't the fact that there was a limit to see 1000 comments but what they were. The vast majority of my 12 years on Reddit I spent talking about dungeon and dragons 5th edition (DnD 5e) which I started playing early in is lifestyle. It was my first role playing game and I got sucked into the Internet to learn more. Before my...


They most-likely used a Reddit Data Request. It’s kind of like Google Takeout if you’ve ever used that. If you’ve already deleted your reddit account it won’t work IIRC. I scrubbed my comments and posts with PowerDeleteSuite a day or two after I submitted the data request, but before I actually revived the data (took 20 days), but all of my comments and posts did show up in the data request. Don’t know if that points to reddit actually keeping that data in their database and just hiding it on the site or not, but either way, if it’s not visible on the site it becomes worthless to them unless they decide to provide that data to someone behind the scenes.


I self-host basically everything I can, aside from email. Self-host Calendar, contacts, streaming, budgeting, documents and storage, passwords, private chat, etc.

Email I’d love to self-host, but consensus seems to be that it’s between moderately difficult to impossible to get outbound deliverability depending on quite a few factors, some of which are out of one’s control.

As for reasons why I self-host, basically everything you’ve listed in your post. I want to be the owner of my data, not some corp making profit by mining it for ad revenue or selling it to data brokers. Also I love digging into the guts of standing up my own services and keeping them maintained, I’ve learned so much over the years from it.


Man, I wish I could find a good colo solution that wouldn’t kill me with fees. VPS isn’t bad cost-wise, but I’d really like to be able to throw as much hardware as I want at it without paying $1k/mo.


Have a Oneplus 7 Pro, first Oneplus phone I’ve owned and it will be the last. Absolutely love the phone itself, but Oneplus as a company, the software they package, the warranty issues, and the direction they’ve gone as a value pick have all fallen off a cliff since it was produced, and have turned me off to ever upgrading to one of their newer models. That’s fine for me though, I have replacement parts on-hand, and a third-party actually maintained rom, so I’m OP7P until the wheels fall off this thing.

Edit: Can’t comment with experience on other OP phones, but I’ve heard very good things about the 6s, it was my second pick when I was looking for a phone at the time.


I’ve heard only good things about it, but haven’t tried it myself. Mostly due to laziness finding the sources of my f-droid apps. How quickly do you usually see update notifications after a new release drops OP?


I was a bit late one the social media train, isn't that where the "Eternal September" thing came from?


Keep calm folks, they’re just not profitable right now. Unlike some of the smaller players with a viable business model, they just need to remain profit-driven until those profits arrive.


By default one should assume everything I utter is sarcastic…except this sentence; this is real real.


Did the admins of each instance configure this, or does it occur because they are all public and each instance fetches data from everywhere else

The softwares can federate with whomever by default, so your second thought was spot on.

The reason I’m curious is because I’m wondering about building a read-only instance for myself.

This is a perfectly valid reason to stand up your own lemmy/kbin server. I'm considering the same thing myself. An instance like you're describing would certainly need far fewer resources compared to a public instance, just keep in mind that you'll need to set up and maintain it on your own; not a huge task for a single user, but it's a task.

And to be a bit more clear on the terminology, you're considering setting up an instance that has new user signups and new communities disabled, but with federation still enabled, correct? If not, than disregard everything in my last paragraph.


There is. See here. IDK how good the API documentation is (haven't checked), but it should be linked in that page.


Upvoting for visibility, but other than fitgirl, dodi, et. al. for bigger switch titles I don’t where people are getting their multi-gig roms from

hyde, to random avatar

What Lemmy .. Group do you follow ( still not sure how do you call them)

For now I just have :

I'm sure there are more interesting ones that I'm not aware of :)

And the best part you dont even have to have an account there thanks to and the


Lots already. Of course depends on what your interest are. For ex. my subs

Edit: Fixed links for desktop, no idea if it works the same for mobile apps

Write it like [/c/[email protected]](/c/[email protected]) and it will link correctly. If it’s giving you a 404 error just wait a minute and try again, the server needs to download the sub first


Thanks, I don’t know the proper way of formatting yet as it seems to depend on who you ask. Early days still.

Edit: Getting a 404 error when following that link on my instance. Think this is part of the problem.


Yeah this looks like a pain point at the moment. I’m going with “I’m a newb to lemmy’s way of linking” by default as I’m sure I’m just doin it wrong. If not, hopefully that can be made more seamless, or the knowledge of how to do it the right way can spread far enough that it becomes a non-issue.


I think ejabberd or another other xmpp server would have been my first choice for a service like this by a long shot. If only we had some good iOS clients to go to. While I’m on android, most of the family and some of the friends use iOS, so it was kind of a non-starter from that alone.

Edit: log -> long


I noticed that myself :(

Apparently around two hours ago

Had quite a few tabs open for TOTK too. In hindsight the community really should have prepared for this eventuality. The only user I remember from the group is /u/chucksfeedandseed. On a side note, what is’s stance on piracy related discussion? As long as there’s no direct linking to illegal material they’re fine with it right?


Wow that’s gigantic! And here I thought my 350mm^3^ printer really filled up the room. No comparison at all! Are you able to get this beast through your doorways?


My long and mostly complete list:

  • Audiobookshelf (GH)
    • Using for audiobooks. Ebooks, comics, and podcast support in early stages.
  • Authelia (GH)
    • Using for two-factor authentication in front of all of my services. Critical infrastructure.
  • Bazarr (GH)
    • Using for automated subtitle management. Have not needed to rely on it much.
  • Code-Server (GH)
    • Using for a plethora of things. I could write an entire post on this alone.
  • Courier
    • Using (occasionally) for package-tracking from various carriers.
  • EmulatorJS
    • Using for retro-emulation.
  • Gitea (GH) x2
    • Using as a git repo server, package repository, and for CI/CD automation. Is critical infrastructure in my lab. Could also write an entire post on this one.
  • Headscale with Headscale-UI. Tailscale clients on various VMs LXCs, etc.
    • Using to securely network with my remote servers.
  • Homepage
    • Using as a “single-pane-of-glass” to get an overview of service health with links to the various services.
  • Invidious
    • Using in-place of YouTube.
  • IT-Tools (GH)
    • Using for the myriad of various useful tools it offers.
  • Jellyfin (GH)
    • My media player of choice. Using for movies and television, but supports music, ebooks, and photos in addition.
  • Kopia Server (GH)
    • Using for data backups to my Minio instance on local NAS and Wasabi. Simple, fast, and reliable.
  • Librespeed (GH)
    • Using for the occasional speedtest to my remote servers.
  • Matrix stack using Conduit back end and Element-Web front end
    • Federated Discord essentially. Using as a private instance for friends and family.
  • Minio
    • Using primarily as a gateway to storing backups, also serves git-lfs for Gitea.
  • N8N (GH)
    • Using for home-automation, backing up my Reddit saved posts to a database, deal-alerts, and part of a CI/CD pipeline.
  • NTFY (GH)
    • Using for infrastructure notifications mostly. Very simple and versatile alerting solution.
  • NZBGet
    • Using for getting “usenet articles”.
  • Paperless-NGX
    • Using for document archival. Important receipts, documentation, letters, etc. live here.
  • Portainer (GH) with multiple agents on VM’s LXCs and VPSs
    • High level management of my various docker containers.
  • Prowlarr
    • Using to provide torznab API to websites that dont natively have it. Integrates with Radarr and Sonarr
  • Radarr (GH)
    • Using for movie management.
  • Radicale
    • Using for contacts and calendar server.
  • Raneto (GH)
    • Using as a knowledge base. Lab documentation, lists, recipes, lots of things live here. Using with with code-server and Gitea.
  • Readarr (GH)
    • Using for book management
  • Recyclarr (GH)
    • Using for Radar and Sonarr to sync search terms for their automations. Very useful, hard to summarize.
  • Requestrr
    • Using (very rarely) as a requests bot for Radarr and Sonarr.
  • SFTP-Go
    • Using mostly in-place of Nextcloud. Used to back up phones mostly.
  • Shaarli (GH)
    • Using as a read-it-later service. Went through lots of these, and Shaarli has been good enough.
  • Singlefile-Archive
    • A hacky way of presenting pages saved with the singlefile browser extension. Not exactly happy with the solution, but for my ocasional use it does work.
  • Sonarr (GH)
    • Using as TV series manager
  • Speedtest-Tracker (GH)
    • Using to get periodic speedtests. Plan to automate results to blast my ISP if my service speed gets too low.
  • Traefik (GH) on each seperate host
    • Using as a web proxy in front of my various services. Critical infrastructure.
  • Transmission (GH)
    • Using to get "Linux ISOs"
  • Uptime Kuma (GH)
    • Using to monitor site and services status along with a few others. Integrated with NTFY for alerts.
  • Vaultwarden
    • Using as my password manager. Have been using for years, cannot recommend enough.
  • A handful of static websites served with NGINX
    • The old standby, its been reliable as a webserver.

These services are the result of years of development and administrating my lab and while there is still some cruft, it’s mostly services that I think have real utility.

As far as hardware:

  • Running pfsense on a toughbook laptop as a router-firewall.
  • A SuperMicro 24 bay disk-shelf with Proxmox and ZFS for NAS duties and a couple services.
  • Lenovo Tiny boxes with a Proxmox cluster for the majority of my local services.
  • Dell managed switch
  • A few Raspberry-pi’s with Raspbian for various things.
  • Linksys AP for wifi

Edit: Spelling is hard.


Hmmm. I don’t have a network/infrastructure diagram or anything yet, but I’ve been meaning to create one. I’ll probably put one together and post more about my setup if there’s any interest. I’ll be sure to tag you when I do. Thanks for the interest!


It’s an older Panasonic ToughBook CF-C2 with an ExpressCard34 slot I’d say circa 2013. I have a gigabit Ethernet adapter jammed in there for WAN. I’ve been using the setup for maybe 8 years and it’s been ultra reliable for me.


I had this long post typed out on Jeroba about why I wouldn’t recommend it, but maybe I hit the character limit? IDK. Anyway, the point I wanted to get across is that I’ve been down that road, and up until February it was going ok, but one should absolutely not trust the Oracle free tier for any service that should be reliable long term, they can and will take the VM down and take back that generous free tier allotment, and IIRC sometimes without any notice. In my case it was literally because my VM was under utilized. No option to downscale my instance, just a notification that they’re taking my allotment back and deleting the VM a few weeks before it happened.


I think of it like [email protected] instead of just selfhosted. Sure there may be duplicate communities on different instances but over time I think there will be more people gravitating to a particular community and people will just sub there from then on and the others will become more dormant. When I refer to a community I’ll just use the full name ([email protected]) and not just the community name (selfhosted)


Assuming they’re generally on the same instance ::cough EH cough:: others can just defederate if they want. Those that are harassing and spreading hate speech on mixed servers can be blocked, banned from communities, or the instance in question if egregious enough.

Edit: Am I resurrecting a 3 year old post rn?

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