@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar


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@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

So that you can stand on the lift, and not get head trauma every time you want to travel to a lower deck I'd assume.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

The top two results you've posted here aren't even SEO blogs, they're official sources. Recipe sites have been bullshit since long, long, long before the past year and the current trend of SEO enshittification. This argument doesn't hold water.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I was in middle school in 2005 and had basically no friends largely because I had no phone to text with.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I didn't figure out that particular trick until pretty late, unfortunately, but it did serve me VERY well during high school.

Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" (www.gamesradar.com)

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

This particular dev didn't. But the Starfield team at large has been blowing up the internet recently telling people that don't like the game that their opinions are wrong.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Netflix used to be that and everyone bought the hell out of it. Then it enshittened and all the shows moved to proprietary platforms and now you need 19 subscriptions to get a selection of shows you care about. No thanks.

There are powerful lessons to be learned from the successes of Steam and Spotify if only the relevant people look and listen.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Okay so you admit in your own argument that they're doing it slower. Yes, I WILL vote for a 50-year plan to fascism over voting for a 2-year plan to fascism, every time, without question. Gives us more time to turn it around before sitting officials burn everything down. At this point in this country I frankly don't give much of a damn what the Democrat long term goals are anymore because the Republican party is such an immediate and obvious threat to safety, democracy, and human decency. Given such an environment it's obvious that a few decades (or less) from now we're going to be dealing with significant problems in the Democratic party, since it's so easy to choose to usher them into power right now - it's easy for bad actors to abuse that. And frankly there are already problems in the Democratic party. But I'd rather deal with that then, than deal with Republican ideals now, because instituting Republican ideals now will not leave us with a future where we even have the choice to deal with Democrat problems.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

The answer is really just that Q does what he fuckin wants and everyone else is left to suffer the consequences

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

two people using the same seed will be able to create the same image.

In my experience ONE person using the same seed will not be able to create the same image. I can feed an identical prompt into an AI artist 100 times and be handed 100 similar, but different pictures at the end. This may change as AI science evolves however.

so nothing stops me from saying “Hey, generate an image of Kirby”.

Every AI image creator has blacklisted words/tags for preventing copyright abuse or prevent creation of offensive images. Most AIs won't draw you pictures of Disney characters (anymore). Many AIs won't draw pictures of Jesus or public figures like politicians. No AI on the market will draw you a gory execution. The managers of the AI in question just have to implement a blacklist about it and they can stop you from running prompts for whatever they want.

There's also nothing stopping you from sitting down at your desk and drawing a picture of Kirby with a pen. When you're done, do you own that image?

I agree with you that AI art shouldn't be copyrightable or at least, if it is, there should be some significant hoops to jump through. But I don't think the arguments given here are good reasons why.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Fair points on the locally run AIs, I admit I don't have experience with those and didn't realize they were run differently. I defer to your knowledge there.

I disagree on the drawing point though. Nearly every artist learns their style by learning from other artists, in the same way that every programmer learns to code by reading other code. It IS different, but I don't think it's THAT different. It's doing the exact same thing a human would do in order to create a piece of art, just faster, and automated. Instead of spending ten years to learn to paint in the style of Dali you can tell an AI to make an image in the style of Dali and it will do exactly what a human would - inspect every Dali painting, figure out the common grounds, and figure out how to replicate them. It isn't illegal to do that, nor do I consider it immoral, UNLESS you are profiting from the resulting image. Personally I view it as a fair use of those resources.

The sticky situation arrives when we start to talk about how those AIs were trained though. I think the training sets are the biggest problem we have to solve with these. Train it fully on public domain works? Sure, do what you want with it, that's why those works are in the public domain. But when you're training your AI on copyrighted works and then make money on the result? Now that's a problem.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

To anyone who needs to know, this is a 100% true fact and you should listen. If you can't afford two Benzes, you can't afford one Benz. Meanwhile you can take a twenty year old Honda, pack the engine compartment completely full of peanut butter, throw it in the ocean, and it'll fire right up once you fish it back out again.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

When given the option, Dry Bones is my main man. I play him in Kart as well.

When he's not an option, DK all day.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Bowsette has never been canon

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Hell for $200 and a weekend you could probably make a home cooked artillery piece

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Yeah but will you run my program that escalates to admin in order to function?

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

maximum height allowance on vehicle’s headlights so that they’re not right in a sedan’s driver’s rearview mirror when a pickup is tailgating

That's actually already legally mandated at least in states that require state inspections. Headlight angle is supposed to be one of the things you have to check in order to pass inspection.

In practice, mostly nobody checks it and it doesn't matter. But it should.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Nah that's real football. Here he's referring to Handegg.

RTR#24 Setting up test environments for federation development, comment wrapping (kbin.social)

Today, I began testing a new instance deployment process, which is an absolute must-have before the release. I also initiated preparations for new test environments that I will be using for developing the federation. The first iteration of comment wrapping has been introduced on the instance as well.

Comments wrapping on /kbin platform
@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Hey Ernest, thanks for the hard work. I just wanted to mention that I think comment wrapping is still a little broken on mobile. It separates by color, but indentation doesn't exist and it's pretty difficult to figure out who is responding to who in a crowded thread. Example photo attached.

All things considered though, a relatively minor issue. But one I'd like to see addressed (especially if the effort is being made now to introduce / fix comment wrapping.)

If there's a better place to report bugs than here please let me know.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Thanks brother. You're a real one. Keep it up! We all appreciate you very much.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Oh everyone heard. Just nobody else is trying to tangle with a 30 foot, 80 ton bright red robot. They heard what happened to the first guy.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Those are more of an area denial weapon. Less "suppressing fire" and more "oppressing fire"

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

They'd have to install a manual Pew switch. Go quiet for infiltration, or turn up the speakers for indimidation factor.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

So where's all the folks coming out of the woodwork to tell us this isn't Technology news, then? They sure want to shit all over the comments whenever Musk is the subject, but here, in this nearly identical situation? Crickets, naturally. I've heard no other single piece of news out of this instance for five days other than the personal schedule of Sam Altman. It was good to hear about what happened once. Now we're on post 63 of the same news.

Don't get me wrong, I dislike Elongated Muskrat as much as the next guy. But there's an extremely vocal minority here that love to invade the comments on every post of anything he's done to cry about how that isn't technology news. I generally like to argue that yes, it is technology news that Twitter has refactored how their verification mark works, or that advertisers are pulling out due to offensively alt-right content being promoted by Muskrat. I also think this situation with Altman is legitimate technology news, I just like to point out hypocrisy when I see it.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

They want exactly the one on the website except with every measurement multiplied by 0.893, corner angles that would make Escher blush, and also they want it to stand 4 feet tall with no legs.

Get to work.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Got any other info on that? You've got my attention, but also my doubt.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

It's a shame people think the "bill gates propaganda wing" is a real thing.

What's your opinion on PragerU, I wonder?

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

I'm thinking something along the lines of the Minecraft Lego sets for instance. Which, credit where it's due, were pretty cool.

Steam Deck Owners: What’s been your favorite game that you first discovered on Steam Deck and now you can’t seem to put down?

Looking for those games that you may have heard about but never tried until you got a Deck. Or old games on systems you never had that you’re trying for the first time. Or new AAA games that just released in the last year or two that you picked up for the first time specifically to play on Steam Deck and have kept you glued to...

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Disagree on HZD unless there were significant updates. I was around halfway through the game when I bought my deck, loaded it up on there to see how it ran, and uninstalled after about 15 minutes of never being able to make it over 15 FPS on lowest settings.

It's playable, if stuttery, in town and in cutscenes. When you start combat it becomes a PowerPoint. Which is a shame, because I really really liked that game, but I finished it on PC instead.

Monster Hunter Rise has been scratching that particular genre itch for me on the Deck though. Rise was built for the Switch so it plays on the Deck like it was born there. Smooth as butter.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Hades is a killer game for the Deck, I just can't get used to using stick controls. I put like 280 hours into M+K, it's a hard habit to break and Heat 11 isn't exactly the best place to learn a new control scheme.

My partner loves it though. They started the game on the deck so the learning curve is easier.

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

Once you get bored of the base game, Slay the Spire also has an extremely robust and high quality modding community. I got around 200 hours out of the base game and then an additional 250 on top of that out of modded classes and setting overhauls.

StS: Downfall in particular is extremely high quality and was in fact so popular that it got its own Steam store page, like a free DLC would. Highly recommend.

YouTube once again ahead of uBO on Firefox; fiddling with the extension settings not working this time and DDG search is useless ... anyone got ideas?

Pretty much the subject line. uBO has successfully blocked the nag screen enough times that I can’t play anything at this point. No preview loads, and the play button serves no function. I’d really prefer not to have to find content on YT, copy the URL and use Piped/Invidious, but this ongoing escalation is steeling my...

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

There are a multitude of reasons to recommend against using Brave.

Personally I refuse to install it because the CEO and creator, Brendan Eich, unapologetically donates to right wing and anti-gay establishments. Many people refuse to use it because it games the users and advertisers with a proprietary cryptocurrency that isn't actually useful for anything except making money for Brave. Others refuse to use it because in 2020 Brave was caught adding their own affiliate codes and tracking data to websites in the url bar, even ones that were typed in by hand. That was eventually rolled back but it didn't help me trust them any.

Vivaldi is a better browser option, in my opinion.


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    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    The distinction is becoming a lot smaller these days. I can sync a Bluetooth keyboard to my phone and pull off quite a bit of fuckery that would typically require a laptop.

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    Ah, I see. Using things in their correct context and definition now constitutes an "abuse".

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    Thanks for reminding me to get back into Inscryption. I thought that game was neat but dropped it for something else before I learned it has like five acts.

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Malta, Northern Ireland and Scotland all have ranked choice vote. Slovenia had it previously but regressed to FPTP in 2021.

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    Had me in the first half there. But Bill Gates didn't write winrar and 7zip works just fine on windows, so I'm not sure what that whole rant was about.

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    Oh, so business as usual in my real life, then.

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    Sure, that part made sense given the context. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    I don't think anyone has claimed that ever. Having all my games spread across 8 different libraries is a pain in the ass. Having Steam plus Blizzard's Battlenet launcher was already pushing it in my opinion and I dropped them too after Overwatch 2. (Which, hilariously, is also now available on steam anyway).

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    When I bought Vampire the Masquerade from GoG it came pre-bundled with the primary community bugfix patch, I thought that was pretty neat. It didn't come baked in, so they still give you the base version of the game, but I pretty much just checked a box on install and it added it on.

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    Message at the bottom sounds like someone trying to distance themselves from reddit and Twitter. It's an excellent move that I support completely. It's free, the content gets delivered to you directly upon it being uploaded, and a newsletter doesn't want any extra data out of you other than an email address to send your letters to.

    Also the comics will probably end up posted here anyway, since it doesn't ask you not to repost them, so why does it matter?

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    Withers isn't dead, he's undead, and he went through a hell of a ritual to accomplish that so you WILL refer to him by his proper title.

    That's Sir Withers to you. And no, he's not taking questions.

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    That would be because Cortana was hot garbage at doing anything and was significantly slower than just typing my query by hand.

    If they built an assistant that was worth half a fuck maybe we might have used it now and then. I'm not very confident that Copilot is that. But it's going to be more useful than Cortana was almost no matter what they do with it.

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    And that's not even getting into the point of how much easier and less illegal it is to snipe an Amazon drone out of the sky for its payload than it is to assault an Amazon delivery truck and driver. It may not be more common in the long run than porch pirates, because that's also easy and low risk, but I 100% fully guarantee you our redneck population will be out in some capacity hunting for Christmas presents.

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    You see an opportunity and you take it. I respect that.

    Solving Steam Deck Shader Storage with a 61.44TB SSD (www.storagereview.com)

    The essence of this unconventional amalgamation lies in its absurdity. We chose the Solidigm P5336 enterprise SSD, offering a staggering 61.44TB capacity. While the capacity is amazing, it leverages an enterprise U.2 form factor, which is problematic given the Steam Deck’s M.2 slot. As such, an M.2 to external U.2 adapter from...

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    More frequently, I boot the Deck and immediately start a game so it has no time to download anything, and then put it to sleep when I'm done playing. So when using what I would expect to be the standard use case, the deck downloads nothing at all ever until I actually take the time to wake it up and then let it cook for an hour or two, or manually force an update on a game I want to play but can't because there's an update out.

    I find it hard to believe that Valve expected people to just keep their Deck sitting around with the screen on for multiple hours doing nothing but updating. My Switch downloads updates on sleep mode when plugged into power. The PS5 and Xbox do it. The PS4 did it. Why can't the deck at least have a toggle option for it?

    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    I actually really appreciate the thought and effort put into your reply here. I will admit freely that my original comment was coming from a place of frustration, no small amount of depression, and desperation. And I think you're absolutely correct that for the average person it's probably more important to worry about your own immediate health and surroundings. It's healthier that way.

    The part I disagree with, though, is the idea that just putting on your blinders and ignoring the things you can't change is a fine way to live your life. We, as citizens, have a duty and a responsibility to keep our country in line. We, as human beings, have a duty and a responsibility to be good shepherds of our planet. We, as parents, have a duty and a responsibility to leave a better world behind for our children than the one we inherited. And I can't, and won't, just ignore all that. The universe is not malevolent but it also is not benevolent. It is vast and uncaring far beyond our ability to comprehend it as such, and it is up to us, the thinking, feeling creatures, to forge our future. If we do not act, there will be no action.

    Our situation was caused by thinking, feeling human beings, and it will be solved by thinking, feeling human beings and no one else. Or else we will die, and find ourselves as an evolutionary dead-end that tried real hard but didn't quite make it.

    So my question then becomes, at the end of the day - if not you or I, then who? If we do not rage against the night, if we do not reach to the sky to pull ourselves out of the hole we've been dug into - then who is going to do it for us? Not God, that's for sure. Not politicians, or soldiers, or celebrities. So who?

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