@shepherd@kbin.social avatar


@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

It seems like the whole fediverse is having a lot of the same growing pains.

Discovery is still basically an impenetrable jungle. If you already know exactly what you're looking for it's fine. But I basically just wander around and happen upon neat stuff every so often lol.

And sorting content is another type of discovery problem. I'm subscribed to some interesting stuff but I need to remember to actually go check them because none of it shows up in feeds.

I'm not a programmer, so I don't know how long it takes to work out these types of issues. But I do know that I'm only still around because I'm hopeful, not because I'm actually finding it particularly useful or entertaining.

The fediverse currently feels like it might be competitive with webforums from 2010: The platform isn't doing much to help, but it's fine 'cause the people have spirit lol.

What do you think a solarpunk world would look like after all known fossil fuel reserves have been burned? (www.newyorker.com)

Frankly, I think it would be foolish to expect any fossil fuel reserves to stay in the ground. Corporations are immortal, corporations own lots of drilling tools, and as long as there is profit to be made in mining and burning fossil fuels, corporations will do it, the Earth be damned....

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

We probably should decide how much conflict we want to imagine happening here lol.

Wars from the 1700s-1800s (a couple hundred years ago from today) just aren't thought about much during my regular daily life, but none of those were global catastrophes right.

So if we can manage to avoid major nuclear destruction, then it could be pretty tame after 300 years!

Assuming we don't all destroy each other, then we mostly keep our knowledge base, so we don't need to restart from a basic agrarian culture lol. Someone saved wikipedia right??

There will still be an unbelievable amount of losses from starvation alone, so we're definitely restarting the population from small communities.

But 300 years of repopulation, and 300 years battery research might actually get us to something approaching the early 1900s again! (Around the 1930s is when about half of American households had electricity.) Cities are possible, we start getting back into shipping between countries or continents. If we add internet into this mix, we get even further!

Honestly, if we're talking about hundreds of years (and humans don't self-destruct) then I actually think we don't get set back too far on the grand scheme of things lol.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

There's an About section, saying the instance has just under 1,000 videos, and is using about 250 gigs right now. (If you include federated videos, then it's 63,000 videos though lol.)

I agree with you here, it sure looks like being a new video platform is a very difficult game to play. And asking for people to donate to MakerTube specifically rather than any of the myriad of other peertube platforms seems like a very uphill battle too lol.

I do think that it would be good for all of us to get used to contributing to the operations costs of platforms where the users aren't the product. But yeah, there's definitely going to be growing pains lol.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Here's that write-up for future readers!

I was about to reply to that write up here but I'll reply in the correct comment section lol.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I'm on kbin.social and for some reason we don't accept !community, only @community here. I just always link 'cause it's so hard to find stuff lmao.

One day we'll have truly seamless (non-janky) content conversion.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Okay, so I'm here on kbin.social. And I see that it's artemis.camp only until 0.2.1 comes out.

Should I just come back in a bit to use my established account? Or is 0.2.1 going to take like 3-12 months so I might as well just make an artemis.camp account?

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Sure! I made an artemis.camp account account lol.

When I'm lounging, I've been opening up kbin.social first always, and when the content runs out I rotate between youtube / instagram / reddit. I'll try out kbin -> artemis -> other for a bit, to give it a solid chance!

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

I loved this book! But it's physically huge and not very commute friendly lol. I ended up switching to the audiobook to get it done.

The BBC on Mastodon: experimenting with distributed and decentralised social media (www.bbc.co.uk)

As the social media landscape ebbs and flows, the team at BBC Research & Development are researching social technologies and exploring possibilities for the BBC. One part of our work is to establish a BBC presence in the distributed collection of social networks known as the Fediverse, a collection of social media applications...

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Here's their accounts, for the curious:







BBC Launches A Mastodon Instance (social.bbc)

Hi! 👋 Here's our #introduction. We're BBC Research & Development; we explore and test new technology to discover how the BBC can best make use of it in the future. For 100 years our engineers have been at the forefront of developments in broadcasting. We're now researching how everyone could get TV & radio via the internet...

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

I supported a pre-emptive Threads defederation, because I expect them to Embrace-Extend-Extinguish the fediverse for the sake of profit.

For the BBC, I don't feel as overtly opposed. They don't really have the user base to overextend us with, even if they tried to get their audience on mastodon lol. They haven't seemed blatantly profit driven in the past. And they're starting their own instance, using fediverse tech.

Does anyone think this is the BBC's Embrace step? It's not sparking any alarm bells for me, but can I get a sanity check?

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Oooh, I'm excited to try this out! But later, 'cause I'm just on mobile, and kbin doesn't have a save function yet lol.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Oooh! What are they made from??

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Ohh, like they're kind of a foam material? That makes sense.

Somehow I was imagining you'd found round sponges hahah. Show us more of your stuff! : )

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Wow, I'm pretty impressed with BC for this.

Having font support really legitimizes a language. It's basically impossible to make digital content if you can't type in your language, so this is really unlocking a lot for the readers and writers of all those languages!

This is an old topic from Reddit, sorry about that, but I think the community would benefit from separating porn and other types of nsfw by adding the nsfl tag. (kbin.social)

I've seen several posts lately of people complaining about porn showing up in their feeds and the posters say that they don't want to block all nsfw posts because they follow other things, like news from the war in Ukraine, that gets tagged nsfw because of graphic imagery. I think they have a reasonable complaint and that the...

/kbin logotype
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Just tagging things as Porn or Gore is a great idea! Let's mark stuff as what it is, not where it's... supposedly unsafe? lmao. Yes, you shouldn't be looking at porn while working, but there are plenty of non-work places where it's still not really appropriate.

I think there could be an argument for Gore being called like "Trauma" or something instead. Porn is broad, and I'd like another tag for "Viewer Beware" even if there isn't specifically Gore in it. A Gore tag feels more like a Sex tag, yes porn is sex but there's plenty of porn that isn't specifically sex.

shepherd, (edited )
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Magazine ->Community

Strong agreement.

Link -> Article

Maybe Link -> Website even, 'cause it's not always an actual news article.

Thread -> Post

Agree, mainly because I think most of us would say "I'm going to post this on kbin" but I haven't found a verb I like for ...starting? a new 'thread' lol. "I'm going to thread this on kbin"??

And also for branding issues lol, vs that big company.

Post (In microblog) -> Blog

Room for improvement here, but good start I think.

Commented -> Discussed

I think Comments is fine. Discussion is fine. I actually think this is where "threads" could have been used lol, but let's not.

Badges -> Labels
Labels is good. Badges isn't quite right. Stamp? Banner? Flag?

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Okay, yeah. I do slightly prefer 'website' but I'm having trouble disagreeing with you here lmao. I'm willing to leave 'link' alone, if we make the other ones less ambiguous!

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

I agree with the intent but not the method here. I think the fediverse usually waits for activity before proceeding with its usual systems and that should probably apply here.

I say, if a magazine has zero activity after the first month, it should have a public flag on it "Inactive" when someone visits. If someone wants to take over, they'll automatically get control. But I think it's okay to leave the space for people to post there, without necessarily assuming they want control over it too.

I think inactive moderators should be handled slightly differently. One month seems too short to demote them. I say if a magazine has had no moderator log in for 3 months, the magazine is marked "No Leadership" and anyone who asks gets promoted, but let's leave the demoting or deletions to real humans to review and commit to.

I think the rush to recreate communities is a bad idea. (kbin.social)

If you recall reddits growth many of their communities evolved as offshoots of a single generic community. This made it easier for people to see discussions they normally would not get involved in, and once the posts in a similar category reached critical mass it moved to a sub Reddit....

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

The fediverse should be more resistant to this (I hope). The people in charge of instances are pretty comparable to super moderators since they both can control a lot of internet real estate. The fediverse's response to bad instance owners is to just switch to an instance that's run in a way that you like better. Or even better, make a new instance that's less bad!

If there's an instance with a problem super moderator, then the same solution should work right? Go elsewhere, or make a new magazine. If there's a single problem user dominating all communities in multiple instances, well. Time to start "@free.folk" or whatever lmao.

Do you upvote your own posts and comments? (kbin.social)

Since on most fediverse instances you don't automatically upvote your own comment, do you do it manually? What's considered "proper etiquette"? Because on Reddit your stuff is self-upvoted automatically, while in YT comment sections comments with 1 like sometimes get called out for liking their own comment. Do we have an...

/kbin logotype
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

If I think my comment is more relevant than all the others I see, I even boost myself lmao. No shame hahah.

When I'm contributing to the conversation, I upvote myself. When I'm no longer contributing to the original discussion (like I'm talking with someone and we get somewhat off topic), I don't upvote myself anymore.

It's more about what order a new person should see stuff!

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

I'm not endorsing their behaviour, but I can imagine myself doing something similar to Pips. I'm just hoping to show an alternative perspective here, maybe it'll make the spam more tolerable for you lol.

I follow basically all the warhammer hobby magazines/communities I come across. They're all still growing, some a little quicker, but honestly there isn't a single clear winner. Since they basically all would benefit from more content and activity, shouldn't I post to several admittedly very overlapping groups?

There's only so much content I can contribute as a single user. I either make an OC post when I've painted something up, or I'll link like the one or two noteworthy news articles for this week lmao. I can't create bespoke content for each instance.

I do want them all of them to succeed, or any one of them to succeed. They're all starving for content most days. But right now, the fediverse just doesn't have the critical mass yet. So how should we grow it?

Eventually, a clear winner will emerge, and I'll probably prune my subscriptions list. But we're in the spring of the fediverse, it's just too early to tell which sprouts will flower best.

Is there a name for this tune/cadence?

I’m sure most of you have heard a chant/cheer using the tune/cadence I’m talking about, but it’s really hard to describe something like this in text. Most of the chants that use this tune starts with “Let’s go” and then some two-syllable word following it. For example, “Let’s go Jackets” or “Let’s go...

shepherd, (edited )
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

I love your question! I think these words are examples of a trochee!

In English poetic metre and modern linguistics, a trochee (/ˈtroʊkiː/) is a metrical foot consisting of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed one.

It's usually easy to recognize a word that's a trochee because it'll sound like kids TV show title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Power Ranger Mega Turtles lol.

In this case, it's trochaic dimeter because there's two trochees. "LET'S-go RAN-gers!" You may have heard of iambic pentameter, somehow that one always seems popular to people. Well an iamb is just the reverse of a trochee, and pentameter means you'd put five of them on each line.

Now that you know what trochees are, you're gonna see 'em everywhere. Or maybe that's just me lol.

Edit: For extra fun, what do you think is going on with the clapping afterwards? I feel like we're doing something with this at the end, but it's late and I should go to sleep hahah. Good luck!

18+ Has anyone tried micro dosing mushrooms or something similar for ADHD?

Not sure if this type of post is allowed due to the legal implications, but wondering if anyone has had any experience with this or has resources to find out more. Someone mentioned on Imgur that they had success but they didn’t respond with any additional info. I tried searching online but a lot of what I found is from the...

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Hi! I've taken psilocybin on 5 different occasions over about 8 years. Each time was in a safe environment, with at least one sober, trusted friend. I never treated it like a party drug, I always had a goal in mind.

I found it immensely helpful in managing my depression. I try to spend some time with my own thoughts, reflecting on where I've been, and what I'd like to do a little bit differently. After the first time, I did feel a little bit better, and that feeling persisted for several months. That was enough nudge that I had the energy to get myself into the doctors, and therapy, and I've been slowly moving towards... wherever it is that I'm aiming lol.

Each time, I wait and see how long it takes for me to think about it again, and it's been 2 years now and I don't have any interest in it still. I know I have work to do. My depression is... still there, I think, but it's not as scary as it used to be.

I'm not willing to recommend psilocybin to anyone at this point, and especially not strangers on the internet. I had some incredibly supportive people help me with a difficult time. Psilocybin is like a rocket ship for your brain: When you hop in, you are going somewhere else very quickly, but you're probably not an astronaut so it's not you choosing where you end up. Not everyone has a good time.

Some people have a very bad time. My friend had a negative enough experience to never ever want to try it, or any psychedelics again.

Please make sure you fully understand the risks here. Your brain is an incredibly important part of you. Despite my positive experiences, I strongly recommend looking for safer alternatives first.


Eh. So I describe my ADHD as having 6-8 trains of thought in my head. I take my prescribed methylphenidate, and that helps me by making it easier to conduct the trains (ideally they're directed towards something I need rather than just... flying off lol).

On shrooms (and for several weeks after), it's like there's only 1 or maybe 2 trains of thought. I like to imagine that might be how neurotypical people think, less jumping around to different tracks. It's not uncomfortable, but it is much quieter? (This was before I was medicated for ADHD btw.)

I don't mind that version of me, but I did find that I didn't feel as naturally creative as usual. Less free form brainstorming. I was doing my usual activities feeling more calm, so that was nice I guess, but it's not who I'm interested in being. I like having creative fire, I just need a bit of ADHD meds to help me actually harness it.

I don't think psilocybin is a very effective tool for managing ADHD, even regular microdosing. It might be a subjective quality of life improvement, but it doesn't really help you adult better lol. It helps you be a little kinder to yourself, but it's not helping you with executive function.

If stimulants are working for you, I'd say work towards securing those over experimenting this. Work with your doctor, or someone else you trust, 'cause ADHD people having trouble with bureaucracy should be a clear friction point for anyone paying attention lol.

What is the difference between a post and thread? (kbin.social)

yo idk if this is the right place to put this, so sorry if it's not. Iv been really trying to figure this place out and honestly it feels like they made things overly complicated. I understand the magazines and the federated stuff I guess, maybe. But what the hell is the difference between posts and threads. Also I have noticed...

/kbin logotype
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, unfortunately the Threads app (by Meta) sure adds to the confusion here lmao.

On kbin.social, a thread is indeed like a reddit post, where you post content like links or pictures, and we all comment and discuss lol.

On Threads, that's a twitter competitor lmao, and Threads content would be comparable to what kbin calls "posts" lol. I'm so sorry lol.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

I feel like it would be nice to pull at least some content when the first person opens the box lol. Maybe the last 10-100 posts, or from the past 30-90 days, or whatever.

Maybe do this kind of smaller sync every time another user subscribes to it until it's fully synced up, 'cause that means we all really want the content lol.

Kbin could do that independently right? Or would ActivityPub need to change to allow that?

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

@effingjoe Ooh, yeah the autofill is a really good idea! 'Cause sometimes a post is relevant to the magazine, but doesn't want all the tags from that magazine.

Okay lol so who do we talk to now to make this happen?

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

I think we could have multireddits by using tags, no? We'd just need a magazines tags to automatically be applied to any content in it, and then I could just have my #tech feed, my #ask feed, and my #cycling+#bikes+#bicycles feed lol.

I think it would be good to look at cross-posting across multiple magazines/communities too while we're here. It's an adjacent problem here, and I feel like we can find a nice solution for both here.

As things are now, if we just amalgamate 6 different /tech communities, there's going to be a lot of duplicate threads lol. If I want to post a news article to several places, it'd be nice to be able to just list them off and click post just once. Then in the multi-feeds, it'll only be listed once please!

Question: Why are some instances defederating instances which don't sign the fedipact? (kbin.social)

Something I don't understand currently about the whole Meta/Threads debacle is why I'm seeing talk about instances which choose to federate with Threads themselves being defederated. I have an account on mastodon.social, one of the instances which has not signed the fedipact, and I've had people from other instances warn me that...

shepherd, (edited )
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Hmm interesting. I do think it's just as important that we double-defederate unfortunately. Meta/Threads has to be treated as if it's contagious.

If we stay federated with an instance that has accepted the Embrace, what do we do when the Extend happens? Is that when we defederate? Will we even recognize it?

EEE only works because it's difficult to see it happening to you. Instances that ally with Meta/Threads will actually present the same threat of EEE, or even a greater threat, because the Extend step may appear to come from non-Meta instances.

Imagine ActivityPub upgrades developed by a Meta/Threads-ally, let's say improved inter-instance moderator tools. That sounds good right?

It's basically all the exact same arguments again, but with a middle man.

  • Meta/Threads have different foundational priorities (namely, profit) and real incentives to monopolize.
  • Meta-ally instances have real and implied incentives to accommodate
  • And we have incentives to accommodate the instances that we federate with, so of course kbin would use the well-developed new mod tools right?
  • Seems crazy not to, even if it was developed by a Meta-ally. Right?
  • Great! Repeat for thousands of tiny changes, that's called Extend.

That's how accepting EEE works, each little step looks great but big picture we're unknowingly in trouble. We'll have to treat any Meta/Threads-ally as if it is Meta/Threads. (Hell, some of them probably will be lol, the fediverse is just asking for astroturfing lol.)

We can trust instances that don't have economic incentives. But any instance that shows they can be swayed by money, or that shows they'll accommodate instances driven by profit, well they're showing that they'd consider eating us to become the next reddit.

shepherd, (edited )
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Just cause I'm going through the magazines anyways!



Oh god there's so many for cooking lol. Most popular seem to be:

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

@blender (kbin.social)

@3dmodelling (kbin.social)

@blender (lemmy.world)

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

@cycling (kbin.social)

@bicycles (lemmy.ca)

@notjustbikes (lemmy.ml)

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

I've played it a lot, and I'd recommend it!

I'm a huge fan of using it as an ice breaker if you're meeting new people. It's a fairly social game, with "low-stakes" negotiations on the table, so I think it's a great way to see how's people think, interact, and cooperate (or not haha).

I love how different it can be depending on the audience. My partner's family is... almost too wholesome? They help each other out a lot lol. My tech & numbers friends are fiercely competitive in their trading lmao.

Let me know if you have any questions about it!

Edit: If you have a set that includes "3rd Bean Field" cards, just ignore 'em. Later editions removed them because statistically they're almost always a bad idea, so they're really just a trap lol.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

I haven't finished it so I can't be certain lol, but you may enjoy this podcast! 13 episodes, I'm 4 episodes deep!

Who shat on the floor at my wedding?

shepherd, (edited )
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Wait so when am I supposed to boost? Upvotes sort now, so I should usually upvote and boost when I think something should be at the top?

shepherd, (edited )
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

If you're open to a dexterity games, I'd highly recommend Animal Upon Animal, Rhino Hero, or Click Clack Lumberjack for that age group. Even left to their own devices, I've seen a group of highly concentrated 6 year olds stack animals surprisingly high lmao.

Considering he's already into boardgames, King of Tokyo is probably in scope, or will be soon! If not, the mood of Shadows in the Woods (Waldschattenspiel) can be just so good for young kids!

I'm having some trouble thinking of collaborative kids games, but maybe Dixit? That might be an 8 year olds game tbh, I don't think most 5 year olds are subtle enough yet lol.

Good luck!

shepherd, (edited )
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Hmm, I think I understand your goals here, but I don't fully understand their implementation. I'm gonna reply in sections because you deserve nuanced response!

Hiding Voting Metrics:

Okay, so I participated in a similar discussion about removing downvotes recently.

Right off the bat, one of the key concerns here is that the technology we're using makes all voting public as a baseline. You can opt to close your own eyes (hide them for yourself or for your instance), but other people or instances will still see the votes because ActivityPub transfers information as "users acting upon other content."

So unfortunately this may be a hard feature to shift without fediverse-wide agreement (or fediverse splintering).

Anyways, I have some concerns about the actual goal here, because we can't actually prevent all fear of judgement or backlash. Anytime you say anything, someone can disagree with you by text comment, which can be very strong disagreement while staying within normal moderation limits.

But! I can see that mitigating the effects of voting may reduce the punishments for participating outside narrow echo-chambers, and that seems important. Even if I don't think this is the correct solution, it is a worthwhile discussion!

I propose making downvotes have no effect on reputation. It's okay to know people disagree with you. We just reduce the extent a downvote harms users. I'm even willing to make upvotes have no effect on reputation either, to address some of your later concerns.

This would let people casually agree/disagree with comments as we all seem to like doing. Rather than committing to a full comment when I don't have a meaningful contribution, a little upvote feels like the correct way to say "Nice!" vs no response and letting the author think they aren't being seen. But benign voting would be for just that specific content with no further ramifications lol.

I do find vote counts have benefits for me, letting me feel the pulse of community response, and I'm idealistic about finding a healthy medium!

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Removing Emoji-Based Reactions:

Easy agreement lol. I'm not really a fan of those emojis reaction blocks you get on discord. They're cute, but people seem to just bandwagon on the fun ones lol.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Discouraging Clout Chasing Behaviors:
Promoting Content Quality and Relevance:

I see your goal here, but how would this actually work? Like what buttons does the user see?

Are we all still collectively deciding what counts as valuable contributions? If so, this sounds veryyy similar to what we already have using either upvotes or boosts lol.

  • "Agreement" sounds like an upvote. I like this content.
  • "Mark as quality" sounds like a boost. More people should see this.

So what metric(s) do you actually want implemented?

alternative ways to measure influence and impact (insightful comments, fostering discussions, valuable contributions).

If those are the buttons you think we should have, I don't think the internet can be objective enough to make these reliably more useful than an upvote.

If I see buttons saying "Insightful / Fosters Discussion / Valuable", I'm mostly going to just hit any or all of them when I like the content. And I'll click none of them when I dislike content, 'cause duh that's not insightful or valuable!

So what should we actually do to achieve these noble goals?

Engagement, interactions, relevance, and authenticity

Ehh, sorting by interactions can encourage excess commenting or spamming near content you want promoted. More interactions doesn't necessarily mean higher quality. I'm commenting several times on this post, but it could have been one commentary for the exact same content. Should this thread's quality be treated differently based on my format?

Unfortunately, engagement is highest around controversial topics, which again doesn't necessarily indicate the highest quality content.

I'm pretty sure sorting by relevance is how YouTube & TikTok try to serve you content, but I don't think we should aspire to black box algorithms.

Agh, I swear I'm not trying to just shoot down all your ideas. I'm trusting based on your writing that you're open to collective constructive criticism. You're obviously thinking here, thinking more than most people do lol.

It's just that this is a very complex issue, that will need very nuanced solutions. Humans have spent a heck of a lot of time, money and effort trying to figure about it, and we still seem to get it wrong a lot haha.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

@charles Well so I'm fully guilty of this lol: On discord, when I see two dozen hype reactions, I click all that apply lmao.

I don't think we should sort by emojis lol.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Huh, okay! I'm mostly nodding along in agreement here.

I was never much of a social media user, however, I think one thing that reddit did right was the awards. Unfortunately, the moderators likely didn't see any of that income (something to keep in mind considering the budding state of alt social platforms). Point being, I think something like that is much more rewarding than an upvote, while a conversation outweighs both.

Interesting, that's unexpected! I'm surprised because I see huge piles of reddit awards as pretty comparable to huge blocks of discord emoji reactions, and you said you don't want the emojis lol. Do you just like that actual money was committed, or what's going on here?

I think we should very cautiously approach how we handle money and transactions affect anything around here, so... strong hesitation lol.

I'd argue that it isn't healthy at all. But this circles back to the clout chasing argument. I think healthy discussion is going to give a user more than an arrow can ever give, while also promoting critical thinking and the development of more substantial connections among users and the community.

Huh. Okay, well. My initial reaction is confusion, but I'm willing to review my beliefs lol.

So of course, healthy discussion is incredibly valuable and positive. But what if I don't really have anything meaningful to say?

For example, imagine I see a thread where someone has refinished their bench (probably in a woodworking or DIY kind of magazine). Let's say I arrive late to the thread too, so plenty of people have already asked all the interesting questions like techniques, what products were used, origins of the bench etc. So usually this is where I'd just upvote lol.

I don't want to pass by with no interaction, so... I guess I'll pick random small talk so they know I like it? "Neat! Can't wait to see your next project!" or something?

So instead of 25 high quality comments and 60 upvotes, that thread likely ends with 50 comments of which half really just say "Nice!" (+ an unknown amount of upvotes). I suppose it's nicer to hear the specific words of encouragement, but it is certainly much more effort and likely a poorer noise:signal in the comments lol.

Sometimes I really like that we still don't have too much content at the Fediverse (kbin.social)

I know that we NEED more content at Kbin, Lemmy and all the Fediverse in order for them to grow and substitute Reddit and other networks, but sometimes I just feel really happy that I can open my app and read almost everything that was posted in the last few hours without being suffocated by a billion of new posts....

/kbin logotype
@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Eh, yeah I can agree with the manageable amount of content! I even try to leave kbin.social set to Federation: Off, so that it's just the local community stuff to look at lol.

I do miss my niche hobby subreddits though, it's hard to live vicariously through other people's projects right now haha

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

@FaceDeer Beehaw removed the downvote button? That's interesting. Did they say why?

I'd guess their argument would be that that the downvote's main purpose is supposed to be to mark irrelevant content, but that's just as easily handled by a report?

That's actually a compelling argument to me. A spammer with a negative reputation almost certainly doesn't care. I'd rather have mods look at someone with too many reports and just ban them and be done with it.

People with acceptable but unpopular opinions ("peanut butter and mayo is the best sandwich") can just have a low non-negative reputation, no need to treat that like a bannable offense lol.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

@HamSwagwich I think that's where I'm at too. Replace downvote with report button. If it's really irrelevant or otherwise breaking the rules let's remove it properly. If it isn't, well. It isn't, so let it stay without punishment.

Edit: Oooh, okay wait. Maybe let downvotes stay but make it benign. We're okay with casual upvotes for agreement. We should be okay with casual downvotes for disagreement. Its does let people see that their comment has been seen as is unpopular, compared with just unnoticed. I'm okay with that style of downvote being private.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

@HamSwagwich Oh, yeah, that's why I'm suggesting we just make it benign. Like cosmetic only. We can see the downvote count, but it doesn't affect reputation or sorting.

"There's a bunch of people in the back grumbling about this comment lol." It's anonymous but ignorable. Actual sorting is by upvotes, actual content moderation is by reports.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

Hmmm, so on kbin.social we already have that actually! Or we have something close to it.

We have upvotes, downvotes, boosts and reports. Upvotes don't contribute to your reputation right now (apparently that's a bug though, but maybe it's a feature haha). Boosts are supposed to be like a retweet, but I think they're taken into account for sort order too.

So we can already boost meaningful content, and report irrelevant content! Nice! And then for personal takes, we could continue using up/downvotes.

Unfortunately downvotes currently affect reputation, and they're publicly listed, so there's definitely conflict around people unhappy about their negative reputations. I've been fairly liberal with my boosts to try to balance that out lol.

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

@codybrumfield Well, we already have Meta's off-the-record invitation. I'd consider that to be a hint of shenanigans!

Why is Trilium so unknown? (github.com)

I mean Trilium is fantastic app, lots of potential but the developer is struggling on his own, maybe it's because it's younger than logseq or maybe because is open source compared to obsidian. I think it's the best note-taking/knowledge-base/second-brain i know it virtually could link everything you posses toghter to create a...

@shepherd@kbin.social avatar

@da_g Yeah, I actually basically do slap everything in one folder on Obsidian lol. I love that I don't need to spend time organizing folders, but I still find things easily by taking "paths" through my vault!

Ah, no [[links]]? Well. I'm a couple thousand notes deep on that format hahah.

I don't think this is for me, but I've given your post a boost and an upvote! Good luck!

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