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Moms for Liberty members call the cops on Florida librarians (

Two members of Moms for Liberty, a right-wing activist group, have reported several Florida school librarians to law enforcement. They claimed they had evidence that librarians were distributing "pornography" to minors and requested that law enforcement officers be dispatched. This represents a serious escalation of the tactics...


I know it when I see it

I fear that will go over some heads here.


Oh god.

During his testimony, he often sat with his shoulders slumped and his hands clasped between his legs. On occasion, he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down his nose.

Like a toddler being called on his misbehavior.

Trump testified that he believed he was worth more than his financial statements reflected, concluding: “Therefore, you have no case.”

“I said it so it’s TRUUUUUU!” What is this shit? “It’s fake and gay and so are you!”

“I have a castle,” he said at another.

And I have a racecar bed. Jesus fucking Christ.

“I am being forced to take the witness stand tomorrow in a SHAM trial…

He never had to take the stand in the first place. He didn’t even have to be in the courtroom.


Bullshit. All I gotta do I go to court tomorrow, stand in front of a judge and say, “bostonbananarama threatend to kill me”. And we’re done. Temporary order issued, every time.


Say what you mean out loud for those in the back:

“It’s better to preemptively take judicial action against people accused of $whatever.”

Or, more to the point:

“I’ve never been falsely accused of anything, and that’ll probably never happen to me. So fuck anyone else that happens to.”

wrongfully deprived of their guns for a period of time

If that were the only way such a ruling would play out, even that part isn’t so easy. A SWAT team could roll on me this very second, raid my house and burn it down. Think they got all my guns? BRB.

Speaking of calling the cops in… I thought we liberals had mostly agreed that calling the cops on someone could well be a death sentence? So now we good on forcibly disarming folks on an accusation?

Y’all’s hate for guns and abusers is blinding you to the far-reaching precedent we might be setting here. This is truly a tough one with no easy answers.


What cute rhetoric! Sure scores points on social media!

At the base of it, we’re talking about taking rights from people without due process.

Repeat after me:

“I’m OK with that as long as it seems like something I agree with.”

Wait till that shit gets used against you. Are you seriously saying judges and cops should be able to take your rights without trial?! Or, more likely, you think such a decision will only be limited to the 2A, and therefore gun nuts.

“SCOTUS is a bunch of right-wing fascists! And I hope they vote sensibly on taking judicial action against people based merely upon an accusation!”

Pick one?


Benjamin Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”


Laughed out loud for the first time today. Get some!

Did racist use the "biological advantage" argument when Black athletes started competing alongside white athletes?

Given that racists and slavers used the “natural physical strength” of black people to justify putting them on hard labor and some medics still think that blacks has higher resistance to pain, I wonder if when black athletes started to join mixed race sport teams, some racist would have used the same “biological...


“they (a group of people) are bred different” then that’s racist

But American slavers quite literally bred black people. Yes, like animals. Hell, making it here on a slave ship could be called a form of breeding. Those ships were a perfect hell where only the strongest survived.

Jimmy was callous, out of place, racist, all that, but there was a solid grain of truth in there.


In the hands of a skilled slinger, they are no joke at all.


Horcruxes if you will.

shalafi, (edited )

I may be a 1%er in this context. 49 at the start, had just scored a job paying double salary and benefits both (<-worked hard for this bit, for many years), Habitat for Humanity mortgage (no interest or land taxes), all that.

COVID killed mom (grandma really), got some inheritance, bought a couple of acres of swamp. It’s mine and I play there every weekend. Long story, but the land is a big deal in my life.

Went nuts buying stuff I always wanted and couldn’t afford before inflation really set in. I wouldn’t/couldn’t buy most of that stuff at these prices.

And now I’m about to get paid on the last of the inheritance and pay my little house off.

I know this sort of comment isn’t welcome, but you asked. Dumb luck mostly, and I recognize that.

And speaking of dumb luck, I’m getting married in 2-weeks to the finest woman I’ve ever met. (OK. I made a LOT of effort, but still, lots of luck as well) Been with a lot of women, so I’ve failed a lot, not this time. She’s gushing to her Filipina friends ATM. I don’t speak Tagalog or I might relate a bit of the conversation, all sounds good though. (Nothing private of course.)


You mean the LGBT, POC and women folk? Because those groups have been the largest gun buying demographic for a couple of years now.


I’ve seen 1,001 memes from young people that clearly never heard the lessons in “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. They take the title literally and rant about it, as if it’s a text on how to manipulate people. And no, it’s not about being fake in your interactions. It’s about being genuine.

Carnegie simply set out to learn about interpersonal behavior, how to be a better socially. Frustrated by the lack of texts he found, after travelling the country consulting professors and universities, he rolled his own book.

Young people especially should give it a go. So many damned frustrations about being young get instantly bypassed with Carnegie’s wisdom. It’s the “cheat sheet” I had to figure out the hard way.

One can read it in any order, and the author says so! Just pick it up, open to a random chapter, give it a read.

Great example; He tells a story of visiting some folks he didn’t know one night. The host ran his mouth on and on and on. Carnegie just STFU and paid attention to the host. As they were parting, Carnegie was complemented on his fine oratory skills. All because he simply shut up and listened attentively, he was lauded as a great speaker!

A better title for the modern folks would be, “How to Get Along With Other Humans By Being a Genuine Human”.


This probably won’t be welcome for the lesson I took from it at a young age, but The Concrete Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

The undaunting perseverance of the protagonist through the sheer hell of his existence motivated me. Compare your own struggles to this man’s? Please.

Whatever you think you have to bitch about, shut the hell up and move forward.


Saw it in the theater the night before 5th grade started. Jesus. Didn’t sleep (for 2-weeks!), didn’t eat the crappy cafeteria food, passed out in the 105° heat with no classroom AC. Yeah, I remember Poltergeist.

Watched it not long ago, and so much hold up like you said. That scene where she turns around and the kitchen stairs are stacked perfectly. Fuck. Me. Got goosebumps typing that.


Me too! I only knew it from the 80’s. Had to read OPs comment 3 times.


Rikki-Tikki-Tavi gave me nightmares as a young child, for years. Still, remembering how much I loved it, downloaded it to show my young kids, gave it a watch while they were out. Hell. No.

Let’s just say Orson Wells had no business narrating a children’s cartoon.


What’s the skinny on that?


Uh, the interstate commerce clause merely states that Congress has the power to make laws regarding such commerce. What are you on about?


I hang around places like this because I’m about totally ignorant of trans issues.

Can I ask how old you are? Years of wait time seems critical when it’s seemingly best to transition ASAP during/after puberty.

And it seems sane, to me, to solidly screen people to make sure they’re not, uh, I don’t want to sound shitty, but “going through a phase”? I know you know yourself better, but some young people try on a lot of different roles in life and changing sex is about as big and permanent as changes come.

Not really comparable, but I’m as hetero/cis as it gets, and I played Wonder Woman on the playground for years, always had a feminine side regarding dress, etc. Hell, I’m 52 and have finally figured out to buy women’s clothing as it fits me better.

Hope none of that was out of line. Again, I plead ignorance. Never known a trans person personally. Even being gay around here is still kept on the down-low.


That’s why I said I understood about a person knowing themself better than another party. I at least get that much!

But please don’t think I’m conflating wanting to dress a certain way and feeling you’re really a man/woman trapped in the wrong body.

Back to the wait times though, isn’t it far better to start early before sexual characteristics set in?


puberty that is forced on us

That’s my main concern. I can’t imagine it’s anything but sheer hell watching your body morph into a sex that isn’t your own. Hell, I was scared when I was 13 and seeing my feet grow larger and flatten out. Other stuff started growing larger, early for me, so that balanced out.

I joke, but it’s true. I clearly remember looking in the mirror at grandma’s house once summer and being horrified at my feet, like I was turning into some sort of monster. Also, had my one and only wet dream that summer. Times, they were a changin’.

(And I don’t know who’s actually trans around here, but I’d like to hear from just them.)


Never understood the ATF hate until I became a gun enthusiast. Heysus! Even us libs hate 'em!

I bought a perfectly legal .22 rifle, pretty much this (without whatever suppressor thing is shown). It’s like the baby brother version of an AR-15. Jams a lot, but it’s fun!

Note the stupid looking flexible stock. That was a way to get a “short barreled rifle” because a normal, rigid stock would be illegal. “Uh, it’s not a stock. It’s a handicap thing for one-armed shooters.” Yes, it can work that way and yes, it’s a loophole.

Now I’m a felon for owning such a thing even though it was legal when I bought it. ATF: “We changed our mind. And no your gun isn’t grandfathered. Because fuck you, that’s why.”

Shit like this is why shooters rail against any gun legislation. One dumb thing after another like this sucks political capital that could be spent on better, more effective gun laws.


Oi, you’re a cheeky one, ain’t ya! 😆


Kinda how I figured it, but didn’t know how closely in time they were founded. Interesting!

shalafi, (edited )

Brother, I can talk dumb and ineffective gun laws all night long without repeating myself.

Problem is that people, of any political persuasion, don’t get the notion of political capital. I rant about it a lot. :)

No matter how right you think you are, no matter how scientifically valid your reasoning, no matter how sensible, no matter what, making laws costs goodwill. Decisions cost votes. And votes determine one’s ability to stay in office and effect the sorts of changes one, and hopefully, their constituents want.

Knowing that and factoring it in is what politicians need to be doing. FFS, this is high school Government 101.

Guns for example:

“We want a ‘high capacity’ mag ban!”

Well, none of that works like you think. High cap mags jam, the military won’t even use 'em, only mass shooter idiots, and I’d rather their shit jam. Besides, swapping a mag is trivial for a shooter, 4-seconds if he sucks. Can we talk about it?

“Children! Safety! WANT!”

OK, it’s gotta cost voters, and cost you a chance to make real changes.


tl;dr If the Democrats had brains enough to read the room, they’d drop the non-stop gun ban shit, take the issue back from the assholes, gain all those single-issue voters and sweep the polls everywhere.



I’m with ya’, but gun debates taught me to avoid the “common sense” argument, in any context.

If you use those words, you imply that anyone that doesn’t agree doesn’t have “common sense”. It’s a shortcut to say, “You’re an idiot if you don’t accept my premise.” And that’s no way to reach consensus.

I’d used that term my whole life! Now I avoid it like poison.

Maybe drifting off topic a bit, but I’d like to hear your “common sense” ideas. There’s got to be ideas we can all come around to.

I’ll go first, and it seems an easy one; Draconian laws regarding storage. Do it please ya’ gunslinger, but everything other than your primary and secondary self-defense weapons must be locked in a safe. Don’t care about ammo. Don’t care about guns in pieces that you’re working on. Does it fire? Pick two and rotate the rest out your safe(s). That doesn’t seem unreasonable. And if you’re unsecured weapon is stolen or used by a minor? You. Are. Fucked.



I just want to chat and joke, discuss laws and politics, see cool new builds and gunsmithing ideas, without the fucking right-wing toxic soup.

The kindness/sanity vs. # of subscribers was astonishing. Everyone was super nice for such a large sub.

Also, where else you going to see trans folks sporting their latest gear? 😆


I just pay Google $99/yr. for 2TB of storage. I have my Google Drive mapped as G: and Windows libraries mapped to folders in the Google Drive.

Super simple and cheap. I still have local backups for fast restores, and Google for cloud.


Imma back you up on that one. Used the later for years until I found WizTree.


Great call! I haven’t used that for almost 20-years it seems like. Back to it!


WIN+SHIFT+T gives you a crosshair cursor, outline what you want, then you can doodle on it, highlight stuff, etc.


Hell, even Germans love 'em some Country Roads.

shalafi, (edited )

Hell, even Germans love 'em some Country Roads.

EDIT: Forgot to add, when I met my Filipina fiancé I wasn’t sure what sorts of American culture she had been exposed to. LOL, put on Country Roads and she started belting it out. 9 to 5 also!


My Filipina gf knew that one too! OTOH, “I do not know, what’s this?, Metallica?”


Nice! My gf is from Manilla, total city girl. It’s a continuing joy learning what she does and doesn’t know about our pop culture.

Hopefully we’ll get her back home in the next year or two and I can put myself in her place.

How you like it? I have vague plans of us retiring there.


Yeah, we’re both 52, and I have jack saved for retirement, but I’ll own this house very soon, so I got that to rent out for funds.

Can’t get over how many old white guys are married to far younger women, it’s kinda hilarious. Her ex, a real POS, was 72 and that same guy just married her niece! I sincerely hope she’s gold digging on that man.

At every gathering it’s a bunch a white dudes, even older than me, and their women, slightly younger that mine. LOL, my girl was legitimately upset to find she’s 6-months older than me! I talk shit in front of her friends about my “old woman”.


LOL, well of course he was. Watto owned him and his mom.


Yep. Farming is a bunch of “hurry up and wait”. Not that there wasn’t plenty of other work, but it only takes so long to feed the animals.


I’ve got Barred Owls at my camp in the swamp. Never seen one. Now I know why.


Used to like a few of his tunes, but he’s gone so bat-shit, over-the-top right-wing I just don’t want to hear him.

I can usually ignore performers personal beliefs, at least a bit, but I do mean to say, he’s nuts these days.


His popularity waned and he found a home in the radical right side of country music.

And for any assholes that comment, “It’s all like that!”, no it ain’t. It’s now mostly formulaic dreck out of Nashville, just like Christian music.

Country was pretty good in the day, and we don’t have to go back to Old Hank. Reba, Jackson, Parton, Hank Jr., Rogers, all of them sang hard hitting songs about real people. thier lives and struggles. And if you put on Don’t Take the Girl, I’ll cry my eyes out. Don’t you do it!

Here’s a good example from 2008, “In Color”.


wait 10 minutes to play a game

When we were in computer camp in '84 or so, it took 10-minutes to load Dungeons & Dragons off the tape drive to the VIC-20. Had to kick it off before break time, and then we had to fight for a spot to play. Read error? Rewind and start again, now break’s over.

Rotten assed kids, all of ya.



My trap card has been activated. I play “Personal PTSD”.

January, 6th 2021 was not fucking, “bare speculation that third parties might interact with the individuals President Trump comments on”.

Through social media posts, he summoned up a goddamned army of lunatics to overthrow my goddamned country. They captured the Capitol of the United States of my fucking America. I’m so pissed off I could fucking choke.

I watched 01/06 go down live on CNN, all fucking day. Anyone else? I can’t watch 60-seconds of those videos, not 60 damned seconds. The fear and anger and revulsion and hate and revenge lust, I can’t do it. Can anyone else? Now I truly know what “triggered” means.

I’d comment more, but I can’t think straight, and the words “gallows and a mass grave for traitors” don’t generally get good reception.

But seriously, his social media posts are harmless, just a man practicing free speech.


Park this animal on the south side of Taiwan with huge banner:

“Also available for tours to the Philippines!”


Also, eating and drinking implies casual, no fear, no worries, cool.

SOURCE: Snackman

(And fuck me. All the top results are bullshit news stories instead of the actual content.)

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