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Knowing it would be appealed, no matter the ruling, the lower court found it was an insurrection. The next court had to take that as a factual finding. They could not argue or retry that question. It is now a legal fact.

Brilliant move! That judge took one for the team, called a coward and a traitor. And you see what we have here today. (insert


Lemmy isn’t arguing politics. There’s only one opinion around here. Express the slightest nuance and get buried, blocked or banned.

(Feel free to check my post history.)


Was stuck at my friend’s dad’s house, stuck on Fox News for a week while this went down.

Dad and his wife literally laid in their armchairs all week, smoking pot, watching Fox. Nothing else. And I do mean literally. They slept in their Lazy-Boys, never in bed, Fox never got turned off. Not once.

His dad was a smart man, and quite reasonable. Asked him why the biggest story on the planet, one that made Obama look bad, didn’t get a single mention on Fox. Not one. Over an entire week. Shoulder shrug.

Still can’t understand what happened there. Perfect time for Fox to go ballistic on Obama. Silence.


Contracting cable internet in Chicagoland was an experience. Everyone gave cardinal directions, no left or right nonsense. Everyone could walk you to their front door from anywhere. Also, they were excellent drivers.


I can use this! Recordings sound like a fair bet, if I don’t overdo it. Mealtimes I didn’t know. Also, I’m not looking nearly high enough.

Does anyone else find their calls eerie as hell? Weird in retrospect, because now they clearly sound like owls to me, but they sure didn’t when I first got around them.

Now that I know what they look like, I think I saw one wounded, or playing so, a couple of years ago. It was on the ground and puffing up, threat display. Couple of ravens were stalking it. After watching a bit, I went over to defend him and he flew off. Not sure what I was seeing there.

Oh! Heard one here at the house the other day! I’m stoked.

(In case it wasn’t clear from my OP, I never let a shell off the rails, and will not unless I am under immediate threat from an identifiable target. LOL, just intended to scare of imaginary coyotes. Gods I still feel dumb about that.)


Happy to hear I’m not the only one that finds their call freaky. The opening call, not so bad. The response sounds like a demon toddler.


WOW! I did not know they were arch enemies. Was questioning my memory as to whether it was crows after that poor dude, but there’s not much else around here that would gang up on an obviously larger owl. And your information seals the deal.

Not going to pretend I know the difference in crows, corvids, whatever. They’re big and black, fly together in packs of 6-8, and talk a lot amongst themselves.

Been meaning to go out in the morning and try to make some friends. :)


LOL, mom taught me to hate Bluejays. They pulled the babies out our bird house and dumped 'em on the ground. Bastards.

Always said I don’t care for birds. Meanwhile, looking through my childhood stuff: “Huh, forgot I collected owl figurines.”

And my most treasured childhood possessions are a crystal Lalique pheasant and a glass Robin. And the bird I was given, custom blown at a glass factory. LOL, kept them in my gun safe for a while because I’m terrified of losing them to accident!

Also, hummingbird feeders at home and camp. Roll my own hummingbird food and learning to roll my own suet for woodpeckers after seeing that Pileated dude. And I sewed a custom hummingbird patch on my best camp hat. Thought about a tattoo. (That or a Dragonfly. Love me some insectivores.)

Bird food is mainly sunflower seeds. Love to catch a Redbird out the window. Had a mated pair the last two years!

Toughest guy I know, doesn’t give a shit about much of anything, will go on and on about the birds he’s attracted to his back yard. LOL, tough outside, nougaty center.

But yeah, I don’t really care for birds much. 🤷🏻‍♂️

shalafi, (edited )

Went to my regular Mexican place the other day and the waiter starts rattling off Spanish to my wife. My wife is Pilipino.

She didn’t know what was going on and replied with the handful of words she knows. I was LMAO internally.


I’m very much into guns, have 35-45 or so, depending on your definition of “gun”. I particularly like buying old crappy ones and fixing them up. They aren’t “safe queens” either, I shoot every one of them at times, and shoot almost every weekend at my camp in the swamp.

I am liberal in about every other aspect and given the GOP’s behavior since Obama took office, I’m voting straight ticket D till the day I die. I loathe being lumped in with the right-wingers and their attitudes.


Like what? I’ve barely known any Mexicans and am just now learning about Filipinos. Great cultures in either case.


I do hear a good bit of Spanish when my wife is speaking Tagalog. Don’t know why I found that surprising. And yes, both her maiden and middle names are Spanish.

Funny how people expect them to have “foreign” names. Nah. It’s all, Amy and Rob and Antonio and Phillip and such.


Do so now before prices spike. Keep in mind, there is a high learning curve with firearms. Even the simple safety rules require practice to make them unbreakable habits.


I’ll add this, as simple as those rules are, they require practice. #1 is a great example. You want your actions to be habits, unbreakable.

Couple more rules at my camp when other people are around.

  • Everyone must be present and accounted for.
  • Make eye contact with each person so they know you’re about to fire. No surprises.
  • Be certain each person in the group has their ears on. No surprise hearing loss.
  • While you’re looking around, be certain no one else is handling a firearm foolishly. Reloading is fine.

It’s a bit of a PITA playing range safety officer. I mostly like shooting alone. :)


There’s a reason these 4 rules are drilled into everyone’s head.

To make them habits? Sounds like we agree. Talking about the rules is one thing. People practicing those rules under supervision is where we get results.

As an instructor, I know damn well you had to correct people from time to time. I’ve done it. That means our students were practicing, getting better.

I can teach my 8 and 10-yo kids the rules, get them to regurgitate them to me. But until we get on the range, I know one of 'em is going to try to flag me. Again, practice.

and follow those 4 incredibly simple things

LOL, that’s why I don’t go to a range anymore. Mine was private, only $150/yr., and no one acted foolish. But still, I want to relax and not have my head on a swivel.


Mine’s a 2004 F150 and looks like trash. :) I like it that way.


Bought it cash a couple of years back. Hurricane beat it up, guy didn’t want to continue working on it.

I beat hell out of that thing. Because it’s a truck, not a status symbol.


Got my AR about 2-years ago. It’s so easy in every way it’s almost boring. Put a low-end red-dot on it. Can’t miss. Can’t make it malfunction.

Getting NATO on a standard like the M4 is a no-brainer.

shalafi, (edited )

It’s a Ruger AR-556 Whiteout, pretty much stock excepting the custom dust cover and muzzle device. Got the bit on the end from Canto Arms. Same guys that made my blaster.

Already had the white Olight and the 45° canted adapter. Not a “weapon” light, but it works! Literally drop kicked the gun to test, many times. Slammed it on the ground, many times. Works fine.

Best part, I got a standard 30-round mag advertised as “Stormtrooper White”. :) The 10-round mags are easier to use for a few reasons, even though standard mags are not banned around here.


Mostly came that way out the box. Seen my blaster?


Coming back to this later. The light hitting my A sight is painful. Never seen one like that!


Thank you! Inside the dust cover is another Imperial logo and THX 1138. Otherwise, about entirely stock.

Why don't rabies infected humans act like rabies infected animals

This always puzzled me. Why don’t humans act much more aggressive or crazed like its often depicted with animals. Afaik there’s 2 types of rabies, “dumb” and “furious” so my question is more towards the 2nd type. For example, we never hear of rabies causing a human to accidentally bite another human so why is that?


Mouse bit me on my wedding night last month. My dumbass snatched him out of a trash can instead of just dumping. I may have had a few drinks. Didn’t get a whole drop of blood out of me, but he got under the skin.

Next day, I’m seriously sweating it. OK, time to do a little research. Rabies reports around here are astonishingly rare, especially given the nature of the area. 1 in my county for all of 2023 so far. Still…

Found out that not only is rabies crazy rare in rats, mice and lagomorphs, there are no known instances of transmission to a human. I had no idea!


Uh, that’s from their fleas, not bites. FFS, did no one else get through high school history? Or has education fallen this far off?


For American’s, isn’t it more of a SW desert thing? Hantavirus and such?

LOL, and a post below here is acting like, “Sorry, can’t be bothered to remember.” The various plagues were kinda important in history, don’t think many teachers are skipping over that bit.


This may sound a little… odd, but it changed me, and I think on it from time to time.

Reading some old Star Wars book decades back, maybe the Thrawn series? One of the Imperial commanders was taking his time, strolling to where he was going.

Because, he thought to himself, people in a hurry were not happy where they were, always rushing about to get somewhere else. We was perfectly content where he was.

Anyhow, something to think on.

Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO (

Congress has approved legislation that would prevent any president from withdrawing the United States from NATO without approval from the Senate or an Act of Congress. The measure, spearheaded by Sens. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), was included in the annual National Defense Authorization Act, which passed out of...


Social media’s understanding of law:

GOOD: “My guy does it.”

BAD: “The other guy does it.”


Article is non-scientific headline bait. Vote this boolshit down.

The fish kill was likely from the monstrous underwater earthquake that hit the Philippines. Which triggered tsunami warnings in the country and in Japan. Funny thing, the word “earth” doesn’t appear in the article, let alone “earthquake”. How odd to leave such a significant thing out of consideration.

Yes, global warming is hell, and it’s here and now. This has nothing to do with that.

Yes, Fukushima’s release of barely radioactive water is a non-issue. Here’s an easily understandable take on water and radiation.


Friend of a friend had a sailboat named “Sail Hatin’”. Much love.


I’m the outdoors type, and I have fucked this up on dates SO many times.

Last gf: SECOND date I take her out to my camp in the swamp. Yes, private land in the fucking boondocks. She was so outgoing, adventurous and into me I didn’t think about it! Few weeks later told me she was scared shitless.

My new wife is a total city girl from Manilla. SECOND date I met her at a local hiking park at sundown (she was late, OK?!). It’s in the city, but still kinda wild.

“But what if there are bears?”

“I mean, it’s possible there are black bears, but they’re not coming near a human talking and making noise, and I have a pistol if it comes to scaring one off.” (Yes, I said that. Figured she knew I had a pistol, her ex was a gun nut, she kept hugging and feeling me all over on our first date, couldn’t hide it.)

She stood there in the last pool of streetlight, violently shaking her head side-to-side.

“Hey! It’s OK! Let’s go find something to do downtown!”

Later told me she was afraid I’d drag her off in the woods and murder rape her. Gods I’m dumb. She took my hand in marriage, still scared of bears. Worked out!


How will we ever get away from plastics when they are ubiquitous for safety

Plastic seals food, sterile medical implements, medicine, beverages, etc… it’s seems like plastic is used as a way to seal things safely. Post pandemic rising, I see even more. My work used to be have plastic utensils in the cafeteria, for example, an already wasteful thing. Now, post-2020, every fork, knife, and spoon is...


I loathe plastic waste, but here’s a conundrum I read about.

Elementary school kids learned about environmentalism, wanted to do better. They got the school to dump plastic utensils and plates in favor of steel. No brainer, right?

Turns out the energy cost for making the steel meant they would have to wash those items 1,000+ times to make up for the plastic energy production. Still, no brainer, right?

Then they added in the energy costs for washing those items 1,000+ times. Not remotely worth doing. (Factor in loss, it’s even worse.)

We got ourselves in a hella mess. Getting off plastic is going to mean cheap, clean and abundant energy. I mean shitloads of power. I’m all in for nuclear, at least as a stopgap.


Backwards started as a military thing to keep reflections down. :)

I’ve tried it, but it’s in the way typing. Works outside pretty well! I’m a lefty, YMMV.


I’ve got a few Swatches. (I’m old, sue me.)

Get 'em new or vintage, but don’t pay more than $40. Light watch, light band, work great. Kinda easy to scratch though. Nothing a buffer won’t fix, but still.

Casio is always a good bet. Got 3 of 'em and only the chonky one is slightly uncomfortable. But that’s for rough outdoor use where I don’t notice.

Just got this one, and it’s weirdly comfortable, more so than any steel band I’ve ever had. Band was hell to adjust, took me 45-minutes, have tools, not coordinated, YMMV.

Tell me more about what you like! I can help you dial in (heh) a cheap one. No experience with high-end stiff.


I understand that Japan’s youth displays a lot of Hitler and Nazi stuff. Not that they’re Nazis or haters, they just think it’s funny or something? Kinda like clueless American kids sporting Che Guevera shirts and posters?


Ah! Maybe not Japan then. I was thinking of this link posted below:…/southeast-asia-s-weird-fascin…


Get. HYPE.

Can’t see how this will be long enough. So much to show and tell!


I’m with @dustyData, I understood part 3, if it happens, would be Messiah. Villeneuve talked about it recently.


Old American guy here, for context. Never heard of or even seen the Eastern version. Since elementary school, I’ve been taught and known 1,2,3,4 as “Arabic numbers”.


I think you’re exaggerating this a bit. Not sure how to state it, but this particular ignorance seems very widespread, and that was my point. I can’t fault people for not knowing all the different number systems.

For example; When we see pictures from all over Asia, still Arabic numerals. I just can’t see this sort of ignorance as “bad”.

I’m drunk and we’re probably agreeing. 🙄


LOL, after what, 5-years of dev time? That’s a monstrous lose.

Pretend there’s only 5 devs, at only $100K/yr. $2.5M in salary, and total payroll costs an employer anywhere from 20-50% more. And then there are benefits. And leadership pay and hardware and hosting fees and software fees and… And if that’s all they made, they are seriously underwater.

All together, house and all, I’m about $100,000 in the hole. I’d rather be me than them. :)


Had one named “FBI Surveillance Van #3”. I know, not so creative even 10-years ago, but read on.

Guy at the end of the street sold weed. He was telling my neighbor to be on the lookout, there was an FBI van cruising around. Being at the end of the street, my signal faded in and out like it was moving. Dude was freaked the fuck out.


You gonna love my story then:


LOL, you’re even more country-fried than I am! Maybe I should name my mobile spot, “Fish & Wildlife ”.


I’m 100% the opposite. 52 and can drink 15 light beers in the afternoon and evening. Daily. And still don’t really get drunk.

OTOH, when I was younger, I was pounding those beers. And without enough food or water.


Thought this was a Hyperion reference for a sec.

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